Dr. Rancourt, I recall your then-radical, now-not-so-radical, positions from way back in 2020. I recall being dismayed when Panda, reacting to complaints and knee-jerks of some of it's more mainstream advisors, took down one of your papers. Even then, it seemed to me that there was a view of "acceptable positions" even among the dissidents! Anyway, funny how the wheel almost always makes a full turn.
Dr. Rancourt, please explain the extended loss of taste and smell experienced by people all over the world. Was this contaminated water, a simultaneous release of a modified influenza strain relabeled as "covid", or some other mechanism? How can this be replicated and proven empirically?
There is a significant scientific record of these symptoms with flus and colds. Use Google and Google-Scholar... Usual keywords will put on their track. These are normal symptoms associated with generic respiratory tract conditions ("infections").
As someone in their mid-50s who has had flu a half-dozen or more times in their life, not to mention has a recollection of news and the lived experience of everyone around me, your statement sounds an awful lot like the same medical gaslighting everyone has gotten from their doctors, nurses, pharmacists and the media over this whole thing.
With all due respect, no, significant numbers of people with influenza infections do not lose their smell or taste for a year. Can some of the fine sensory cells be damaged for a while in a small number of patients? Yes. But this has NEVER been such a mainstream and common problem that 25%-50%+ of everyone who got what you propose - influenza - lost their senses for months.
I know the common saying. It is easier to fool someone than to convince them they've been fooled and I am fully aware of that possibility. But I'm looking empirically. Look at the stats of how often influenza patients (and let's go back to some sort of reputable time in medical science - 1990s) reported loss of taste and/or smell for 6 months or longer. Now let's compare that to what happened in 2020-2021. If you have hard data that these two periods of time are roughly equivalent then I'll gladly pay the gas bill. :)
What about the absurd nasal swab 'tests' - could they have damaged the olfactory area and caused the lack of taste and smell? I know of many people who said they lost taste and smell - and every one of them had done the fake and dangerous pcr nasal swab.
I had this, as well, and I think I was having loss of senses prior but, yeah, I would be willing to accept that this was actually the culprit. I need to go back into my email and see if I mentioned it to anyone.
Another ancillary point is re-infection. I have an excellent immune system and rarely in my life have been sick. I do not travel and have worked at home for over five years. I got "covid-ish" sickness in July 2020 and exactly one year later in July 2021. Since then, nothing. Second bout did not affect my senses nearly as much, if at all.
I think from a data standpoint there was something because of the patents and the intent from the Fauci cabal going back decades. They have definitely played around with all sorts of crap. I'd be more inclined to believe we had some sort of a hearty specimen of flu that was simultaneously released all over the world by following up on their prior releases of SARS in Asia back in the mid 2000s.
Remember, flu tests are abandoned and the number of cases of flu were simply shifted to this bullshit PCR fake "covid" test. In the few instances where doctors were first testing for flu and then doing PCR nonsense, people tested positive for flu. Even so, almost no doctor would report it as such for two reasons: 1. A positive PCR meant more money. 2. Harassment. If, as a doctor, you kept testing people for flu first and that's what they had, you would be the only doctor never finding covid. How long would that last?
Oh, and the third reason: More money. Each covid patient was worth $100k or more to "the system".
There were so many lies it was, and still is, mind warping. I do tend to believe that maybe 'they' let loose 'something' on bigger cities, because the people I know who had something called covid were all in bigger cities.
after some anecdotal suspicions pointing towards ‘ flu ‘ shot 2019 strange reactions, I posted a question on twitter April 2020 asking if others experienced the same directly through taking it or observing around them. I got about two hundred replies from American, UK, Ireland an Italy of which all but two either agreed fully or found this view compelling. I repeated the exercise twice over the next year receiving many responses from Australia as they're winter flu shot program ramped up in our summer. I think “ they “ whoever they are have been experimenting for some time in prep for “ operation covid 19 ‘ using the already globally established flu shot supply chain as the delivery vehicle.
initially “make them ill enough to scare em not kill em “ an shut everything down. then do a controlled reduction through the subsequent an continuing injection program as lived experience an data shows.
what's in store this winter who knows. if I'm correct the world is there oyster using a global injection program disguised as a health benefit/health essential
Got the "covid" but never got the swab, lost my smell and taste for abut 5 months. Never had this happen with any number of times I have had the flu. So, I don't think the swab had anything to do with it. My husband had it longer than I did and my daughter, who gave it to us, had the loss of taste and smell for a year. No swabs for any of us.
I have to agree with Ruth Gordon. I have only ever had "flu" (I suppose it was) once in my life, about 20 years ago and rarely get colds (I'm 66). My husband and I both got "Covid" in late 2021, we assume, as the symptoms were unusual, including COMPLETE loss of taste and smell that occurred overnight. Neither of us had used a nasal swab prior to that (or since) and by the time the anosmia kicked in, any nasal/sinus issues had gone - in fact, we didn't really have any nasal issues, mainly coughs. After about 10 days, the taste and smell returned, also overnight. It was nothing like the sort of loss of taste and smell that occurs with colds/flu. As we rarely get respiratory infections anyway, it seemed odd that we should suddenly succumb to "something". By the way, we live on the edge of a small Somerset town, no 5G was around at that time or any other reason that many people seem to suggest.
excellent post. my own view is flu shot 2019 was used to spread the novel symptoms in the community globally. tell em it's the flu shot but give them something else. symptoms were like nothing I ever experienced before at same time as traditional flu symptoms strangely disappeared. there was a massive campaign to get flu shot uptake up from 2018 onward. I think it was in preparation for launch of covid19 via the flu shot
im inclined to think the tests were deliberately contaminated however the weird symtoms widely experienced began before testing. there is alot of circumstantial evidence pointing towards 2019 flu shot as the origin. a new blend deliberately unleashed to cause the symptoms that came to be known as covid. in short covid was the 2019 flu shot. in my opinion. subsequent community injections, testing etc allow for a range of ever changing symptoms to be continued indefinitely
Re my comment above, my husband and I hadn't used any swabs before we got "Covid" or whatever it was. We did use them once afterwards because we had to go to a festival, but that was the following year and we haven't had "Covid" again since the first pre-swab time!
Could be aerosol spraying in our skies (among a plethora of other things). Remember, this was a PLANdemic -- planned well in advance, and no doubt the murderers also had a backup A, B, C to obtain their objectives.
Thanks Ruth, I'm unjabbed...had minor "cold" symptoms 3 years ago and lost my sense of taste.. did not regain. I'm old, and this has never happened before.
Not only that, but I developed a very obvious parosmia with Covid. It returned on a second bout of Covid (but not with an intervening regular cold). It smelled the same each time (though fainter on the second occasion).
Parosmia is not a characteristic of a cold with the typical blocked nose that limits taste & smell.
Exactly. Except people are now doubting themselves and falling for the "all in your head" nonsense seemingly as a way to put a bow on the whole thing and stop thinking about it. This is not the way to go. Those symptoms need explaining.
Many more appear to be making a connection between the the symptoms of illness suffered by some in 2020/21 so and electromagnetic radiation. Loss of taste and smell are definitely a possible result of radiation therapy. Maybe the 5G theory is correct?
I almost certainly had the illness in February 2020, as I lost my taste and smell temporarily afterwards. I never had any nasal swabs.
an me, sore eyes ( very sore ) leg cramps so bad thought veins were being crushed. randomly falling asleep without intention and waking up an hour latter fine. felt like sudden drops in blood oxygen returning to normal an then happening again another day as if body fighting something. never in my life experienced these kinds of symptoms. many family, friends and neighbors similar. a common refrain was “ weird, hard to explain “ symtoms.
I took no injections of any kind, never tested or followed any rules etc. always believed the official story was a lie but that also mainstream resistance explanation was “ falling for deliberatly leaked psy - op.
I experienced first strange symptoms from round february 2020 which lingered in one form or another for 3 months an then towards end of summer 2021 less heavy but still very strange for a few weeks. nothing since then so far.
I have seen an explanation re loss of smell and taste with this but can’t remember the details or a link. It made sense that there is a physiological reason for. Not much help I know but just to let you know that there is a reason. 😎
Please see my other comments re multiple phenomena that are not mutually exclusive in any way. Including phenomena that do not affect All Cause Mortality data; and phenom for which dominating information was taken in within a frenzied blanketing of professionally-crafted sanctioned dis-information also being portrayed as medical "science."
Specifically to your focus of the sx of loss of smell/taste, which has been attributable to "viral " infections historically - there are numerous interesting factors to explore. Consider, just for one facet, the recent medical phenomena of venomous snake-bite victims [SBE] now experiencing more severe/debilitating sequela than in prior history.
Why could it be that the general population that happens to get SBE, are now unable to recover as well but have more enduring damage compared to past SBE victims??
Could it be secondary to some kind of more general yet sub-acute toxicity of compounds chemically like venom, somehow entering the population at large??
If everywhere we turned the professional journals and radio & news channels were telling us that a novel and therefor poorly-understood animal-toxin jumped a species barrier, we could certainly convince ourselves this was NOT the normal range of SBE adversity, but something scarier. And especially if the novel level of toxicity was just only causing hemi-paralisis or cardiac problems (but not actually affecting excess mortality) even though we were blasted 24/7 with the news that it increased death rates too! Can you see how this might affect your personal understanding of what is happening, even if subsequent COI-free expert analysis showed no increased mass SBE fatality??
But in this example it actually IS "hard data" true that the population is experiencing more severe SBE sequella medically speaking. But it isn't being scientifically examined and the factors contributing to it very likely have nothing to do with the snake's biology/ bite itself, but certainly something to do w other vectors of symptom exacerbation.
Have you thought about other vectors of symptoms onset and asymptom exacerbation?
I know "empirically" MDs were spreading the word during the active Covid operation that no matter the presentation of symptoms or testing, if there was loos of smell/taste "it's covid." Of course as mass promoters of fundamental violations of medical ethics and dangerous experimental drugs, there's COI as well as lack of supportive citation,
All to say, just because there's a bad season of respiratory disease, one can't draw direct conclusions about an observed increase in a "novel" characterization (extended periods of loss of taste/smell) of that statistically normal occurrence that support a model of a particularly fatal and spreading communicable disease (as we were told CV19 was.) This is NOTHING like "gaslighting." Rather, its' critical analysis. It includes knowing what one does not know.
Just look at your assumptions and see what does and does not possibly validate and invalidate those assumptions.
Then maybe look at what else contributes to the huge range of symptoms that we are endlessly told to attribute to the novelty of "long covid" - and most especially such a "model" in the simultaneous presence of experimental injections of 99+% those same subjects. (There's where real gaslighting lies lay.)
That's all. Many a analytically-minded CV19 follower has succumbed to similar conflation of assumptions but find their way out with better information and a willingness to self-examine. (& PS listening to the "news" or recollecting it is not empirical evidence of disease causation.)
Try n9n replicat8ng infectious clones to which basic et al have a patent or two..you can release them..like a poison..but they cann9t pass from person to person. Go look it up.
nasal swaps, and I would also consider that many who took the “new” flu vaccine in 2019 (research that) could have simply been detoxing from that poison.
EDIT: The threading thing makes it hard to see who comments are directed to. Mine is directed to Ruth Gordon.
1. Why ask questions when you so readily have all the answers you need?
2. Do you realise that by openly admitting you subjected yourself to nasal rapes, you're outing yourself as a covid dupee?
3. Do you not know that the "news footage" of a "NY hospital" was identical to "news footage" from a "Bergamo, Italy" hospital?
4. Have you done some soul-searching to try to understand what it is inside you that makes you need to keep the propaganda narrative alive?
5. Do you not know that, just as it's impossible to have a piece of a unicorn because unicorns are a work of fiction, it's impossible to have a "spike protein" from "the SARS-Cov-2 virus" because the SARS-Cov-2 virus is also a work of fiction: IN SILICO FICTION?
agree, the symtoms were completely different to normal years. I believe the 2019 ‘ flu ’ shot was the origin. deliberate global distribution of a new poison. this explains the disappearance of so called traditional flu symptoms and the appearance of the completely novel and very strange symptoms widely experienced whether ‘ flu ‘ vaxed or not. ( I was non vaxed but experienced these symptoms an took several months to feel fully ok again ) .
There was a very big push from 2018 to get flu shot uptake numbers substantially up.
In retrospect I believe this was to prepare for ‘ flu ‘ shot 2019 as the mechanism of a planned global poisoning. I agree that the denying of the existence of novel and weird symtoms, that it was just the flu, or that nothing happened is gaslighting.
when the ‘ covid “ shots were heavily deployed in 2021 I experienced illness again though not as bad. ( ive taken no injections of any kind during or before the events of the last few years ).
I think lab leak stories an “ just the flu’ stories are deliberately leaked an encouraged by security/media to obscure the poisoning theory I propose above
Curious, because I got the reference wrong: I'd mixed up the wonderful old actrice Ruth Gordon (the real one) with another 'Ruth' in the cast of the old telly comedy. Funny you didn't pick up on that (who needs 'Trivial Pursuit' when one has chat bot, eh?). But your powers of logic are truly amazing: you can zing from one point of view to its opposite in the space of a comment. And my goodness, you've got so much to say; it's almost as if your aim is to dominate a thread and thereby
Low zinc levels due to continuous exposure to various glyphosates sprayed on food crops, not just as pesticides & herbicides, but directly on GMO crops as desiccant a few days before harvest could be affecting the sense of smell & taste of those chronically exposed and succeptible due to an already reduced antioxidant status from various causes. The glyphosphates cause zinc deficiency in the sources of the zinc in our bodies, plants, and thus over time can lead to zinc deficiencies in us.
As since May know, OTC supplement treatments like Dr Zelenko's pills (and other antioxidants) resolved the flu & common cold in his patients and kept them out of her hospital, as well as restored their sense of taste & smell.
Not to this extent. I commented above about a FB group I joined for parosmia. Membership was in the 100s. People with injury, post viral, unknown causes. Thie grew to 10,000s over a year with post covid infections. Some with such severe parosmia, they were considering suicide. It was a horrible 18months for me.
Would you care to suggest an appropriate response to a person who claims to have had "covid" back in 2019 -2020 and have there ever been valid tests available for the thing?
The sickest I ever got was on a trip to Europe in 2014 after extended layovers and delays in flights. Lack of decent sleep for 40 hours and I spent the next week being the absolute sickest ever. Unfortunately I can't blame it on COVID, I have to blame it on, I dunno, lack of sleep, or breathing recirculated airplane air, or... or who knows. Since then I haven't gotten sick, ever.
Every year, a certain percentage of people will get "the sickest ever" after years of "not getting sick."
If they are encouraged by "every government in the world" to become insane people with a mental disorder called "hypochondria" they will all-of-a-sudden "discover" all kinds of novel symptoms, etc.
In my opinion the mass mental illness people forced themselves to develop explains a lot more about COVID than just about anything else.
"Why did I and my family go down with something really weird in late 2019 then?
This is a postscript I have added following some comments. I really should have included it before publishing:
This article is receiving a number of comments along the lines of “I had a weird / the worst illness ever in Dec 2019” (or similar), so I thought I would add some commentary to that claim, since it has been voiced so many times to me before:
The fact remains that even if these observations WERE representative of a true biological phenomenon:
No reports of clusters of unusual illness were writen about at the time8 - so whatever “it” was it had minimal impact anywhere.
Whatever “it” was, it wasn’t capable of causing a congruent signal in terms of excess deaths.
So if - and it’s a big if in my view - there was something novel around, it was harmless until those behind the pandemic narrative efforts decided to tell us all about it and test for it in a frenzy. So, under this paradigm it would be wrong to regard this purportedly novel thing as the cause of “the pandemic”, since the harms which people regard as the constituent elements of “the pandemic” resulted from the response to the idea of something novel circulating, not the (purportedly) novel thing itself.
Put differently, Jon Snow’s “pump handle”9 is a narrative, not “a virus”.
However, I would question what is really meant by “something novel”. Illnesses regarded as viral in nature have always manifested in weird and wonderful ways. The question “did you have that weird bug going around recently” did not hitherto raise the question of whether humanity was under bioattack.
It’s worth thinking of these things as we do with climate and weather. The latter is changing all the time. Ask people to shout out if they have recently experienced the most extreme weather they have ever known and at any time many people will say “yeah, last week it was X, Y or Z”.
But does that (alone) mean the climate is changing? No. It means that in an incredibly variable system it is virtually inevitable that observation and confirmation bias will give the impression that something is changing, when that change is actually illusory."
The last two paragraphs nail it. Selection and confirmation bias sufficiently explain covid until a better explanation comes along.
Acute 24/7 blanket propaganda focused everyone’s attention on symptoms that were always present in the pre-covid years, but until then they were experienced individually, that is until ‘covid’ came along to take all the credit.
I myself suffered many pre-covid sinus ‘infections’ that caused loss (or peculiar alteration) of taste and smell. I never thought much of it, never posted about it on social media for likes or sympathy, or out of fear.
Others may have never experienced these bizarre taste and smell symptoms so when the “worst cold/flu of my life” occurred during all-covid-all-the-time, each individual going through that for the first time would have had little reason to think it *wasn’t* covid.
None. Just symptoms. Mine were severe along with my wife's in December '19. The episode was similar to one we both had in February '22 and now another for me in September '24. Antigen testing aside (which doesn't provide "proof"), what really is there? Or was that the point of the query?
Yes, that was the point. Interesting if there was a loss of taste and smell as well as the flu-like symptoms pre-2020. Could have just been regular flu - sometimes it's really bad esp if the person is not overly fit. But I trust that people know their bodies and their personal history. They'd know if they got something unlike anything they've ever had before.
Not according to Nobel Prize Laurent PhD Dr Kary Banks Mullis who invented PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) out of his own mouth said, PCR was for amplification in study and not to tell if anyone's sick. He ends up dying in Aug 2019 in Southern California where at 74 was still surfing!
I got a T-Detect test, which was said to have confirmed a T-cell immune system response to COVID-19 a few months after I had a weird illness, which fit the profile of the disease.
So, I'm inclined to think there was something going around, but also that it was grossly exaggerated, the reponse was far more deadly than the bug, and often flu was mistaken for it.
I did learn some very good measures to take when I feel a bug coming on, which have prevented me from getting ill at all the last couple years as I write this.
At that point they're so bought-in to the official narrative, maybe look at why the govt and corporations rushed full fledged into the violation of basic human rights and excruciatingly obvious medical ethics violations despite very serious lack of "science" behind it? Very suspicious, no?
The duplicitous nature of the testing and it's cycle thresholds.
LIke why was the notion of natural immunity completely & suddenly forbidden. Why were pilots allowed to fly within 48hrs of an experimental drug? The masks. The funnel of billions from middle class to pharma. Unprecedented censorship; quash of any contrary data. All clearly for naught now.
Money. Covid was incentivized like nothing in the history of the world and isn't even close. The amount of cash poured in through the govt and insurance companies was, and still is, outrageous. Didn't hurt that a lot of deep pockets wanted to rig the presidential election, either. Notice that the NY governor today kicked off an attempt to seize control of the government again due to one person supposedly dying of equine encephalitis. One.
the widely experienced symtoms in 2020 uk or as some in California reported to me as experienced in December 2019 bore no relation to traditional cold or flu. what I experienced was completely novel in my life experience. I was 47 at the time, now 52. I agree events were staged/planned in advance, that covid vaccines are harming and killing people. In fact I think so called vaccines have always been experiments/weaponised. I'm an unapologetic anti vaxer but also think the mainstream resistance position of “ it was just the flu “ or nothing happened is pure gaslighting. how anyone can make an equivalence bewteen the lived experience of ( in my case practically everyone I know and overheard in the street and societies common historical experience of cold/flu symptoms (whatever the origin) is making my head scratch. with the greatest respect.
I would add to that that there was a big hoohah in the media when they added anosmia to the list of covid symptoms and those who really feared covid could well have developed those symptoms through suggestion.
