Aug 20Liked by Jonathan Engler

He appears to be a very useful tool who slowly releases the pressure valve of the masses and leads them to the conclusion that mistakes were made but everything else is tickety-boo now let us get back to those other nasty infections or pandemics we need vaccines for. He will forever be the government mouthpiece, either by design or blind trust, both are equally dangerous. Love Alistair Williams he gets straight to the heart of the treachery we have experienced.

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Aug 20Liked by Jonathan Engler

Pretty well mirrors my own thoughts on John Campbell. He was one of the useful idiots promoting the covid hoax, and how vaccination was the only way out of this. Although he now realises that the covid shots were dangerous and ineffective, he hasn’t come to the realisation that the same logic applies to most other vaccines (maybe most are not as dangerous as the covid shots, but are often equally ineffective). The whole industry is based on dodgy non placebo trials and the mandating of their products to as large a population base as possible.

Profit used to be the main motive behind this cavalier and potentially dangerous operation, now I fear something far more sinister.

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Aug 20Liked by Jonathan Engler

It’s unfortunately definitely much more sinister.

I’m bored with mentioning that with Dr Wolfgang Wodarg, I laid out many (but not all) of the designed-in mechanisms of toxicity. They all happened & more.

Professionally, I’m certain this is not possible to be “accidental”. Mistakes Were Not Made.

Bottom line, a fake pandemic was got up around the world in order to destroy the economy and financial systems and to coerce around 6 billion people to accept intentionally harmful materials, masquerading as “vaccines”.

I don’t know what’s going to happen to these people, but around 30 million appear to have died as a result.

It’s in the running for the most severe crime in history.

Meanwhile, there’s a mass of convergent evidence indicating that what is nothing less than a coup d’etat of the free world (& more) has already occurred. The perpetrators show every inclination to press home their advantage. If they are not prevented from doing so, I anticipate they will install a digital, totalitarian control system & kill most of the people on earth.

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"Fake" pandemics don't kill millions--"simulated" pandemics used to cover up a democide do. There were millions of excess deaths worldwide in 2020, long prior to the vaccines, including 529k more deaths in the US in 2020 than there were in 2019, an unprecedented increase of 19%. And you are right--Mistakes Were Not Made--the mortality data points to intentional mass-murder.

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Yes, agreed: iatrogenicide using cover of a faked pandemic. Then, larger numbers of deaths due to poison’s masquerading as vaccines.

Meanwhile, they’ve continued to destroy the economies and financial systems of numerous countries.

I have a hunch that several countries are technically insolvent and we’ve not yet been told.

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"Iatrogenic" means unintended adverse effects of well-intentioned medical treatments; "democide" means intentional mass murder. What occurred was the latter--the former cannot explain the huge death spikes in Spring 2020 that disappeared as mysteriously as they appeared. Why are you using this new word "iatrogenicide" that makes it sound like "mistakes were made"?

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Iatrogenicide is a contraction of iatrogenic + genocide.

Genocide is always deliberate so the word iatrogenocide captures the intentional nature of this crime against humanity.

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You are correct Mike

Overcapacity and Price Wars

China’s deflationary spiral now entering a dangerous new stage


The Chinese Economy is Crumbling

This is Grim Reading


The Perfect Storm

The UK is on the brink...


The US is of course running a trillion dollars of new debt every 100 days... that is failing hence the major rate cut.... with inflation still not under control:

Inflation dynamics entail a warning to the Fed about rate cuts.

“Prices charged for goods and services are both rising at the fastest rates for six months, with input costs in the services sector – a major component of which is wages and salaries – rising at the fastest rate for a year,” the report said.

“The “reacceleration of inflation” suggests that “the Fed cannot totally shift its focus away from its inflation target as it seeks to sustain the economic upturn,” the report said.

“The survey’s price gauges meanwhile serve as a warning that, despite the PMI indicating a further deterioration of the hiring trend in September, the FOMC may need to move cautiously in implementing further rate cuts,” the report said.

China is desperate

OMinous.... But wait, there's much more: at a time when not even the shoeshine boy wants to be within a ten foot pole of Chinese stocks, the PBOC governor also said that - in a last ditch attempt to bail out the country's stock market - it will set up a swap facility allowing securities firms, funds and insurance companies to tap liquidity from PBOC to buy stocks.

Brokers, funds and insurers will be allowed to pledge assets in exchange for liquidity for funds and buy stocks; the PBOC will also set up a separate specialized refinancing facility for listed companies and major shareholders to buy back shares, raise holdings. In other words, Beijing is greenlighting direct intervention in the stock market to prop up stocks.


We are on the precipice.

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There's a very clear tendency to strenuously avoid talking about the pulse oximeter/high flow oxygen hospital mass murder operation for some reason. That got them ARDS and then put on the ventilator to finish them off. It was as simple as that.

Oxygen poisoning has been known about for decades yet conveniently forgotten about since 2020.

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I have commented on it publicly, and have a draft article in its early stages.

