My view on the WHO "Pandemic Treaty" / IHR amendments discussions: it's a sideshow.
Stay focussed on the core crime.
Copious amounts of material are being written on these instruments, with a blow-by-blow account of their development and passage through the relevant governance systems.
One day it’s looking all doom and gloom, the next there’s hope that some countries might be resisting and the provisions are being watered down. Then it’s back to gloom again as some writers point out that’s what is left is still pretty bad.
But it my opinion:
What some seem to have forgotten is this:
No formal instruments or international agreements we needed to enact the appearance of pandemic1 - a narrative of fear, promoted by propaganda and control over nearly all mainstream media, especially social, was sufficient.
And they won’t need them next time either - if we allow it to happen.
So that means that - as long as people remain afraid of what the “next pandemic” could bring - it doesn’t matter what international instruments are in place - governments can switch on the behaviour they desire pretty much any time they wish.
And the truly frightening thing is that leaders around the world have just learned (or reminded themselves) how easy it is to deploy fear + propaganda to make people do pretty much anything at any time.
Ultimately the only way of insulating humanity from this happening again is to educate people as to the huge confidence trick that has just been played on them.
Tinkering with exactly how we respond to imaginary hobgoblins is an irrelevant distraction.
Because the appearance of pandemic was all it was.
100% spot on Jonathan. Well said sir, and thank you for keeing the focus where it needs to be.
It's a shame that people are so easily distracted by the latest 'bright shiny thing', and how the real crime slips by unnoticed and unchallenged, other than by folk such as you and seemingly a mere handful of others. Still, we keep on banging our drum and do not waiver from the true focus where it needs to be.
Thank you for your work and persistence in telling it how it is.
H.L. Mencken's quote is more relevant than ever,
"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace in a continual state of alarm (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing them with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."