I think one of the main critical thinking pieces people seem to miss, is that there can be multiple phenomena occurring over the same operative time periods, and in fact that would be to the advantage of macabre operation orchestration (to especially keep people overloaded w information / confused, frightened, or even considering themselves superiority -informed while focused on only a well-crafted Red Herring.)
Meaning there can be a completely media-produced sense of epi/pandemic while at the same time having only the usual seasonal disease is purposely sensationalized as terrifyingly "bad" (perhaps with a loss of sense of smell/taste, "strange" neurological symptoms, or being "more severe" for young healthy people to recover from.)
As we have all observed, it's easy to lead mass-thought to grab on to (not necessarily sensical) notions in the middle of anything distressing / highly unusual [like jets purportedly flying into skyscrapers - and then the notion systematic collapse of those buildings is explained by the 'heat generated by their remaining jet fuel'.]
So, for another (haha hypothetical ) example, there could also be euphemistically termed gain-of-function research costing the tax-payers millions and millions - sounding sci-fi creepy as well as doomsday hopeless - even though practical cases of infection are completely defeated w some zinc supplement or fresh garlic bulbs (pretty pathetic 'bioweapon'.)
I've heard the term "trauma-based mind control" to describe how when under this large scale trauma, even the stupidest ideas seem somehow reasonable especially in the abstract or geographically separated scenes. Plus especially with repetition of the stupid explanation, over and over and over, but with supporting imagery like the same funeral pyre over and over or the same refrigerator truck (with no bodies in it) over and over. And especially when the magnitude of the destructive intentions are psychologically unacceptable - such as when intentionally killing millions of ones own citizens just by demanding socially to "do the right thing" and get "vaccinated."
So the Covid operation lens was placed on everyones faces, such that many of us became convinced of some special pathogen during the media bombardment. & maybe there was some special toxicity or 5G or popular cheap snack food - at the same time, just not in enough lethality to affect ACM or support the factual occurance of spreading communicable disease. Multiple phenomena can exist and not neccessarily be mutually exclusive in any way.
Also not diminishing the data or conclusion of Rancourt et al / Correlation Research, yet forcing us to question how we framed the information we took in from paramedics or pulmonologists or our neighbors/family.
Lots of people can see now excess death in their circles, some will attribute it to 'long covid' and others to mass mRNA "experimental" drug administrations, and still others to "getting to be a certain age." But the clean, accurate, non-COI expert scientific work affirms what the undertakers and actuaries have seen all along.
Ruth, I think many of us are probably going through a similar thing. I was “sick” with a strange “flu” in March 2020 with symptoms I’d never experienced previously. Like you I rarely if ever get sick, was fit and active in my 40’s, decent diet etc. Intense muscle soreness, aches, fever etc which I naturally ascribed to “covid”. That was my reality in March 2020 and for a couple of years thereafter. HOWEVER … since then I’ve come to realise the unbelievable power of the human mind to gaslight ourselves, that a large part of that was likely some version of the mind leading the body … I had been told a few days earlier of a work colleague “testing positive”, our office had closed in a panic and we had been sent to “work from home” indefinitely, and we’d all heard about these symptoms that Covid induced … a weekend later and I was sick. My reading of so much of this now is much better informed by the likes of Prof Rancourt and Jonathan, I am now almost certain that no such novel “virus” ever existed, and at best this was simply repurposed “flu” turbo charged by rampant, constant propaganda and scare mongering.
You may not realize it but you may be gaslighting yourself or allowing yourself to be pulled into a dangerous area by giving up so quickly on the notion that something novel happened, whether it be a "coronavirus" or some sort of modified flu or spray.
Let's be empirical about it, though. Ask yourself what would need to be true in order for it "all to be in our heads"? After all, this, too, is a hypothesis that would require as much proof as saying "it was a virus" or "it was a toxin", no?
Data is a bitch. It is there whether you want it to be or not. If there was a actual loss of taste then presumably this would affect consumer purchases, behavior, public discussion and, probably most conclusively, reports of this symptom to doctors. This is quantifiable and comparable to your proposition of "repurposed flu". So, what was the frequency of people reporting loss of taste each year when they tested positive for flu?
I have seen many others such as yourself make the following response to this: "Well, if it was in everyone's head that this was a symptom then they could easily imagine something tasted differently and report it at a higher rate than in the past. This would cause over-reporting."
To that I would ask, "Even for ice cream? Chocolate? Cheese Doritos?" People do not give up their favorite foods, their comfort foods, due to propaganda and suggestion. To affect someone in this way would require extreme aversion therapy or mass psychosis even for people such as me who did not fall for the jab and was skeptical of everything that was happening all the way through. My personality is one of extreme independence to the point of making independent choices in situations that don't even call for it.
No, it was not in my head and likely not in yours, either. It may be now, though. Be careful how much you suppress your instincts. It is not healthy. Trust your gut. Always.
Oh, one other thing. Every six months we hear there's a new "covid-19" variant. What is going on with that? There are thousands more skeptics now than there were three years ago. What are they looking at when looking at "the latest variant"? Is this a continuance of the operation that is still fooling everyone or is there a genetic "thing"?
Notice, too, that instead of the latest variant zipping around the world in a few days or weeks that they seem to be localized as is normal for a particular variant of anything. So...what changed? I think they did have something infectious but they systematically released it everywhere all at once so as to bypass normal, natural methods that prevent "pandemics" in the first place. Pandemics cannot happen due to biological mutation and how nature firewalls and protects itself. We have to stop this baby-with-the-bathwater and "it was singular X" way of thinking. 2019-2020 was a stew of a lot of different disgusting behavior, not just one thing.
Genomes change frequently, so there will always be new variants. Early in the pandemic many would be watching to see how different the new strain would be -how different the symptoms/fatality rates could be. But now there appear to be few changes, and reporting of ‘new variants’ is more likely to be used to promote vaccination.
Yes, it isn't the emergence of new variants, per se, that I am talking about. What I'm driving at is that everyone was told that covid-19 (meaning 2019 is when it was "discovered", of course) had an incredibly distinctive feature, the Furin cleavage site on the base of its spike protein. How distinctive? It was patented, i.e. made it obvious the virus was man made. Remember, I am going off of what they told everyone.
Okay, so now if that was true the each successive variant that is discovered can be used to trace forward and backward through the genomic evolution. So...what happened to the cleavage site? Who is even attempting to use this genomic evolution as proof or lack of proof for any sort of novel pathogen that spread? The science of the lies can show the lies of the science to be trite about it.
As for what killed people? That was doctors and nurses, plain and simple. Withholding antibiotics, steroids and, of all things, vitamins from people with pneumonia and bronchial infections was criminal. That's where the deaths came from.
But the loss of smell and taste in high frequency came from somewhere, too. There are multiple layers to the onion. They all need peeling.
"People do not give up their favorite foods, their comfort foods, due to propaganda and suggestion. "
I had this bug in late December 2019 and quit smoking permanently on Jan 2nd 2020 as it just tasted horrible - a lifetimes habit, gone, just like that. And it still stinks to me.
And that was well before I read about the loss of taste.
Greg, I think there was something that was somewhat novel. In January 2020 we had an incredible outbreak in a 3 story office building that within a couple of weeks took out over 80% of the occupants. It was highly contagious and I think it was introduced by someone who just returned from a trip to Florida. I got asked to investigate because it was a highly unusual outbreak. Yet no one died. No one suffered breathing problems that they thought warranted a visit to the hospital and be put on a ventilator. That phenomenon came a few months later and as you say we gaslit ourselves. Also, whatever it was arrived months before they claimed it did.
My family were hit in late Dec 2019 with a hard bug after we had a visit from a US citizen who works on a huge US army base. Is there a connection with the Wuhan World Military Games in Oct 2019 at which many athletes fell sick , and was this a bioweapon? Who knows?
Yes, that does seem to be the case. It was here long before they said it was. We could have gotten through it just fine had they not created a lot of drama and fear around it. It was the denial of treatments other that the "kill" treatments in the hospitals and the deadly jab that got most folks.
From my own experience since I was a child I must point out that in most cases my sense of taste and smell were lost for a number of days after a cold.
Ruth, the corruptionvirus was sold to us as "deadly" - yet here you are, STILL illogically following the narrative you've been fed: do you recall tasting the chicken noodle soup you gratefully ate when you had flu and saying "wow, that's great soup!"? No. Of course not. Because you were poorly and ill and were feeling feverish and weak.
Let me give you another example - because you will change your mind Ruth, because it was a scam: when a child is scamming Ng a "sore throat" to get off school for the day, THAT CHILD TASTES the medicine administered. BUT when the child is really poorly THEY NEVER TASTE THE MEDICINE.
Clearly you have not even bothered to read what I've posted or made an attempt to understand it. Your post does not relate in any way to what I have written. You also have chosen to use your own unscientific, unsupported personal hypothesis to refute every single person in this thread who is telling you they experienced something very different with the "covid time-period illness" than anything they ever experienced before. Yes, there were many simultaneous conspiracies all running at the same time, the worst of which was hospitals murdering people to sell the scam, but two things can be true at once. Way more than two, actually. You are not reasoning like a critical-thinking adult.
Ruth, I had heard from another physician that the taste and smell receptors get blocked with the spike protein. Some have had success with nicotine patches. It seems to clear up those receptors.
For six months to a year? If so that would be the outlier and not what we saw during covid.
Also, did you have a noticeable change in odor in your urine and/or excrement for six months to a year? This is another very common symptom.
I don't think that people arguing the side of "it is just normal for flu" are accounting for frequency. By far, previous typical cases of flu did not have malingering symptoms. Short-term smell and taste disruption, yes. Prolonged? No.
As mentioned in another comment the use of nasal swabs wouldn't in the least surprise me as being the cause but 5G also could be the culprit. History shows that rollouts of wireless technologies coincides with epidemics.
I am interested in this too. I tested positive along with my daughter Oct 21 and felt dreadful for 5 days. I lost sense of smell and then we both experienced parosmia for 12- 18 months. Back to 90% now. I've never had flu, but this was a something, had terrible aches. Nothing to do with detoxing, zinc or nasal swabs.
I signed it because we needed something like that at the time - it represented a mainstream and respectable opposition viewpoint. In practice the idea of focused protection was better than the alternatives then available, even if nobody knew what it meant.
Well it also spoke against numerous nonsensical measures, yet within the (previously) widely accepted mode. Ultimately the CDC had to capitulate to the same as the GBD stance, though that went un-noticed in the mass-media (intentionally of course,) despite doing so being contrary to so many mandates and requirements being shoved onto us all at the time.
Such statements are always a compromise. I mean, a purist might have instead called for Dr Fauci to be hung in public, along with his co-conspirators, but the political fallout would have been unlikely to further our noble and worthy cause !
Dr Rancourt, I have been a great fan and promoter of your work. It's nice that the interpretation of your work requires no new theories such as whether or not Viruses exist, or whether contagion exists. It's just Life and death, indisputable. There was not contagion of Death in the COVID period. But there was indeed plenty of death to go around, so what (and who) caused it matters....
And because of this, now so many years later that your work has not been refuted, that we must assume that anyone still advertising that there was a pandemic must at least be ignored, and probably suspected of being controlled opposition. It helps to explain why Jay Bhattacharyya could still be working at Stanford in "the belly of the Beast."
It’s interesting that J B continued to push the shot for the elderly (does he still??) in light of the fact his work at Stanford focuses on the economics of epidemiology. Darn those old people can cost a fortune.
100% staged, lie, a FRAUD perpetrated on POTUS Trump (45 was NOT part of this) & the world! 100% of COVID was a lie, NOTHING was real! There was NO pandemic! We killed people by the RESPONSE
Medical system, our physicians, hospitals KILLED our people, the lockdowns & school closures killed for a LIE! a PCR process manufactured LIE! Complete, to the Malone Bancel et al. deadly mRNA shot!
What the letter says to the GBD is how exactly how it unfolded from the very beginning of 2020 ..... from the Corman-Drosten PCR Paper ( peer reviewed <48hrs), the hazmat suited medics wheeling a patient on a trolley in a hospital in NE England in Jan 2020, to the televised addresses by the the PMs of many countries in March 2020, the universal chorus of 'no one is safe until every one is safe', and the mass testing and masking of the healthy. It all screamed 'orchestration', as did the 24/7 anti human propaganda.
The Great Barrington Dec did have had good intentions, and it was 'batted away' by the UK and other govts, which shows it did challenge 'their' agenda. However, unwittingly ( probably) it does indeed embed the notion of a 'novel' virus. The KC in the Hallet Inquiry went to great lengths to draw that facet of 'Covid-19' out. The word 'novel' is essential, the linchpin for all sorts of draconian interventions, then and in future. Perhaps the authors of the Declaration did not forsee its ramifications.
Agreed.....they don't wish 'to bite the hand that feeds them'. Many want their 'challenges' forgotten now, have become equivocal about their opposition.
I guess it's like attempting to share w someone who's been jabbinated > once, the extraordinary increases in cancer rates or cardiac issues or clotting disorders.
Pyschologically they just are not going to look at what they've been a willing and active part in.
I've tried to get an old boyfriend to report his turbo cancer to our state Attorney General. But since he was also involved in coercing others to jabbinate, he's not about to consider such ramifications, even if potentially in his own personal interests.
Really Rob? It's NOT shocking? the world's best evidence of what went on during lockdown completely ingored for 8+ months by the prominent medical freedom/scientific community. We can agree to disagree then. This is beyond shocking! Credit to 'Dr' John for being the ONLY popular 'awake' medical commentator to draw attention to 2024 closing statements. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCteHX7jxyg&t=670s&ab_channel=Dr.JohnCampbell
''world's best evidence''. eg-It is the ONLY OFFICIAL inquiry in the world that has heard directly from ordinary people effected by the lockdown policies etc (first hand accounts under oath) and yet has been and continues to be ignored and or dismissed not only by the msm but most of the 'alt' media and medical freedom community advocates. That should trouble anyone concerned about truth.
Am not a big fan of 'Dr' John but at least he did cover 2024 closing statements when sent. You will find no reports anywhere else in the world.
Their statement is correct, as far as I can tell, since in no other country had there been an enquiry in which the panel heard directly from relatives of those killed in hospitals, care homes and deprived of appropriate medical care in the community.
Most of that testimony makes me weep.
Knowingly or otherwise a large number of people were killed by the “care” they were given & many died extremely distressing deaths.
I have lost all respect for medical staff as a group. I wasn’t particularly impressed by the abilities of in particular doctors up to that point.
Three out of four close family members were almost killed / inappropriately treated during the previous 30 years.
I drew the conclusion that incompetence was commonplace, added to which lack of interest in whether their diagnoses were accurate.
Recently, this has been topped off by evidence of lack of medical ethics and a willingness to be obedient rule followers, even if doing so was fairly obviously harmful.
My advice now as well as personal counsel is to avoid doctors if humanly possible except for cases of acute trauma, probable infection and in relation to pregnancy and childbirth.
Thanks. I believe we were all aware, at some level, that harms were being done in Care Homes in April 2020. I have looked at the UK's CFR at that time, and concluded that UK healthcare seems to be the worst in the world.
I'd need to revist some history to confirm that a private criminal prosecution was in place in the High Court in London and among other things a misuse of midazolam was in evidence.
That court case seems to have gone nowhere.
Thanks for your advice, it confirms my thoughts on this.
The GBD may have had good intentions and it challenged the ‘agenda’ being pushed by governments- but it was deeply flawed and misguided too. Advocating/imposing/enforcing lockdown restrictions on any section of society fundamentally violates basic human rights and is government overreach on an appalling scale BUT it is also terrible public health policy - especially for elderly and vulnerable people. The GBD can not be allowed to be held up as a viable alternative for the next ‘pandemic’/ scam.
Several lawsuits against jabbination makers by a few states in the US. Now pesticide/herbicide manufacturers are tryng to get in on the same legal immunity that pharma and MDs and hospital admin has had for the last 5 years, w new legislation in congress this month!!!
It provided the *illusion* of an educated class of contrarians. Who's contrary views were still safely positioned within "acceptable" boundaries of civil discourse. "See, we're not alone - all these very smart other medical professionals see what we see, too! There's hope!" As GBD helps the Overton Window shift in the same general direction these ill-intentioned authorities desire.
Those who saw and maintain their vigorous opposition to the entire pandemic scam are still tsk-tsk'd by many of the GBD signers, who try to maintain their "credibility" with the ill-intentioned authorities. "We, GBD signers, disagree with the official actions, but we're not like those crazies over there, who totally reject the underlying 'science,' so don't lump us in with *them.* We're respectable peers!"
Point taken....basic human rights were trampled on by governments and not pushed back on by doctors, and where there was any pushback it was half hearted, or, too cautious. It certainly didn't support the 'ordinary man' in the street.
I wouldn't hold the GBD up as any sort of alternative! Perhaps/probably there were/are just too many in hock to Big Pharma, and seemingly the higher up the 'food chain' the less support they gave to ordinary mortals. There were many nurses on the marches who stood against the mandates and for personal bodily autonomy.
I still say the GBD at least pointed to ignored (yet widely embraced) science. Ignoring that science promoted the surreal widespread violation of human and civil rights. After the CDC got sued for cherry picking data for it's recommendations that all corporations and small businesses then felt compelled to follow, CDC had to back down to at least GBD level scientific understanding. No matter this was ignored and the pure insanity kept being pushed anyway.
Re “The Great Barrington Dec did have had good intentions, and it was 'batted away' by the UK and other govts, which shows it did challenge 'their' agenda.”
Do you think?
Seems to me they sucked up much of the oxygen for ‘dissenting voices’, closing down other points of view, e.g. people such as myself, who from the beginning challenged the ‘vaccine solution’ against a disease that obviously wasn’t a threat to most people.
At least the GBD showed people there were other points of view, and the fact that it was marginalised raised questions as to why that would be. I don't think it intentionally "sucked up much of the oxygen for dissenting voices"....censorship saw to the squashing of dissent, your voice, as well as others with a larger audience, eg Mark Steyn.
I was challenging the response to ‘the virus’ in March 2020, see my BMJ rapid response: Is it ethical to impede access to natural immunity? The case of SARS-CoV2: https://www.bmj.com/content/368/bmj.m1089/rr-6
In particular questioning the ‘vaccine solution’, asking “Is the focus on future fast-tracked vaccine products blocking full consideration of the opportunity for natural herd immunity? Who is Neil Ferguson to say "The only exit strategy [in the] long term for this is really vaccination or other forms of innovative technology that allows us to control transmission".[2]”
I understand the Great Barrington Declaration was published in October 2020. Note how the signatories were very careful to ensure their support for vaccination generally was firmly on the record, feeling obliged to state: “Current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health. The results (to name a few) include lower childhood vaccination rates…” https://gbdeclaration.org
Oh yes, they had to make sure to defend the Church of Vaccination.
These people are a massive problem, they stand in the way of examination of the burgeoning vaccination schedule which is mired in conflicts of interest.
If questioning of vaccination policy and practice had been allowed for years, instead of being suppressed, we wouldn’t be in this mess.
Your letter was brilliant and thanks for reminding us of it, but of course it doesn't discuss 'the vulnerable/elderly' who were allegedly at the highest risk - even though that risk was still rather uncertain at the time.
My own view at the time was : "Summer be a coming in, let the damn bug (whatever it is) rip, and go out and get some sunshine. Sadly whilst even the Chief Scientist clearly believed this, the politics had turned into a wave of witch-hunting frenzy by then, and the politicians and media were losing their marbles.
Ray, I refer to the elderly in my BMJ rapid response published in August 2020, see: Is it ethical to vaccinate children to protect the elderly? https://www.bmj.com/content/364/bmj.l108/rr-4
Quoting from my rapid response:
I was astonished recently to read in The Guardian that children in the UK are given the nasal spray flu vaccine to protect their grandparents, even though children do not often get severe flu.[2]
This was acknowledged by Professor Peter Openshaw, from Imperial College London, one of the members of the UK's Sage scientific advisory sub-group Nervtag, during a House of Lords science and technology committee meeting in June to discuss COVID-19 vaccine development.
