If we didn't realize it before, we now know that most of the public is terrible at logic. None of this would have happened if the world was full of Mr. Spock's.

Kirk: "Spock! That hospital is full of young people on vents with renal failure. We must do something to stop the spread of that deadly virus!"

Spock: "Illogical captain. That manifestation has been observed nowhere else, not even in the next closest hospital. Therefore nothing is spreading, except perhaps fear, hysteria, and poor medical decisions. Humans are apparently and unfortunately incapable of even the most basic logic. That, captain, is far more likely to lead to your demise than any virus."

Bones: "Don't listen to him Jim! He's not a doctor! I know what I saw in those ICU's! It's the worst virus ever! We have no time to lose Jim. Are you going to listen to this pointy-eared hobgoblin or a Doctor trained in public health for actual humans? Also, I have a new book, and a subscription service that talks about and sells alternative early treatment methods, and I sell supplements to help you prepare for the next pandemic!"

Spock: "My ears are certainly more pointed than yours Dr and while I am thankfully not a human, one doesn't need medical training to understand basic logic. In fact, I would submit that such training impairs logical thinking.'

Bones: "Dammit Jim! I'm a Doctor, not an engineer!"

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This is wonderful! I was just about to post something about puffery masquerading as scientific assertion throughout the Great Covid Debacle. However, your point about the public being terrible at logic--and that malady allowing for an amazing amount of bovine feces to spread unabated--explains it better than I would have!

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Great comment.

Surely the most illogical aspect of Covid was that the average age of death by Covid was ABOVE the average life expectancy.

This must be the first 'deadly' virus that is, statistically, beneficial!

Catch this virus and you have, statistically, more chance of living longer than the average person!

It's completely absurd but as Prof. Denis Rancourt says 'to believe in Covid you have to believe in absurdities'

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Just keep in making this realization again and again: we are rationalizing group-creatures, not rational individual-creatures. It’s really messes us up, most obviously in our seeking of status (collective group value) over truth (objective reality).

Simpler way to put it maybe that common sense (logic) is so rare because the forces of the common good (status of group and your place in it by honoring it) is a more powerful driver of behavior, and, dare I say, success

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There were more than 500k excess deaths in the US in 2020, according to the official US mortality data. Some of that data suggests a series of mass-poisoning may have occurred. Logic dictates we examine the characteristics of that mortality data, IMO, for whatever it has to tell us--be it fabrication or democide. What do you think?

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“We are told that one virus spread around the world causing a pandemic.”

Sounds like bollocks to me…

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There’s nothing wrong with your ears, that’s for sure.

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The virus could spread from Wuhan and all the way through the Amazon rain forest to Manaus Brazil but somehow it could never spread from the deli counter at my supermarket to the cashier on aisle 5 because there was never - not once - not even at any grocery store on Earth - waves of infection sweeping through the employees who worked there.

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"Pierre Kory majors on seeing an unending stream of patients with respiratory failure during his time in NYC."

It would be very interesting to hear when the 'respiratory problems' in patients occurred. When were the people affected? Even before admission to the clinic, during the first examinations? Or with the start of the 'covid' protocol? It's the subtleties, the smallest details that really count. And what self-medication did the affected people take beforehand? People who go into hospital with a cold are generally susceptible to panic, to any form of overreaction. Hypochondria was a driver for hysterical excesses. Many have fallen victim to their own fear. And the covid protocol has provided for earliest possible ventilation to "protect the staff". Nowhere was there any mention of necessity, a positive test and the willingness or fear of the patient was supposedly enough to postpone the procedure for invasive ventilation. Apart from greed for profit. Kory must provide answers.

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He’s meant to be an intensivist.

He should know that if you’ve a patient with an unobstructed airway and intact chest wall, if their blood gases are awry, consider an oxygen mask.

You almost never would sedate, intubate & ventilate. Very high risk of severe illness and death once in that position.

