Increasing evidence has come to light of trauma-based mind control exercises performed on children in ritual abuse settings. Those exercises involve torture, near death experiences, and making victims feel responsible for the death of others. The traumatised child is made to feel completely powerless and dependent on the abuser for their survival. Highly disturbingly, similar techniques—involving psychological torture, intentional traumatization, and false rescue—were carried out against the public during “Covid-19.” Psychological torture techniques include the inculcation of chronic stress and the mandatory wearing of face masks (originally deployed against inmates at Guantánamo Bay). The public was traumatised by fear of death from the “virus” and was made to feel responsible for the deaths of others. A trauma bonding was instigated, intended to last decades and to bind an infantilised population in loyalty and obedience to its “omnipotent” masters. Predatory transnational power came to the false rescue in exchange for the surrendering of liberties.
Exactly right. Similar to war hysteria and jingoism where young men are branded cowards - usually by young women - and held responsible for the death's of their heroic mates if they do not join up and risk their life on some futile battle field for the supposed national good. Next to accepting vaccine risk for the supposed public good the only other example I can think of where we risk death or injury for "others'' is conscription or "joining up". Odd that most lands accept conscientious objection for pacifists but this option was largely denied to those who did not want to attack themselves with an untested drug. The Amish, I believe, are one group that were allowed relief. Another was congress ( is that right? ) I was shunned and rejected by family and had to fly right round the world to avoid the USA and that dangerous, untested, experimental, useless, fake, so called, vaccine. Good post. Thanks.
Very good! I should have double checked your profile as I see you are anti-all vaccines.
Re random snake and vaccines, I not sure that they are one and the same really. I find it exhausting thinking like this all the time, but I have just checked and found that 'random snake' anagrams to, for example:
- demon snark
- do mRNA snake
- name dark son
The name of the dark son. Hmm, I can think of someone...
Good job. I never would have thought to do that. For me, nature teaches us that injecting things into our bodies is dangerous - stone fish - snake - hornet - spider - thorn - arrow - poison arrow - bullet - spear - mosquito - and so on and so on. Vaccination is random premeditated human sacrifice to the God of "Public Good" - any evil is acceptable to appease this angry God. The vaccine pushers are the for profit acolytes of this shinny new religion of ''The One Science". No dissent is tolerated ( well maybe a bit from some religious groups like the Amish - lucky them).
To name a few others, lest not forget illegal immigrants/migrants, chinese students, pharma employ and that grubby Tedros fella who all failed to roll-up their sleeves.
The Chinese students at the University where I was working during the Covid con were all mandated to get the Covid injections and subsequent boosters.
I was in daily direct contact with them and I know of no Chinese students who refused the shot and they were all getting terribly ill for extended periods after each shot.
This was up until Spring 2022 when I was released for refusing the poison. I also rejected my opportunity to get a religious exemption.
Excellent comment. The mask was a crucial part of the PSYOP- propaganda by policy. A government tool to create an environment of fear and apply training wheels to the public in order to get them to accept the coming storm of draconian policies- a full out assault on everyone's sensibilities.
Masks were the visible sign of acquiescence and subjection. The mask signaled that this threat was 'real' even as the observable evidence illustrated that it was not. Hence the need for this outward symbol. Quite simply a technique to terrorize the public.
It should be noted that these policies were designed and executed by savage capitalists and are consistent with the history of those who run NATO, the IMF, World Bank and the various ghouls who sit atop the capitalist pyramid.
Psychologically manipulative ‘rules’, ‘regulations’, ‘laws’, ‘advice’, ‘guidelines’, ‘mandates’, ‘policies’, were selectively applied and selectively enforced. All of it is designed to break people's minds. These are tactics used in slave camps and torture centers where the rules of behavior are changed as soon as the prisoner has become used to them – then again, then gain – until 2+2 no longer equals 5, 6, or seven, but “whatever the master wants it to equal.”
All of it was psychological conditioning the public to accept DYSTOPIA as “The New Normal” of technocratic totalitarianism and tyranny.
