May 24Liked by Jonathan Engler

We probably all have stories of how our GP sought to get us onto one or other (or several) of the now almost traditional “medicines for life” (blood pressure lowering, anticholesterol, antidepressant drugs).

None of these have good datasets demonstrating that long term use is a net benefit to the person taking them.

I hadn’t realised how young they start trawling for victims. Our local pharmacist’s waiting area features adverts like “Over 40 & not on a blood pressure lowering medication? See your doctor now”.

My wife’s GP used to push these drug classes at her at every encounter.

It’s unsurprising to find that GP still lining up people of all ages for the mRNA injections, despite warnings from me, initially verbally and later in writing, why she should not do so.

Not only is she harming people who trust her, but she’s helping to install a dystopian hell on earth in which she too will be trapped.

Her new German SUV isn’t going to do her any good then.

In addition to stupidity, greed and possibly evil (my own hunch is that the first two characteristics were sufficient) she’s unable to think about the future implications of what she’s mired in.

Same with trolls and assorted fools online, still maintaining whatever they were trained to say online years ago, for money.

Our current rule of thumb is to keep the hell away from all parts of the “healthcare system”.

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Yes, the medial industry did want to put me on those big three lifetime drugs, but I'm glad I refused, and I have found good non-pharmaceutical solutions elsewhere. My blood pressure is now very good. My mental health is very good. I don't know what my cholesterol level is, but I don't care.

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When it comes to certain kinds of screenings for certain cancers, I am genuinely wondering about the difference between a "cancer survivor" and a "cancer treatment survivor."

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The cancer industry is the most corrupt and conflicted industrial complex. There is no cure, no understanding of what causes cancer, and no effective treatments for cancers that will eliminate their cancers. The cancers always return. There is no long-term data on the safety and effectiveness of ANY cancer treatments, inherently speaking.

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I remember people bragging about waiting in a line for hours to be Covid tested. At the hospital, if you tested positive, they mandated 10 days off with pay. So....after that incentive disappeared, everyone stopped testing.

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Not everyone. I know people who STILL test.

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Yes, please see disturbing Cochrane Review about screening for breast cancer: https://www.cochrane.org/CD001877/BREASTCA_screening-for-breast-cancer-with-mammography

"for every 2000 women invited for screening throughout 10 years, one will avoid dying of breast cancer and 10 healthy women, who would not have been diagnosed if there had not been screening, will be treated unnecessarily. Furthermore, more than 200 women will experience important psychological distress including anxiety and uncertainty for years because of false positive findings."

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Also the all-cause death rate is higher in women who get mammograms

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And that stress and anxiety will affect their health, maybe even to the point of weakening their body's natural cancer-preventing properties.

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Yup! The Legacy 19th Century “healthcare” is a racketeering of “the-late-incurable-stage-sickness-seeking-senseless-profiteering-kabuki-dance-theatrics” sponsored by the big pharmaceutical, food, insurance, hospital systems, and corrupt Washington DC operators paid by the medical industrial complex! 75% of the eight trillion dollars annually are spent on keeping this gravy train running, nothing more. Early detection and effective lifesaving prevention are not the mainstream focus at all! These money grabbing criminal racketeering gangs don’t care, even if themselves must die early too, just like the rest of us! This is a ruthless game of greed for senseless profiteering. Then they die from expensive deaths, by their own creation, painfully and prematurely! 🤣😂🤣 How ironic!!!

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Yes I agree. Testing for Aids meant you had aids and then they killed you with their medicines. Testing for cancer.....then they killed you with their medicines. Be careful of any tests.

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Everything they do has a motive—connected to money. Nothing is done for altruistic reasons

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United States is ranked number four following China, India, and Pakistan in the world for the incidence of Type Two diabetes, while Japan in ranked way down due to their early detection and lifestyle interventions to prevent and reverse Type Two Diabetes. Facts!

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People with diabetes and other chronic diseases are prone to early death, especially if they are infected by the coronavirus or ANY other viruses, including the Flu viruses.

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The joke is on them, and on ALL of us who believed their lies!

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breast cancer screening once imaging became better identifies nodules which are NOT cancer 98 out of 100 times. Rather than a cheap six month follow up to identify change (like used to be the case) malpractice lawers (and the AMA) have forced biopsies and possible-pre-cancer pathology readings (again to cya). The whole process is 98 times as expensive as it used to be without any better results. Wonder why health insurance costs so much. People do not realize that they are being harvested silently and, after their wealth is all extracted, they will be disposed of. We are close to that. I was part of this development.

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I spent my adult life thinking that routine screening for conditions like cancer was beneficial but Rohin Francis brought a different perspective. It seems jumping in too soon with an asymptomatic patient makes little difference and may cause new problems for them. It was interesting when he was talking about how the 5 year survival rate was worked out, in the end screening someone early with no symptoms makes no real difference in the overall survival rate and that is what we should be concentrating on, not the 5 year survival that is being manipulated.