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I have notes on the Parina podcast that I can post sometime, but what he said about young people dying is on this page as well: https://www.woodhouse76.com/p/timeline-the-young-and-healthy-are "...we have plenty of people in their 30s, 40s, 50s, who are on ventilators with no real significant past medical history as well. So that’s just one element where the data is quite different [from Wuhan, Spain, and Italy].”

Regarding Dr. Kory, he arrived in NYC on April 27th, which is past death peak and at a time when ambulance dispatches and ED visits had plummeted by 50-60%.

I'm not sure how to square his claim about "tidal waves of people" with either that data or with what he said in his video responses to me: "Well, when I say, ‘chronically ill with COVID,’ they were so far advanced in the disease, they’d been sick for days to weeks, uh, and on ventilators. Really prolonged ventilator durations. And that was the unit that I took over. I mean, like I said, it was the first unit to fill. Many other units had been built since then. And a lot of the patients there were – had been admitted days to weeks before. I had a couple of new admissions. I should say I had a handful of new admissions that month, but most of them were just, were just the chronics on vents. Chronic COVIDs on vents. Chronic severe COVID on vents."


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Worth a read- i found her demeanour and use of language here chilling.


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"I'm not sure how to square his claim about "tidal waves of people" with either that data or with what he said in his video responses to me.."

It may come down to his having a job to do - reinforce the pandemic-is-real - narrative.

JJ calls him, CHD, Kennedy, Malone and others out in this, linked below, video. I find his view highly persuasive.

(As Dr. Shiva has discussed in his video on 'the swarm' this is the apparent anti-establishment personalities pumped up as heroes, allowed out in front, but their job is to corral us back into now newly-branded establishment.

Depressing, but I suspect, accurate.


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"I am currently of the opinion that Dr. Kory may have been unwittingly used by The U.S. Department of Homeland Security or another agency to cover up a staged event involving fraud, euthanasia, and iatrogenic measures." https://www.woodhouse76.com/p/the-whistleblower-my-reactions-to

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Thanks Jessica. Had not seen that.

I tend to assume positive intent on everyone's behalf, until proven otherwise.

I think Couey is clearly stating that Corey and many others, who are often seen as leaders in the MFM are knowingly going along with certain lies.

I'm not saying his opinion is the final word by any means, and I think lots of good people make calculated decisions - (well, we can move this forward but only if we stay quiet about that) all the time and with positive intent.

So, I don't know. But the virus-spreading-pandemic scenario is being reinforced by those out in front and the 'there was no pandemic via a circulating virus' crowd seem to be boxed out.

So again, we are dealing with defined parameters that reduce debate - even among the so-called freedom advocates.

Tiresome, honestly.

Appreciate the reply.

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As one of the excluded people, the fact of it has been searingly obvious to me for well over 3.5 years now.

I am pretty sure I know why this is. My training & significant professional experience in the field of designing and testing new molecular structures means my assessments of them is likely to be not far wide of the mark.

Until my biotech was acquired by Novartis in 2017, my assessments were routinely considered by boards of many biotech companies and influenced investment in hundreds of millions of dollars.

It wouldn’t do to permit such a person good access to the public.

So initially it was smearing but that didn’t work so many could see the illogicallity of this.

They therefore moved to intense censorship and actively not ever mentioning me.

I’m able to roam freely in my tiny pen called Telegram, where. Fraudulent channel using my name and photograph has many more subscribers than my one, genuine channel gets.

The only other public place online where I’m permitted to appear in my own name is the eveb more obscure “Substack”.

In the ensuing years, I’ve learned a lot about lying & misdirection.

Unfortunately I’ve come across nothing that is inconsistent with my deduction that powerful people have perpetrated a long planned coup d’etat upon the world and that they intend to convert that position into mandatory digital ID-permissioned dystopia, in which “vaccines for pandemics” are used to gradually kill much of the population.

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Thank you. Yes, by now its glaringly obvious why you've been boxed out.

Sadly it's not that difficult to spin new 'realities' and that's largely what we're witnessing.

I hope we manage to avoid the digital prison being built. Maybe Nature/Divine will intercede?

Thank you sincerely, for everything you do. Best.