It’s all closely intertwined with nocebo effect, about which I have cited several examples on this Substack.

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It's not as simple as that in the US, since deaths at home, and medical facility outpatient and ER deaths tripled during the NYC mass casualty event and other death waves. https://www.virginiastoner.com/nyc-mass-casualty-event

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FYI - I called Elmhurst Hospital soon after the NYT Nightmare at Elmhurst played ...

I asked for the doctor who was involved in the tour -- was told no such doctor works there...

Called again and spoke to the Emergency ... told them my son had sprained his ankle... was concerned it would take forever for him to be seen... was told he'd be seen within 30 minutes cuz they were not busy

But what about the NYT? Oh said the guy - we were busy for a few days but now it is back to normal

It is my understanding that they re-routed sickies with the flu (covid) from around the region and stuffed them into Elmhurst

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I really just focus on all-cause deaths, because it's the core issue. Deaths increased 100% to 550% in 25 counties in the NYC metro area over 8 weeks in Spring 2020, killing 50k more people than usual--then returned to normal. Here is the data if you are interested. https://www.virginiastoner.com/nyc-mass-casualty-event

The story about Elmhurst was just an NYT article, so who knows--there was fakery going on in spite of huge simultaneous death spikes around the world in spring 2020, which most people are totally unaware of because the mortality data is first and foremost being covered up due to its obvious implications of democide.

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You really need to read Jessica Hockett to cure yourself of this delusion.

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Hockett is facilitating the coverup of the 2020 democide--that's why she blocked me--because I am exposing it.

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Jessica Hockett has blocked me on SS, so I can no longer ask her questions she cannot answer.

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Have you reached out to Jessica Hockett?

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Hockett has me blocked on SS. She has looked at 5 counties in NYC--she has never even commented on the 50k excess deaths in the NYC metro area that spring, or the 500k+ excess deaths in the US in 2020. But for some reason, whenever I bring up the 2020 democide, everyone directs me to Hockett, appearing to think she has shown the democide was fake--when in actuality she is helping cover it up.

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A nurse in NZ admitted to me that she personally administered Midazolam to covid patients... she justified it saying 'they were suffering terribly so this was a way to end the suffering'

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Wow thanks for this, did not consider it. I also wonder about this: I thought before people were placed on vents that arterial blood gases were drawn, and yet I never heard a word about it.

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JJ Couey & Mark Kulach being the exceptions that I'm aware of.

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Aug 20·edited Aug 21Liked by Jonathan Engler

I hear you. To be fair, many, many, MANY people I respect had a hard time accepting the truth about vaccines generally being, well, FOS. In fact, it was that type of cognitive dissonance that allowed the Covid Scam to persist for so long and be so effective. Long held beliefs, even in science, take on the timbre of religion. Vaccines have long occupied such a place in hearts and minds, even on the side of ostensible "Covid Resistance." Some of us, you and I among them, concluded that the obvious errors in the promotion and approval of the mRNA vaccines indicated flaws in the process that applied to other vaccines. Shockingly (to me), other folks concluded that the errors were "one off" and applied primarily to this one time. #Shrugs

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Not your fault you bemused, trusted - the billion, trillionaires in charge of this depopulation have been in charge of MSM, Social Media, Education, Research, Medicine & much more for at keast 2 centuries - they are experts at mind control, PR etc so it's often not easy to see the truth

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'Bemused' is typo

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Yes, I say John Campbell knows more than he lets on and is steering the masses.

The problem with the vaccines is that never before has such a large cohort of people been given vaccines in one go as it were, a gigantic vaccine experiment, so harms and deaths are more evident.

It may well be the COVID 19 shots are more dangerous, although as people's general health is worse this may have something to do with it. Nevertheless, all vaccines ever were ineffective at making people well, only that clever advertising on big pharma's behalf made it appear they were of some use.

All vaccines do if anything is create customers for the medical industrial complex.


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Thanks for the link to the video of Dr. Raymond Obomsawin. It’s 1 1/2 hrs long and I haven’t watched it all yet but seems he was spelling out the truth about vaccines back in 2013 and I wish I’d known about it then! He published over 85 papers but much of his work has been censored. He died in 2021 and Wikispooks states that he "went from perfectly healthy to dead a few days after sending an important document to RFK Jr. related to the safety of the COVID vaccines. Obomsawin was skeptical to the widely held assumption that vaccines have historically benefited humanity throughout the world, and has held several lectures on the topic. His obituary states he died at his residence after a brief illness. The symptoms were consistent with liver failure and multi-organ failure."

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I wish I had known about vaccines earlier but I hadn't had one for nearly 30 years in 2020 (tetanus) and had no reason to research properly. It took the COVID scam to wake me up as it were.

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Aug 27·edited Aug 28Liked by Jonathan Engler

I doubt profit was ever the motive. Profit is simply how they pay for it.

