Our worst fears are coming true.
Failure to destroy the entire pandemic narrative leaves the perpetrators free to launch a sequel.
Quick post to point out this substack note, and the associated developing story:
On X Jonathan said:
Can’t everyone see that leaving this (“GoF”) part of the ridiculous narrative intact creates the ideal opportunity for The Powers That Be to rinse and repeat the nonsense.
As they say: “anyone can do it now”.
Reality: only a rumour + a test is needed.
Note the:
“This has NOT been challenged by any US Government Agency”.
See how easy this is?…just a rumour which they don’t deny….next there could be a test and away they go.
This should be read in conjunction with this article which we published yesterday.
Specifically, this is the relevant “false binary”:
We said this about it:
A Next Pandemic perspective is held by many prominent Covid Contrarians. In our view, endorsing pandemics as once and future phenomena enables the pandemic/bioterrorism preparedness complex and its attendant digital ID/bio-surveillance goals.
If pandemics aren't "a thing"—as we and others who stand "Out of Bounds" argue—there's no need to discuss future pandemics. The task of defanging those who seek to fabricate such events resolves itself.
Many Permitted Dissenters, however, are left having to explain why the "evil scientists" would be unwilling or unable to create something far more dangerous next time.
We hope some are starting to see what we’ve been saying for a while.
Jonathan first identified that both sides of this binary led to “pandemic preparedness” several years ago, as stated in this piece for
.The key quote from that was:
I don't think we are asking the right questions about Spring 2020 at all. Timing of "lockdown" is quite obviously a distraction from the core issue. But I also think natural vs lab origin is not the most pressing question to answer.
To me, the way "lab-leak" was initially verboten, yet now seems to be permissible to talk (and write) about has a smell of being “managed”.
If I imagine that the major part of the mortality had been caused by a variety of policy decisions I had made, the number one thing I'd want is for people to occupy themselves obsessing over the origin of the virus rather than the cause of the deaths.
Imagine that I was heavily involved in the "pandemic preparedness industry" - an industry siphoning billions out of the pockets of taxpayers into my chosen commercial interests. I wouldn’t be bothered about the origin story. Lab or natural - I can make a fortune either way.
What I would be bothered about though would be the idea that this was in fact nowhere near as harmful as the "authorities" told people it was. Because then people might question the need for my new highly profitable industry at all.
I could even tolerate people thinking it was a lab leak. If it was, people will be afraid that it could surely happen again. Because regardless of whatever controls are put in place, some rogue operators could always carelessly carry on doing GoF research.
So natural or lab-leak, as long as we keep the fear going, we surely need to be better "prepared". That's great for business. And great for justifying centralised control.
Related to the above, you may also want to read this (click on image for link to article).
That article was published by the Global Health Security team at the Daily Telegraph.
Few will be surprised to read here that:
“Our Global Health Security coverage is partly funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.”
Most will, we hope, have learned - based on the performance of other similarly “independent” news outlets and journals over the past few years - to take this with a pinch of salt:
“This support comes without strings and The Telegraph retains full editorial control over all the content published.”
Finally, it’s worth noting that Nicholas Hulscher - author of the note introducing this piece - describes himself as “Epidemiologist at the McCullough Foundation”.
We had this to say about Peter McCullough, and this episode illustrates it perfectly:
Re "Can’t everyone see that leaving this (“GoF”) part of the ridiculous narrative intact creates the ideal opportunity for The Powers That Be to rinse and repeat the nonsense."
Angus Dalgleish is trying to keep the 'engineered virus' thing alive, in his recent discussion with Ahmad Malik: https://docmalik.substack.com/p/300-angus-dalgleish-important-mrna
It sounds ridiculous now, like a corny movie script...
But it was always dodgy, this story about a 'killer virus' that doesn't kill most people.
As I recorded in my BMJ rapid response published in March 2020, even the WHO admitted at the time "Illness due to COVID-19 infection is generally mild, especially for children and young adults." https://www.bmj.com/content/368/bmj.m1089/rr-6
But somehow we ended up with a vaccine solution for all, because Neil Ferguson and co insisted upon it in their notorious Report 9, the report that failed to disclose that Ferguson is funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, arguably the world's most aggressive vaccine promoter.
Back to 2020... We never did actually see mountains of bodies in the streets, did we? Apart from the occasional theatrical fall over in China, as Jonathan reminded us recently... https://sanityunleashed.substack.com/p/remember-the-absurd-videos-of-people
But thanks to the fear-mongering and lockdowns and restrictions, how many deaths occurred due to neglect, despair, and sinister 'treatment' by the NHS and others?
What was 'Covid' actually about?
Making everyone get vaccinated, to be made submissive to vaccination on demand.
And to be captured in a social credit system.
'The vaccine' was key...and the 'vaccine passport', i.e. digital ID.
Looks like some countries were a test bed to see how far they could go in forcing people to submit to vaccination, e.g. Australia.
Mandatory vaccination was imposed, with life made difficult for those who refused to submit - 'No Jab, No Job' to 'No Jab, No Life'.
The community was told a tissue of fear-mongering lies by 'the authorities'.
It was 'misinformation/disinformation' on steroids.
The upshot is that much of the population has been vaccinated under lies and mandates.
This means there is no valid consent.
This is pretty serious... The vaccinating practitioners did not obtain valid voluntary informed consent for vaccination.
I persevere in trying to bring this to people's attention.
Perhaps looking at mandatory vaccination from a US perspective might prompt some people to take an interest?
See: Will Robert F. Kennedy Jr. challenge US state vaccine mandates? https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/will-robert-f-kennedy-jr-challenge
Effectively challenge the coercion and mandates...because without coercion and mandates, they can't pull this off again.
And bring to account those who engineered this entire fiasco, this biggest crime of all time.