For those of us that understood early on (listened to Dr. Bhakti, I credit him with saving my life), understood that the shots were essentially loaded guns with a fuse.....for us, watching folks walk into these firing squads, it has indeed been a heart and head breaker. As I read the lists of dead and stillborn infants from Mark Miller, others, I still am deeply traumatized that so few people seem capable of even trying to comprehend it. I watch the people die and be much damaged, post jab, and try to avoid being sucked into the giant machine that is this genocide. As recently as 2 weeks ago, folks who used to be my friends were still proudly touting their boosters. WTF. Were it not for but a relative handful of thinking folks, (mostly here), I could not have made it this far. Thanks, you know who you are, independent critical thinkers!
Prof Bhakdi helped alert many people to the dangers of the injections. For this he is still being persecuted in the German courts by the deep state and in February 2025 must face a second trial where he is accused of anti-semitic speech (having been aquitted in a first trial). The State will try any method to silence him, knowing that he remains a threat to their continuing use of toxic injections. I have much respect for Prof. Bhakdi but I find it a little sad that he could not come out and say that the whole 2020 psychological operation was never anything to do with health.
I recall that Amazing Polly video and it was on point. She was another rare supporter of my posts during my time on X. It's almost impossible to comprehend the possibility that everything that happened during the 'COVID' era was deliberate. I think that is one of the reasons the Scottish COVID inquiry is mostly avoided by the big freedom voices and just people in general because that's what the evidence points to. eg- Far too many 'mistakes were made.'
Residents in care homes suffered-''THE MOST EXTREME FORM OF PUNISHMENT.''
''Extended periods of isolation are unacceptable, disproportionate, unnecessary and HUGELY damaging.’'
One of the biggest problems facing the financial parasites who currently 'run the show' in the US/UK/EU is unfunded liabilities. The pension systems are broke. How to make an immediate and large-scale impact on these unfunded liabilities while setting in motion numerous other long sought objectives?
The parasites that sit atop the global financial system have spoken openly about this "problem" for over a decade and do so more brazenly these days.
I think it is impossible to escape the conclusion that part of the Covid tyranny was to eliminate large chunks of the elderly who are on fixed pensions. The pension system in Europe is completely broke and it has been projected that that system will accrue somewhere around $70 trillion more in debt over the next 10 years with the current level of pensioners.
How to fix this problem? They would never do that would they? Some people are afraid to face these realities.
The US pension system is projected to be completely broke by 2027. Anyone who thinks the power brokers at the top of the financial systems don't look at this and understand the dire problems this poses for their financial empires is kidding themselves. Anyone who thinks that these parasites won't do "whatever it takes" to maintain that system and their power is naive.
Blackrock-Vanguard-State Street- Berkshire-Hathaway own the world. Wall St-BIS-Bank of London, IMF etc. move the money. The likes of NATO are the enforcer of such operations at the macro level.
All of what they needed to do was easily accomplished- incentives, coercion and mandatory protocols. And they are continuing to push protocols and incentivize procedures to euthanize as many pensioners as they can.
I had a brief listen to the section you recommend, Allen. However the speaker himself admits that potential savings for the US made by eliminating the cost of pensions and pensioners are overset by the expenditure on wars (unless this all comes back into their pockets as a form of money laundering)
Looking at the problem as a US fiscal one is too narrow - the perpetrators are clearly plundering the US and other western economies.
In any case the assault is not only on expensive pensioners but also on future economically viable populations - pregnant women and babies who are being aggressively targeted by the jabs.
I am starting to wonder whether the difficulty we find in envisaging a sensible or logical plan being carried out by our overlords that might explain what we see - this difficulty may be because they have lied for so long that they themselves have lost touch with reality and have become delusional. There is no understandable plan.
I do not believe anything coherent can emerge from this - the perpetrators will soon fight among themselves, if they are not already doing so, and their projected future empire will never exist.
There was absolutely no pandemic of a novel illness. What we did experience from the governments and public health was physical and mental abuse which especially targeted the vulnerable, all the other institutions fell in line and played their part. We have a population asleep to the machinations of the government and many of them still think they have gone through a pandemic, such is the psychological abuse deployed on the public.
