Re "Can’t everyone see that leaving this (“GoF”) part of the ridiculous narrative intact creates the ideal opportunity for The Powers That Be to rinse and repeat the nonsense."

Angus Dalgleish is trying to keep the 'engineered virus' thing alive, in his recent discussion with Ahmad Malik: https://docmalik.substack.com/p/300-angus-dalgleish-important-mrna

It sounds ridiculous now, like a corny movie script...

But it was always dodgy, this story about a 'killer virus' that doesn't kill most people.

As I recorded in my BMJ rapid response published in March 2020, even the WHO admitted at the time "Illness due to COVID-19 infection is generally mild, especially for children and young adults." https://www.bmj.com/content/368/bmj.m1089/rr-6

But somehow we ended up with a vaccine solution for all, because Neil Ferguson and co insisted upon it in their notorious Report 9, the report that failed to disclose that Ferguson is funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, arguably the world's most aggressive vaccine promoter.

Back to 2020... We never did actually see mountains of bodies in the streets, did we? Apart from the occasional theatrical fall over in China, as Jonathan reminded us recently... https://sanityunleashed.substack.com/p/remember-the-absurd-videos-of-people

But thanks to the fear-mongering and lockdowns and restrictions, how many deaths occurred due to neglect, despair, and sinister 'treatment' by the NHS and others?

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And "who" can forget that Gates declared a pandemic before the WHO?

(Not the WHO!) https://www.woodhouse76.com/p/bill-gates-anachronistic-use-of-covid

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There was no problem to solve in 2020. The engineered solution was the problem: the injection campaign that began in late 2020-early 2021. And then, toxin-shedding spread at least some of the problem to the uninjected. I certainly had an illness in March 2022 which while unpleasant, was not symptomatically as bad as a couple of “flus” I’d had two or three times in the past, and yet left me exhausted and devoid of energy. I never fully recovered my previous energy-level or coping skills.

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What was 'Covid' actually about?

Making everyone get vaccinated, to be made submissive to vaccination on demand.

And to be captured in a social credit system.

'The vaccine' was key...and the 'vaccine passport', i.e. digital ID.

Looks like some countries were a test bed to see how far they could go in forcing people to submit to vaccination, e.g. Australia.

Mandatory vaccination was imposed, with life made difficult for those who refused to submit - 'No Jab, No Job' to 'No Jab, No Life'.

The community was told a tissue of fear-mongering lies by 'the authorities'.

It was 'misinformation/disinformation' on steroids.

The upshot is that much of the population has been vaccinated under lies and mandates.

This means there is no valid consent.

This is pretty serious... The vaccinating practitioners did not obtain valid voluntary informed consent for vaccination.

I persevere in trying to bring this to people's attention.

Perhaps looking at mandatory vaccination from a US perspective might prompt some people to take an interest?

See: Will Robert F. Kennedy Jr. challenge US state vaccine mandates? https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/will-robert-f-kennedy-jr-challenge

Effectively challenge the coercion and mandates...because without coercion and mandates, they can't pull this off again.

And bring to account those who engineered this entire fiasco, this biggest crime of all time.

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If I understand Katherine Watt, over time the legal system has been subverted to remove protections in law.

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Yes, the devil is in the details of legislation.

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What I observed in 2020 onwards were people willing to be hoodwinked into the pandemic narrative. To me there was no pandemic all I could see around me was normality but what was in abundance were people young and old who convinced themselves we were in the midst of catching a deadly infectious disease and they acted it out. I think many of the same people will willingly succumb to the pandemic delusion again which could make it highly likely that there will be a repeat of this travesty. All we need is the siren alert from governments.

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I’m not sure. I do think the proportion who know that there was something wrong with the story they were told is multiples of the number who talk openly about it.

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Yes, but remember the propaganda Amat...it was RELENTLESS!

Thinking back on it now, the 24 hour coverage, blah, blah, blah...

It was the same with September 11...the Millenium Bug...etc, etc.

But they went over-the-top batshit crazy with 'Covid'...

Hmmm... It all seems so obvious now, the way we are fed a constant diet of emergencies, wars, that are deliberately engineered - what a crime against the people!

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I got so fed-up of seeing the always-on notice to “Stay at home” on the television screen, that I blocked it out with a pasted-on injunction to “Go for a walk!”

In the beginning, I was willing to cooperate in what seemed to be an emergency. But, brain being in-gear, (sorry Bill), holes appeared in the narrative pretty quickly. Loads of asymptomatic “positives” ???. 40 test-cycles?? What Kary Mullis RIP had to say.