Since the 1853 British "Vaccination" Act which mandated jabs for smallpox for the next 46 years they've been spreading death, disability and diseases. This makes it 172 years. And the taxpayers and consumers have paid for it. Countless millions dead.

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Correct - vaccines are all about population control

Why Don’t They Discourage Bad Dietary Choices and Stop Vaccinating?

Consider the impacts on the economy of not reducing the life spans of humans.

Let’s say 30% of the population of a country lived beyond 90 years. Pension plans would implode as there would not be enough money to cover redemptions. For those on public pensions, we could raise taxes to ensure pensioners get paid, but that would mean less money for schools, roads and other infrastructure. Government services would need to be dramatically scaled back resulting in huge job losses.

All of these elderly people would essentially be ‘useless eaters’ sapping the economic strength of the country to provide them with medical care and free bus passes, while they produce and contribute nothing.

Why did they ramp up the vaccine schedule in the 80’s? I would suggest that they did this because population (which grows exponentially) was about to get out of control so they needed to take action. What would our overall population be if not for the vaccine push and the dramatic increase in the availability of processed foods in recent decades?

You are Expendable

At the end of the day all they care about is having enough circus and barnyard animals to operate the farm. They could care less about you or your health - you are EXPENDABLE.


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Thanks Fast Eddy - you just bought to my attention a GREAT POINT about the bastards that are helping to finance this agenda, the PENSION FUNDS - if they kill off the people, not only do they not have to pay out and go broke, they end up with all the TRILLIONS still in the bank and under their control!!!!!!

I list the pension funds in the IBFIC - the International Banking, Finance, and Investment Cartel, that through amalgamating mankinds wealth under their control, owns and controls the world!!!!!!

The pension funds are a BIG F******G lie and always have been from the start.

It was just another way for the greedy financiers to scoop up and control society's wealth.

A quick glance at your article tells me it's a good read, I'll have a read.

Thanks for the link.


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FAR more sinister

Every country on the planet is on board with the Injections. Even Sweden. When have all countries aligned on any issue? Never.

Not a single MSM outlet is interviewing any of the expert dissenters – Yeadon, Bridle, Montagnier, Bossche etc… and the mainstream social media platforms are blocking them.



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You fear correctly - Transhumanism, Depopulation of billions of 'Useless Eaters' written about & discussed openly at Davos by many of worlds richest & most powerful. Free will to be destroyed, humans allowed to live to be part machine new life form - slaves. Look at Prof Ana Mihalcea & others examining blood & vx vials under microscopes to reveal colonisation of blood by self assembling nano machines.

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Aug 20·edited Aug 20Liked by Jonathan Engler

Indeed. My experience with 'Dr' John is first and foremost he's a businessman. Fair enough. And to generate the most profit you play BOTH sides. And John does that better than anyone else. I've tried to engage with him also on email vs similar points but rarely replies and if so nothing of any real substance.

''To my many messages pointing him towards evidence that the pandemic construct was exactly that - a construct - and my offer to come onto his channel: total silence''

I emailed him about his recent comments vs Denis Rancourts new paper conclusions he says are

-''an extreme point of view''

Huh? despite John being fully aware of Scottish COVID inquiry he STILL can't seem to work out what really caused excess deaths during lockdown? Wasn't no novel lab leak virus.

On a personal note it appears my account on X no longer get's the support it used to from many ''freedom medics'' and the associated communities. Some say they maybe don't like my 'attitude' i say any old excuse will do to avoid disseminating the world's best evidence of what really happened during lockdown. I'm at the point now when i realise 'the oppostion' is the biggest barrier to truth NOT the msm. If anyone wants REAL proof of what the 'COVID pandemic' was see my substack clips from Scottish COVID inquiry. Over and out!!

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Dave - I am sure there is an element of unwillingness to engage on the euthanasia topic (something I have experienced hugely), but also it is likely that you (like me) are subject to heavy algorithmic suppression, so people just aren't seeing you.

The evidence strongly suggests that Musk's commitment to free speech does not extend to pissing off the EU by breaching the DSA (Digital Services Act) which essentially permits Brussels to control narrative on X.

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Aug 20·edited Aug 20Liked by Jonathan Engler

Yes, i try to be mindful of the 'hero' that is Elon Musk. suppressing my account and many others. cheers

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Yes! I was just permanently banned (after I was shadow banned for months at X and I was very careful or so I thought, had a 7 year old account). They told me I was banned for a comment I left on a music video posted on X about SRV of all things! I said he reminded me of a sort of Carlos Castaneda of the blues guitar; that with all his native jewelry, hats and concho belts etc… he reminds me of a half breed gaucho that wandered out of the dusty plains to work his magic. “Half breed” was what did it. And I meant it as a high compliment. Meanwhile pedos and active terrorists roam freely…🤯

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Aug 20·edited Aug 20Liked by Jonathan Engler

Thats a good point tbh. I messaged or commented to John daily during his vax enthusiasm phase. I posted clips of various experts pointing out the prettymuch obvious and i commented directly to johns comments so that he saw. I figured i would reach more people doing that than i could on my own channel at least. It felt urgent. John deflected many of us. His devotees constantly told me he was being cunning and sneakily putting out counter narrative under the radar . Too subtle for me at the time !

