Jun 7Liked by Jonathan Engler

As bad as we knew/know this to be, this confirms that they KNEW Remdesivir was deadly and they CHOSE their victims!

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Jun 7Liked by Jonathan Engler

I can only describe many of the people involved in Dr Miller's testimony as monsters, they masquerade as doctors, nurses and administrators but deep down in their psyche they are monsters. My first thought when I read about the "nice girl" in the car accident who tested positive for Covid, was she "vaccinated" and was that what made her "nice", probably not but I cannot help but think it in todays world.

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Nice girl = compliant and believes the lies we are spinning ...

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Jun 7·edited Jun 7Liked by Jonathan Engler

Go here to see a multitude of cases. Many are seeking or involved in legal action.


Best to listen to a few of the full length interviews in order to get a sense of the barbarism involved. Many of the family members have obtained copious documentation of the medical records- this is to say that all of this is provable beyond a shadow of a doubt.

The problem is not in determining the reality or facts of the cases the problem is in finding lawyers that will take these cases on and finding creative legal avenues with which to prosecute the cases as legislation was put in the place, leading into the Covid Operation, that provides indemnity for doctors and nurses and administrators who employed the deadly protocols.

One example:



Name of Victim: Debbie Sue Haven

Age: 69 years old

Date of onset of symptoms: 07/11/2021

First sought medical attention: 07/18/2021

Admitted to hospital: 07/19/2021

Treatment received at hospital: Cruelly mistreated

Experience in hospital: Ignored due to not being vaccinated.. keep food and water out of reach.. left in bed to lie in waste, as they refused to help her to the restroom .. she complained about a male cna coming in and ignoring any of her needs, and turning off the lights,,,she was scared of him, so we told the doctors to keep him out of her room

Medications given: Remdesivir, dexametomidine, fentynal, insulin, lasix, lovenox, morphine, Oxygen, vit c, codeine, (for pain) which she was allergic to, vit D, melatonin, zinc

How long was the victim on remdesivir?: 5 days

Was the victim informed about remdesivir's EUA status?: no

Informed of RMV side effects?: no

Person being interviewed: Tammy L Smith

Relationship To Victim: Daughter

Pursuing legal action?: would

Engaging in activism: yes

What types of activism: trying to find justice for the murder of our mother Prison time for doctors and nurses and cna will be a good start

Watch & Share The Interview:

Bitchute Video Link:


Here's another:



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Jun 7·edited Jun 7Liked by Jonathan Engler

Probably doesn't need highlighting, but even before covid, a lot of people or their advocates seem to completely abandon any agency when in the presence of medical staff, accepting the coercive practices and vulnerable situations ( this was a car crash ), they just bend over or neck the pills.

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Wow ! Shocking and i've seen alot these past months. I created a short video highlights reel of Dr.Millers Affidavit if any use to folks. https://biologyphenom.substack.com/p/dr-james-miller-affidavit

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Jun 7Liked by Jonathan Engler

I hope everyone reads Dr. Miller’s attestation. And I hope every other doctor who witnessed/experienced similar things digs deep and finds the courage to speak.

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God Bless Dr. Miller and his family . 🙏⚔️⚔️⚔️⚔️

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Jun 7Liked by Jonathan Engler

Not shocking at all. Im an NP PCP. Many, many patients told me of their poor treatment and delays from ERs, Urgent clinics, and other docs offices. Literally ignoring in some cases.

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I’ve heard that from others, but what shocked me here was the “let’s not give her the treatment we KNOW is harmful because she seems nice”. That’s another level altogether.

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Jun 7Liked by Jonathan Engler

Yes it is. A couple of abhorrent cases: a woman with new lung cancer in late 2020 was delayed surgical lobe resection by 4 months. No she was not a smoker but grew up with parents and married a man who all smoked decades. Another woman sat in an ER nearly 12 hours in severe pain and sickness despite a ruptured appendix, developed peritonitis and at risk for sepsis. Unvaccinated.. and watched dozens get help for even minor issues before her. And the most egregious IMHO a 38 year old young man who was told to leave Sentara Princess Anne hospital in Virginia Beach for refusing rundeath isnear. He asked for prednisone since his oxygen- at age 38! - was 83%! and they flat refused him. Left his IV access in his arm and kicked him out! He said the ER was like hell with ppl screaming and moaning all over. Sick evil cowardly bribed ‘not for profit’. Zero ethics or care for people! 🤮 So, I began treating him at home at 1130 pm on a Wednesday night. He turned around nicely… with prednisone, sucking a bit o’ hikers oxygen cans overnight, vits, fluids, IVM and HCQ. Alive and well. No long covid nonsense nor myocarditis or jabby issues since he remains unjabbed!

A little ole couple in their 90s, from Poland, visited me in mid ‘21. They said the american public does not know any propaganda when they see it, does not know history, and they knew what this was, as their family members died in the holocaust. Let us all be sure we are not promoting propaganda moving forward.

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How did it get this way? It didn’t happen over night.