This is a very good documentary about the dreadful abuse of people during the lockdowns in Italy. The title is ‘Death Denied’ - the video can be set to play with good quality English subtitles. Documentation like this leaves no doubt that what happened was a massive, widespread and planned crime against humanity directed by ruthless, demonic forces.
One of the most disturbing videos I have seen documenting what happened to people if admitted to hospital from 2020 onward and labelled as 'Covid'. The health system was ruthless in dealing with them even more so than the governments. The pattern of isolating 'covid' patients from family plus giving them the wrong treatment or no treatment in hospital is the same everywhere, it was abusive, cruel and degrading, that was the killer not any virus. Thank you for the link.
And it was torture … and I’ve no doubt that until it is resolved, it will be ongoing and felt as such among the families of those murdered. That is why justice is needed.
There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that it was torture, they set them on a path to their death but it was not a quick painless death. I am not going to call them patients because they were not. They were locked up, isolated and abused by the hospital system who have a long history of these tactics but this time the scale was overwhelming making it difficult to keep hidden from the public gaze. The families left behind continue to be tortured by the memories of the abuse their loved ones received and until there is resolution their torture will continue.
Correct Jonathan, the scam was well rehearsed and used tried and tested techniques to manipulate the masses. That said, I’ll never understand how and why so many couldn’t see through the obvious (if you saw it) theatre. All the insane, petty and pointless rules, the removal of personal freedoms, the huge economic and societal upheaval…and yet the vast majority just went along with it all - some wholeheartedly so. That may be one of the most depressing aspects of the whole scam. And even now, when so much of the harm is so blatantly clear, still they don’t and won’t see it. It’s as if the masses were brainwashed.
Many may have forgotten about the alleged shortages of hospital scrubs, and the armies of women involved in sewing and distributing these to hospitals in so called critical areas. I had involvement myself. How we were manipulated! And then mocked with dancing nurses videos!
Dr. Pierre Kory posted on X that over 200 Congresspersons, staff and family members were treated with Ivermectin by one of his colleagues. In the 1960s the US Army dropped light bulbs filled with bacteria in NYC subways to test spread and during the same period they sprayed a city in Northern California where people actually did get sick. That was Operation Sea Spray [1]. There have been numerous tests like this on American citizens and British citizens as well. Operation LAC (Large Area Coverage) was a United States Army Chemical Corps operation which dispersed microscopic zinc cadmium sulfide (ZnCdS) particles over much of the United States and Canada in order to test dispersal patterns and the geographic range of chemical or biological weapons [2] decades ago.
I'd suggest that Bergamo and NYC were likely mildly sprayed perhaps with something simple like Influenza, Respiratory Syncytial virus or one of the many Parainfluenza's. I don't believe a novel virus exists either. I do believe something may have been seeded very early in Bergamo, NYC and a few other places.
What I find really extraordinary is when I go back and look at the initial global viral spread pattern the only explanation for the way something spread as it did would be to have mildly seeded a few cities across the globe. There was no Pandemic, that's been obvious for a long time. Thanks for posting this, it goes a long way towards explaining unexplainable behaviors.
I grew up in the late 60s and early 70s and to see my high school friends line up diligently for injections and lose those lifelong friendships permanently was and still is heartbreaking. Growing up when I did, watching the MOVE bombing on TV, the murders of Fred Hampton, MLK, three Kennedy's, Malcolm X and others left me with a complete distrust of all governments and their policies. That this was carried out by the National Security State and not the FDA or CDC speaks volumes.
Thank you Jonathan, a very useful comparison. Of course in the UK it was all guidance as I may have said before and nobody needed to comply with the nonsense even if common sense had left them. Sadly too many did as common sense had left them, leaving them unable to double check.