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I started suspecting that Dr. Kory may be controlled opposition after learning of his role in the George Floyd fiasco.

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How can one doctor see one thing (renal failure) and one doctor see another thing (respiratory failure)?

There is a rational explanation for this seemingly contradictory question.

I work as a paramedic and around 2012 (i think) we had a big SEPSIS awareness drive in the Ambulance Service but also in the wider NHS. Classes, publications, NEWS2 scale (to help identify Sepsis symptom) posters etc etc and it was drummed into us how to spot and treat Sepsis.

What occurred next was strange though.

Our workload seemingly exploded with Sepsis patients. Crews wold breathlessly report at handover that they'd brought in yet another Sepsis patient and the Doctors would be in agreement and confirm the diagnosis.

Of course the real explanation was there were no more Sepsis patients than normal it was just that Ambulance crews and Doctors, engulfed in a mini sepsis hysteria, were seeing what they WANTED to see and excluding what they didn't want to see. What they wanted to see was Sepsis and that's what they saw.

The NEWS2 scale is actually very risk averse and someone with a mild bacterial chest infection can easily be scored high if the symptoms are taken in isolation but there's a very big difference with someone with life threatening Sepsis and someone with a chest infection. But both could score the same 6, 7 or 8 out of 10 on the NEWS2 score and both (technicaly) be blue lighted to the resus department with a pre alert call to have a team standing by.

Of course obviously what was happening was that Sepsis awareness had distorted perceptions and was making everyone with a cough become a serious sepsis case.

It was simply confirmation bias caused by a mini medical hysteria over sepsis, Clinicians becoming convinced that sepsis was more prevalent than it really was.

After a few weeks the cases started to fall as common sense returned and the actual sepsis cases returned to normal levels.

Does all this sound familiar?

Yes, it's exactly what was seen in early 2020 but this time the hysteria over Covid was through the roof and far more deadly. I heard horror stories of very young people being ventilated for what, i sincerely believe, were nothing more than hyperventilation from panic attacks and other disturbing stories of dubious diagnosis and (unnecessary) death on a ventilator.

Ironically I believe what killed many care home residents was actually sepsis, mild chest infections going untreated by the cowardly GP's (who refused to enter the Covid leper colonies) and left to fester into severe sepsis. The midazolam and morphine was being remotely prescribed to 'calm' the more distressing advanced symptoms of Sepsis but actually, sedating the residents to the point that they simply passed away.

I have consistently maintained, from the start, that Covid was a hysteria outbreak in the medical profession, fuelled by the PCR, that spread outwards and, because doctors are unquestioningly trusted and respected, their hysterical behaviour convinced the politicians, the media and the general public that there was, indeed, a deadly virus on the loose.

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That’s really interesting. Was anything ever written about that?

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It was something I noticed at that time. Others I work with said the same thing. I didn’t think much of it except that it showed that groupthink does exist in the medical profession, given the right circumstances.

It was definitely the more experienced clinicians who were more immune to it and not everyone acted that way but it was enough to be noticeable.

It’s no coincidence that there was a massive influx of very young university trained paramedics who entered the service around 2019 in a big recruitment drive to cope with the ever increasing demand.

Today easily 95% of the crews in my area are under 25. These were the people, young, inexperienced and impressionable that were screaming the loudest about Covid in early 2020 even though they’d only been doing the job for 5 minutes.

As we’ve discussed before the Dartmouth Hitchcock 2006 whooping cough outbreak is the closest comparison to what I believe actually occurred with Covid but this time, on a global scale.

The problem is that most people believe it to be inconceivable that doctors could go temporarily insane over Covid, whooping cough or sepsis or any other real or Perceived illness but it does clearly happen.

I don’t know of any study or data over what I saw in 2012 but I’d credit it with alerting me to what could possibly have been occurring with Covid in early 2020.

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>Does nobody care about the logical flaws in the establishment narrative?

The 'awake' Australians I know are either totally tuned out trying to get on with their lives or just spent huge amounts of money going to see Tucker Carlson's Infotainment Spectacular.