At this point I do finally think his video was trying to parody the mainstream health messages .. he sort for raised an eye at PHEIC.. he also made a few wry comments and ended by saying his channel is skeptical of the mrna jabs etc. Ive been furious with him and horrified by his influence for years now but finally I do think he is conveying skepticism in the only way you can get away with on YT. Like you say tho i'm totally shadow banned on his channel so he probably sees nothing most of us write anymore. If you read his comments section Id say most of his followers at this point *know.

I still think theyd be better off following the more honest and smart doctors who spot problems 5 years ahead rather than 5 years too late ..

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Aug 22·edited Aug 22

I hear this, but I would also say that any way to reach people and warn them about these products is a good thing. I don’t think he sweeps things under the rug, he has hosted people suffering from horrifying injuries —if his YouTube channel gets nuked he doesn’t reach folks who have always trusted the news and basically trusted the government. Watching Campbell is watching the slow conversion of a normie in real time. People deserve to know better than to booster themselves to death.

This is a 5-alarm fire. Some people are using a garden hose. It’s not ideal but it’s not nothing.

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True, sadly some people needed to suffer the consequences of their actions to fully understand. I didn't have the vaccines but did eat bacon with sodium nitrite (E250) which is the primary cause of my facial palsy, and led to my going through the NHS and having immunotherapy until I realised that was a scam.

I would not wish it on anybody but I only understand what I do now because I am going through it all.

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I , like many others, had facial palsy due to our vegan diets also. there's a lot of it about sadly. Jabs just add to the mix which is why its been hard to prove directly.

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Vegan diet that is interesting. May I ask, was it a lack of vitamin B 12 and did you recover?

If you are interested I did this on sodium nitrite which explains something of my health issues.


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Ive always known about sodium nitrite tbh . its a shame we learn the hard way. sadly veganism caused a wide range of problems. its virtually impossible to get right, in fact it may be entirely impossible I suspect. I am worried about people :(

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Hello, please explain how you link yours (& many others’) facial palsy to ‘vegan diets’.

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Aug 20·edited Aug 22Liked by Jonathan Engler

btw well done to all of yous who stated things directly from the start . That's when it counted. for all we knew those jabs could have felled everyone by now. In fact maybe they have ultimately :/ . Frustratingly little reward for being right and doing the right things is there ? It pays very well to be 'a bit cr@p' in our culture .

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Aug 22Liked by Jonathan Engler

Agreed. Thank you for your courage.

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Listen to Tucker and Mike Benz interview if you haven't already. It is worth the hour or so.

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Aug 20·edited Aug 20Liked by Jonathan Engler

Take heart. There are cabals of 'freedom heroes' in different countries and you are either 'in' or you are 'out.' They are mainly concerned with PR and have teams behind them. Hardly anyone references my work either - and it is not about me, but about the information.

They do not even share the links to the documents which they could easily do - they do not even have to mention me and I do not even care. In fact, I do not want them to because I do not want the attention. I just want people to know what is happening. I would love for a big journalist to plagiarise my work. Then I can kick back in Bali and let it happen.

One would think Australia's Novavax contracts or the fact that the unjabbed are being murdered in hospitals, or the involvement of the US DOD in Australia's response and pandemic modelling, or the fact that our CHO was a UN weapons inspector and is guilty of democide would be of interest but nah.

Doesn't ping on the PR radar - these people are paid to corral the narrative to 'jabs bad' (but only a little) and that is where it will stay as they divide us by race and religion. It's all so tiresome.

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Aug 20·edited Aug 20Liked by Jonathan Engler

One of my recent comments on X was ''it's a big awake club...and i'm not in it.'' I love that part when you said-'it's not about me it's about the information'- EXACTLY! I must have had by now a dozen requests to do interviews and when i refuse due to that exact stance i then hear nothing from these people again. Doc Malik is a prime example, who also called me a troll on X before blocking me. An ''awake'' doctor from Glasgow of all places no interest in Scottish COVID inquiry truthbombs??!! I've quickly caught onto many of the 'alt' media and 'freedom' docs MO. Steven Kirsch also PM on Scots inquiry on X when i filled him in and said where is the lab leak virus? No response. Nadda.

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Uh oh (I'm a big fan of Malik. Sorry he treated you badly I hope it was a misunderstanding. Something similar happened to me with RealJermWarfare but I still listen to some of his pods)

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Maybe it was a misunderstanding BUT why would he then block the main account on X exposing Scottish COVID inquiry? He clearly to me has absolultely no interest in raising awareness of a bombshell inquiry. He could easilly do a whole podcast 1-2 hours going over the testimonies giving his input as a medic, which was my suggestion to him but nothing happened. He wanted me to speak about it on his show. I don't get that at all!! Can no one else see what's going on? lol

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Aug 21Liked by Jonathan Engler

Spell it out for me.