Exactly. The legal status of guidance, laws, treaties etc is of little importance compared to the leverage governments can exert through propaganda, as I wrote here:
I read something like this about three years ago at is well documented and governments were DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE for the trauma of the cbullshit agenda and MUST be held accountable....without exception. A tough call indeed: here in South Africa there is INSTANT AMNESIA from the NCCC (which consisted of the entire ANC cabinet) but steered specifically via NkosazanaDlamini Zuma and ALL opposition parties were COMPLICIT!! They were bought and sold us down the drain.
Just before the covid delusions were thrust on the world stage, I finished reading the 3rd volume of "The Gulag Archipelago " by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. The parallels that occurred here under covid to what happened in communist Russia in the 1930s and 40s were so blatant to me that for most of 2020 I was persuaded Canada had been taken over by communists.
Anyone that hasn't read his books is strongly encouraged to do so.
Excellent article. I hadn't thought about it exactly that way but am 100% in agreement. Thanks for the link to the Rancourt article and the video by Amazing Polly. I don't understand why anyone would not like her. She was spot on with what was up way back when most people were scratching their heads trying to figure out what the hell was going on.
Good work by all. Amazing Polly did a lot of great videos early in the WHRH (Worldwide Human Rights Heist, to paraphrase Jessica Hockett, better than calling it a pandemic) that filled in a lot of blanks for me. This particular one I hadn’t seen, but of course this has a lot of parallels to touch-free torture.
Engler paraphrases Rancourt's statement in his paper that "it would be difficult to overestimate the importance of biological stress (which includes psychological stress) in causing death, irrespective of the mechanism."
Obviously the "tested positive" thing was huge in the AIDS phenomenon. Seems logical that many people diagnosed HIV-positive were induced to bring on their final illnesses psychologically.
I don't doubt that some of the skeptical AIDS researchers and journalists have covered this issue well, but if my scanning of the information environment is any indication, it could use a bit more emphasis in the framing of the op. HIV/AIDS as, among other things, a giant experiment in psyching people into terminal illness.
The same questions arise, for me at least, in the even larger domain of cancer. Not to say that cancer does not exist, but how many cancers could have been overcome if not for the belief that they were terminal?
With everything that has come out, which, indeed it must, I wonder and worry about the physical and emotional stress on the jabbed and the consequences of this. Maybe, the refusal to listen/read anything is part of the defence? My friend, 6x jabbed, plus 7 weekly infusions of plasma for her myelitis probs (don't think blood is screened for jab contents), is now showing heart failure symptoms! It's heartbreaking learning of so many new ailments of people I know.
I can point to two other similar articles. One is by Rebekah Barnett of Dystopian Downunder (Oct. 9, 2022) where she discusses the abusiveness of Australian covid measures in context to domestic abuse/abusive relationships:
I wanted to go further, so on Oct.10, 2022, I took Barnett's work and included contextualisation with the all-but-forgotten 2006 Australian Report into Ritual Abuse and Torture:
I believe the COVID propaganda psyop was all three and more. It was Biderman's Chart of Coercion, it was Domestic Abuse, and it was Satanic Ritual Abuse/Mind Control, rolled out globally on all populations of the world except the xenophobic inhabitants of Sentinel Island.
Stress for wild animals in captivity is basically the numero uno reason for all sorts of physiological maladies, this is very well known. When as I've sadly seen countless time a monkey starts pulling out it's hair, eating it's poop or in any other way engaged in self-deleterious behaviour I know that the quickest way to reverse the behaviour is to socialise it with other conspecifics or give it an opportunity to express other natural behaviours
I wonder if there's been a rise in coprophagy in humans the last few years?
Increasing evidence has come to light of trauma-based mind control exercises performed on children in ritual abuse settings. Those exercises involve torture, near death experiences, and making victims feel responsible for the death of others. The traumatised child is made to feel completely powerless and dependent on the abuser for their survival. Highly disturbingly, similar techniques—involving psychological torture, intentional traumatization, and false rescue—were carried out against the public during “Covid-19.” Psychological torture techniques include the inculcation of chronic stress and the mandatory wearing of face masks (originally deployed against inmates at Guantánamo Bay). The public was traumatised by fear of death from the “virus” and was made to feel responsible for the deaths of others. A trauma bonding was instigated, intended to last decades and to bind an infantilised population in loyalty and obedience to its “omnipotent” masters. Predatory transnational power came to the false rescue in exchange for the surrendering of liberties.