And now there are plans afoot to vaccinate children against SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 to protect the elderly.
According to The Guardian article "A vaccine against Covid-19 may not work well in older people who are most at risk of becoming seriously ill and dying from the disease..." and this "may mean immunising others around them, such as children".
It's been reported that most paediatric cases with laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection are mild and severe COVID-19 disease in children is rare. (See comment published in The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health[3])
How can it be ethical to vaccinate mass populations of children against SARS-CoV-2 to protect the elderly if most SARS-CoV-2 infections in children are mild, and severe COVID-19 disease in children is rare?
How can it be ethical to vaccinate mass populations of children against flu if children do not often get severe flu?
Vaccinations are medical interventions which have risks. It seems to me unethical to vaccinate someone against a disease which is not a significant threat to them to protect others, e.g. the elderly. This is a particularly serious matter to consider in countries which have coercive vaccination policies, e.g. Australia and the United States.
And now Reuters reports "AstraZeneca has been granted protection from future product liability claims related to its COVID-19 vaccine hopeful by most of the countries with which it has struck supply agreements..."
According to Reuters, Ruud Dobber, a member of Astra's senior executive team, said "This is a unique situation where we as a company simply cannot take the risk if in...four years the vaccine is showing side effects".[4]
So AstraZeneca has been granted protection from future product liability, and children around the world will be left with the risk of side effects in order to supposedly protect the elderly.
In my opinion this is not ethical.
What do doctors think about this, about vaccinating children with flu vaccines and future coronavirus vaccines to supposedly protect the elderly?
This is not to negate the risks of flu and SARS-CoV-2 for the elderly, but efforts should be concentrated on finding medications to help them directly, children’s right to their own natural defences should not be sacrificed in this regard.
Can Fiona Godlee and Rapid Recommendations editors please urgently consider this matter?
End of quote
And now here we are, with untold millions of children injected with Covid-19 vaccines, against a disease of little or no threat to them.
Remember Bill Clinton's widely mocked "it depends on what the definition of 'is' is" defense of his sexual predation in the work place? Legalistic linguistic obfuscation, ambiguity. His definition of 'sexual relations' was different than what the average listener believes it 'is' for themselves.
So it is for ethics. What ethics means to you, the average listener is different than what public health officials believe ethics are. Bioethics, precisely. Public health officials uniformly subscribe to the Utilitarian philosophy of ethics. Most of us subscribe to Virtue or Kantian philosophies of ethics.
Utilitarianism is the ethics of lies in service to "a greater good." When those making decisions for the many believe they are called upon to make the tough choices that may harm some but may benefit others. Whereas under Virtue and Kantian ethics a lie is a lie, there's no such thing as a "noble lie."
Who proclaimed there was no ethical concerns with hospitals getting paid huge sums for every Covid death they declared. Nope. Completely Ethical! How dare you question them!!:
This paper on Genocide published in 2022 describes Utilitarian ethics as "Humanitarian" (what Fauci was honored as in link above!) because they care *So Much* about humanity!
"rephrase Fyodor Dostoyevsky in Brothers Karamazov and say of ourselves: the more we love humanity in general the less we are concerned about the lives of actual men and women. In our dreams, we often make plans for the service of humanity, and yet we can perfectly say that this mass killing is not as ultimate as that one."
"humanitarianism became essential for modern forms of global governance"
"Consider the term “herd immunity” in this context. The pseudo-Darwinian theories of “herd immunity” have basically meant calculating and arbitrating the number of deaths that can be allowed to ensure the lives of the rest. Indeed, biological security like other security games plays on the principle of determination of ratio. We should not be surprised that modern governmentality is essentially a matter of calculation of various options and possibilities and determination of ratio between options, alternatives, and possibilities."
"Genocide in this way brings in its opposite, the question of life, the strategy of saving some lives by organising some deaths. From Malthus onward, bourgeois historical knowledge of bio-politics has been built on an obfuscation of the principle of determination of the ratio between expendable lives and lives to save because the latter category will be that of productive lives. If the ratio was being hitherto determined by nations at nation-state level, today the ratio is being globally determined...the health safety of the human species as witnessed in the gross inequity in global vaccine availability. In each of these cases, the ratio of lives to be expended and secured is being determined globally."
Utilitarian ethics accepts the proposition that "sometimes you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet" like Stalin:
ALL of it was/is considered "ethical." Under *their* understanding of ethics. Stalin. Hitler. Mao. Fauci. "Ethical Humanitarians."
What do they all have in common besides Utilitarian Ethics? All of them believed they were "good without god."
PS - Wanna hear what else our good doctors do that's ethical? "Nonconsensual Intimate Examinations." The "ethical" framing of "Sexual Assault." For a greater good. Utilitarianism. Note: Despite the support for the bill voiced in the committee hearing by every single legislator, the bill failed. Still legal in Massachusetts and most states for doctors to sexually assault their patients while they're anesthetized:
Massachusetts 2023 H.2146 / S.1333
An Act prohibiting nonconsensual intimate examinations of anesthetized or unconscious patients
Yes, they are still doing this today in my local paper. In my view it is unwise and unethical, but hey: this is like the War of the Worlds, and 'still they come' ...
Yes, the weather in the UK was wonderful and yet people were shut indoors because they believed the lies. We needed to be out in the sun as much as possible after the winter, boost our vitamin D once more.
The whole world lost its marbles. I started collecting them if anybody realised and wanted them back. :)
Fair enough re how much it influenced me, I didn't check the date of publication, but it still get people starting thinking if they hadn't already. It was nevertheless flawed in its thinking.
Controlled opposition gets ridiculed routinely. Otherwise it'd be hard to sell them as opposition ;-)
Covid is an intelligence op. Which means they control more than one narrative and the fog of confusion that results is a very effective technique to obfuscate the truth.
It's clear that the GBD pushed the agenda forward more than it hindered it: it pushed the notion that this ridiculous virus was real, and it pushed mass testing as legitimate.
I guess the whole plan was so that the cruelty took place behind closed doors. Again, this was inevitable - locked institutions have an absolutely shocking record of human rights abuse. The Normansfield Inquiry
Within a blinkered outlook, many could see themselves as dissenters, genuinely believing themselves attempting to ameliorate harms they saw as unnecessary....without being controlled.
We wondered if anyone would ever do this Jonathan, and ARE ECSTATIC to hear this news that you are asking to retract your signature on the GBD. You Sir are a beacon of integrity and PART OF THE SOLUTION!!!! There was no virus, no pandemic and a huge fraud was underfoot at the time of signing the Great Barrington Declaration.
It means well, for sure, but the false Great Barrington Declaration is indeed part of the fraud and problem. Lies can't be allowed to stand as truth if we are ever to fix things!!!
Big appreciation for this courageous and wise move. - IOJ
excellent response. I was totally obliterated from all of my pages relating to fb. Not too sure whether to boast about it or not...but even HERE I am prevented from making an indent via a ;like' button which never seems to work?????????
It’s a problem with older devices being pushed out of operation with every platform update. I venture it’s deliberate to keep devices leashed to the newest invasive tracking features. You will find this problem resolved if you purchase a newer device (and subject yourself to upscaled surveillance).
Please explain the loss of taste and smell for an extended duration without using the term "psychosomatic". This is the linchpin for the narrative and has to be discovered and replicated. Yes, NYC was a total movie set and mass murder happened there but the reveal of the third act needs to be accurate and compelling. It would also create a paper trail back to the order and manufacture of the chemicals / processes that contaminated so many of us.
Sasha Latipova contends chemicals are being dispersed that can trigger such symptoms and can be released via aerosols. Essentially areas could be targeted for the release of poisons: "the weaponized 'disease agents' are mostly chemicals. Some of them are bio-chemicals. ... When deployed, they do not look obvious like a mustard gas attack. They are mild, diffuse, overlap with seasonal flu like illness, and, with a lot of propaganda can be playacted as a “pandemic” convincingly enough for the public dumbed by fear and predictively programmed by Hollywood."
They are master manipulators with endless resources and installed or corrupted puppets everywhere. It’s a mess. But I do believe they’ve overplayed their hand and the tipping point is near where the general public suddenly gets it. One more step too far and the whole thing can come down.
I realize this is still too much of a reality-shift for some, but the evidence that we are heavily sprayed and climate-engineered via aircraft is stacking up. They are literally spraying us like cockroaches. Let that sink in, when looking for unexplained health problems.
On chemtrails: in CA multiple groups have diligently collected rain/snow samples from various periods of storms (front edge, middle, end) and lab analysis clearly shows high levels of heavy metals in the samples from front edge decreasing as storm proceeds. Heavy metals do NOT naturally occur anywhere near these levels, even after volcanic eruptions. So, something is poisoning us. These HMs are in our soil, water & food. The CalEPA is tasked with monitoring our waterways & soil for pollutants, however, they refuse to study these metals at all because, wait for it…they will only study pollutants with KNOWN (identified) SOURCES.
Emphasis: Something/Someone wants a lot of us dead. Covid-1984 was 9-11 with the Flu. Just as 9-11 was used to strip liberties & start unjust wars, so too is the CV narrative needed to finish off our Freedoms & roll in the One World Govt.
Please stop arguing over existence of Virus, and come together to restore Science & Hippocratic Oathe.
The problem with this theory is that prior to the release of the covid shots, even with a massive obesity epidemic raging for two decades we have the easy-to-confirm increase in life expectancy. Only the shots managed to bring that down by killing off more young people than old. Whatever you want to believe about spraying and other energy-dense "final solutions" they must all be pretty crappy in helping achieve any sort of population goals.
One other thing you have to believe if you believe in spraying is that the elites are volunteering themselves to be subjects of these chemicals. Otherwise, as paranoid as they all are they would never set foot in places where this is taking place.
Facts do not live in a vacuum. Always ask yourself "What else must be true?"
Sorry, my response to “ Please explain the loss of taste and smell for an extended duration…” and other ailments, which created the need for people to access the kill-zones, errh, hospitals. Not for killing people outright. Yes, the jabs and ventilators and Remdesivir and Midazolam etc. brought that on. Frankly, the parasitic crust does not live among us. Aerial spraying is generally a localized affair. Yes, drift, but you bet they don’t spray anywhere around their mansions.
It hadn’t crossed my mind to do this. I agree with you that the GBD has been one of several core events which have cemented lies in the public consciousness.
As you know, I’m one step further away from the GBD because I’ve seen ample evidence that acute respiratory illnesses are neither infectious in nature nor are they contagious.
These observations delete even the possibility of a “pandemic”, which is an invented concept, not based on empirical observations which required a name.
Other activities which cement the lie include the specific promotion of unusual treatments for a non-existent illness, eg “ivermectin for the early treatment of covid19”.
Sunetra Gupta & I discussed “variants”, at my request. Her PhD was in multilocus immunity. We agreed the variants story was nonsense and that there was no such thing.
I knew they’d use it to enforce ever tighter restrictions and that happened.
Sunetra refused to go public on this lie, citing concerns for loss of valuable grants.
Excellent Jonathan. ‘Lockdowns’, social isolation, social distancing etc are a terrible and misguided concepts - but especially for elderly and supposedly vulnerable groups. Withdrawing from society, day-to-day social interactions, stopping exercise and getting outdoors, and instilling fear- all start a downward spiral of declining mental and physical health.
As you know Jonathan some of us had the foresight not to sign it at the time 😉😉. Even if there was a pandemic the idea of removing the civil liberties of even just ‘only the old people’ to protect them was always an appalling idea.
Fair points. I do think it’s important to draw a line in the sand and make it clear that you’re not going to play ball when it happens again for disease x, climate, or “safety.”
At the time, my impression of GBD was that it was a subversive document. Dissenting voices had been ignored, drowned out, or canceled, and it was the first example of the grown ups in the room joining forces in an organized way to try to get us off the crazy train (or at least the first example that seemed to gain some traction in the US).
I think “focused protection” (aka “don’t kill grandma”) was an attempt to thread the needle. Not advocating, just contextualizing.
In any case, I think you have your finger on the pulse here. The only way forward is to identify our principles and refuse to lie.
‘Subversive document’. I suspect many signed it for this reason, as I did, while harbouring concerns with content. To fight censorship while aiming to find a resolution to full truth once traction was gained. Similarly extending excuse for the soft-lining of scientific status quo to break through the trance-like communication barrier with the opposing public. After all, at the time we still believed in the ‘power’ of petitions, demonstrations and kind education. Hah. We were so naive to the layers of deception and gatekeepers long put in place for us and the depth of psychologic warfare at play. Infiltration and corruption of every freedom movement is complete. Resistance now depends on spontaneous individual activation - which heavily relies on unrestricted communication. So brace for sabotage here and stand firm in your knowledge that the resistance is alive and standing with you, even in silence. Regardless of make-believe.
Indisputable FACTS confirmed from the world's only official COVID-19 inquiry to reveal what really happened during lockdown. Scotland. Ignored by most of the 'alt' media and 'freedom' movements.
1-Within 4 weeks of lockdown care home residents were severely deteriorating from the restrctions. eg-There was no family contact. No GPs. Ambulances refused to turn up. DNACPRs were misused.
2-There was NO ''COVID testing'' in care homes March-June 2020 during that period the death rate doubled and there were 2,451 excess deaths in care homes. The start of 'the pandemic'.
3-MULTIPLE care home managers have now admitted (responsible for the biggest care facilities in Scotland that also had most 'COVID' deaths of all care homes) they had no idea if residents passed away from COVID and all other health conditions didn't exist and if you took unwell you would be put down as COVID.
The evidence is all there. If this is not THE focus for the COVID sceptics moving forward i don't know what else you are looking for to prove what went on.
The Scottish Covid Inquiry - and your excellent working covering it - has made clear what focused ‘care’ of elderly and vulnerable people looked like in reality: social isolation, restricted contact with relatives, the withdrawal of basic medical care and treatments, neglect, restricted access to outdoors/exercise/sunlight, aggressive use of end of life pathways and DNR orders etc. Isolating the elderly and vulnerable (as per the GBD) was always a dangerous and deeply flawed policy..
Thanks Andrew. A largely thankless task. Not alot of help has been forthcoming past 9+ months and when it has often token gestures of saving face than a serious attempt to wake people up and call all this out!! It's clear to me over the course the vast majority of 'alt' media and 'awake' medics etc are motivated not by truth but by money and or other reasons.
It was evil madness Andrew. Protecting elderly vulnerable meant, to my mind, leading a completely normal life, just no exposure to large groups in say airports, or swimming pools.
That was a solution for a flu season - 3 months maximum.
So why did everyone "woke" feel that this was so unacceptable? - and that we should close down the world instead - ignoring me and many like minded people?
Yes....JJ Couey has been saying this for a long time....... Where are we right now? -- (12 Sept 2024) -- Gigaohm Biological High Resistance Low Noise Information Brief https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2249381359
See if you can get JJ to cover Scots COVID inquiry 2024 health and social care hearing closing statements and or even some of my more recent stuff from UK COVID inquiry which should have made the headlines.
‘'Everyone’s clapping with pots and pans and we’re sort of thinking, This is probably the easiest period i’ve ever had in the ambulance service.’’
Yeah i saw that. That's why needs to do another that was my first ever compilation clip and i've upload loads more since. I reached out to him when on X, no reply. His no nonsense commentary hits home with people.
He says he is getting off X..... that is why I sent you his contact info..... I can send him your info but I know it would mean more to him if you reached out..... loved your compilation that I saw...... keep up the great work and pls, connect with Dr Couey...... https://gigaohmbiological.com/contact-1
Applaud you in your persistence and memory of what happened and will again happen if we don't recognise what was done to us and those people who suffered the most by 'our' Government's response. 'They', our government, the people elected, let people die alone, often in pain and suffering. That reduction of humanity is what I will remember. Have you seen what is being proposed in Northern Ireland regarding Public Health?
I had doubts about the GBD but it was of its time. It needs a revisit.
The debate about, for example, what a 'virus' is distracts from the big problem, such as the consultation on Public Health in Northern Ireland. They propose quarantine on suspicion and mandatory vaccination - the "controversial" bits are left for later to get this through quickly.
I never signed it. In fact I’ve been openly criticizing anyone who did get involved with anyone ( particularly Jay B) his whole group of friends, colleagues, followers who made a mini series off their GBD bs “ science since day one. Zuby, Clifton Duncan ( who blocked me for calling it out and the list goes on, since early 2021.
I believe that his focused protection is actually focused killing. I don’t mince words. It hasn’t made me very popular in the “ freedumb cult “.
What they did to those deemed "vulnerable" under the guise of "keeping them safe" and "duty of care" (two phrases that now send shivers down my spine), is an affront to decency and constitutes some of the most serious crimes against humanity of our time
The GBD crowd has made millions just in speaking fees, not including their crowdfunding campaigns for docu “ science bs. It’s disgusting. It’s injured & murdered millions of people. Dark, evil and beyond disturbing.
I saw Jay B. at a live Together Declaration event in 2022 and again at their 2023 annual event. I was so disgusted by his continual reference to "the pandemic", like it was a real health emergency. And he even commented that he couldn't fathom why the covid jabs had been put on the childhood schedule. It must have been a real mystery to him! I realised he was a total fake. I figured he was preserving his career and research funding. In that case just stay quiet and prioritise your career - but speaking out claiming you are an honest player fighting the system, is so disingenuous. The fact that these people have profited from peddling their dishonesty is galling. The circle of honest "freedom fighters" is ever getting smaller. In fact it's pretty tiny these days.
Look at the thousands who signed the GBD , donated money just to that. Then continue to to all people involved, tours, special events, docu film series, podcasts, meet & greets, books, university tenure salaries, the list goes on since 2020. Yes, millions.
Well - respectfully - I disagree with your position.
Was there a novel virus causing a novel illness? Yes, I believe so, based largely on my personal experience of it.
Are pandemics possible? Yes, I believe so, based on historic human and animal examples.
Was the whole Covid thing ramped up for nefarious ends? Absolutely, in all sorts of ways and for all sorts of reasons.
The GB Declaration represented a significant step in the right direction. History is murky, perfect truth is unattainable, and you can't build coalitions out of purity spirals.
Disagreement is fine. I won't block you for challenging - like Jay B did to Jessica Hockett and will probably do to me.
Question: can you find me anything written anywhere in the world (other than the papers from China) which suggests any excess death or clusters of unusual illnesses before the pandemic declaration?
Assuming not, how do you explain that absence in the context of the now copious evidence of pre-pandemic" spread across several continents globally?
I recall wondering why the virus remained localized in northern Italy...
I do business in China .. and have contacts in the country ... I expected that the virus would spread far and wide when millions from Wuhan left the city for Chinese New Year...
That didn't happen according to people I know in Shanghai and Beijing.
Plus masks were optional, subways and mass transit were fully re-opened in Shanghai, Beijing, etc. and they were having raves and concerts in Wuhan by June 2020. Western firms with offices in China at the time (e.g., Vanguard) were fully re-opened, in-person, no vax mandates, no masks, again, by June 2020.
Then they went on their quixotic "zero COVID" quest after the winter Olympics.
They ended "zero COVID" and supposedly "the crematoria were overflowing" as they dealt with 130,000 "COVID" deaths in January 2023 (normally around one million people die in China every January). Then COVID was gone, absolutely gone, never again to cause an exceptionally mild disease ever again.
It simply makes no sense with what is purported to have happened elsewhere in the world such as the middle of the Amazon rainforest or the "overwhelmed hospitals" of Kyrgyzstan.
Keep in mind even the highly educated did not question cnnbbc... one of the first things I did when Operation Warp Speed was announced was go to the search engines to find out what happened with the well funded initiative to develop a Sars vaccine https://www.wired.com/2003/05/feds-race-to-make-sars-vaccine/
I send this to quite a few highly educated circus animals... they dismissed and fought to be first in line for the Rat Juice shots...
They lack the intelligence gene... most do
Barnyard Animals: these are the Joe and Jane six packs of the world who perform menial tasks. Factory workers, taxi drivers, cleaners - blue collar workers.