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Aug 21·edited Aug 21Liked by Jonathan Engler

Honestly, my substack is pretty clear. See 2024 closing statements. JJ Couey covered the Scottish COVID inquiry and realised it's importance. I will never understand why more people in the COVID sceptic/freedom community haven't done similar. It is what is.

From 20mins (i removed the music on final clip as that was a trial and i also found it annoying) He was onto all this very quickly.


Full footage no music- https://biologyphenom.substack.com/p/scottish-covid-19-inquiryfeature

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Aug 22Liked by Jonathan Engler

I have been interested in Austrailia because I believe its ACM in spring 2020 is suspiciosly low, there is no explanation for the sudden off-season surge of flu tests administered at that time, and Aus/US flu research was joined with the Seattle Flu Project

Also, NYC propaganda had a separate intentional Aus audience https://www.woodhouse76.com/p/what-australians-were-being-told

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Exhausting tge truth tellers is one strategy of theirs no doubt

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A bit of controlled opposition mixed with a drop of confusion

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Too true! I have been trying to find out stats/anything about novavax for a couple of people I know who took it, convinced that it wasn't MRNA - but haven't been able to find much at all😞

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Novavax was specifically marketed to Christians as the 'spiritually safe alternative.' That should have been a red flag right there. It was also labelled in the EU as dangerous for cardiac issues etc. https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/eu-regulator-says-novavax-covid-vaccine-should-carry-side-effect-warning-2022-08-03/

In any case, I published a bit about genotoxicity in non-mRNA 'vaccines' in this article, specifically the adenoviral platforms (AZ, J&J). https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/australias-flu-vaccine-2024-no-genotoxic

If you want to send me an email I can give you another link about Novavax for you to consider. vicparkpetition@protonmail.com

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Excess deaths in 2020 are being concealed by pretty much everyone, since they cannot be blamed on the vaccines. Rancourt's paper is a blockbuster as far as the total excess death numbers from 2020-2022, and the idea they were not caused by a virus--but he insists they were all due to "mistakes were made," and that just does not explain the mortality data, especially the huge deaths spikes around the world right after the WHO declared a pandemic, which disappeared in 8-11 weeks. https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2024/7/28/researchers-discover-reason-for-31-million-excess-deaths-worldwide-mistakes-were-made-l2any-j8egn

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Yes I referenced Rancourt et al. in my recent article. "On fear: McKibbin-Fernando pandemic modelling in Australian media."

I detailed some of Australia's earliest non-DOD pandemic modelling (which was also economic and global modelling) and encouraged people to analyse it but again, no one seems very interested in my work. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/on-fear-mckibbin-fernando-pandemic

Makes me laugh, especially as 'academics' are crying in the media to 'release the modelling.' Ok, here it is, and by the way, the other modelling is classified military so you will never see it lol.

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Thanks for the link--modelling can def be used to incite fear. I don't really deal with modeling--only the number and characteristics of all-cause deaths, as reflected in the official records. I don't really know much about AU mortality, just US mortality, and here in the US, there was a massive and unprecedented increase in deaths in 2020, about which most people remain totally unaware. When I share this data, the #1 response is, "excess deaths didn't start until the vaccine." which is a very common but false belief--one that people are not inclined to change, even when presented with the data.

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Are you speaking of the same phenomenon as Jessica Hockett?

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All Jessica Hockett has talked about are excess deaths in 5 counties comprising NYC--she has never commented on the 50k excess deaths in 25 counties in the NYC metro area that Spring, or the half-million excess deaths nationwide in 2020. And she has blocked me on SS so I can no longer see or comment on her seriously problematic work., which for some baffling reason a lot of people think proves the mortality data pointing to democide was faked.

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Despite my Substack name, I have given up on this line of enquiry and now focus on caring for the survivors and what is coming next. Too much time has now passed and the lies are too big. I recorded excess mortality for years but it got too clowny as the lies got more audacious from the authorities.

This is where I stopped: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/requiem-for-australia

I wrote a Requiem and drew a line under it.

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For the record, I'll go ahead and predict what is coming next: Another democide, using the same method (whatever it was) that they used in 2020-2022, under the cover of another nonexistent virus, about which most people will remain blissfully unaware.

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It's too late to talk about a democide that occurred just a few years ago, really? Because I still hear the word "Hitler" mentioned about every day. I'd say it's more like it's too early to talk about it--because if we figure out how they just depopulate us, we'll be more prepared for what's coming next.

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Yes, there are a lot of people who see the truth but have a vested interest in not having it all come out. The love of money is a big factor.

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John is very skilled at building a lucrative and effective channel and saying just enough to not get banned. What I'm wondering is whether we need friends like that at all tho. Are any YT channels getting messages out in time to help people or is the YT world entirely a niche which tells us too little too late ? It's best role seems to be in directing people to longer videos on rumble etc ?