Exactly right. Similar to war hysteria and jingoism where young men are branded cowards - usually by young women - and held responsible for the death's of their heroic mates if they do not join up and risk their life on some futile battle field for the supposed national good. Next to accepting vaccine risk for the supposed public good the only other example I can think of where we risk death or injury for "others'' is conscription or "joining up". Odd that most lands accept conscientious objection for pacifists but this option was largely denied to those who did not want to attack themselves with an untested drug. The Amish, I believe, are one group that were allowed relief. Another was congress ( is that right? ) I was shunned and rejected by family and had to fly right round the world to avoid the USA and that dangerous, untested, experimental, useless, fake, so called, vaccine. Good post. Thanks.
Good but sad about your family. All vaccines are dangerous though whatever one calls them.
Even the tested ones.
Agreed. I'd rather be bitten by a random snake.
Very good! I should have double checked your profile as I see you are anti-all vaccines.
Re random snake and vaccines, I not sure that they are one and the same really. I find it exhausting thinking like this all the time, but I have just checked and found that 'random snake' anagrams to, for example:
- demon snark
- do mRNA snake
- name dark son
The name of the dark son. Hmm, I can think of someone...
Good job. I never would have thought to do that. For me, nature teaches us that injecting things into our bodies is dangerous - stone fish - snake - hornet - spider - thorn - arrow - poison arrow - bullet - spear - mosquito - and so on and so on. Vaccination is random premeditated human sacrifice to the God of "Public Good" - any evil is acceptable to appease this angry God. The vaccine pushers are the for profit acolytes of this shinny new religion of ''The One Science". No dissent is tolerated ( well maybe a bit from some religious groups like the Amish - lucky them).
I get what you mean but none are really tested though as the game would be up.
True, not tested properly or tested and results obscured.
Of course they have tested on the people for decades and decades. They ignore the results in favour of profits. :(
To name a few others, lest not forget illegal immigrants/migrants, chinese students, pharma employ and that grubby Tedros fella who all failed to roll-up their sleeves.
The Chinese students at the University where I was working during the Covid con were all mandated to get the Covid injections and subsequent boosters.
I was in daily direct contact with them and I know of no Chinese students who refused the shot and they were all getting terribly ill for extended periods after each shot.
This was up until Spring 2022 when I was released for refusing the poison. I also rejected my opportunity to get a religious exemption.
Excellent comment. The mask was a crucial part of the PSYOP- propaganda by policy. A government tool to create an environment of fear and apply training wheels to the public in order to get them to accept the coming storm of draconian policies- a full out assault on everyone's sensibilities.
Masks were the visible sign of acquiescence and subjection. The mask signaled that this threat was 'real' even as the observable evidence illustrated that it was not. Hence the need for this outward symbol. Quite simply a technique to terrorize the public.
It should be noted that these policies were designed and executed by savage capitalists and are consistent with the history of those who run NATO, the IMF, World Bank and the various ghouls who sit atop the capitalist pyramid.
Psychologically manipulative ‘rules’, ‘regulations’, ‘laws’, ‘advice’, ‘guidelines’, ‘mandates’, ‘policies’, were selectively applied and selectively enforced. All of it is designed to break people's minds. These are tactics used in slave camps and torture centers where the rules of behavior are changed as soon as the prisoner has become used to them – then again, then gain – until 2+2 no longer equals 5, 6, or seven, but “whatever the master wants it to equal.”
All of it was psychological conditioning the public to accept DYSTOPIA as “The New Normal” of technocratic totalitarianism and tyranny.
I never wore the stupid mask and if I did not properly - what utter idiocy.