Circus Animals: these are the highly trained people such as lawyers, scientists, doctors, engineers - white collar workers.
The Elders see both groups as essentially stupid. They are able to easily control them using a range of strategies including:
Jonathan, if you are claiming, as I think you are, that there was no novel virus (no bioengineered or zoonotic virus), then the pathology evidence is against you. The existence of the spike protein has been positively identified in both 'vaccine' victims and Covid victims - sick, injured and deceased. The spike protein is a real toxic pathogen, attached to the whole virus in its 'wild' form and manufactured by body cells in its synthetic vaccine form. The evidence of its existence is testified by staining of tissues and by the presence of unique spike antibodies, in both vaccinated and Covid infected individuals. It is now beyond reasonable doubt that the spike protein and furin cleavage site were manufactured in a lab and inserted into a virus.
I agree that there was no 'deadly pandemic' and that the vast majority of deaths, illnesses and positive tests were NOT due to infection by a novel virus. But it cannot be reasonably argued that "all and any" such occurrences were faked/due to medical mistreatment etc. It cannot be argued convincingly that the SARS-CoV-2 virus does not exist and therefore was not created in a lab or made a highly implausible leap from an animal host into human beings. The evidence for the existence of an infectious and pathogenic lab created novel coronavirus (complete with pathogenic spike protein) is just too persuasive - notwithstanding any anomalies in the regional and global supposed spread of this virus.
Some basic questions: since so much has been falsified already, why are you certain of the existence of “spike proteins?”
Further, did these proteins exist only since 2019, and not previously?
Science has been heavily falsified for decades, and clearly throughout time. The narratives of the supposed causes and remedies of ailments have been shaped by those who stand to gain in status, power, and money.
So it absolutely can be reasonably stated that all of this was a sham.
I knew we were being played when the nations of the world did not rise up and drag Fauci and the US Govt. into the International Court of "Justice" for bringing this bioweapon on the world.
Perfectly said. It's genetic evidence was sequenced right across the world in multiple labs and it's spike protein is everywhere. Not to mention, that prior to the outbreak it came from a spillover - either natural spillover via an animal host or it was a lab spill, and the virus was man made for the purposes of drug and vaccine research. Everyone knows it was man-made and indexed from the lab and this research group have committed an ultimate sin in science, using those viruses when they were told not to, and they know it --- Hence we have the entire 'virology' group behind the R&D of vaccines, with their backs up against the wall, sweating bullets. This is what will damage the industry - this is what everyone should be cheering for. So I don't understand why this substack is calling Jay Bhattacharya and the GBD liars.... calling them liars about the virus?
Moreover, nobody who claims there was a novel virus ever addresses the fundamental and fatal flaw in that by the same measures as later used to "track the pandemic", it has now been shown that "it was present across multiple continents for months before the pandemic declaration, yet totally unnoticed in terms of deaths or clusters of unusual illness.
Then suddenly - congruent with a psychological assault on humanity and a military grade psy-op involving the unprecedented rollout of mass testing utilising oversensitive and under-specific meaningless tests performed by shoving swabs covered in god-knows what substances up people's noses - this harmless pathogen suddenly acquires lethality and manifests itself in unusual ways it never did before.
If that's the story you rely on then frankly I don't believe it.
It's not as if naso-pharangeal swabbing was ever regarded as useful anyway (in respect of lung pathology), yet the entire ridiculous story depends on it:
All virus outbreaks are a sequence. We don't even need technology, it's a mathematical formula. We can calculate it accurately. I know we should never test for viruses on human life - but they did - they sequenced the entire outbreak. That data - in this situation - is to our advantage. It prove herd immunity - and it proves they couldn't stop the virus.
A virus is genetic code. So a virus outbreak, that is a sequence, is our timeline for life. So no, it wasn't anywhere on earth before Patient Zero in Oct/Nov 2019. That's the thing, it's meant to have a progenitor, it has to come from a previous host. And it didn't, it was created in a lab for research work --- so we've got the whole industry up against the wall - this will bring them down.
Listen Jonathan --- 'public health' department across the western world all fkd up -- there is no denying that. We need to show them why they were wrong. We need to prove to these tyrants, marxist and govt workers why everything they did was wrong.
So it's up to you ---- you can admit to yourself you were wrong and back the right information to bring them all down or you can continue believing your BS .... I don't get why it's so hard to pivot and go with the better path
That is a rhetorical statement which does not address any of the points I have made. It relies on absolute faith in the sequencing and PCR technologies.
In any event, the thrust of this piece was a critique of the pandemic narrative and the fact that the GBD was sustaining it.
It didn't mention and does not rely on the status of viruses in general or SARS-CoV-2 in particular, because they and it could exist as your sequencing suggests and we still wouldn't have had a pandemic since any and all harms were caused by the response instituted, not the direct result of an infection with a particular virus. In other words, had we done nothing and carried on treating respiratory illnesses as we always have, nothing unusual would have happened.
If you think it would, please explain the unnoticed global spread of it" and the sudden explosion of lethality timed precisely upon the pandemic declaration, as I have pointed out above.
There are countless studies which demonstrate that the spike protein (wild and vaccine produced) damages the endothelium by binding to the cells which line the vessels. It would take something pretty extraordinary to conclude that they are all fundamentally wrong, i.e. in the assumption that the spike protein exists and is toxic/pathogenic. I have yet to see that extraordinary counter evidence.
Please take some time to look at the clinical papers that are claiming to detect ‘spike protein’ - none of them actually find/isolate spike protein. All of them look for antibodies/antigens that they claim belong or result from the virus that has never been proven to exist.
All of it was a con.
Until people take the time to read and understand the details they will continue to spout the fabricated lies that are being used to control us.
It is beyond reasonable doubt that the whole COVID 19 nonsense was a load of bollox from start to finish.
Virology is, to be blunt up shit creek without a paddle, and the back and forth on natural origins versus lab origins a whopping great Red Herring.
Appalling industrial pollution in Wuhan especially in winter gave the opportunity for the authorities to mislead the Decidedly Dim into thinking there was a mutant lurgy in China and then transferred to North Italy in the Po valley where the same issues occur in the industrial plain where it is cold and damp.
4.5 years on and still I have to say this. The evidence is crystal clear once you see through the industrial smog!
And I also, as someone who is blocked for disagreeing with the "great" Tim West, fully respect your decision not to block someone who disagrees with you.
THIS is the key, methinks. If it was widespread before--and it was (if "it" even exists)--then we'd have stacks of bodies, packed ICU's, etc. But...crickets. Maybe it was a new flu, but it was pretty generic in terms of IFR, etc.
this is what i would love to know. Recall the emergency dr in NY who started a YT vlog to say they were treating the wrong disease and it was actually a blood disorder ?? He was removed to another job for 'speaking out' . recall the welsh surgeon standing outside the children's ward saying tonnes of welsh children were seriously ill and/or dying ?? I found both credible at the time tho the latter now is becoming a bit suspect . Early on many Drs said it was not a respiratory virus but a thrombocytopaenia illness ... I still have no understanding of what they were experiencing. initially graded protection of the public was clearly a good idea in order to see what was what given that bioweapons may have been involved .. I assumed from day 1 it was all a simulation (for various reasons) but i do understand the thinking behind GBD and prof Knuts suggestions etc. 'Just in case'. what do you think the NY Drs were encountering ?? surely they would have known if drugs were administered and causing what they saw ?? my suspicion is still that 5g etc arent helping our health and could cause sudden pockets of illness.
SARS-CoV-2 had a 21 day replication cycle (which is the infection period for a host)
It infects it's host by binding to receptors in the nose, then finds it's target cell in the upper respiratory tract - then transfuses with the cell's membrane and enters cell - where it releases its viral genome, Translates it's RNA, Proteolysis, Replication RNA mirrors it's own frame, then Transcribes in the hosts ER, before reassembling itself and lyses cell open on release - to exit host and enter new host, repeating exact cycle...
That was the SARS-CoV-2 pathway.
Easy. So easy in fact that it was asymptomatic for most people.
However for a very small fraction of human population, who had a predisposed autoimmune condition that meant they had existing symptoms of inflammation - the virus infection took a different pathway.
And when a virus gets trapped and can't continue it's pathway (replication cycle) forward -- it will take over the hosts body, causing havoc and triggering the rapid onset of disease as it tries to find a new pathway out - it needs to shed. It has to move forward. It is a virus. Otherwise host will die.
🇺🇸 (North America continent)
SARS-CoV-2 seeded in NYC on January 20th 2020
SARS-CoV-2 had R naught R₀ 3.3 (So every primary case infected, would on average infect another 3.3 people, and those 3 secondary cases would infect 3 more people each - and so on and so on)
After seeding late January on each continent - and knowing it had a 21 days replication cycle, I noted how many 'cases' were in each city where it seeded on February 15th 2020 to calculate the rate of spread.
February 15th 🇺🇸- records 15th confirmed case 🧬 SARS-CoV2
February 15th 🇮🇹- records 3rd confirmed case 🧬 SARS-CoV2
February 15th 🇫🇷- records 12th confirmed case 🧬 SARS-CoV2
February 15th 🇦🇺- records 15th confirmed case 🧬 SARS-CoV2
Then I recorded date of the 10th DEATH on each continent
February 25th🇮🇹 〰️ ✝️ records 10th DEATH of SARS-CoV2
March 4th🇺🇸 〰️ ✝️ records 10th DEATH of SARS-CoV2
March 6th🇫🇷 〰️✝️ records 10th DEATH of SARS-CoV2
March 10th🇪🇸 〰️✝️ records 10th DEATH of SARS-CoV2 (record approx.)
APRIL 6TH 2020 - THE BIG REVEAL ➖➖➖➖➖🦠🌏🦠🌏🦠🌏
The day the world could see what this Novel virus looked like and how it behaved. We had the virus blueprint (who was susceptible to death)
Given 100% susceptible population The world should have ceased any lockdown on this day! This was the day the virus outbreak hit peak load (daily death because it had a 21 days build up ) then from this day forward - transmission plateaued and continued across the world until it reached herd immunity threshold on April 30th 2021.
Snapshot of the stats on April 6th 2020 Blueprint
Worldwide 🌏
SARS-CoV2 Deaths Worldwide 〰️ 88,323
SARS-CoV2 Cases Worldwide 〰️ 1,508,965
SARS-CoV2 Recovered Worldwide 〰️ 329,632
Australia 🇦🇺
SARS-CoV2 Deaths in Australia 〰️ 50
SARS-CoV2 Cases in Australia 〰️ 6,013
SARS-CoV2 Recovered in Australia 〰️ 2,813
By Country ✝️
Italy death number 18,279〰️ 🇮🇹 60 million population
U.S death number 15,824〰️ 🇺🇸 327 million population
Spain death number 15,238〰️🇪🇸 46 million population
Australia death number 51 〰️🇦🇺 25 million population
Death Rate All Cases
Fatality Rate on April 6th 2020 by age group.
(Fatality rate stayed the same and did not change)
80+ years old 14.8%
70-79 years old 8.0%
60-69 years old 3.6%
50-59 years old 1.3%
40-49 years old 0.4%
30-39 years old 0.2%
20-29 years old 0.2%
10-19 years old 0.2%
0-9 years old 0.0%
Death rate = (number of deaths / number of cases) = probability of dying if infected by the virus (%) This probability differs depending on the age group.
The percentages shown do not have to add up to 100% as they do NOT represent share of deaths by age group. Rather, it represents, for a person in a given age group, the risk of dying if infected with COVID-19.
You can disagree with fire not being hot doesn't mean it won't burn you. The facts as to what Dr.Engler has said are VERY clear to those paying attention to tthe real world evidence. The silence on the following from the GBD authors and the 'medical freedom community' in general is extremely disturbing if they care about the truth.
kind of funny how the television crews were allowed to mingle in hospitals in Italy, showing all of the sick with covid people with humidifier bubbles on their heads.
NYC was overly accommodated for all of their complaints and needs, much that was not used. All of the silly crying over ventilators. Meantime, nurses were able to dance in the halls for tiktok and many hospitals had plenty more than plenty of beds, but just taking willy nilly patients off the street for the funds lost because of the stupid shut downs
In 2020 they rebranded the 'flu. This has occurred in different ways over many decades. It is good business to rebrand when sales are flagging.
The pandemic was created out of fear which spread by lies, ignorance and general stupification of the masses both chemically and by mass media.
The idea of a novel virus makes a book, a novel, but that is what it was, a made up story. There was no new pathogen and no new illness, full stop.
The GB Declaration did get people thinking, including myself. They still were wide of the mark though and it only took me 2 months to turn my thinking round from April to start of June.
Thankfully I was not a doctor but I was still slow off the mark.
''the only way to prevent “the next pandemic” is to demonstrate to people the utter ridiculousness of the story they have been told about the past few years.''
Very well put Dr.Engler! The key to unlocking the COVID agenda lies at the Scottish COVID-19 inquiry. Nowhere on Earth are you going to get as many admissions OFFICIALLY as to what REALLY took place. It is high time pressure was applied to these big name 'medical freedom advocates' about it all which i suspect is the reason i got banned (wrongly) from Twitter/X.
100% agree with every word here, and elegantly articulated too.
I reached my own personal conclusion in March/April of 2020 that the entire boondoggle was a massive farce and power grab serving a Marxist global agenda.
I hope more people are awakened to reality before it’s too late.
Well written and thought out and I agree entirely. Lab leak versus zoonatic origins is actually them playing castle keep to guard the entire isolated germs are spread from one person to another theory. This is the foundation for the need to use all of these control mechanisms in biodefense that so clearly do more harm than good...
It's the false dichotomies that keep the fake narratives alive and distracting from the real issues such as searching for the truth; just as germ theory vs terrain theory was a false dichotomy in the 1800s and persists to this day; Pasteur always knew his "germs of the air" theory was wrong but did not relent in pursuing that false view until on his deathbed; during the same epoch Antoine Bechamp, the real medical genius of the time, was showing how important our immune systems and healthy lifestyles (bodily terrain) were in warding off opportunistic "pathogens", those very bacteria and "viruses" which were always content to live uninterruptedly on their own as they have been for millennia ; that other mostly forgotten genius was Florence Nightingale who did much more than revolutionize nursing care but, as with Bechamp, all but forgotten in the medical history books; so we have Pasteur as the Fauci of his day and could be rightly called the father of allopathic medicine and promoter of "vaccines" and the false belief that all disease states could be overcome with the use of vaccines; today's modern day medical frauds continue in that same legacy of fake science whose sole purpose is to keep the charlatans in the profit-making business and perpetuating the lies and deception that keep them in that business.
I never signed The Great Barrington Declaration because I saw it as a baseless call to harm and isolate the elderly, for no valid reason.
Even from a purely blind epidemiological perspective, we eventually proved this: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0293556
And our extensive work showed since 2 June 2020 that “there was no pandemic”: correlation-canada.org/research
Dr. Rancourt, I recall your then-radical, now-not-so-radical, positions from way back in 2020. I recall being dismayed when Panda, reacting to complaints and knee-jerks of some of it's more mainstream advisors, took down one of your papers. Even then, it seemed to me that there was a view of "acceptable positions" even among the dissidents! Anyway, funny how the wheel almost always makes a full turn.
💯👍🎯 Just wait til the wheel does another revolution😉
#wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforget #wedonotforgive #theylied #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised
You might like this open letter to Dr. Jay Bhattacharya:
Dr. Rancourt, please explain the extended loss of taste and smell experienced by people all over the world. Was this contaminated water, a simultaneous release of a modified influenza strain relabeled as "covid", or some other mechanism? How can this be replicated and proven empirically?
There is a significant scientific record of these symptoms with flus and colds. Use Google and Google-Scholar... Usual keywords will put on their track. These are normal symptoms associated with generic respiratory tract conditions ("infections").
As someone in their mid-50s who has had flu a half-dozen or more times in their life, not to mention has a recollection of news and the lived experience of everyone around me, your statement sounds an awful lot like the same medical gaslighting everyone has gotten from their doctors, nurses, pharmacists and the media over this whole thing.
With all due respect, no, significant numbers of people with influenza infections do not lose their smell or taste for a year. Can some of the fine sensory cells be damaged for a while in a small number of patients? Yes. But this has NEVER been such a mainstream and common problem that 25%-50%+ of everyone who got what you propose - influenza - lost their senses for months.
I know the common saying. It is easier to fool someone than to convince them they've been fooled and I am fully aware of that possibility. But I'm looking empirically. Look at the stats of how often influenza patients (and let's go back to some sort of reputable time in medical science - 1990s) reported loss of taste and/or smell for 6 months or longer. Now let's compare that to what happened in 2020-2021. If you have hard data that these two periods of time are roughly equivalent then I'll gladly pay the gas bill. :)
What about the absurd nasal swab 'tests' - could they have damaged the olfactory area and caused the lack of taste and smell? I know of many people who said they lost taste and smell - and every one of them had done the fake and dangerous pcr nasal swab.
I had this, as well, and I think I was having loss of senses prior but, yeah, I would be willing to accept that this was actually the culprit. I need to go back into my email and see if I mentioned it to anyone.
Another ancillary point is re-infection. I have an excellent immune system and rarely in my life have been sick. I do not travel and have worked at home for over five years. I got "covid-ish" sickness in July 2020 and exactly one year later in July 2021. Since then, nothing. Second bout did not affect my senses nearly as much, if at all.
I think from a data standpoint there was something because of the patents and the intent from the Fauci cabal going back decades. They have definitely played around with all sorts of crap. I'd be more inclined to believe we had some sort of a hearty specimen of flu that was simultaneously released all over the world by following up on their prior releases of SARS in Asia back in the mid 2000s.
Remember, flu tests are abandoned and the number of cases of flu were simply shifted to this bullshit PCR fake "covid" test. In the few instances where doctors were first testing for flu and then doing PCR nonsense, people tested positive for flu. Even so, almost no doctor would report it as such for two reasons: 1. A positive PCR meant more money. 2. Harassment. If, as a doctor, you kept testing people for flu first and that's what they had, you would be the only doctor never finding covid. How long would that last?
Oh, and the third reason: More money. Each covid patient was worth $100k or more to "the system".
There were so many lies it was, and still is, mind warping. I do tend to believe that maybe 'they' let loose 'something' on bigger cities, because the people I know who had something called covid were all in bigger cities.
after some anecdotal suspicions pointing towards ‘ flu ‘ shot 2019 strange reactions, I posted a question on twitter April 2020 asking if others experienced the same directly through taking it or observing around them. I got about two hundred replies from American, UK, Ireland an Italy of which all but two either agreed fully or found this view compelling. I repeated the exercise twice over the next year receiving many responses from Australia as they're winter flu shot program ramped up in our summer. I think “ they “ whoever they are have been experimenting for some time in prep for “ operation covid 19 ‘ using the already globally established flu shot supply chain as the delivery vehicle.
initially “make them ill enough to scare em not kill em “ an shut everything down. then do a controlled reduction through the subsequent an continuing injection program as lived experience an data shows.
what's in store this winter who knows. if I'm correct the world is there oyster using a global injection program disguised as a health benefit/health essential
Your ideas are ignorant of the fact that 2018 flu was worse than corruptionvirus in every country.
Got the "covid" but never got the swab, lost my smell and taste for abut 5 months. Never had this happen with any number of times I have had the flu. So, I don't think the swab had anything to do with it. My husband had it longer than I did and my daughter, who gave it to us, had the loss of taste and smell for a year. No swabs for any of us.