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Aug 20Liked by Jonathan Engler

A good short article, Jonathan. I too wrote to the Nurse Doctor myself more than once, during which time he relentlessly pushed the gene based injections. I laid out how even what we’ve been told about them is unequivocally harmful. He never acknowledged any communication & I moved on. Of course, I don’t follow him. I’d rather watch a video on milling or welding.

“When the people require a hero, we will provide him”. What motivates such people to do what they do escapes me. The Big Club isn’t likely to spare him, while he enjoys the proceeds of his propaganda.

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Aug 20Liked by Jonathan Engler

Campbell is a establishment stooge and a very boring one at that. Be wary of anyone who gains an enormous following on social media and becomes very influential.

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Aug 20Liked by Jonathan Engler

I remember John promoting the vaccines. Enough said.

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He did apologize for that. I watched that episode.

Then he did his level best to convey the truth without getting banned by YouTube (Google). He got a couple strikes back in the day.

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Respectfully, that is bollocks. Nurse Campbell knows exactly what he is doing just as he did when pushing EVERY SINGLE PIECE of the pseudoscientific bullshit foisted upon us.

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He is clearly in on it sorry.

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So many mass murderers ie jab- pushers now apologising....The pretense of having 'made a mistake' ie maimed, killed millions potentially, should mean all those who recommended it say 'sorry' in prison...Politicians who now say 'apologise' knew what they were doing no doubt - working for globalism ie depooukatiin, transhumanism & being paid millions by Big P Harma to sell the poisons.

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Aug 20Liked by Jonathan Engler

I hoped that nurse doctor John Campbell had gone to hide in a cave after the hatchet job Alistair Williams did on him 6 months ago.


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Aug 20Liked by Jonathan Engler

PHEIC crisis, real tyranny.

Love Alistair Williams - his 'WAR LOL' is unbelievably good. I used it in my Anzac day article. Every time I think of him saying "no one is going over the top for Rishi Sunak" it genuinely makes me laugh. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/through-the-lens-of-history-australian

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Priceless 🤣 “if Rishi Sunak told me to play Tetris for this country I wouldn’t do it “ 🤣 He’s so good.

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He is so, so funny. Glad you liked it Susan!

"Where did you serve? On the indoor tennis courts? In the palace kitchen serving hollandaise sauce?" OMG

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Hey EDAU, I thought of you today when I read a transcript of the following thread, I don't have a twitter account myself:


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Hi, thank you for thinking of me but I am banned from TwiX - I can't see what is happening.

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Off-topic, has to do with AUKUS and the militarized response to what we are told is a common threat. A lot of good people are asking a lot of good questions; thank you for your contribution to this effort.

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Ho-ho! People better be careful! They will get banned from TwiX for this sort of thoughtcrime!

Thanks for letting me know.

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You guys should know about an hypothesis put forward by Simon King on a recent (subscriber-only) interview on the Doc Malik podcast. It involves seeding the "sars-cov-2 virus" (yes, I know) via a novel flu vaccine platform (dog kidney cells instead of eggs) started by an Australian (formerly Gov't) "serum" pharma-company which launched in USA, UK, Italy and Spain in autumn 2019 but was not approved for use in Aus/NZ until 2021. If you haven't heard the podcast or are not able to, and want more details I could provide...

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Really!? And I thought it was the last bastion of free speech 🤣🤣

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What were the likes of John Campbell, Angus Dalgleish, Robert Clancy, Aseem Malhotra and others saying about the 'vaccine solution' in March 2020? I don't recall these people questioning 'the vaccine' at that time, very far from it.

People such as John Campbell, Angus Dalgleish, Robert Clancy, Aseem Malhotra and others helped facilitate the disastrous Covid-19 vaccine response, because they were incapable of calling it out, and in fact wholeheartedly supported the 'vaccine solution' against a disease that wasn’t a serious threat to most people.

And they have certainly not given us an authentic and resounding mea culpa to assuage for their initial eager support of the Covid-19 vaccine products. Instead they're touted as heroes for questioning the vaccines now...after reportedly billions of people have already been injected. A definite example of too little too late!

These people need to be much more forthcoming about their previous errors and also, very importantly, they need to pull their heads in regarding their defence of 'traditional vaccines'. A great dollop of humility is required on their part, including shutting up on subjects on which they are not expert, i.e. the entire vaccination schedule.

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Having been a former healthcare prof. in a public health role I can honestly say that I placed my trust in HC institutions and my Govt. and in that role promoted vaccines. I believed what I was told, did minimal research (why would I? I trusted). Now, I know so much better. I wish I had known then. Ironically, it was my former education in that role that woke me up to the lies we were being told, day in day out. Perhaps that scenario is the same for those HCPs now speaking up? The veil has been lifted...perhaps? If that is the case I agree that they should explain why they have 'come out'. It would be so powerful.

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Aug 20Liked by Jonathan Engler

Hmm. 🤔

Why did Money Pox take a little vacation?