For those of us that understood early on (listened to Dr. Bhakti, I credit him with saving my life), understood that the shots were essentially loaded guns with a fuse.....for us, watching folks walk into these firing squads, it has indeed been a heart and head breaker. As I read the lists of dead and stillborn infants from Mark Miller, others, I still am deeply traumatized that so few people seem capable of even trying to comprehend it. I watch the people die and be much damaged, post jab, and try to avoid being sucked into the giant machine that is this genocide. As recently as 2 weeks ago, folks who used to be my friends were still proudly touting their boosters. WTF. Were it not for but a relative handful of thinking folks, (mostly here), I could not have made it this far. Thanks, you know who you are, independent critical thinkers!
Boosters and boasters. Perhaps their is a connection.
I read Bhakti’s book when it came out and it was a voice of sanity for me.
Prof Bhakdi helped alert many people to the dangers of the injections. For this he is still being persecuted in the German courts by the deep state and in February 2025 must face a second trial where he is accused of anti-semitic speech (having been aquitted in a first trial). The State will try any method to silence him, knowing that he remains a threat to their continuing use of toxic injections. I have much respect for Prof. Bhakdi but I find it a little sad that he could not come out and say that the whole 2020 psychological operation was never anything to do with health.
I recall that Amazing Polly video and it was on point. She was another rare supporter of my posts during my time on X. It's almost impossible to comprehend the possibility that everything that happened during the 'COVID' era was deliberate. I think that is one of the reasons the Scottish COVID inquiry is mostly avoided by the big freedom voices and just people in general because that's what the evidence points to. eg- Far too many 'mistakes were made.'
Residents in care homes suffered-''THE MOST EXTREME FORM OF PUNISHMENT.''
''Extended periods of isolation are unacceptable, disproportionate, unnecessary and HUGELY damaging.’'
One of the biggest problems facing the financial parasites who currently 'run the show' in the US/UK/EU is unfunded liabilities. The pension systems are broke. How to make an immediate and large-scale impact on these unfunded liabilities while setting in motion numerous other long sought objectives?
The parasites that sit atop the global financial system have spoken openly about this "problem" for over a decade and do so more brazenly these days.
I think it is impossible to escape the conclusion that part of the Covid tyranny was to eliminate large chunks of the elderly who are on fixed pensions. The pension system in Europe is completely broke and it has been projected that that system will accrue somewhere around $70 trillion more in debt over the next 10 years with the current level of pensioners.
How to fix this problem? They would never do that would they? Some people are afraid to face these realities.
The US pension system is projected to be completely broke by 2027. Anyone who thinks the power brokers at the top of the financial systems don't look at this and understand the dire problems this poses for their financial empires is kidding themselves. Anyone who thinks that these parasites won't do "whatever it takes" to maintain that system and their power is naive.
Blackrock-Vanguard-State Street- Berkshire-Hathaway own the world. Wall St-BIS-Bank of London, IMF etc. move the money. The likes of NATO are the enforcer of such operations at the macro level.
All of what they needed to do was easily accomplished- incentives, coercion and mandatory protocols. And they are continuing to push protocols and incentivize procedures to euthanize as many pensioners as they can.
17:15-18:15 mark- saying it out loud.
I had a brief listen to the section you recommend, Allen. However the speaker himself admits that potential savings for the US made by eliminating the cost of pensions and pensioners are overset by the expenditure on wars (unless this all comes back into their pockets as a form of money laundering)
Looking at the problem as a US fiscal one is too narrow - the perpetrators are clearly plundering the US and other western economies.
In any case the assault is not only on expensive pensioners but also on future economically viable populations - pregnant women and babies who are being aggressively targeted by the jabs.
I am starting to wonder whether the difficulty we find in envisaging a sensible or logical plan being carried out by our overlords that might explain what we see - this difficulty may be because they have lied for so long that they themselves have lost touch with reality and have become delusional. There is no understandable plan.
I do not believe anything coherent can emerge from this - the perpetrators will soon fight among themselves, if they are not already doing so, and their projected future empire will never exist.
Perfect synopsis
There was absolutely no pandemic of a novel illness. What we did experience from the governments and public health was physical and mental abuse which especially targeted the vulnerable, all the other institutions fell in line and played their part. We have a population asleep to the machinations of the government and many of them still think they have gone through a pandemic, such is the psychological abuse deployed on the public.