I have to agree with Ruth Gordon. I have only ever had "flu" (I suppose it was) once in my life, about 20 years ago and rarely get colds (I'm 66). My husband and I both got "Covid" in late 2021, we assume, as the symptoms were unusual, including COMPLETE loss of taste and smell that occurred overnight. Neither of us had used a nasal swab prior to that (or since) and by the time the anosmia kicked in, any nasal/sinus issues had gone - in fact, we didn't really have any nasal issues, mainly coughs. After about 10 days, the taste and smell returned, also overnight. It was nothing like the sort of loss of taste and smell that occurs with colds/flu. As we rarely get respiratory infections anyway, it seemed odd that we should suddenly succumb to "something". By the way, we live on the edge of a small Somerset town, no 5G was around at that time or any other reason that many people seem to suggest.
excellent post. my own view is flu shot 2019 was used to spread the novel symptoms in the community globally. tell em it's the flu shot but give them something else. symptoms were like nothing I ever experienced before at same time as traditional flu symptoms strangely disappeared. there was a massive campaign to get flu shot uptake up from 2018 onward. I think it was in preparation for launch of covid19 via the flu shot
im inclined to think the tests were deliberately contaminated however the weird symtoms widely experienced began before testing. there is alot of circumstantial evidence pointing towards 2019 flu shot as the origin. a new blend deliberately unleashed to cause the symptoms that came to be known as covid. in short covid was the 2019 flu shot. in my opinion. subsequent community injections, testing etc allow for a range of ever changing symptoms to be continued indefinitely
Re my comment above, my husband and I hadn't used any swabs before we got "Covid" or whatever it was. We did use them once afterwards because we had to go to a festival, but that was the following year and we haven't had "Covid" again since the first pre-swab time!
Could be aerosol spraying in our skies (among a plethora of other things). Remember, this was a PLANdemic -- planned well in advance, and no doubt the murderers also had a backup A, B, C to obtain their objectives.
Thanks Ruth, I'm unjabbed...had minor "cold" symptoms 3 years ago and lost my sense of taste.. did not regain. I'm old, and this has never happened before.
Not only that, but I developed a very obvious parosmia with Covid. It returned on a second bout of Covid (but not with an intervening regular cold). It smelled the same each time (though fainter on the second occasion).
Parosmia is not a characteristic of a cold with the typical blocked nose that limits taste & smell.
Exactly. Except people are now doubting themselves and falling for the "all in your head" nonsense seemingly as a way to put a bow on the whole thing and stop thinking about it. This is not the way to go. Those symptoms need explaining.
Many more appear to be making a connection between the the symptoms of illness suffered by some in 2020/21 so and electromagnetic radiation. Loss of taste and smell are definitely a possible result of radiation therapy. Maybe the 5G theory is correct?
I almost certainly had the illness in February 2020, as I lost my taste and smell temporarily afterwards. I never had any nasal swabs.
an me, sore eyes ( very sore ) leg cramps so bad thought veins were being crushed. randomly falling asleep without intention and waking up an hour latter fine. felt like sudden drops in blood oxygen returning to normal an then happening again another day as if body fighting something. never in my life experienced these kinds of symptoms. many family, friends and neighbors similar. a common refrain was “ weird, hard to explain “ symtoms.
I took no injections of any kind, never tested or followed any rules etc. always believed the official story was a lie but that also mainstream resistance explanation was “ falling for deliberatly leaked psy - op.
I experienced first strange symptoms from round february 2020 which lingered in one form or another for 3 months an then towards end of summer 2021 less heavy but still very strange for a few weeks. nothing since then so far.
I have seen an explanation re loss of smell and taste with this but can’t remember the details or a link. It made sense that there is a physiological reason for. Not much help I know but just to let you know that there is a reason. 😎
Please see my other comments re multiple phenomena that are not mutually exclusive in any way. Including phenomena that do not affect All Cause Mortality data; and phenom for which dominating information was taken in within a frenzied blanketing of professionally-crafted sanctioned dis-information also being portrayed as medical "science."
Specifically to your focus of the sx of loss of smell/taste, which has been attributable to "viral " infections historically - there are numerous interesting factors to explore. Consider, just for one facet, the recent medical phenomena of venomous snake-bite victims [SBE] now experiencing more severe/debilitating sequela than in prior history.
Why could it be that the general population that happens to get SBE, are now unable to recover as well but have more enduring damage compared to past SBE victims??
Could it be secondary to some kind of more general yet sub-acute toxicity of compounds chemically like venom, somehow entering the population at large??
If everywhere we turned the professional journals and radio & news channels were telling us that a novel and therefor poorly-understood animal-toxin jumped a species barrier, we could certainly convince ourselves this was NOT the normal range of SBE adversity, but something scarier. And especially if the novel level of toxicity was just only causing hemi-paralisis or cardiac problems (but not actually affecting excess mortality) even though we were blasted 24/7 with the news that it increased death rates too! Can you see how this might affect your personal understanding of what is happening, even if subsequent COI-free expert analysis showed no increased mass SBE fatality??
But in this example it actually IS "hard data" true that the population is experiencing more severe SBE sequella medically speaking. But it isn't being scientifically examined and the factors contributing to it very likely have nothing to do with the snake's biology/ bite itself, but certainly something to do w other vectors of symptom exacerbation.
Have you thought about other vectors of symptoms onset and asymptom exacerbation?
I know "empirically" MDs were spreading the word during the active Covid operation that no matter the presentation of symptoms or testing, if there was loos of smell/taste "it's covid." Of course as mass promoters of fundamental violations of medical ethics and dangerous experimental drugs, there's COI as well as lack of supportive citation,
All to say, just because there's a bad season of respiratory disease, one can't draw direct conclusions about an observed increase in a "novel" characterization (extended periods of loss of taste/smell) of that statistically normal occurrence that support a model of a particularly fatal and spreading communicable disease (as we were told CV19 was.) This is NOTHING like "gaslighting." Rather, its' critical analysis. It includes knowing what one does not know.
Just look at your assumptions and see what does and does not possibly validate and invalidate those assumptions.
Then maybe look at what else contributes to the huge range of symptoms that we are endlessly told to attribute to the novelty of "long covid" - and most especially such a "model" in the simultaneous presence of experimental injections of 99+% those same subjects. (There's where real gaslighting lies lay.)
That's all. Many a analytically-minded CV19 follower has succumbed to similar conflation of assumptions but find their way out with better information and a willingness to self-examine. (& PS listening to the "news" or recollecting it is not empirical evidence of disease causation.)
Try n9n replicat8ng infectious clones to which basic et al have a patent or two..you can release them..like a poison..but they cann9t pass from person to person. Go look it up.
nasal swaps, and I would also consider that many who took the “new” flu vaccine in 2019 (research that) could have simply been detoxing from that poison.
I think the loss of taste and smell came before the nasal swaps but they may have prolonged the effect.
EDIT: The threading thing makes it hard to see who comments are directed to. Mine is directed to Ruth Gordon.
1. Why ask questions when you so readily have all the answers you need?
2. Do you realise that by openly admitting you subjected yourself to nasal rapes, you're outing yourself as a covid dupee?
3. Do you not know that the "news footage" of a "NY hospital" was identical to "news footage" from a "Bergamo, Italy" hospital?
4. Have you done some soul-searching to try to understand what it is inside you that makes you need to keep the propaganda narrative alive?
5. Do you not know that, just as it's impossible to have a piece of a unicorn because unicorns are a work of fiction, it's impossible to have a "spike protein" from "the SARS-Cov-2 virus" because the SARS-Cov-2 virus is also a work of fiction: IN SILICO FICTION?
agree, the symtoms were completely different to normal years. I believe the 2019 ‘ flu ’ shot was the origin. deliberate global distribution of a new poison. this explains the disappearance of so called traditional flu symptoms and the appearance of the completely novel and very strange symptoms widely experienced whether ‘ flu ‘ vaxed or not. ( I was non vaxed but experienced these symptoms an took several months to feel fully ok again ) .
There was a very big push from 2018 to get flu shot uptake numbers substantially up.
In retrospect I believe this was to prepare for ‘ flu ‘ shot 2019 as the mechanism of a planned global poisoning. I agree that the denying of the existence of novel and weird symtoms, that it was just the flu, or that nothing happened is gaslighting.
when the ‘ covid “ shots were heavily deployed in 2021 I experienced illness again though not as bad. ( ive taken no injections of any kind during or before the events of the last few years ).
I think lab leak stories an “ just the flu’ stories are deliberately leaked an encouraged by security/media to obscure the poisoning theory I propose above
I remember Ruth Gordon from “Laugh In”. I can't take you seriously either.
lol Congrats, you are the first one to figure out the reference. Trivial pursuit also seems to be the peak of your logical powers.
Curious, because I got the reference wrong: I'd mixed up the wonderful old actrice Ruth Gordon (the real one) with another 'Ruth' in the cast of the old telly comedy. Funny you didn't pick up on that (who needs 'Trivial Pursuit' when one has chat bot, eh?). But your powers of logic are truly amazing: you can zing from one point of view to its opposite in the space of a comment. And my goodness, you've got so much to say; it's almost as if your aim is to dominate a thread and thereby
drive it off-topic. Now THAT'S a trivial pursuit.
Everyone keeps spelling convid wrong!
Low zinc levels due to continuous exposure to various glyphosates sprayed on food crops, not just as pesticides & herbicides, but directly on GMO crops as desiccant a few days before harvest could be affecting the sense of smell & taste of those chronically exposed and succeptible due to an already reduced antioxidant status from various causes. The glyphosphates cause zinc deficiency in the sources of the zinc in our bodies, plants, and thus over time can lead to zinc deficiencies in us.
As since May know, OTC supplement treatments like Dr Zelenko's pills (and other antioxidants) resolved the flu & common cold in his patients and kept them out of her hospital, as well as restored their sense of taste & smell.
Not to this extent. I commented above about a FB group I joined for parosmia. Membership was in the 100s. People with injury, post viral, unknown causes. Thie grew to 10,000s over a year with post covid infections. Some with such severe parosmia, they were considering suicide. It was a horrible 18months for me.
Would you care to suggest an appropriate response to a person who claims to have had "covid" back in 2019 -2020 and have there ever been valid tests available for the thing?
The sickest I ever got was on a trip to Europe in 2014 after extended layovers and delays in flights. Lack of decent sleep for 40 hours and I spent the next week being the absolute sickest ever. Unfortunately I can't blame it on COVID, I have to blame it on, I dunno, lack of sleep, or breathing recirculated airplane air, or... or who knows. Since then I haven't gotten sick, ever.
Every year, a certain percentage of people will get "the sickest ever" after years of "not getting sick."
If they are encouraged by "every government in the world" to become insane people with a mental disorder called "hypochondria" they will all-of-a-sudden "discover" all kinds of novel symptoms, etc.
In my opinion the mass mental illness people forced themselves to develop explains a lot more about COVID than just about anything else.
My comment at the end of this is similar:
"Why did I and my family go down with something really weird in late 2019 then?
This is a postscript I have added following some comments. I really should have included it before publishing:
This article is receiving a number of comments along the lines of “I had a weird / the worst illness ever in Dec 2019” (or similar), so I thought I would add some commentary to that claim, since it has been voiced so many times to me before:
The fact remains that even if these observations WERE representative of a true biological phenomenon:
No reports of clusters of unusual illness were writen about at the time8 - so whatever “it” was it had minimal impact anywhere.
Whatever “it” was, it wasn’t capable of causing a congruent signal in terms of excess deaths.
So if - and it’s a big if in my view - there was something novel around, it was harmless until those behind the pandemic narrative efforts decided to tell us all about it and test for it in a frenzy. So, under this paradigm it would be wrong to regard this purportedly novel thing as the cause of “the pandemic”, since the harms which people regard as the constituent elements of “the pandemic” resulted from the response to the idea of something novel circulating, not the (purportedly) novel thing itself.
Put differently, Jon Snow’s “pump handle”9 is a narrative, not “a virus”.
However, I would question what is really meant by “something novel”. Illnesses regarded as viral in nature have always manifested in weird and wonderful ways. The question “did you have that weird bug going around recently” did not hitherto raise the question of whether humanity was under bioattack.
It’s worth thinking of these things as we do with climate and weather. The latter is changing all the time. Ask people to shout out if they have recently experienced the most extreme weather they have ever known and at any time many people will say “yeah, last week it was X, Y or Z”.
But does that (alone) mean the climate is changing? No. It means that in an incredibly variable system it is virtually inevitable that observation and confirmation bias will give the impression that something is changing, when that change is actually illusory."
The last two paragraphs nail it. Selection and confirmation bias sufficiently explain covid until a better explanation comes along.
Acute 24/7 blanket propaganda focused everyone’s attention on symptoms that were always present in the pre-covid years, but until then they were experienced individually, that is until ‘covid’ came along to take all the credit.
I myself suffered many pre-covid sinus ‘infections’ that caused loss (or peculiar alteration) of taste and smell. I never thought much of it, never posted about it on social media for likes or sympathy, or out of fear.
Others may have never experienced these bizarre taste and smell symptoms so when the “worst cold/flu of my life” occurred during all-covid-all-the-time, each individual going through that for the first time would have had little reason to think it *wasn’t* covid.
John snow turned outvto be a bacteria..not a virus..rna viruses mutate so fast they cannot go around thecworld intact.
What do they offer as proof of it being covid?
None. Just symptoms. Mine were severe along with my wife's in December '19. The episode was similar to one we both had in February '22 and now another for me in September '24. Antigen testing aside (which doesn't provide "proof"), what really is there? Or was that the point of the query?
Yes, that was the point. Interesting if there was a loss of taste and smell as well as the flu-like symptoms pre-2020. Could have just been regular flu - sometimes it's really bad esp if the person is not overly fit. But I trust that people know their bodies and their personal history. They'd know if they got something unlike anything they've ever had before.
See coming de chien...and others..a flu was going around in 2019...way before it was rebranded covid
Not according to Nobel Prize Laurent PhD Dr Kary Banks Mullis who invented PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) out of his own mouth said, PCR was for amplification in study and not to tell if anyone's sick. He ends up dying in Aug 2019 in Southern California where at 74 was still surfing!
I got a T-Detect test, which was said to have confirmed a T-cell immune system response to COVID-19 a few months after I had a weird illness, which fit the profile of the disease.
So, I'm inclined to think there was something going around, but also that it was grossly exaggerated, the reponse was far more deadly than the bug, and often flu was mistaken for it.
I did learn some very good measures to take when I feel a bug coming on, which have prevented me from getting ill at all the last couple years as I write this.
At that point they're so bought-in to the official narrative, maybe look at why the govt and corporations rushed full fledged into the violation of basic human rights and excruciatingly obvious medical ethics violations despite very serious lack of "science" behind it? Very suspicious, no?
The duplicitous nature of the testing and it's cycle thresholds.
LIke why was the notion of natural immunity completely & suddenly forbidden. Why were pilots allowed to fly within 48hrs of an experimental drug? The masks. The funnel of billions from middle class to pharma. Unprecedented censorship; quash of any contrary data. All clearly for naught now.
Money. Covid was incentivized like nothing in the history of the world and isn't even close. The amount of cash poured in through the govt and insurance companies was, and still is, outrageous. Didn't hurt that a lot of deep pockets wanted to rig the presidential election, either. Notice that the NY governor today kicked off an attempt to seize control of the government again due to one person supposedly dying of equine encephalitis. One.
the widely experienced symtoms in 2020 uk or as some in California reported to me as experienced in December 2019 bore no relation to traditional cold or flu. what I experienced was completely novel in my life experience. I was 47 at the time, now 52. I agree events were staged/planned in advance, that covid vaccines are harming and killing people. In fact I think so called vaccines have always been experiments/weaponised. I'm an unapologetic anti vaxer but also think the mainstream resistance position of “ it was just the flu “ or nothing happened is pure gaslighting. how anyone can make an equivalence bewteen the lived experience of ( in my case practically everyone I know and overheard in the street and societies common historical experience of cold/flu symptoms (whatever the origin) is making my head scratch. with the greatest respect.
I would add to that that there was a big hoohah in the media when they added anosmia to the list of covid symptoms and those who really feared covid could well have developed those symptoms through suggestion.
Exposure to chemicals or heavy metals will do the trick. Disturbance of smell and taste are also common symptoms of radiation sickness.
Personally, I'm way more inclined to accept that as possible explanations than a so-called virus that has never left a computer simulation.
Those symptoms are indicators of a zinc deficiency. https://drjockers.com/15-zinc-deficiency-symptoms/
BECAUSE the spike protein is an incredible chelator of zinc. https://academic.oup.com/metallomics/article/14/7/mfac047/6620854
This is worth exploring. I wonder if people taking 30-50mg of zinc daily experienced this. I think some did. That’s a lot of zinc to chelate.
I think one of the main critical thinking pieces people seem to miss, is that there can be multiple phenomena occurring over the same operative time periods, and in fact that would be to the advantage of macabre operation orchestration (to especially keep people overloaded w information / confused, frightened, or even considering themselves superiority -informed while focused on only a well-crafted Red Herring.)
Meaning there can be a completely media-produced sense of epi/pandemic while at the same time having only the usual seasonal disease is purposely sensationalized as terrifyingly "bad" (perhaps with a loss of sense of smell/taste, "strange" neurological symptoms, or being "more severe" for young healthy people to recover from.)
As we have all observed, it's easy to lead mass-thought to grab on to (not necessarily sensical) notions in the middle of anything distressing / highly unusual [like jets purportedly flying into skyscrapers - and then the notion systematic collapse of those buildings is explained by the 'heat generated by their remaining jet fuel'.]
So, for another (haha hypothetical ) example, there could also be euphemistically termed gain-of-function research costing the tax-payers millions and millions - sounding sci-fi creepy as well as doomsday hopeless - even though practical cases of infection are completely defeated w some zinc supplement or fresh garlic bulbs (pretty pathetic 'bioweapon'.)
I've heard the term "trauma-based mind control" to describe how when under this large scale trauma, even the stupidest ideas seem somehow reasonable especially in the abstract or geographically separated scenes. Plus especially with repetition of the stupid explanation, over and over and over, but with supporting imagery like the same funeral pyre over and over or the same refrigerator truck (with no bodies in it) over and over. And especially when the magnitude of the destructive intentions are psychologically unacceptable - such as when intentionally killing millions of ones own citizens just by demanding socially to "do the right thing" and get "vaccinated."
So the Covid operation lens was placed on everyones faces, such that many of us became convinced of some special pathogen during the media bombardment. & maybe there was some special toxicity or 5G or popular cheap snack food - at the same time, just not in enough lethality to affect ACM or support the factual occurance of spreading communicable disease. Multiple phenomena can exist and not neccessarily be mutually exclusive in any way.
Also not diminishing the data or conclusion of Rancourt et al / Correlation Research, yet forcing us to question how we framed the information we took in from paramedics or pulmonologists or our neighbors/family.
Lots of people can see now excess death in their circles, some will attribute it to 'long covid' and others to mass mRNA "experimental" drug administrations, and still others to "getting to be a certain age." But the clean, accurate, non-COI expert scientific work affirms what the undertakers and actuaries have seen all along.
Ruth, I think many of us are probably going through a similar thing. I was “sick” with a strange “flu” in March 2020 with symptoms I’d never experienced previously. Like you I rarely if ever get sick, was fit and active in my 40’s, decent diet etc. Intense muscle soreness, aches, fever etc which I naturally ascribed to “covid”. That was my reality in March 2020 and for a couple of years thereafter. HOWEVER … since then I’ve come to realise the unbelievable power of the human mind to gaslight ourselves, that a large part of that was likely some version of the mind leading the body … I had been told a few days earlier of a work colleague “testing positive”, our office had closed in a panic and we had been sent to “work from home” indefinitely, and we’d all heard about these symptoms that Covid induced … a weekend later and I was sick. My reading of so much of this now is much better informed by the likes of Prof Rancourt and Jonathan, I am now almost certain that no such novel “virus” ever existed, and at best this was simply repurposed “flu” turbo charged by rampant, constant propaganda and scare mongering.
You may not realize it but you may be gaslighting yourself or allowing yourself to be pulled into a dangerous area by giving up so quickly on the notion that something novel happened, whether it be a "coronavirus" or some sort of modified flu or spray.
Let's be empirical about it, though. Ask yourself what would need to be true in order for it "all to be in our heads"? After all, this, too, is a hypothesis that would require as much proof as saying "it was a virus" or "it was a toxin", no?