Did its sudden exit the first time round have anything to do with the lovely Rochelle Walensky originally announcing to America that it was a disease affecting “men who had sex with men, and currently only 2 child cases have been confirmed”.

Then everyone went “WTF Rachel??! That would mean its Paedophile Pox!!”

So off it goes on a little hiatus, only to return rebranded with a catchy new name AND it now comes in 2 flavors - the men-who-have-sex-with-men flavour, and a new (completely-unrelated-to-paedophiles) respectable kiddies flavour?

Just saying…

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Aug 22Liked by Jonathan Engler

Maybe.... like making bread, they perhaps thought the vaccine was best set aside "to prove" for a while 😅

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Aug 20Liked by Jonathan Engler

While I agree with most of the comments, I don't think the failings of Nurse Dr. John Campbell are the main issue. The main problem is the lamentable state of ignorance in the general population. Ninety-nine percent of the population in developed countries do not understand how difficult it is to prove causality and how easy it is to make mistakes and fool yourself.

I include 99.9% of journalists, pundits, politicians, and those with medical training. The depth of the challenge is seen in John Ioannide's work on the replication crisis. Something like 50% of medical research studies do not give the same result when repeated.

The problem is not simply shoddy research. It involves crappy research, logical fallacies, and stubborn insistence on the use of statistical methods known to be misleading. "Let's get together and find a significant statistical relationship."

Unraveling the vaccine/inoculation confusions is going to take a level of effort compared to the work of Tycho Brahe, Kepler, Copernicus, and Galileo overcoming the Ptolemaic theory of planetary motion or John Snow's work on the spread of cholera, which required established opinion giving up on the miasma theory of contagion.

Snow's work was successful with one demonstration—removing the pump handle from one well.

The vaccine/inoculation confusions are deeply rooted in human's desire for certainty and the dislike of trade-offs. Humans like to be told, by an alleged professional, "Taking X will work and there is no downside."

Humans don't want to be told that iatrogenic interventions are the third leading cause of death in developed countries, after cardiovascular and cancer disease.

In the sea of ignorance, it is relatively easy to make misleading claims about the effectiveness of a medical intervention. And elected governments have always had weak defenses against interest groups.

In the swamp of confusion, anyone willing to talk about medical trials, the number of subjects, comparable groups, the strength of evidence, the need for access to the raw data, and the willingness to admit a mistake is a potential ally.

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It was all deliberate. Mistakes were not made. This is mass depopulation genocide. How many girls are now fertile? All deliberate

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Aug 20Liked by Jonathan Engler

I don't watch John Campbell looking for 'helpful information'. I watch him (as I do the BBC) to try and keep up with what other people are seeing. Do read the comments under John Campbell's video. I don't think his followers have any illusions - they are all about closing down the WHO, UN etc. "Have no faith in WHO will never take anything they say seriously again", "No vaccines, no wars, no tyranny" etc etc. This one for example got 1.4k thumbs up "I'm worried about the millions of ongoing heart issues, strokes turbo cancers, ME/cfs, Parkinson's, autoimmune issues, and sudden deaths caused by their last emergency intervention." Alistair Williams may be right that John is warming them up to suddenly say he IS concerned but I think Alistair also may have a problem spotting sarcasm. The pause after the 'Fake' (spelled PHEIC) was clear to a regular viewer.

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The whole COVID 19 con has been a series of clues, even 'jokes' dark humour to see who gets it and realises they have been fooled. The intensity of clues increases to try and wake up even the terminally dim if possible.


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I, too, am convinced that TPTB have been 'taking the P' from the off. There were so many dark jokes/humour that it was, to me, obvious that they were laughing at us. I think those who remained ignorant of what was really going and complied with the ridiculous/farcical 'rules' gave them huge amusement and probably reaffirmed their sense of 'innate' superiority.

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Aug 28Liked by Jonathan Engler

The dancing nurses freaked me out. Demonic

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Aug 28Liked by Jonathan Engler

I've never watched fully any of the dance routines but the snippets I've seen I find deeply sinister and highly unpleasant. It's a gut reaction. Out of context, ok, some clever moves but in the context of a psy-op (which anything 'Covid' was) they literally sicken me.

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When the Government was announcing increasingly more ridiculous rules to combat the spread of the Worst Public Health Crisis In A Generation™ I termed it 'bullshit tombola' as I was convinced (and still am) that the likes of Boris Johnson, Matt Hancock, Jonathan van Tam, etc. had to draw a tombola ticket and deliver whatever nonsense was on it to the nation.

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Indeed so. I could see in some UK politicians they were trying hard not to laugh at the idiots who were flling for it all. I could see in Boris Johnson's eyes in one video this was the case.

If you should be bored this is something I did in 2022 on my WordPress site. I thought it quite amusing, but then I am easily pleased!