This is a very good documentary about the dreadful abuse of people during the lockdowns in Italy. The title is ‘Death Denied’ - the video can be set to play with good quality English subtitles. Documentation like this leaves no doubt that what happened was a massive, widespread and planned crime against humanity directed by ruthless, demonic forces.
One of the most disturbing videos I have seen documenting what happened to people if admitted to hospital from 2020 onward and labelled as 'Covid'. The health system was ruthless in dealing with them even more so than the governments. The pattern of isolating 'covid' patients from family plus giving them the wrong treatment or no treatment in hospital is the same everywhere, it was abusive, cruel and degrading, that was the killer not any virus. Thank you for the link.
And it was torture … and I’ve no doubt that until it is resolved, it will be ongoing and felt as such among the families of those murdered. That is why justice is needed.
There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that it was torture, they set them on a path to their death but it was not a quick painless death. I am not going to call them patients because they were not. They were locked up, isolated and abused by the hospital system who have a long history of these tactics but this time the scale was overwhelming making it difficult to keep hidden from the public gaze. The families left behind continue to be tortured by the memories of the abuse their loved ones received and until there is resolution their torture will continue.
Correct Jonathan, the scam was well rehearsed and used tried and tested techniques to manipulate the masses. That said, I’ll never understand how and why so many couldn’t see through the obvious (if you saw it) theatre. All the insane, petty and pointless rules, the removal of personal freedoms, the huge economic and societal upheaval…and yet the vast majority just went along with it all - some wholeheartedly so. That may be one of the most depressing aspects of the whole scam. And even now, when so much of the harm is so blatantly clear, still they don’t and won’t see it. It’s as if the masses were brainwashed.
They were
Many may have forgotten about the alleged shortages of hospital scrubs, and the armies of women involved in sewing and distributing these to hospitals in so called critical areas. I had involvement myself. How we were manipulated! And then mocked with dancing nurses videos!
They were brainwashed. But people are not very bright to begin with.
Dr. Pierre Kory posted on X that over 200 Congresspersons, staff and family members were treated with Ivermectin by one of his colleagues. In the 1960s the US Army dropped light bulbs filled with bacteria in NYC subways to test spread and during the same period they sprayed a city in Northern California where people actually did get sick. That was Operation Sea Spray [1]. There have been numerous tests like this on American citizens and British citizens as well. Operation LAC (Large Area Coverage) was a United States Army Chemical Corps operation which dispersed microscopic zinc cadmium sulfide (ZnCdS) particles over much of the United States and Canada in order to test dispersal patterns and the geographic range of chemical or biological weapons [2] decades ago.
I'd suggest that Bergamo and NYC were likely mildly sprayed perhaps with something simple like Influenza, Respiratory Syncytial virus or one of the many Parainfluenza's. I don't believe a novel virus exists either. I do believe something may have been seeded very early in Bergamo, NYC and a few other places.
What I find really extraordinary is when I go back and look at the initial global viral spread pattern the only explanation for the way something spread as it did would be to have mildly seeded a few cities across the globe. There was no Pandemic, that's been obvious for a long time. Thanks for posting this, it goes a long way towards explaining unexplainable behaviors.
I grew up in the late 60s and early 70s and to see my high school friends line up diligently for injections and lose those lifelong friendships permanently was and still is heartbreaking. Growing up when I did, watching the MOVE bombing on TV, the murders of Fred Hampton, MLK, three Kennedy's, Malcolm X and others left me with a complete distrust of all governments and their policies. That this was carried out by the National Security State and not the FDA or CDC speaks volumes.
Thank you Jonathan, a very useful comparison. Of course in the UK it was all guidance as I may have said before and nobody needed to comply with the nonsense even if common sense had left them. Sadly too many did as common sense had left them, leaving them unable to double check.
Happy Christmas.