Data is a bitch. It is there whether you want it to be or not. If there was a actual loss of taste then presumably this would affect consumer purchases, behavior, public discussion and, probably most conclusively, reports of this symptom to doctors. This is quantifiable and comparable to your proposition of "repurposed flu". So, what was the frequency of people reporting loss of taste each year when they tested positive for flu?
I have seen many others such as yourself make the following response to this: "Well, if it was in everyone's head that this was a symptom then they could easily imagine something tasted differently and report it at a higher rate than in the past. This would cause over-reporting."
To that I would ask, "Even for ice cream? Chocolate? Cheese Doritos?" People do not give up their favorite foods, their comfort foods, due to propaganda and suggestion. To affect someone in this way would require extreme aversion therapy or mass psychosis even for people such as me who did not fall for the jab and was skeptical of everything that was happening all the way through. My personality is one of extreme independence to the point of making independent choices in situations that don't even call for it.
No, it was not in my head and likely not in yours, either. It may be now, though. Be careful how much you suppress your instincts. It is not healthy. Trust your gut. Always.
Oh, one other thing. Every six months we hear there's a new "covid-19" variant. What is going on with that? There are thousands more skeptics now than there were three years ago. What are they looking at when looking at "the latest variant"? Is this a continuance of the operation that is still fooling everyone or is there a genetic "thing"?
Notice, too, that instead of the latest variant zipping around the world in a few days or weeks that they seem to be localized as is normal for a particular variant of anything. So...what changed? I think they did have something infectious but they systematically released it everywhere all at once so as to bypass normal, natural methods that prevent "pandemics" in the first place. Pandemics cannot happen due to biological mutation and how nature firewalls and protects itself. We have to stop this baby-with-the-bathwater and "it was singular X" way of thinking. 2019-2020 was a stew of a lot of different disgusting behavior, not just one thing.
Genomes change frequently, so there will always be new variants. Early in the pandemic many would be watching to see how different the new strain would be -how different the symptoms/fatality rates could be. But now there appear to be few changes, and reporting of ‘new variants’ is more likely to be used to promote vaccination.
Yes, it isn't the emergence of new variants, per se, that I am talking about. What I'm driving at is that everyone was told that covid-19 (meaning 2019 is when it was "discovered", of course) had an incredibly distinctive feature, the Furin cleavage site on the base of its spike protein. How distinctive? It was patented, i.e. made it obvious the virus was man made. Remember, I am going off of what they told everyone.
Okay, so now if that was true the each successive variant that is discovered can be used to trace forward and backward through the genomic evolution. So...what happened to the cleavage site? Who is even attempting to use this genomic evolution as proof or lack of proof for any sort of novel pathogen that spread? The science of the lies can show the lies of the science to be trite about it.
As for what killed people? That was doctors and nurses, plain and simple. Withholding antibiotics, steroids and, of all things, vitamins from people with pneumonia and bronchial infections was criminal. That's where the deaths came from.
But the loss of smell and taste in high frequency came from somewhere, too. There are multiple layers to the onion. They all need peeling.
"People do not give up their favorite foods, their comfort foods, due to propaganda and suggestion. "
I had this bug in late December 2019 and quit smoking permanently on Jan 2nd 2020 as it just tasted horrible - a lifetimes habit, gone, just like that. And it still stinks to me.
And that was well before I read about the loss of taste.
Greg, I think there was something that was somewhat novel. In January 2020 we had an incredible outbreak in a 3 story office building that within a couple of weeks took out over 80% of the occupants. It was highly contagious and I think it was introduced by someone who just returned from a trip to Florida. I got asked to investigate because it was a highly unusual outbreak. Yet no one died. No one suffered breathing problems that they thought warranted a visit to the hospital and be put on a ventilator. That phenomenon came a few months later and as you say we gaslit ourselves. Also, whatever it was arrived months before they claimed it did.
My family were hit in late Dec 2019 with a hard bug after we had a visit from a US citizen who works on a huge US army base. Is there a connection with the Wuhan World Military Games in Oct 2019 at which many athletes fell sick , and was this a bioweapon? Who knows?
Yes, that does seem to be the case. It was here long before they said it was. We could have gotten through it just fine had they not created a lot of drama and fear around it. It was the denial of treatments other that the "kill" treatments in the hospitals and the deadly jab that got most folks.
Poisoning! They constantly sprinkle the sky with poisons. It is not a problem to dispense a larger amount of something once or twice. Sodium cyanide, for example, causes shortness of breath. https://chemtrails.substack.com/p/edta-poison-the-3-ingredients-used/
From my own experience since I was a child I must point out that in most cases my sense of taste and smell were lost for a number of days after a cold.
Ruth, the corruptionvirus was sold to us as "deadly" - yet here you are, STILL illogically following the narrative you've been fed: do you recall tasting the chicken noodle soup you gratefully ate when you had flu and saying "wow, that's great soup!"? No. Of course not. Because you were poorly and ill and were feeling feverish and weak.
Let me give you another example - because you will change your mind Ruth, because it was a scam: when a child is scamming Ng a "sore throat" to get off school for the day, THAT CHILD TASTES the medicine administered. BUT when the child is really poorly THEY NEVER TASTE THE MEDICINE.
Start thinking clearly, please.
Clearly you have not even bothered to read what I've posted or made an attempt to understand it. Your post does not relate in any way to what I have written. You also have chosen to use your own unscientific, unsupported personal hypothesis to refute every single person in this thread who is telling you they experienced something very different with the "covid time-period illness" than anything they ever experienced before. Yes, there were many simultaneous conspiracies all running at the same time, the worst of which was hospitals murdering people to sell the scam, but two things can be true at once. Way more than two, actually. You are not reasoning like a critical-thinking adult.
Ruth, I had heard from another physician that the taste and smell receptors get blocked with the spike protein. Some have had success with nicotine patches. It seems to clear up those receptors.
Ive suffered bad flu several times in my 73 yrs. Each time I experienced total loss of smell
For six months to a year? If so that would be the outlier and not what we saw during covid.
Also, did you have a noticeable change in odor in your urine and/or excrement for six months to a year? This is another very common symptom.
I don't think that people arguing the side of "it is just normal for flu" are accounting for frequency. By far, previous typical cases of flu did not have malingering symptoms. Short-term smell and taste disruption, yes. Prolonged? No.
As mentioned in another comment the use of nasal swabs wouldn't in the least surprise me as being the cause but 5G also could be the culprit. History shows that rollouts of wireless technologies coincides with epidemics.
I joined a FB group that had a membership of 100s swell to 10,000s all experiencing the same symptoms post covid infection.
I am interested in this too. I tested positive along with my daughter Oct 21 and felt dreadful for 5 days. I lost sense of smell and then we both experienced parosmia for 12- 18 months. Back to 90% now. I've never had flu, but this was a something, had terrible aches. Nothing to do with detoxing, zinc or nasal swabs.
Did you guys get the jab? Any jab, really.
No jabs for either of us. And on the FB group I joined which had 10,000s new member since covid there was a split of jabbed, unjabbed. 🤔
I signed it because we needed something like that at the time - it represented a mainstream and respectable opposition viewpoint. In practice the idea of focused protection was better than the alternatives then available, even if nobody knew what it meant.
Well it also spoke against numerous nonsensical measures, yet within the (previously) widely accepted mode. Ultimately the CDC had to capitulate to the same as the GBD stance, though that went un-noticed in the mass-media (intentionally of course,) despite doing so being contrary to so many mandates and requirements being shoved onto us all at the time.
Such statements are always a compromise. I mean, a purist might have instead called for Dr Fauci to be hung in public, along with his co-conspirators, but the political fallout would have been unlikely to further our noble and worthy cause !
I applaud you too, for your good common sense, honesty, integrity and your bird
Is there a study out there correlating “Covid” death clusters with proximity to major hospitals? If not, there should be.
Good thinking, but I’d imagine they’d say that density was a confounder which explains all.
Dr Rancourt, I have been a great fan and promoter of your work. It's nice that the interpretation of your work requires no new theories such as whether or not Viruses exist, or whether contagion exists. It's just Life and death, indisputable. There was not contagion of Death in the COVID period. But there was indeed plenty of death to go around, so what (and who) caused it matters....
And because of this, now so many years later that your work has not been refuted, that we must assume that anyone still advertising that there was a pandemic must at least be ignored, and probably suspected of being controlled opposition. It helps to explain why Jay Bhattacharyya could still be working at Stanford in "the belly of the Beast."
It’s interesting that J B continued to push the shot for the elderly (does he still??) in light of the fact his work at Stanford focuses on the economics of epidemiology. Darn those old people can cost a fortune.
100% staged, lie, a FRAUD perpetrated on POTUS Trump (45 was NOT part of this) & the world! 100% of COVID was a lie, NOTHING was real! There was NO pandemic! We killed people by the RESPONSE
Medical system, our physicians, hospitals KILLED our people, the lockdowns & school closures killed for a LIE! a PCR process manufactured LIE! Complete, to the Malone Bancel et al. deadly mRNA shot!
Tell us what you know about New York City, Dr. Alexander.
Good work Denis, as always
Very interesting. Stellar! 🌠
In my opinion you have further proven your integrity. Also, I happen to agree, but that is not so relevant.
What the letter says to the GBD is how exactly how it unfolded from the very beginning of 2020 ..... from the Corman-Drosten PCR Paper ( peer reviewed <48hrs), the hazmat suited medics wheeling a patient on a trolley in a hospital in NE England in Jan 2020, to the televised addresses by the the PMs of many countries in March 2020, the universal chorus of 'no one is safe until every one is safe', and the mass testing and masking of the healthy. It all screamed 'orchestration', as did the 24/7 anti human propaganda.
The Great Barrington Dec did have had good intentions, and it was 'batted away' by the UK and other govts, which shows it did challenge 'their' agenda. However, unwittingly ( probably) it does indeed embed the notion of a 'novel' virus. The KC in the Hallet Inquiry went to great lengths to draw that facet of 'Covid-19' out. The word 'novel' is essential, the linchpin for all sorts of draconian interventions, then and in future. Perhaps the authors of the Declaration did not forsee its ramifications.
The fact NONE of the GBD medics have spoken about the Scottish COVID inquiry revelations is absolultey shocking and calls into question their motives as well as acumen. https://biologyphenom.substack.com/p/scottish-covid-19-inquiryclosing
Agreed.....they don't wish 'to bite the hand that feeds them'. Many want their 'challenges' forgotten now, have become equivocal about their opposition.
It's a big ''awake'' (to profits) club and you and i and many others are not in ''the big club.'' ;-)
The comedian George Carlin spoke about that topic
I guess it's like attempting to share w someone who's been jabbinated > once, the extraordinary increases in cancer rates or cardiac issues or clotting disorders.
Pyschologically they just are not going to look at what they've been a willing and active part in.
I've tried to get an old boyfriend to report his turbo cancer to our state Attorney General. But since he was also involved in coercing others to jabbinate, he's not about to consider such ramifications, even if potentially in his own personal interests.
💯 percent correct.
It’s not shocking. Scotland is a small country and their Covid Inquiry has a profile lower than a beetle’s backside
Really Rob? It's NOT shocking? the world's best evidence of what went on during lockdown completely ingored for 8+ months by the prominent medical freedom/scientific community. We can agree to disagree then. This is beyond shocking! Credit to 'Dr' John for being the ONLY popular 'awake' medical commentator to draw attention to 2024 closing statements. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCteHX7jxyg&t=670s&ab_channel=Dr.JohnCampbell
"the world's best evidence" - quite a claim there.
But you may be right. And thanks.
''world's best evidence''. eg-It is the ONLY OFFICIAL inquiry in the world that has heard directly from ordinary people effected by the lockdown policies etc (first hand accounts under oath) and yet has been and continues to be ignored and or dismissed not only by the msm but most of the 'alt' media and medical freedom community advocates. That should trouble anyone concerned about truth.
Am not a big fan of 'Dr' John but at least he did cover 2024 closing statements when sent. You will find no reports anywhere else in the world.
I can add this stuff till blue in the face from Scotland. https://biologyphenom.substack.com/p/newexclusiveannes-law-consultation
Their statement is correct, as far as I can tell, since in no other country had there been an enquiry in which the panel heard directly from relatives of those killed in hospitals, care homes and deprived of appropriate medical care in the community.
Most of that testimony makes me weep.
Knowingly or otherwise a large number of people were killed by the “care” they were given & many died extremely distressing deaths.
I have lost all respect for medical staff as a group. I wasn’t particularly impressed by the abilities of in particular doctors up to that point.
Three out of four close family members were almost killed / inappropriately treated during the previous 30 years.
I drew the conclusion that incompetence was commonplace, added to which lack of interest in whether their diagnoses were accurate.
Recently, this has been topped off by evidence of lack of medical ethics and a willingness to be obedient rule followers, even if doing so was fairly obviously harmful.
My advice now as well as personal counsel is to avoid doctors if humanly possible except for cases of acute trauma, probable infection and in relation to pregnancy and childbirth.
Thanks. I believe we were all aware, at some level, that harms were being done in Care Homes in April 2020. I have looked at the UK's CFR at that time, and concluded that UK healthcare seems to be the worst in the world.
I'd need to revist some history to confirm that a private criminal prosecution was in place in the High Court in London and among other things a misuse of midazolam was in evidence.
That court case seems to have gone nowhere.
Thanks for your advice, it confirms my thoughts on this.
The GBD may have had good intentions and it challenged the ‘agenda’ being pushed by governments- but it was deeply flawed and misguided too. Advocating/imposing/enforcing lockdown restrictions on any section of society fundamentally violates basic human rights and is government overreach on an appalling scale BUT it is also terrible public health policy - especially for elderly and vulnerable people. The GBD can not be allowed to be held up as a viable alternative for the next ‘pandemic’/ scam.
and every single government globally continues as if nothing happened at all! This all VANISHED quicker than an ooooppsss!
Several lawsuits against jabbination makers by a few states in the US. Now pesticide/herbicide manufacturers are tryng to get in on the same legal immunity that pharma and MDs and hospital admin has had for the last 5 years, w new legislation in congress this month!!!
It provided the *illusion* of an educated class of contrarians. Who's contrary views were still safely positioned within "acceptable" boundaries of civil discourse. "See, we're not alone - all these very smart other medical professionals see what we see, too! There's hope!" As GBD helps the Overton Window shift in the same general direction these ill-intentioned authorities desire.
Those who saw and maintain their vigorous opposition to the entire pandemic scam are still tsk-tsk'd by many of the GBD signers, who try to maintain their "credibility" with the ill-intentioned authorities. "We, GBD signers, disagree with the official actions, but we're not like those crazies over there, who totally reject the underlying 'science,' so don't lump us in with *them.* We're respectable peers!"
Yeah well, that's what passes for intelligence in medicine and academia.
Good call. Brilliant analysis.
Point taken....basic human rights were trampled on by governments and not pushed back on by doctors, and where there was any pushback it was half hearted, or, too cautious. It certainly didn't support the 'ordinary man' in the street.
I wouldn't hold the GBD up as any sort of alternative! Perhaps/probably there were/are just too many in hock to Big Pharma, and seemingly the higher up the 'food chain' the less support they gave to ordinary mortals. There were many nurses on the marches who stood against the mandates and for personal bodily autonomy.
I still say the GBD at least pointed to ignored (yet widely embraced) science. Ignoring that science promoted the surreal widespread violation of human and civil rights. After the CDC got sued for cherry picking data for it's recommendations that all corporations and small businesses then felt compelled to follow, CDC had to back down to at least GBD level scientific understanding. No matter this was ignored and the pure insanity kept being pushed anyway.
Re “The Great Barrington Dec did have had good intentions, and it was 'batted away' by the UK and other govts, which shows it did challenge 'their' agenda.”
Do you think?
Seems to me they sucked up much of the oxygen for ‘dissenting voices’, closing down other points of view, e.g. people such as myself, who from the beginning challenged the ‘vaccine solution’ against a disease that obviously wasn’t a threat to most people.
At least the GBD showed people there were other points of view, and the fact that it was marginalised raised questions as to why that would be. I don't think it intentionally "sucked up much of the oxygen for dissenting voices"....censorship saw to the squashing of dissent, your voice, as well as others with a larger audience, eg Mark Steyn.
I was challenging the response to ‘the virus’ in March 2020, see my BMJ rapid response: Is it ethical to impede access to natural immunity? The case of SARS-CoV2: https://www.bmj.com/content/368/bmj.m1089/rr-6
In particular questioning the ‘vaccine solution’, asking “Is the focus on future fast-tracked vaccine products blocking full consideration of the opportunity for natural herd immunity? Who is Neil Ferguson to say "The only exit strategy [in the] long term for this is really vaccination or other forms of innovative technology that allows us to control transmission".[2]”
I understand the Great Barrington Declaration was published in October 2020. Note how the signatories were very careful to ensure their support for vaccination generally was firmly on the record, feeling obliged to state: “Current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health. The results (to name a few) include lower childhood vaccination rates…” https://gbdeclaration.org
Oh yes, they had to make sure to defend the Church of Vaccination.
These people are a massive problem, they stand in the way of examination of the burgeoning vaccination schedule which is mired in conflicts of interest.
If questioning of vaccination policy and practice had been allowed for years, instead of being suppressed, we wouldn’t be in this mess.
Your letter was brilliant and thanks for reminding us of it, but of course it doesn't discuss 'the vulnerable/elderly' who were allegedly at the highest risk - even though that risk was still rather uncertain at the time.
My own view at the time was : "Summer be a coming in, let the damn bug (whatever it is) rip, and go out and get some sunshine. Sadly whilst even the Chief Scientist clearly believed this, the politics had turned into a wave of witch-hunting frenzy by then, and the politicians and media were losing their marbles.
Ray, I refer to the elderly in my BMJ rapid response published in August 2020, see: Is it ethical to vaccinate children to protect the elderly? https://www.bmj.com/content/364/bmj.l108/rr-4
Quoting from my rapid response:
I was astonished recently to read in The Guardian that children in the UK are given the nasal spray flu vaccine to protect their grandparents, even though children do not often get severe flu.[2]
This was acknowledged by Professor Peter Openshaw, from Imperial College London, one of the members of the UK's Sage scientific advisory sub-group Nervtag, during a House of Lords science and technology committee meeting in June to discuss COVID-19 vaccine development.
And now there are plans afoot to vaccinate children against SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 to protect the elderly.
According to The Guardian article "A vaccine against Covid-19 may not work well in older people who are most at risk of becoming seriously ill and dying from the disease..." and this "may mean immunising others around them, such as children".
It's been reported that most paediatric cases with laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection are mild and severe COVID-19 disease in children is rare. (See comment published in The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health[3])
How can it be ethical to vaccinate mass populations of children against SARS-CoV-2 to protect the elderly if most SARS-CoV-2 infections in children are mild, and severe COVID-19 disease in children is rare?
How can it be ethical to vaccinate mass populations of children against flu if children do not often get severe flu?
Vaccinations are medical interventions which have risks. It seems to me unethical to vaccinate someone against a disease which is not a significant threat to them to protect others, e.g. the elderly. This is a particularly serious matter to consider in countries which have coercive vaccination policies, e.g. Australia and the United States.
And now Reuters reports "AstraZeneca has been granted protection from future product liability claims related to its COVID-19 vaccine hopeful by most of the countries with which it has struck supply agreements..."
According to Reuters, Ruud Dobber, a member of Astra's senior executive team, said "This is a unique situation where we as a company simply cannot take the risk if in...four years the vaccine is showing side effects".[4]
So AstraZeneca has been granted protection from future product liability, and children around the world will be left with the risk of side effects in order to supposedly protect the elderly.
In my opinion this is not ethical.
What do doctors think about this, about vaccinating children with flu vaccines and future coronavirus vaccines to supposedly protect the elderly?
This is not to negate the risks of flu and SARS-CoV-2 for the elderly, but efforts should be concentrated on finding medications to help them directly, children’s right to their own natural defences should not be sacrificed in this regard.
