Did Governments follow a recipe for effective torture against their populations during "covid"?
It sure looks like they were trying to break the will of their citizens.
I recently came across this 1957 paper by Albert Biderman, posted as part of a discussion about communism. Many will be familiar with it, although I was not.
The paper analyses the methods used by the Koreans in order to break the will of their American captives.
Here’s the key table describing the methods used from the original paper, reproduced verbatim in a more easily-read format.
Loathe as I am to recommend anything in The Guardian, this is actually quite a good extract from a book citing the above in the context of domestic coercive control.
Interestingly, the article points out that:
When Biderman released his findings, people were incredulous. Could people really be manipulated so easily? Was he sure there was not something he had failed to detect? But Biderman was adamant: “Probably no other aspect of Communism reveals more thoroughly its disrespect for truth and the individuals,” he wrote, “than its resort to these techniques.”
Of course, that incredulity at the possibility of being manipulated has been an omnipresent feature of the last few years.
Amnesty International has been particularly vocal about framing behaviour using the above work, citing Biderman’s “Chart of Coercion” in this 1973 “Report on Torture”1.
So I thought: I wonder whether anyone else has drawn this parallel between these techniques and the “measures” instituted as the “response to covid”.
So I searched X, very quickly coming across this post, which contained this image:
A few more searches later I came across this 4-year old video discussing the above in some detail2.
One particulary interesting point drawn out in the video is this, from page 38 of the Amnesty report:
The direct effects of biological stress on human pathology have in my view been hugely underappreciated. Denis Rancourt is one of the few serious researchers who have focussed on this phenomenon as a direct cause of illness over the past few years; in this regard I recommend his latest paper:
Consider - in the context of government messaging about the accuracy of testing and the seriousness of the disease - how magnified the biological stress would have been for those who “tested positive”, especially if they had been placed in the “vulnerable” category.
It is worth emphasising at this point that whilst this phenomenon can explain some of the real illnesses suffered during “the pandemic”, that is not to say that other elements did not play a huge role, including:
Misteatment, maltreatment and non-treatment of those with regular respiratory illnesses
Abuse and neglect
Teasing out the relative contributions of all the above is both impossible and fruitless, as they are in any case overlapping concepts. However, what I am sure about though is this.
There was no pandemic of a novel illness caused by a novel virus.
Whatever you’re celebrating over the next few weeks, enjoy.
It’s a pity they’ve had so little to say during the “pandemic” - especially in relation to the coerced / mandated gene therapy injection program.
The video is by “Amazing Polly” and I am aware that some people do not seem to like her. I don’t know why, I never really watched any of her material before. I judge this video as useful entirely on its own merits.
Increasing evidence has come to light of trauma-based mind control exercises performed on children in ritual abuse settings. Those exercises involve torture, near death experiences, and making victims feel responsible for the death of others. The traumatised child is made to feel completely powerless and dependent on the abuser for their survival. Highly disturbingly, similar techniques—involving psychological torture, intentional traumatization, and false rescue—were carried out against the public during “Covid-19.” Psychological torture techniques include the inculcation of chronic stress and the mandatory wearing of face masks (originally deployed against inmates at Guantánamo Bay). The public was traumatised by fear of death from the “virus” and was made to feel responsible for the deaths of others. A trauma bonding was instigated, intended to last decades and to bind an infantilised population in loyalty and obedience to its “omnipotent” masters. Predatory transnational power came to the false rescue in exchange for the surrendering of liberties.
For those of us that understood early on (listened to Dr. Bhakti, I credit him with saving my life), understood that the shots were essentially loaded guns with a fuse.....for us, watching folks walk into these firing squads, it has indeed been a heart and head breaker. As I read the lists of dead and stillborn infants from Mark Miller, others, I still am deeply traumatized that so few people seem capable of even trying to comprehend it. I watch the people die and be much damaged, post jab, and try to avoid being sucked into the giant machine that is this genocide. As recently as 2 weeks ago, folks who used to be my friends were still proudly touting their boosters. WTF. Were it not for but a relative handful of thinking folks, (mostly here), I could not have made it this far. Thanks, you know who you are, independent critical thinkers!