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We are facing the annual cost of an 8 trillion dollar dumpster fire of a "healthcare system," which causes nearly 800,000 American premature untimely deaths or permanent morbidity! Facts!

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If your "healthcare system" consistently results in debilitating outcomes then it's more of a health sabotage system. Concealment of this murderous deception is the only time 'care' genuinely comes into it.

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Yup! Everyone must speak up and expose this systematic injustice and rampant criminality! Absolutely!

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Yes, screening is the natural ally of EBM, and treating diseases, for the sake of treatment and medical profits, not patients. Health does not come from fighting disease.

Yet screening can also be used the right way. Japan is much stronger on screening, spends about one third as much on healthcare per capita, and has 10% higher life expectancy. More "healthcare," does not improve health, but used the right way, screening can be empowering, if it leads to lifestyle changes which promote health.


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The screening scam, yes - but also a more sinister side in terms of high-level data collection.

Goal: mass DNA sampling plus mass on-boarding to digital ID, in addition to mass medical experiment with genetic 'vaccines'.

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This is huge. People who were tested and/or injected have a right to be fully informed what exactly was sampled and what was installed.

Maybe this will come through DEPOSITIONS and COURT ACTIONS. It needs to be a major focus soon. We will not forget.

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Or treatment with statins for high cholesterol (total scam) when instead it is stress that causes damage and HBP to occur... stress hormones and other issues (adrenals, cortisol, thyroid imbalances and auto immunes). Now they put younger and younger ppl on statins and BP meds! Great money making machine ka ching ka ching! Waiting for the day they deny service for lack of latest 'shot'... just like happened w/ Covid and just like happens in vet practices with 'rabies" shot! Indoor only pet? too bad gotta get jabbed with rabies before we will treat! Dying of cancer indoor only? Too bad so sad, no rabies jab, therefore no treatment... (even tho the cat is going to die, gotta get our 50 bucks or more of profit!) That's the playbook that will be implemented, has been implemented.

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Are you aware of the HIV/AIDS/AZT scamdemic? They never proved they found HIV and yet developed a test for it. Many people tested positive for what did not exist -- and many didn't even have symptoms -- and then they began consuming AZT and THEN started showing symptoms and slowly withered away to death like poisoned plants.

So my point is >> What if some, or even many, tests for cancer are blatantly pseudoscientific, leading to false positives and deaths by unnecessary treatments?

Here in the UK there is a massive psy-op mindfuckery campaign going on about cancer. "They" seem desperate to scare people into getting tested & treated (killed). It's really quite obvious. Not only pushing the advertising big time on telly, but on billboards and online, and through the post. I've received 3 letters this year from the NHS inviting me for screenings for colon, prostate, and brain cancer. I just sneer at the letters and bin them.

To learn about a subject, it is wisest to study its history. Go to the start. Find out when & how it began. It's no good starting from modern times -- mid indoctrination -- gotta see how things started and developed. And I'll tell you, I can't get any fucken traction on the subject. The word "Cancer" has been used numerous ways over the centuries. Its definition has changed numerous times. Until Big Pharma times, it was basically used to describe a tumor or a hole that wouldn't heal, or a site on the body where it appeared something was eating away at the bone. Nowadays, it is claimed there are over 300 different types of cancer...

The subject is very murky -- and way, way murkier these days because it's all been reduced to chemistry. I don't trust "they" really know what the fuck they are talking about when they babble about T-cells & proteins & enzymes & antigens. It's all OUT OF BODY. It's based on microscopes & chemical mixtures.

And REMEMBER >> These people you trust to know what they are talking about when they use words like T-cells & proteins & RNA are the same mutherfuckers who claim viruses exist and that bacteria are parasites and the cause of so-called contagious illnesses.

So those who erroneously claim that bacteria attack living cells & tissue are the same people babbling about "cancer" and its so-called causes. Puhleeeeze. They dazzle us with their fancy words and befuddling concepts delivered with smug confidence & authority.

We've fallen for the old name trick >> we think just because a symptom or condition has been named, that it is actually a thing rather than a description. Ditto for the microbes >> just because we call something a protein or DNA or antibody does not mean that it is what we say it is or that it does what we say it does. We just take them at their word. Blind faith. Blind trust. Take the fake test. Fail the fake test. Start the treatment. Die from the treatment. Death certificate lists cause of death as cancer.

Ever notice the human body is sealed? As if we really weren't meant to open it up and try to figure out how it works inside? Kind of like a super expensive car whose engine compartment is sealed and the owner cannot access it to tinker around with it...

How long did mankind survive & thrive before the invention of the microscope? Before the invention of the hypodermic needle? Before microbiology? Before the invention of allopathic treatments? Before tests & screenings? I suggest it was thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of years.

Look up the Top 10 causes of death for 1901 -- do you see Iatrogenesis on the list? Now look in the year 2016 -- Iatrogenesis is the #3 leading cause of death.

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