Almost nobody sick, apart from untreated pneumonia patients in Homes and Hospitals, until the injection roll out???? Subsequent vindication: no excess deaths in 2020.

In one Home alone, 13 patients died after being injected. Story was, they got Covid 19, which killed them. Not the shots. 🧐🧐

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I don't know about the UK but in the US bars and *STRIP CLUBS* yes, strip clubs, were the first businesses to fully re-open in the summer of 2020. No I did not visit the strip clubs but I did hang out at bars. The cognitive dissonance was insane.

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You may be right, but I believe too many people now know that they were essentially conned with Covid. Most won’t admit it, and don’t want to think about it or discuss it - but still they know.

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My comment above chimed with yours.

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I know many people who stopped being human guinea pigs after the 2nd shot but they are reluctant to admit the reason why. That means, even though they aren't calling out the COVID scamdemic, they will refuse to take any shots for the fictional "bird flu".

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Is "pandamecist" meant to be the equivalent slur to "conspiracy theorist"?

The difference being pandemecists really do make it all up whereas conspiracy theorists are eventually proven correct.

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I never really thought of it in that way, but yes!

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Excellent Jonathan, calling out the whole scam is crucially important. Covid was, beyond doubt, a staged event, and Wuhan was chosen as the starting point deliberately because of the WIV. It was inevitable that ‘conspiracy theories’ would quickly spring up regarding the lab situated in the city. And I believe that suited those behind the hoax just fine.

They want/need the public to keep believing that scary viruses that can circumnavigate the globe are real and can be created (GOF). That is absolutely central to perpetuating the scam.

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I agree, and have said a number of times, that the proposition of a ScaryVirus escaping or being "released" from a Wuhan lab (or a lab anywhere) and transmitting from person to person and circumnavigating the globe to create successive mass casualty events in geopolitically strategic locations is absurdism prima facie.

I disagree that "conspiracy theories" were "inevitable" and simply "sprang up". Rather, I would argue Wuhan was chosen, and that contemporaneous reports in January 2020 are indicative of a planned operation (deliberately planted false binary), versus an emergent or inevitable phenomenon.

Content and related links in this article speak to my position on that. https://www.woodhouse76.com/p/the-cias-25-january-2025-statement

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They use false binaries to get us to argue amongst ourselves while they continue implementing their crimes against us...

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I agree. To clarify the point ‘conspiracy theories’ re lab leak were inevitable - ie that was part of the overall plan and deliberate. I suspect mostly these were pushed unwittingly, but others were encouraged and promoted by TPTB too. In that way lab leak theory worked as a distraction, it shifted focus away from the crimes that were going on in our communities, all the while it actually reinforced the scary virus narrative (that’s key to all this) because it seeded the idea in the public’s consciousness that this was no ordinary natural virus but a Frankenstein virus created by crazy and dangerous scientists - and of course the authorities would be covering it all up! Especially the CCP obviously!

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Well said sir. And apologies again for previous


This is why the whole basis of these PsyOps needs tearing down.

As long as people give credence to these narratives - which only help to facilitate the next Hoaxdemic - they will be actively helping the perpetrators in the most useful way possible.

Some are doing this knowingly - fully aware that “Gain of Function” of “infectious microbes” is 100% fairy-tale stuff - playing their part deliberately in pushing the Tier 2 narrative (always intended to move to Tier 1 as it is now doing)

Playing their part in the Overton window of the “natural / man-made” “debate”.

Others are innocently pushing this PsyOp for the perpetrators, thoroughly believing The $cience™️ - wilfully ignoring the brilliant work of so many people - keeping their head in the sand…

…an acting every bit as effectively for the tyranny machine as those doing it deliberately.

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The sequel will fail because covid failed to do what was intended. Read the transcript below the video here.


Gain of FICTION is a better term 😂 https://drsambailey.com/resources/videos/covid-19/gain-of-function-garbage/

And they knew the shots were dangerous years before spike protein and mRNA pseudoscience!


Peter McCullough pushed bird flu paranoia and even promotes statins. Independent doctor my ass.


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I love all the variants #punintended but am a bit biased toward "Reign of Fiction" as most inclusive of the lies before GoF experiments with respect to 'modern' pandemics involving 'respiratory' illness from 1890 onward ;-)


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Reign of fiction sounds cool like it was game of thrones, 😂.

Btw, I was going to link a friend the Pierre Kory NY story article but it's now behind a paywall.