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I had the time and I read it :) Thankyou! You hit quite a few nails on the head! You recall Matt Hancock 'crying'/laughing at 'William Shakespeare' (yeah, right) the oldest of old gents, being jabbed? His reaction was very revealing. On a side note, I hope you are making steady progress as regards your health.

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These are most disappointing Comments. I’ve followed some of you for at least couple of years with great respect for your work and revelations. Watching Dr JC get red-pilled in public over the past 3 years has been an education in itself. This negativity towards him indicates some of you have completely missed the subtlety of the irony, a device allowing his continuation on YT. Check on Rumble for the full/fat versions. Read the Comments under his YT vids. People get it! Sigh. If you don’t get it, you just don’t get it. You are free to be as patronising about him as you wish but you repel readers to your own detriment. Why descend to this?

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I have been open to that suggestion in the past.

However, if he’d set out to make a video subtly (using his wry sarcasm) informing everyone about just how completely ridiculous the entire Mpox story and everyone pushing it are, it wouldn’t look like that at all.

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Aug 21Liked by Jonathan Engler

Was his enthusiastic pushing of utter bollocks like masks, social distancing, lockdowns and experimental pharmaceutical products to combat an alleged novel respiratory pathogen also dry wit and sarcasm?

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That’s was years ago. Catch up.

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Hmmmmm….. anyone pushing that core pHarma shill is suspect!

and also saying that his making sure many died and were injured, Lost their job is

‘In the past’….

Are you an apologist for Gates too? Fauci? Bizarre.

I’m not sure I trust he could be as stupid as he pretends and I’m somewhat doubtful anyone can think he could be.

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I think you are incredibly naive Linda.

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Well that’s your problem Tim. Not mine! Perhaps take a look at my Facebook page going back to 2021 before commenting on my psychology. I spoke up in every way possible about jab damage receiving 6 x 30 days FB bans for my trouble. In the process developing infinite respect for Dr JCs sailing skills!

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I don’t have a problem with the fact that many are fooled by the Tier 2 perpetrators.

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You’ve totally lost me Tim, and quite frankly I’ve better things to do with my life than follow this spaghetti mess. Either on has developed their perception in the last 4 years or they’ve become so stressed that perception is skewed. Either way, most of this speculation is completely beside the point. It’s time to move on.

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‘Move on’ is one of the key phrases used by 77th. Just saying.

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yes , agreed. I'm finally finding John's wry sarcasm visible. Used to be far too subtle for me.

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Aug 21Liked by Jonathan Engler

The way he promoted experimental gene therapy injections for a non-existent virus in that dry way of his was joyous to behold. A masterclass in subtle irony.


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Aug 21Liked by Jonathan Engler

yes.. first couple of years I cant work out what his devotees were hearing. I wonder how he earned such loyal fans . It's like Trump supporters swearing blind that when he said jabs were wonderful he was somehow saying the opposite .

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I don't spend any time on JC and I'm surprised at this point anyone looking for helpful info would.

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3,000,000 people evidently feel differently.

He must be among the highest grossing YouTubers.

I feel much disappointment about my fellow humans.

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I get virtually nothing but hate if I question the chap's influence. Even from day 1 .. The ability of the film medium to make a stranger into a household friend merely by exposure (and soft voice) .. is very very well known to authorities and corporations. So many welcomed his viewpoint into their homes without even questioning his expertise .. I've long thought people needed lessons in how to approach the internet with skepticism . Sadly govt is now rolling out such lessons and seemingly for mostly the wrong reasons :(

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Remarkable. And, yes.

(Though I feel much gratitude for you.)

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Aug 20Liked by Jonathan Engler

I think there are quite a few 'Campbells' in the supposed alt mix, to keep the pot simmering but not boiling over. I would guess he has been quite well compensated for his role as hobble to this horse of public awareness.

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Aug 22·edited Aug 22Liked by Jonathan Engler

I always like to go directly to the source to listen for myself what the person actually said and yes, it's not great (to put it mildly):


The ONLY material he presents in the video is from the:

1. WHO;

2. CDC; and

3. UK government.

He also says things in there like:

"The CDC said this about the vaccine...and I believe them"

"It is NOT mRNA so I don't have as many concerns" (referring to the MonkeyPox injectable that is basically ready to roll out, as usual).

I completely agree that people are entitled to make a living from the content they put out but if their 'shtick' is just parroting the 'party line' without doing any extra digging of their own then this is not content, this is just more propaganda!

Anyone who still listens to this fella should have their head examined imho. He was fooled and "trusted the authorities" (apparently) during the previous PHEIC (i.e. FAKE) and then goes ahead and does the exact same thing?

Give me a break!!

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Aug 21Liked by Jonathan Engler

Campbell has all the signs of a retreating gatekeeper. As one gate fails, he retreats to the next defensible position. Remember how he started? His channel was relentlessly pushed into my YouTube feed right from the start. There is no way his following grew organically. Many (most?) of the comments read like astroturfing. He was even on BBC Question Time. There is nothing 'benign' about him.

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