Can Fiona Godlee and Rapid Recommendations editors please urgently consider this matter?
End of quote
And now here we are, with untold millions of children injected with Covid-19 vaccines, against a disease of little or no threat to them.
Depends on what your definition of "ethical" is.
Remember Bill Clinton's widely mocked "it depends on what the definition of 'is' is" defense of his sexual predation in the work place? Legalistic linguistic obfuscation, ambiguity. His definition of 'sexual relations' was different than what the average listener believes it 'is' for themselves.
So it is for ethics. What ethics means to you, the average listener is different than what public health officials believe ethics are. Bioethics, precisely. Public health officials uniformly subscribe to the Utilitarian philosophy of ethics. Most of us subscribe to Virtue or Kantian philosophies of ethics.
Utilitarianism is the ethics of lies in service to "a greater good." When those making decisions for the many believe they are called upon to make the tough choices that may harm some but may benefit others. Whereas under Virtue and Kantian ethics a lie is a lie, there's no such thing as a "noble lie."
Utilitarians call it "ethical lying":
The Chief Bioethicist at the National Institute of Health is Dr. Christine Grady:
Her husband is Anthony Fauci. And she says he's the epitome of ethical!:
And how dare you question her or her husband's ethics!!:
They demanded all get "vaccinated" to save lives!:
Fauci. He and his wife have no use for God or any other higher authority:
Their ethics are 'honorable':
Honored by Interfaith religious institutions as a top "Humanist," even as he publicly declares he's "good without god":
It's not just the Fauci's. Take the American Medical Association Journal of Ethics board member, Julie Aultman:
https://www.neomed.edu/directory-profile/aultman-julie-128199/Julie Aultman
Who proclaimed there was no ethical concerns with hospitals getting paid huge sums for every Covid death they declared. Nope. Completely Ethical! How dare you question them!!:
This paper on Genocide published in 2022 describes Utilitarian ethics as "Humanitarian" (what Fauci was honored as in link above!) because they care *So Much* about humanity!
"rephrase Fyodor Dostoyevsky in Brothers Karamazov and say of ourselves: the more we love humanity in general the less we are concerned about the lives of actual men and women. In our dreams, we often make plans for the service of humanity, and yet we can perfectly say that this mass killing is not as ultimate as that one."
"humanitarianism became essential for modern forms of global governance"
"Consider the term “herd immunity” in this context. The pseudo-Darwinian theories of “herd immunity” have basically meant calculating and arbitrating the number of deaths that can be allowed to ensure the lives of the rest. Indeed, biological security like other security games plays on the principle of determination of ratio. We should not be surprised that modern governmentality is essentially a matter of calculation of various options and possibilities and determination of ratio between options, alternatives, and possibilities."
"Genocide in this way brings in its opposite, the question of life, the strategy of saving some lives by organising some deaths. From Malthus onward, bourgeois historical knowledge of bio-politics has been built on an obfuscation of the principle of determination of the ratio between expendable lives and lives to save because the latter category will be that of productive lives. If the ratio was being hitherto determined by nations at nation-state level, today the ratio is being globally determined...the health safety of the human species as witnessed in the gross inequity in global vaccine availability. In each of these cases, the ratio of lives to be expended and secured is being determined globally."
Utilitarian ethics accepts the proposition that "sometimes you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet" like Stalin:
Which leads to:
Why did so many German doctors join the Nazi Party early?
International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, September 22, 2012
Who were actually following US eugenics law! Defendants cited Buck v. Bell at Nuremberg:
Buck v. Bell, American Eugenics, and the Bad Man Test:
Putting Limits on Newgenics in the 21st Century
Minnesota Journal of Law & Inequality, January, 2020 https://scholarship.law.umn.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1622&context=lawineq
ALL of it was/is considered "ethical." Under *their* understanding of ethics. Stalin. Hitler. Mao. Fauci. "Ethical Humanitarians."
What do they all have in common besides Utilitarian Ethics? All of them believed they were "good without god."
PS - Wanna hear what else our good doctors do that's ethical? "Nonconsensual Intimate Examinations." The "ethical" framing of "Sexual Assault." For a greater good. Utilitarianism. Note: Despite the support for the bill voiced in the committee hearing by every single legislator, the bill failed. Still legal in Massachusetts and most states for doctors to sexually assault their patients while they're anesthetized:
Massachusetts 2023 H.2146 / S.1333
An Act prohibiting nonconsensual intimate examinations of anesthetized or unconscious patients
Committee on Public Health, 9/20/2023
(Timestamp Begin 03:24:40 - 03:34:30 End)
Where do you think Dr. Larry Nassar got the idea he could sexually assault all of those Olympic athletes without repercussions in the first place?:
Utilitarian ethics systems lead directly to "ethical" mass murder and rape. Depends on the definition of what "is" is? And "ethics."
Yes, they are still doing this today in my local paper. In my view it is unwise and unethical, but hey: this is like the War of the Worlds, and 'still they come' ...
The tripods from Mars are coming!
Yes, the weather in the UK was wonderful and yet people were shut indoors because they believed the lies. We needed to be out in the sun as much as possible after the winter, boost our vitamin D once more.
The whole world lost its marbles. I started collecting them if anybody realised and wanted them back. :)
It did get people starting thinking and although it is a while ago now, I consider it part of the mix that made me say something is not right here.
Because the madness went on and on I kept on researching until I got the basic answers in June 2020.
The Great Barrington Declaration was an open letter first published in October 2020.
Your contribution makes little sense.
Fair enough re how much it influenced me, I didn't check the date of publication, but it still get people starting thinking if they hadn't already. It was nevertheless flawed in its thinking.
Good call. I'm inclined to think of censorship as a fishing net that allows the minnows to escape.
And thanks for your comment on GBD and the Church of Vax.
Controlled opposition gets ridiculed routinely. Otherwise it'd be hard to sell them as opposition ;-)
Covid is an intelligence op. Which means they control more than one narrative and the fog of confusion that results is a very effective technique to obfuscate the truth.
It's clear that the GBD pushed the agenda forward more than it hindered it: it pushed the notion that this ridiculous virus was real, and it pushed mass testing as legitimate.
OK, but what was the alternative? Denial? That would have been very hard to sell to any but the most dedicatedly cussed!
How could anyone of sound mind "deny" the cruelty dished out in the care homes?
I guess the whole plan was so that the cruelty took place behind closed doors. Again, this was inevitable - locked institutions have an absolutely shocking record of human rights abuse. The Normansfield Inquiry
Br Med J 1978; 2 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.2.6151.1560 (Published 02 December 1978)
Cite this as: Br Med J 1978;2:1560 https://www.bmj.com/content/2/6151/1560
Within a blinkered outlook, many could see themselves as dissenters, genuinely believing themselves attempting to ameliorate harms they saw as unnecessary....without being controlled.
We wondered if anyone would ever do this Jonathan, and ARE ECSTATIC to hear this news that you are asking to retract your signature on the GBD. You Sir are a beacon of integrity and PART OF THE SOLUTION!!!! There was no virus, no pandemic and a huge fraud was underfoot at the time of signing the Great Barrington Declaration.
It means well, for sure, but the false Great Barrington Declaration is indeed part of the fraud and problem. Lies can't be allowed to stand as truth if we are ever to fix things!!!
Big appreciation for this courageous and wise move. - IOJ
excellent response. I was totally obliterated from all of my pages relating to fb. Not too sure whether to boast about it or not...but even HERE I am prevented from making an indent via a ;like' button which never seems to work?????????
It’s a problem with older devices being pushed out of operation with every platform update. I venture it’s deliberate to keep devices leashed to the newest invasive tracking features. You will find this problem resolved if you purchase a newer device (and subject yourself to upscaled surveillance).
oh yay! the ‘like’ button worked!@! Somebody paying attention at last?? ;-) Nothing changed my end….
We keep hearing about the blocked likes??? Substack!!! grrrrrr
try opening your preferences files for your browser.
Most likely an ad blocking program.
This is just one of many frustrations with updates at both ends.
Oh thats interesting - great idea! - It's been going on for almost a month now with various people complaining! Will share the tip! Thanks : )
I do not know why. 🤓... I have learned so much from my husband.
I know more about CARS and F1 racing and other racing, and cell phones and electronics and car engines, than I ever dreamed possible.
Each time a program updates, or your own computer makes updates, there are a few settings that get "reset" in choices you did not intend.
Different browser worked for me.
Please explain the loss of taste and smell for an extended duration without using the term "psychosomatic". This is the linchpin for the narrative and has to be discovered and replicated. Yes, NYC was a total movie set and mass murder happened there but the reveal of the third act needs to be accurate and compelling. It would also create a paper trail back to the order and manufacture of the chemicals / processes that contaminated so many of us.
Sasha Latipova contends chemicals are being dispersed that can trigger such symptoms and can be released via aerosols. Essentially areas could be targeted for the release of poisons: "the weaponized 'disease agents' are mostly chemicals. Some of them are bio-chemicals. ... When deployed, they do not look obvious like a mustard gas attack. They are mild, diffuse, overlap with seasonal flu like illness, and, with a lot of propaganda can be playacted as a “pandemic” convincingly enough for the public dumbed by fear and predictively programmed by Hollywood."
That article is a gem and worth reading for this alone!
"They “leak” from labs almost every week, and using CRISPER gene drive narrative logic, all mice in the world should look like Ralph Baric by now."
Everything is possible. Fact is nothing was deadly and children, adults, elderly EVERYONE was coerced, masked, tested and injected.
Only the very VERY strong willed said no.
They are master manipulators with endless resources and installed or corrupted puppets everywhere. It’s a mess. But I do believe they’ve overplayed their hand and the tipping point is near where the general public suddenly gets it. One more step too far and the whole thing can come down.
I realize this is still too much of a reality-shift for some, but the evidence that we are heavily sprayed and climate-engineered via aircraft is stacking up. They are literally spraying us like cockroaches. Let that sink in, when looking for unexplained health problems.
The spraying is so outrageous you don't see much "science" to see it. You just have to "see" it.
On chemtrails: in CA multiple groups have diligently collected rain/snow samples from various periods of storms (front edge, middle, end) and lab analysis clearly shows high levels of heavy metals in the samples from front edge decreasing as storm proceeds. Heavy metals do NOT naturally occur anywhere near these levels, even after volcanic eruptions. So, something is poisoning us. These HMs are in our soil, water & food. The CalEPA is tasked with monitoring our waterways & soil for pollutants, however, they refuse to study these metals at all because, wait for it…they will only study pollutants with KNOWN (identified) SOURCES.
Emphasis: Something/Someone wants a lot of us dead. Covid-1984 was 9-11 with the Flu. Just as 9-11 was used to strip liberties & start unjust wars, so too is the CV narrative needed to finish off our Freedoms & roll in the One World Govt.
Please stop arguing over existence of Virus, and come together to restore Science & Hippocratic Oathe.
Excellent argument, David.
The problem with this theory is that prior to the release of the covid shots, even with a massive obesity epidemic raging for two decades we have the easy-to-confirm increase in life expectancy. Only the shots managed to bring that down by killing off more young people than old. Whatever you want to believe about spraying and other energy-dense "final solutions" they must all be pretty crappy in helping achieve any sort of population goals.
One other thing you have to believe if you believe in spraying is that the elites are volunteering themselves to be subjects of these chemicals. Otherwise, as paranoid as they all are they would never set foot in places where this is taking place.
Facts do not live in a vacuum. Always ask yourself "What else must be true?"
Sorry, my response to “ Please explain the loss of taste and smell for an extended duration…” and other ailments, which created the need for people to access the kill-zones, errh, hospitals. Not for killing people outright. Yes, the jabs and ventilators and Remdesivir and Midazolam etc. brought that on. Frankly, the parasitic crust does not live among us. Aerial spraying is generally a localized affair. Yes, drift, but you bet they don’t spray anywhere around their mansions.
We agree with Sasha 1000% and it was our own conclusion prior to hearing her take.
We had the loss of smell part - we did not take the shots (possibly people shedding the funk onto us?)
Our Attorney took the non-vax and he lost all taste - hot sauce and could not feel it.
So give us the list of signitaries.
Well done, Jonathan.
It hadn’t crossed my mind to do this. I agree with you that the GBD has been one of several core events which have cemented lies in the public consciousness.
As you know, I’m one step further away from the GBD because I’ve seen ample evidence that acute respiratory illnesses are neither infectious in nature nor are they contagious.
These observations delete even the possibility of a “pandemic”, which is an invented concept, not based on empirical observations which required a name.
Other activities which cement the lie include the specific promotion of unusual treatments for a non-existent illness, eg “ivermectin for the early treatment of covid19”.
Sunetra Gupta & I discussed “variants”, at my request. Her PhD was in multilocus immunity. We agreed the variants story was nonsense and that there was no such thing.
I knew they’d use it to enforce ever tighter restrictions and that happened.
Sunetra refused to go public on this lie, citing concerns for loss of valuable grants.
We’ve not conversed since.
She has vested interests in the flu shot
Mike, your business - big (P)harm(a) - has been a bad boy for many decades, INCLUDING the years you made fat
I want you to explain more than just 'it's"
Own up to the whole charade.
Excellent Jonathan. ‘Lockdowns’, social isolation, social distancing etc are a terrible and misguided concepts - but especially for elderly and supposedly vulnerable groups. Withdrawing from society, day-to-day social interactions, stopping exercise and getting outdoors, and instilling fear- all start a downward spiral of declining mental and physical health.
Indeed so. There were upsides to stopping and taking stock but far too many people stopped loving their neighbour.
So OBVIOUS yet...
As you know Jonathan some of us had the foresight not to sign it at the time 😉😉. Even if there was a pandemic the idea of removing the civil liberties of even just ‘only the old people’ to protect them was always an appalling idea.
Fair points. I do think it’s important to draw a line in the sand and make it clear that you’re not going to play ball when it happens again for disease x, climate, or “safety.”
At the time, my impression of GBD was that it was a subversive document. Dissenting voices had been ignored, drowned out, or canceled, and it was the first example of the grown ups in the room joining forces in an organized way to try to get us off the crazy train (or at least the first example that seemed to gain some traction in the US).
I think “focused protection” (aka “don’t kill grandma”) was an attempt to thread the needle. Not advocating, just contextualizing.
In any case, I think you have your finger on the pulse here. The only way forward is to identify our principles and refuse to lie.
‘Subversive document’. I suspect many signed it for this reason, as I did, while harbouring concerns with content. To fight censorship while aiming to find a resolution to full truth once traction was gained. Similarly extending excuse for the soft-lining of scientific status quo to break through the trance-like communication barrier with the opposing public. After all, at the time we still believed in the ‘power’ of petitions, demonstrations and kind education. Hah. We were so naive to the layers of deception and gatekeepers long put in place for us and the depth of psychologic warfare at play. Infiltration and corruption of every freedom movement is complete. Resistance now depends on spontaneous individual activation - which heavily relies on unrestricted communication. So brace for sabotage here and stand firm in your knowledge that the resistance is alive and standing with you, even in silence. Regardless of make-believe.
Jees! It was an obvious scam from the get go.
Indisputable FACTS confirmed from the world's only official COVID-19 inquiry to reveal what really happened during lockdown. Scotland. Ignored by most of the 'alt' media and 'freedom' movements.
1-Within 4 weeks of lockdown care home residents were severely deteriorating from the restrctions. eg-There was no family contact. No GPs. Ambulances refused to turn up. DNACPRs were misused.
2-There was NO ''COVID testing'' in care homes March-June 2020 during that period the death rate doubled and there were 2,451 excess deaths in care homes. The start of 'the pandemic'.
3-MULTIPLE care home managers have now admitted (responsible for the biggest care facilities in Scotland that also had most 'COVID' deaths of all care homes) they had no idea if residents passed away from COVID and all other health conditions didn't exist and if you took unwell you would be put down as COVID.
The evidence is all there. If this is not THE focus for the COVID sceptics moving forward i don't know what else you are looking for to prove what went on.
The Scottish Covid Inquiry - and your excellent working covering it - has made clear what focused ‘care’ of elderly and vulnerable people looked like in reality: social isolation, restricted contact with relatives, the withdrawal of basic medical care and treatments, neglect, restricted access to outdoors/exercise/sunlight, aggressive use of end of life pathways and DNR orders etc. Isolating the elderly and vulnerable (as per the GBD) was always a dangerous and deeply flawed policy..
Thanks Andrew. A largely thankless task. Not alot of help has been forthcoming past 9+ months and when it has often token gestures of saving face than a serious attempt to wake people up and call all this out!! It's clear to me over the course the vast majority of 'alt' media and 'awake' medics etc are motivated not by truth but by money and or other reasons.
It was evil madness Andrew. Protecting elderly vulnerable meant, to my mind, leading a completely normal life, just no exposure to large groups in say airports, or swimming pools.
That was a solution for a flu season - 3 months maximum.
So why did everyone "woke" feel that this was so unacceptable? - and that we should close down the world instead - ignoring me and many like minded people?
Yes....JJ Couey has been saying this for a long time....... Where are we right now? -- (12 Sept 2024) -- Gigaohm Biological High Resistance Low Noise Information Brief https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2249381359
See if you can get JJ to cover Scots COVID inquiry 2024 health and social care hearing closing statements and or even some of my more recent stuff from UK COVID inquiry which should have made the headlines.
‘'Everyone’s clapping with pots and pans and we’re sort of thinking, This is probably the easiest period i’ve ever had in the ambulance service.’’
-NHS Paramedic
He has done a stream about Scotland...... Scotland's Murder and 2 of Time's Top 100 Health People -- The Gigaohm Biological - 5/13/2024 https://stream.gigaohm.bio/w/fDUcoJ49XGiN8Mo4B8GFG8
Would be great if you could reach out..... he probably would love to hear from you..... https://gigaohmbiological.com/
Yeah i saw that. That's why needs to do another that was my first ever compilation clip and i've upload loads more since. I reached out to him when on X, no reply. His no nonsense commentary hits home with people.
He says he is getting off X..... that is why I sent you his contact info..... I can send him your info but I know it would mean more to him if you reached out..... loved your compilation that I saw...... keep up the great work and pls, connect with Dr Couey...... https://gigaohmbiological.com/contact-1
Applaud you in your persistence and memory of what happened and will again happen if we don't recognise what was done to us and those people who suffered the most by 'our' Government's response. 'They', our government, the people elected, let people die alone, often in pain and suffering. That reduction of humanity is what I will remember. Have you seen what is being proposed in Northern Ireland regarding Public Health?
I had doubts about the GBD but it was of its time. It needs a revisit.
The debate about, for example, what a 'virus' is distracts from the big problem, such as the consultation on Public Health in Northern Ireland. They propose quarantine on suspicion and mandatory vaccination - the "controversial" bits are left for later to get this through quickly.
My response is here : https://richarda697.substack.com/p/consult_the_dohni
See also the latest on the German RKI Scandal.
I never signed it. In fact I’ve been openly criticizing anyone who did get involved with anyone ( particularly Jay B) his whole group of friends, colleagues, followers who made a mini series off their GBD bs “ science since day one. Zuby, Clifton Duncan ( who blocked me for calling it out and the list goes on, since early 2021.
I believe that his focused protection is actually focused killing. I don’t mince words. It hasn’t made me very popular in the “ freedumb cult “.
Thank you for speaking out Johnathan.
What they did to those deemed "vulnerable" under the guise of "keeping them safe" and "duty of care" (two phrases that now send shivers down my spine), is an affront to decency and constitutes some of the most serious crimes against humanity of our time
The GBD crowd has made millions just in speaking fees, not including their crowdfunding campaigns for docu “ science bs. It’s disgusting. It’s injured & murdered millions of people. Dark, evil and beyond disturbing.