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The public--certainly in the U.S., but likely worldwide--has been conditioned to accept puffery as if it were fact. For example, no one really questions, "Better ingredients. Better pizza." Certainly, the stakes are lower for buying Papa John's than shutting down an economy or cancelling group dinners or installing Plexiglas on bar counters, but the mechanism for acceptance is (unfortunately) almost exactly the same!

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Georgetown biosecurity expert James Giordano lectures on how one can release bioengineered germs intended to cause small clusters (“controlled release”) of illness & then use Internet to incite panic & confuse the public.


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Yes, I have seen that. I think the internet mechanism is really vital but (for several reasons) I am not covinced anything biological at all needed to be actually released to create the effect.

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all they had to do was pull up the ‘morgue trucks’ and the media took care of the rest--despite the fact that hospitals were empty, save for just a few and for a very short period of time.

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Indeed it’s not, for people become sick spontaneously at a sufficiently high rate that mere misattribution of their illnesses to “covid” is sufficient to engender mass panic.

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I tried listening to the podcast and found the first few minutes. Sickening, frankly. A 'world expert' on staff wellbeing so described because she's doing a PhD (i.e. presumably a friend of the presenter). A doctor who had to stay in a hotel for two weeks instead of going home at night (amazing self-sacrifice, apparently). Members of the public waiting to applaud staff arriving to work their shifts (are you kidding? It's their job). This is what I call 'psychodrama'. It intersects with reality only on an emotional plane. Another term is mass hysteria.

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Occam’s razor hypothesis: poisoning all ages so as to be able to fuel fear in all ages. No need to repeat at other places since the message will be spread through the media like fire.

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Are you kidding me?

Remember that we are dealing with people whose idea of appropriate "pandemic" response was to hoard toilet paper.

(BTW that's probably the point where the architects of this scam realized that they were most likely going to get away with it.)

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I suggest viewing the below presentation JJ Couey gave recently at Red Pill Expo.

He touches on NY and excess deaths and a lot of the better-knowns medical freedom personalities.

Very eye-opening.


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I find it interesting that he purports to know so much about all of this, yet in his bio he states that he vaxed his kids in 2022 --then only "figured everything out" after watching the movie, Vaxxed.

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It would never cross my mind to attend something like that.

Why do they?

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Are you claiming the 26k excess deaths in the 5 counties of NYC proper in Spring 2020 are distinguishable from the 50k excess deaths in 25 counties in the NYC metro area in Spring 2020? Or distinguishable from the 500k+ excess deaths in the US in 2020?

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What do you mean by "distinguishable"? I don't believe the official data in relation to the 26k excess deaths in NYC.

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Also, maybe you would be willing to answer a few questions I posed recently about the hypothesis that deaths in NYC were fabricated in the official records--which would obviously involve a massive criminal conspiracy, whether it involved the fabrication of 26k deaths or 500k.

1. Why would deaths be fabricated in NYC in a pattern that looked like a mass-poisoning?

2. If excess deaths in NYC were fabricated to incite fear, then why do so few people know about the mass casualty event?

3.. If excess deaths in NYC were fabricated to incite fear of COVID19, why were a quarter of them attributed to causes other than COVID19?

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I mean, do you think the 26k excess deaths in NYC that you don't believe, are qualitatively different from the 50k deaths in the NYC metropolitan area in Spring 2020, or the 60%+ excess deaths in CT, DC, MA and MI in Spring 2020, or the 500k+ excess deaths in the US throughout 2020, that are shown in the official US mortality database.

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There is a certain type of narcissistic personality disorder that seems to very common among many in the supposed opposition. There was an old cartoon character in the Bullwinkle series named Commander Mcbragg. He was full of long winded stories about how he single handedly saved the day and was the first etc. I can think of many who fit the Commander Mcbragg profile. The list would of course include Malone, McCullough, Martin and the Mcbraggs they battled Fauci ,Birx, Ashitt Jahb and all the rest. As an honorable mention, I have to include Malcolm Nance as the prime example of a Mcbragg. Check out the cartoons and you will see what I mean.

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