Exactly. The legal status of guidance, laws, treaties etc is of little importance compared to the leverage governments can exert through propaganda, as I wrote here:
I hadn't seen that link, nice and straighforward, thank you. As others say, no fear and don't comply with nonsense.
I read something like this about three years ago at is well documented and governments were DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE for the trauma of the cbullshit agenda and MUST be held accountable....without exception. A tough call indeed: here in South Africa there is INSTANT AMNESIA from the NCCC (which consisted of the entire ANC cabinet) but steered specifically via NkosazanaDlamini Zuma and ALL opposition parties were COMPLICIT!! They were bought and sold us down the drain.
Just before the covid delusions were thrust on the world stage, I finished reading the 3rd volume of "The Gulag Archipelago " by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. The parallels that occurred here under covid to what happened in communist Russia in the 1930s and 40s were so blatant to me that for most of 2020 I was persuaded Canada had been taken over by communists.
Anyone that hasn't read his books is strongly encouraged to do so.
Better link for the 1973 Amnesty report:
Excellent article. I hadn't thought about it exactly that way but am 100% in agreement. Thanks for the link to the Rancourt article and the video by Amazing Polly. I don't understand why anyone would not like her. She was spot on with what was up way back when most people were scratching their heads trying to figure out what the hell was going on.
Good work by all. Amazing Polly did a lot of great videos early in the WHRH (Worldwide Human Rights Heist, to paraphrase Jessica Hockett, better than calling it a pandemic) that filled in a lot of blanks for me. This particular one I hadn’t seen, but of course this has a lot of parallels to touch-free torture.
Engler paraphrases Rancourt's statement in his paper that "it would be difficult to overestimate the importance of biological stress (which includes psychological stress) in causing death, irrespective of the mechanism."
Obviously the "tested positive" thing was huge in the AIDS phenomenon. Seems logical that many people diagnosed HIV-positive were induced to bring on their final illnesses psychologically.
I don't doubt that some of the skeptical AIDS researchers and journalists have covered this issue well, but if my scanning of the information environment is any indication, it could use a bit more emphasis in the framing of the op. HIV/AIDS as, among other things, a giant experiment in psyching people into terminal illness.
The same questions arise, for me at least, in the even larger domain of cancer. Not to say that cancer does not exist, but how many cancers could have been overcome if not for the belief that they were terminal?
I believe it is termed the Nocebo effect?
I have previously cited a few truly fascinating examples of nocebo effect - search my posts for “nocebo” to find them.
With everything that has come out, which, indeed it must, I wonder and worry about the physical and emotional stress on the jabbed and the consequences of this. Maybe, the refusal to listen/read anything is part of the defence? My friend, 6x jabbed, plus 7 weekly infusions of plasma for her myelitis probs (don't think blood is screened for jab contents), is now showing heart failure symptoms! It's heartbreaking learning of so many new ailments of people I know.
I can point to two other similar articles. One is by Rebekah Barnett of Dystopian Downunder (Oct. 9, 2022) where she discusses the abusiveness of Australian covid measures in context to domestic abuse/abusive relationships:
I wanted to go further, so on Oct.10, 2022, I took Barnett's work and included contextualisation with the all-but-forgotten 2006 Australian Report into Ritual Abuse and Torture:
I believe the COVID propaganda psyop was all three and more. It was Biderman's Chart of Coercion, it was Domestic Abuse, and it was Satanic Ritual Abuse/Mind Control, rolled out globally on all populations of the world except the xenophobic inhabitants of Sentinel Island.
Excellent piece Jonathan
My very similar thoughts but with slightly different root in the piece attached. Virtually the same technique as a cult also
If there was a pandemic, it was a pandemic of PCR tests.
Stress for wild animals in captivity is basically the numero uno reason for all sorts of physiological maladies, this is very well known. When as I've sadly seen countless time a monkey starts pulling out it's hair, eating it's poop or in any other way engaged in self-deleterious behaviour I know that the quickest way to reverse the behaviour is to socialise it with other conspecifics or give it an opportunity to express other natural behaviours
I wonder if there's been a rise in coprophagy in humans the last few years?