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I like 'gain of fiction' - do we know who coined that term?

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No clue. I used to say it way back on rumble comments every time I saw a lab leak story.

I cannot claim to invent it because it was probably used all over. The truth is not centralized but distributed. 🤓

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"The truth is not centralized but distributed." I like this as it captures in a nutshell the need to raise our collective understanding of reality.

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It explains "the revolution will not be televised".

The truth will come out and every time they try to distract us with BS it just reminds us of other crooked things.

It's a chaotic time but it feels better than the past decades of fake stability.

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Deception is a form of psychological abuse which is why it's so important to call it out. They know that pulling back the curtain destroys the illusion which is why they repeatedly try to censor us. Censorship points towards their lies...

All wars are won at the psychological level first so we should feel encouraged that each time we explode a myth, we are winning a battle. Multiple truths will enable us to break out of the cycle of governmental and financial abuses which have prevented us from realizing our creative human potential...

Instead of another revolution around the drama triangle of abuse, I suggest we need a sustained "realis-ution of truth" to win this war...

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Well, I'll be using it... 😉

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And: “Follow the science…. fiction”

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Fauci etc might as well have said "Trust the fiction." 🤡

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This. "Failure to destroy the entire pandemic narrative leaves the perpetrators free to launch a sequel."

And they will. The reasons vary, the players vary, but the payoff is always the same. "Do as you're told, Citizen!" Meanwhile, Pfizer, et.al. count the loot and get invited to the Whitehouse.

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Stop with this GOF bullshit. It was a coronavirus that’s it. It wasn’t even that dangerous of a strain. The counter measures and the response was.

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Not sure who you’re directing the comment at…if the authors, you haven’t read the article properly.

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No, I’m agreeing with the authors. The whole GOF Narrative is a red herring.

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One thing I don’t understand is Rand Paul’s take on GOF and why he brings it up so often. I think it must just be political to help him raise money because it angers his base to hear that Fauci was behind the pandemic/scamdemic.

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Thank you for mentioning Senator Paul. He and the other 99 Senators were pro "lockdown". The Rand Paul/Anthony Fauci Show is the quintessential example of how one "end" of a false binary upholding the "sudden spread of novel deadly virus" was actively promoted.

I, too, was once entertained and "taken in" by the spectacle.

Review of Senator Paul actions, decisions, and sentiments in early 2020: https://www.woodhouse76.com/p/rand-paul-was-not-very-resistant

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Agreed. The "trials" & publicized interrogations, even RFK Jr's book on Fauci to some degree .. served as a showboat theatre to reify the basis of everything that happened .

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I agree with the title. Unless those that fell for what happened the first time can see the fakery of it all, they'll be much more prone to fall again. And of course, without repercussions, those involved will go for it again.

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check out the following..a page called the expose/dr vernon coleman......a petition at citizengo.org...say no to the who,s health dictatorship-reject the pandemic treaty..be awa uts a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world..it currently has 214,119 signatures

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It was “over-the-top” because they knew it was lies and they had to keep people panicked, confused and moving towards the corral for as long as it took to enact the “warp-speed” farce. By then, the innocent, the ignorant and the,alas, impressed were predictably ready to file in.

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There's an invisible death dealing non-living evolutionary mutable air born respiratory pathogen that is resistant to all environmental variables and the only way to avoid eminent death is to take this drug.

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Has everyone seen Jeffery Sacks speech at the Munich Security Conference?

US foreign policy for the last thirty years. The truth.

Short version with transcript.


Long version with transcript.


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Don't forget measles! They are running a measles outbreak story right now (this is the Nth time in 5 years, from Samoa to Texas and all points in between). It's the unvaccinated's fault. Of course it's not quite clear how the "measles virus" (*ONLY* affects homo sapiens to the exclusion of *ANY* other species) magically "broke out" ........ "from nowhere", but it's in Texas now, at the minimum, because people were insufficiently vaccinated.

They don't even have to bother with "lab leak" vs "bat soup" or whatever. This virus........ *CAN'T* have a zoonotic origin (as concerns "the science"). They just have to say, "it erupted from nowhere." No origin story necessary. Just "someone didn't get a vaccine somewhere in Texas."

That's enough to run the measles PHEIC! No barely plausible origin to outbreaks necessary at all. Just claim it erupted from nothing.

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They do this with measles all the time...https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa1912514

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Try inpowermovement.org. Notices of Liability served upon those who impose, are already working.

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