100% spot on Jonathan. Well said sir, and thank you for keeing the focus where it needs to be.

It's a shame that people are so easily distracted by the latest 'bright shiny thing', and how the real crime slips by unnoticed and unchallenged, other than by folk such as you and seemingly a mere handful of others. Still, we keep on banging our drum and do not waiver from the true focus where it needs to be.

Thank you for your work and persistence in telling it how it is.

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H.L. Mencken's quote is more relevant than ever,

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace in a continual state of alarm (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing them with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."

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Agreed. I’ve used it twice so far in substack articles!!!

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I have also!

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The biggest crime of all time has taken place - when are the perpetrators going to be brought to account?!

The wretched WHO called the ‘PHEIC’ aka FAKE! pandemic, triggering the theft of freedom and exploiting the people via self-serving ‘public-private partnerships’.

Crikey! It’s unbelievable what’s happened!

And all facilitated by ‘our’ treacherous governments…

Don’t be deflected by all the blather about what might happen going ahead with the WHO/IHR, let’s deal with the ginormous crime that’s ALREADY HAPPENED!!!

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I would pluralise 'trick' as convid is but one of many.

Some of these lies are so big everyone alive was born into them and they shape our collective architecture of reality. The immediacy of the recent pantodemic naturally draws our attention (probably as intended), but it cannot alone unravel the scale of control mechanism - Our shared belief in stories.

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Yes, agreed about the distraction(s)...Who needs the WHO as the command control when our own governments will use 'home grown' legislation and multiple Statutory Instruments to do what the WHO and its billionaire backers want. We do need that education for the trusting and the gullible, as well as those who might believe it's their job or a jab. Talking to friends and relatives and neighbours is where it can happen because msm won't give us a documentary on recognising propaganda. It's a snowball effect....so don't think 'their' agenda for 24/7 control is a done deed.

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If it is still a majority who believes in hobgoblins, it is a rapidly shrinking one. Covid is an apocalypse: a seeing through the veil of illusion crafted and disseminated by the pHarma-industrial complex allied by federal agencies and the W.H.O. Having the worst U.S. flu season in 2019-2020 which began in Maryland, where NIAID has labs at Walter Reed Headquarters, while millions were ill and 1/3 of school systems closed in Jan 2020, something that did not test as flu A or B spread to lower lungs and affected neurological systems, before within 8 days it attacked organ systems. One of five of my neighbors in PA died after getting ill with something between Oct 2019 and Dec 31 2019. We live 35 north of Fort Detrick, where a thunderburst on May 16 2018 led to a year of struggle between USAMRIID and CDC, which finally shut down two BSL-3's, a BSL-4 and a USDA lab on July 12 2019, while NIAID labs never shut down. More details at https://www.trialsitenews.com/a/how-well-is-us-censorship-hiding-the-origin-of-sars-2-e4d5875e

Finally, Americans are seeing through the lies: 7 out of 10 polled see SARS-2 as an engineered pathogen, not natural or zoonotic. https://www.deseret.com/politics/2024/04/17/what-are-the-origins-of-covid-19/?utm_source=ksl&utm_medium=referrer

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