I saw Jay B. at a live Together Declaration event in 2022 and again at their 2023 annual event. I was so disgusted by his continual reference to "the pandemic", like it was a real health emergency. And he even commented that he couldn't fathom why the covid jabs had been put on the childhood schedule. It must have been a real mystery to him! I realised he was a total fake. I figured he was preserving his career and research funding. In that case just stay quiet and prioritise your career - but speaking out claiming you are an honest player fighting the system, is so disingenuous. The fact that these people have profited from peddling their dishonesty is galling. The circle of honest "freedom fighters" is ever getting smaller. In fact it's pretty tiny these days.
Well said!
“Made millions just in speaking fees” - prove that. It sounds like total and utter bollocks to me
Look at the thousands who signed the GBD , donated money just to that. Then continue to to all people involved, tours, special events, docu film series, podcasts, meet & greets, books, university tenure salaries, the list goes on since 2020. Yes, millions.
Well - respectfully - I disagree with your position.
Was there a novel virus causing a novel illness? Yes, I believe so, based largely on my personal experience of it.
Are pandemics possible? Yes, I believe so, based on historic human and animal examples.
Was the whole Covid thing ramped up for nefarious ends? Absolutely, in all sorts of ways and for all sorts of reasons.
The GB Declaration represented a significant step in the right direction. History is murky, perfect truth is unattainable, and you can't build coalitions out of purity spirals.
Disagreement is fine. I won't block you for challenging - like Jay B did to Jessica Hockett and will probably do to me.
Question: can you find me anything written anywhere in the world (other than the papers from China) which suggests any excess death or clusters of unusual illnesses before the pandemic declaration?
Assuming not, how do you explain that absence in the context of the now copious evidence of pre-pandemic" spread across several continents globally?
NYC is the clearest example:
I recall wondering why the virus remained localized in northern Italy...
I do business in China .. and have contacts in the country ... I expected that the virus would spread far and wide when millions from Wuhan left the city for Chinese New Year...
That didn't happen according to people I know in Shanghai and Beijing.
I then knew we were being played.
Yes. The N Italy / S Italy anomaly is one of the best imprimaturs of the fraud.
Plus masks were optional, subways and mass transit were fully re-opened in Shanghai, Beijing, etc. and they were having raves and concerts in Wuhan by June 2020. Western firms with offices in China at the time (e.g., Vanguard) were fully re-opened, in-person, no vax mandates, no masks, again, by June 2020.
Then they went on their quixotic "zero COVID" quest after the winter Olympics.
They ended "zero COVID" and supposedly "the crematoria were overflowing" as they dealt with 130,000 "COVID" deaths in January 2023 (normally around one million people die in China every January). Then COVID was gone, absolutely gone, never again to cause an exceptionally mild disease ever again.
It simply makes no sense with what is purported to have happened elsewhere in the world such as the middle of the Amazon rainforest or the "overwhelmed hospitals" of Kyrgyzstan.
Keep in mind even the highly educated did not question cnnbbc... one of the first things I did when Operation Warp Speed was announced was go to the search engines to find out what happened with the well funded initiative to develop a Sars vaccine https://www.wired.com/2003/05/feds-race-to-make-sars-vaccine/
I send this to quite a few highly educated circus animals... they dismissed and fought to be first in line for the Rat Juice shots...
They lack the intelligence gene... most do
Barnyard Animals: these are the Joe and Jane six packs of the world who perform menial tasks. Factory workers, taxi drivers, cleaners - blue collar workers.
Circus Animals: these are the highly trained people such as lawyers, scientists, doctors, engineers - white collar workers.
The Elders see both groups as essentially stupid. They are able to easily control them using a range of strategies including:
I did not read your comment first, and just made the same regarding Italy
Jonathan, if you are claiming, as I think you are, that there was no novel virus (no bioengineered or zoonotic virus), then the pathology evidence is against you. The existence of the spike protein has been positively identified in both 'vaccine' victims and Covid victims - sick, injured and deceased. The spike protein is a real toxic pathogen, attached to the whole virus in its 'wild' form and manufactured by body cells in its synthetic vaccine form. The evidence of its existence is testified by staining of tissues and by the presence of unique spike antibodies, in both vaccinated and Covid infected individuals. It is now beyond reasonable doubt that the spike protein and furin cleavage site were manufactured in a lab and inserted into a virus.
I agree that there was no 'deadly pandemic' and that the vast majority of deaths, illnesses and positive tests were NOT due to infection by a novel virus. But it cannot be reasonably argued that "all and any" such occurrences were faked/due to medical mistreatment etc. It cannot be argued convincingly that the SARS-CoV-2 virus does not exist and therefore was not created in a lab or made a highly implausible leap from an animal host into human beings. The evidence for the existence of an infectious and pathogenic lab created novel coronavirus (complete with pathogenic spike protein) is just too persuasive - notwithstanding any anomalies in the regional and global supposed spread of this virus.
Many have not looked deeply into this supposed “sequencing” of any virus, much less this latest one.
The “isolation” of viruses is so problematic that virologists must eschew the most logical of postulates (Koch’s) in order to stay afloat.
Some basic questions: since so much has been falsified already, why are you certain of the existence of “spike proteins?”
Further, did these proteins exist only since 2019, and not previously?
Science has been heavily falsified for decades, and clearly throughout time. The narratives of the supposed causes and remedies of ailments have been shaped by those who stand to gain in status, power, and money.
So it absolutely can be reasonably stated that all of this was a sham.
I knew we were being played when the nations of the world did not rise up and drag Fauci and the US Govt. into the International Court of "Justice" for bringing this bioweapon on the world.
Beyond reasonable doubt?
I suppose you give the Corman/Drosten PCR fraud (promulgated by the psychopath Tedros) to be accurate as well?
The convid plandemic was a psyop. A very good one and the sheeple fell for it.
You put a number of your own caveats into your comment and yet you are so sure convid was real.
A pandemic so deadly you had to be "tested" to know you were "infected".
I have a very reasonable doubt about virtually all of it.
You are arguing against a strawman here, not anything I said in my comment.
It's what you didn't say in your comments I found revealing.
Oh dear, if I'm to be judged by what I didn't say, I'd better start typing furiously!
Perfectly said. It's genetic evidence was sequenced right across the world in multiple labs and it's spike protein is everywhere. Not to mention, that prior to the outbreak it came from a spillover - either natural spillover via an animal host or it was a lab spill, and the virus was man made for the purposes of drug and vaccine research. Everyone knows it was man-made and indexed from the lab and this research group have committed an ultimate sin in science, using those viruses when they were told not to, and they know it --- Hence we have the entire 'virology' group behind the R&D of vaccines, with their backs up against the wall, sweating bullets. This is what will damage the industry - this is what everyone should be cheering for. So I don't understand why this substack is calling Jay Bhattacharya and the GBD liars.... calling them liars about the virus?
All of that is a story which relies on a number of technologies of dubious and overblown validity - notably sequencing and PCR testing.
We never before used any of these technologies in such huge quantities.
You should read the work Ben @ https://www.usmortality.com/ has done on trying to reproduce the sequencing.
Or look at this demolition:
Moreover, nobody who claims there was a novel virus ever addresses the fundamental and fatal flaw in that by the same measures as later used to "track the pandemic", it has now been shown that "it was present across multiple continents for months before the pandemic declaration, yet totally unnoticed in terms of deaths or clusters of unusual illness.
Then suddenly - congruent with a psychological assault on humanity and a military grade psy-op involving the unprecedented rollout of mass testing utilising oversensitive and under-specific meaningless tests performed by shoving swabs covered in god-knows what substances up people's noses - this harmless pathogen suddenly acquires lethality and manifests itself in unusual ways it never did before.
If that's the story you rely on then frankly I don't believe it.
It's not as if naso-pharangeal swabbing was ever regarded as useful anyway (in respect of lung pathology), yet the entire ridiculous story depends on it:
All virus outbreaks are a sequence. We don't even need technology, it's a mathematical formula. We can calculate it accurately. I know we should never test for viruses on human life - but they did - they sequenced the entire outbreak. That data - in this situation - is to our advantage. It prove herd immunity - and it proves they couldn't stop the virus.
A virus is genetic code. So a virus outbreak, that is a sequence, is our timeline for life. So no, it wasn't anywhere on earth before Patient Zero in Oct/Nov 2019. That's the thing, it's meant to have a progenitor, it has to come from a previous host. And it didn't, it was created in a lab for research work --- so we've got the whole industry up against the wall - this will bring them down.
Listen Jonathan --- 'public health' department across the western world all fkd up -- there is no denying that. We need to show them why they were wrong. We need to prove to these tyrants, marxist and govt workers why everything they did was wrong.
So it's up to you ---- you can admit to yourself you were wrong and back the right information to bring them all down or you can continue believing your BS .... I don't get why it's so hard to pivot and go with the better path
That is a rhetorical statement which does not address any of the points I have made. It relies on absolute faith in the sequencing and PCR technologies.
In any event, the thrust of this piece was a critique of the pandemic narrative and the fact that the GBD was sustaining it.
It didn't mention and does not rely on the status of viruses in general or SARS-CoV-2 in particular, because they and it could exist as your sequencing suggests and we still wouldn't have had a pandemic since any and all harms were caused by the response instituted, not the direct result of an infection with a particular virus. In other words, had we done nothing and carried on treating respiratory illnesses as we always have, nothing unusual would have happened.
If you think it would, please explain the unnoticed global spread of it" and the sudden explosion of lethality timed precisely upon the pandemic declaration, as I have pointed out above.
Oh, there was a lab created virus, alright, but it was in a computer lab!
The damage to the lining of the blood vessels in people exposed to the 'computer generated' spike: that's virtual reality too is it?
Which studies do you rely on for that assertion please.
There are countless studies which demonstrate that the spike protein (wild and vaccine produced) damages the endothelium by binding to the cells which line the vessels. It would take something pretty extraordinary to conclude that they are all fundamentally wrong, i.e. in the assumption that the spike protein exists and is toxic/pathogenic. I have yet to see that extraordinary counter evidence.
No, but that damage came from the injection of the vaccines, as we have more than enough evidence to show at this time...
I find it interesting that people will deny the existence of a virus, but seem 100% certain that vaccines exist?
Please take some time to look at the clinical papers that are claiming to detect ‘spike protein’ - none of them actually find/isolate spike protein. All of them look for antibodies/antigens that they claim belong or result from the virus that has never been proven to exist.
All of it was a con.
Until people take the time to read and understand the details they will continue to spout the fabricated lies that are being used to control us.
It is beyond reasonable doubt that the whole COVID 19 nonsense was a load of bollox from start to finish.
Virology is, to be blunt up shit creek without a paddle, and the back and forth on natural origins versus lab origins a whopping great Red Herring.
Appalling industrial pollution in Wuhan especially in winter gave the opportunity for the authorities to mislead the Decidedly Dim into thinking there was a mutant lurgy in China and then transferred to North Italy in the Po valley where the same issues occur in the industrial plain where it is cold and damp.
4.5 years on and still I have to say this. The evidence is crystal clear once you see through the industrial smog!
Totally agree.
And I also, as someone who is blocked for disagreeing with the "great" Tim West, fully respect your decision not to block someone who disagrees with you.
That's life.
Personal experience is not evidence.
It's personal experience.
Which historical pandemics are being referred to?
Not smallpox, surely?
THIS is the key, methinks. If it was widespread before--and it was (if "it" even exists)--then we'd have stacks of bodies, packed ICU's, etc. But...crickets. Maybe it was a new flu, but it was pretty generic in terms of IFR, etc.
this is what i would love to know. Recall the emergency dr in NY who started a YT vlog to say they were treating the wrong disease and it was actually a blood disorder ?? He was removed to another job for 'speaking out' . recall the welsh surgeon standing outside the children's ward saying tonnes of welsh children were seriously ill and/or dying ?? I found both credible at the time tho the latter now is becoming a bit suspect . Early on many Drs said it was not a respiratory virus but a thrombocytopaenia illness ... I still have no understanding of what they were experiencing. initially graded protection of the public was clearly a good idea in order to see what was what given that bioweapons may have been involved .. I assumed from day 1 it was all a simulation (for various reasons) but i do understand the thinking behind GBD and prof Knuts suggestions etc. 'Just in case'. what do you think the NY Drs were encountering ?? surely they would have known if drugs were administered and causing what they saw ?? my suspicion is still that 5g etc arent helping our health and could cause sudden pockets of illness.
Virus Outbreak//
SARS-CoV-2 had a 21 day replication cycle (which is the infection period for a host)
It infects it's host by binding to receptors in the nose, then finds it's target cell in the upper respiratory tract - then transfuses with the cell's membrane and enters cell - where it releases its viral genome, Translates it's RNA, Proteolysis, Replication RNA mirrors it's own frame, then Transcribes in the hosts ER, before reassembling itself and lyses cell open on release - to exit host and enter new host, repeating exact cycle...
That was the SARS-CoV-2 pathway.
Easy. So easy in fact that it was asymptomatic for most people.
However for a very small fraction of human population, who had a predisposed autoimmune condition that meant they had existing symptoms of inflammation - the virus infection took a different pathway.
And when a virus gets trapped and can't continue it's pathway (replication cycle) forward -- it will take over the hosts body, causing havoc and triggering the rapid onset of disease as it tries to find a new pathway out - it needs to shed. It has to move forward. It is a virus. Otherwise host will die.
🇺🇸 (North America continent)
SARS-CoV-2 seeded in NYC on January 20th 2020
SARS-CoV-2 had R naught R₀ 3.3 (So every primary case infected, would on average infect another 3.3 people, and those 3 secondary cases would infect 3 more people each - and so on and so on)
After seeding late January on each continent - and knowing it had a 21 days replication cycle, I noted how many 'cases' were in each city where it seeded on February 15th 2020 to calculate the rate of spread.
February 15th 🇺🇸- records 15th confirmed case 🧬 SARS-CoV2
February 15th 🇮🇹- records 3rd confirmed case 🧬 SARS-CoV2
February 15th 🇫🇷- records 12th confirmed case 🧬 SARS-CoV2
February 15th 🇦🇺- records 15th confirmed case 🧬 SARS-CoV2
Then I recorded date of the 10th DEATH on each continent
February 25th🇮🇹 〰️ ✝️ records 10th DEATH of SARS-CoV2
March 4th🇺🇸 〰️ ✝️ records 10th DEATH of SARS-CoV2
March 6th🇫🇷 〰️✝️ records 10th DEATH of SARS-CoV2
March 10th🇪🇸 〰️✝️ records 10th DEATH of SARS-CoV2 (record approx.)
APRIL 6TH 2020 - THE BIG REVEAL ➖➖➖➖➖🦠🌏🦠🌏🦠🌏
The day the world could see what this Novel virus looked like and how it behaved. We had the virus blueprint (who was susceptible to death)
Given 100% susceptible population The world should have ceased any lockdown on this day! This was the day the virus outbreak hit peak load (daily death because it had a 21 days build up ) then from this day forward - transmission plateaued and continued across the world until it reached herd immunity threshold on April 30th 2021.
Snapshot of the stats on April 6th 2020 Blueprint
Worldwide 🌏
SARS-CoV2 Deaths Worldwide 〰️ 88,323
SARS-CoV2 Cases Worldwide 〰️ 1,508,965
SARS-CoV2 Recovered Worldwide 〰️ 329,632
Australia 🇦🇺
SARS-CoV2 Deaths in Australia 〰️ 50
SARS-CoV2 Cases in Australia 〰️ 6,013
SARS-CoV2 Recovered in Australia 〰️ 2,813
By Country ✝️
Italy death number 18,279〰️ 🇮🇹 60 million population
U.S death number 15,824〰️ 🇺🇸 327 million population
Spain death number 15,238〰️🇪🇸 46 million population
Australia death number 51 〰️🇦🇺 25 million population
Death Rate All Cases
Fatality Rate on April 6th 2020 by age group.
(Fatality rate stayed the same and did not change)
80+ years old 14.8%
70-79 years old 8.0%
60-69 years old 3.6%
50-59 years old 1.3%
40-49 years old 0.4%
30-39 years old 0.2%
20-29 years old 0.2%
10-19 years old 0.2%
0-9 years old 0.0%
Death rate = (number of deaths / number of cases) = probability of dying if infected by the virus (%) This probability differs depending on the age group.
The percentages shown do not have to add up to 100% as they do NOT represent share of deaths by age group. Rather, it represents, for a person in a given age group, the risk of dying if infected with COVID-19.
A couple of comments :
Be careful with Rnaught, though it is useful for retrospective comparisons.
I still do not understand the numbers, given that most of the "cases" were likely to be false positives of one kind or another, at least for the UK.
You can disagree with fire not being hot doesn't mean it won't burn you. The facts as to what Dr.Engler has said are VERY clear to those paying attention to tthe real world evidence. The silence on the following from the GBD authors and the 'medical freedom community' in general is extremely disturbing if they care about the truth.
kind of funny how the television crews were allowed to mingle in hospitals in Italy, showing all of the sick with covid people with humidifier bubbles on their heads.
NYC was overly accommodated for all of their complaints and needs, much that was not used. All of the silly crying over ventilators. Meantime, nurses were able to dance in the halls for tiktok and many hospitals had plenty more than plenty of beds, but just taking willy nilly patients off the street for the funds lost because of the stupid shut downs
Are pandemics possible? Your words.
The definition of pandemic was changed. Did you know that?
Deadly viruses, if they exist at all, are deadly. They kill so fast that anyone suffering is immediately bedbound, dead or beyond seeking help.
No contact.
See? Difficult to "spread" something so deadly.
In 2020 they rebranded the 'flu. This has occurred in different ways over many decades. It is good business to rebrand when sales are flagging.
The pandemic was created out of fear which spread by lies, ignorance and general stupification of the masses both chemically and by mass media.
The idea of a novel virus makes a book, a novel, but that is what it was, a made up story. There was no new pathogen and no new illness, full stop.
The GB Declaration did get people thinking, including myself. They still were wide of the mark though and it only took me 2 months to turn my thinking round from April to start of June.
Thankfully I was not a doctor but I was still slow off the mark.
Absolutely. There was no pandemic.
Except of lies and fear. And stupidity. I call it Stupid 20.
''the only way to prevent “the next pandemic” is to demonstrate to people the utter ridiculousness of the story they have been told about the past few years.''
Very well put Dr.Engler! The key to unlocking the COVID agenda lies at the Scottish COVID-19 inquiry. Nowhere on Earth are you going to get as many admissions OFFICIALLY as to what REALLY took place. It is high time pressure was applied to these big name 'medical freedom advocates' about it all which i suspect is the reason i got banned (wrongly) from Twitter/X.
100% agree with every word here, and elegantly articulated too.
I reached my own personal conclusion in March/April of 2020 that the entire boondoggle was a massive farce and power grab serving a Marxist global agenda.
I hope more people are awakened to reality before it’s too late.
Well written and thought out and I agree entirely. Lab leak versus zoonatic origins is actually them playing castle keep to guard the entire isolated germs are spread from one person to another theory. This is the foundation for the need to use all of these control mechanisms in biodefense that so clearly do more harm than good...
Spot on. It’s a false dichotomy.
It's the false dichotomies that keep the fake narratives alive and distracting from the real issues such as searching for the truth; just as germ theory vs terrain theory was a false dichotomy in the 1800s and persists to this day; Pasteur always knew his "germs of the air" theory was wrong but did not relent in pursuing that false view until on his deathbed; during the same epoch Antoine Bechamp, the real medical genius of the time, was showing how important our immune systems and healthy lifestyles (bodily terrain) were in warding off opportunistic "pathogens", those very bacteria and "viruses" which were always content to live uninterruptedly on their own as they have been for millennia ; that other mostly forgotten genius was Florence Nightingale who did much more than revolutionize nursing care but, as with Bechamp, all but forgotten in the medical history books; so we have Pasteur as the Fauci of his day and could be rightly called the father of allopathic medicine and promoter of "vaccines" and the false belief that all disease states could be overcome with the use of vaccines; today's modern day medical frauds continue in that same legacy of fake science whose sole purpose is to keep the charlatans in the profit-making business and perpetuating the lies and deception that keep them in that business.
Exactly right!
I'm still your friend. X