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Jun 8Liked by Jonathan Engler

Yes. Goes beyond ethical boundaries in medical decision-making being merely blurred by circumstances

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Thank you for sharing this! I have a lot of respect for Dr. Miller.

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Hi. Can you speak to why the testimony doesn't provide any specifics about what Dr. Miller experienced in spring of 2020? As you're doubtless aware, the hospital he was in is not insignificant.

Thank you

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Jun 7Liked by Jonathan Engler

Utterly shocking! They knew! It was like Caesar: thumbs up or thumbs down. 🤬

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Jun 7Liked by Jonathan Engler

“Ordinary Men”...

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Jun 8Liked by Jonathan Engler

My god, just when you think it couldn’t get any more evil

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wait till it ALL comes out… you are going to be totally gobsmacked by how deviously evil the entire plan is

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the prejudice against the unvaccinated extends into other care decisions .I am experiencing that now. I have severe dequervains tenosynovitis and I clearly need an injection in the wrist. I am approaching 2 months of constant pain and inability to do anything with my right arm. Nothing is healing up. The message has been loud and clear ,"You would not take the injection for covid and now you need a shot? Go to hell." I am going to do what I should have done a month ago ,figure out how to spend less than $500 and drive less than 500 miles to get this shot. This is an aspect of prejudice against the unvaccinated that has not been highlighted enough. We are denied treatment that works or are postponed for months.

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Would you be able to share what state you are in? I understand if you're not comfortable disclosing that.

I have 2 elderly relatives I care for in Commiefornia and I've been able to get treatment for them through the scamdemic, though we were fortunate no one needed hospitalization from August 2021 to October 2022 when unvaccinated visitors were barred from hospitals. I had to tell my family that they would be on their own in the hospital if they chose to go, I would not be allowed to advocate for them. In 2023 both of them were at different hospitals for planned outpatient procedures and it seemed they were getting appropriate care and no one asked me or patients about vax status. They didn't even have to do pre op covid testing after February 2023. We actually had an amazing nurse for a last minute overnight stay for observation after complications from an outpatient procedure at UCSF, and a great anesthesiologist at Stanford. Even the community hospital with an awful reputation was okay for outpatient procedures.

We have been really lucky to have doctors for my relatives that have a sense of ethics, probably has something to do with why we picked and kept them before 2020 and still continue with them now.

Good luck getting treatment. There are good doctors out there, just so hard to find.

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A pandemic of abuse. It's unbelievable what was done to people. There was no virus at all. The anger I feel inside for those that hurt others to maintain a paycheck is unbearable. I want to see justice for all the victims. Whether it's a courtroom or street justice doesn't matter to me. I will never forget what they did.

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I think possibly the consultant doctor's comment about the girl being 'nice' could be interpreted as a facetious remark with the implication that (a) she does not medically need Remdesivir (b) we know Remdesivir has bad adverse effects in some people and why inflict this on anyone? In other words the doctor felt he could not bad-mouth Remdesivir or speak against the protocol, but he was just brushing aside the idea of administering it in this case with a humorous quip.

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Tbh I’m not sure how that interpretation differs from mine, nor that (to the extent it does) it makes it any more acceptable.

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Jun 8Liked by Jonathan Engler

The doctor who made the comment about not giving Remdesivir to the girl brecause she was 'nice' may not have felt able to say what actually thought e.g. 'this stuff is poison, I don't want to give it anyone, I can make excuses for not giving it to her, but I can't state my real reason'. I think too much weight is being placed on a literal interpretation of the comment. It would be better to talk to him and find out exactly why he made that comment - was it to be taken literally or was it a way of avoiding a confrontation in that particular situation?

PS: My wife (elderly) was given several infusions of Remdesivir after being admitted to hospital for an injury - because they found that (a) she had a positive Covid test and mild symptoms and (b) was 'unvaccinated'. At that stage no visitors were allowed in our local hospital. I was worried because I knew about the dangers of the treatment. I spent a lot of time on the phone to the nurses station - I think the nurses knew about the toxicity of the treatment - and they agreed to bring my wife out so I could take her home. Fortunately she suffered no ill effects,.

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Your interpretation is very reasonable within the context and I tend to agree after re-reading.

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13

He attempts to advocate for his patients, lined up to receive 'poison' , as being ostensibly too nice to die from it, unfortunately it will be hard to convince his colleagues in cases when the patient is an asshole, so he'll have to triage the niceness, pick his battles, at least he might save the most agreeable, and hopefully some of the less disagreeable, small mercies.

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I’ve tried to like your comment but the mechanics of substack seem to be preventing me from liking any comments over the pst few weeks. I agree with your interpretation. It is sad that medical staff just couldn’t be honest / disagree with questionable protocols without suffering recriminations / being censured.

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This is damning testimony to the preconceived murder of patients given Remdesivir. They were expected to have an adverse outcome.

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Saving a nice patient, the other side of the coin ?

The Deadliest Covid Comorbidity Is... 'Severe Mental Illness and Learning Disability'

Not to be found now on substack.com/@ashmedai . This is the paper nature.com/articles/s41467-022-29880-7

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