Thanks Jonathan! I was converted to "no pandemic" by your arguments. This may sound weird, but it was as if your writing gave me permission to think what I already knew - that there was no way this alleged 'virus' suddenly appeared everywhere all at once. The YouTube clips of Kary Mullis (saying that PCR tests can find anything in anything) also helped.

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Some more inconvenient facts for the lab leak promoters. Most blocked/ignored me on X. Probably got me suspended as they have no counter to real truths, especially those from Scotland.

1-China had no excess deaths for 2 years (until after mass jabs).

https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-023-42979-1 (figure 4)

2-Lockdowns only cause death and destruction and with 'sars-1' China had the worst experience of any country using lockdowns etc but hey it worked for 'sars-2' LOL


and of course...

3- The Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry has blown the lid off the whole ''covid pandemic'' narrative and to this day is STILL ignored by the prominent medical freedom community. Why would they ALL CHOOSE to ignore the world's only official COVID inquiry hearing first hand accounts under oath if they did not have an agenda?



In conclusion point-3- is all that should be discussed in 2024 in relation to claims of no pandemic. Almost everyone falls silent over it.

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Yes, the constructed bounds of discussion and argument. Either/Or rather than Both/And. Simplified models for people to make easy choices of which hook to hang your hat. Its not about assessing all the evidence and data, its about choosing a narrative, neither of which are an accurate picture. But both push the thought funnel which empowers the bioweapons industry.

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Empowers the scary stories the bioweapons industry sells, yes.

But the challenge I am laying down is "show me that your alleged 'bioweapon' transmits between humans" and/or "circulates" in the air.

Outside of a direct mechanism such as those I've proffered or similar, these laboratories cannot do what is claimed. It is a big-time bluff.

The charade between Anthony Fauci and Rand Paul is illustrative: they are both laughing through The Show because they know it is all BS and can never be proven. Pharma knows too.

"GoF was being funded!!!" says the Opposition.

So what? The Bat Lady and Baric cannot break the laws of physics.

...and where are the physicists in this mess anyway? What do they have to say about the mechanistic plausibility of viral agents "spreading"?

It doesn't matter if we are talking about SARS-CoV-2 or some other virus thing. The evidence for transmission between humans or species involving the things called viruses simply is not there.

The fundamental claim of the WHO et al is not about viruses (which is why the "there are no viruses!" entry point doesn't go far) -- it's about a new & unique illness and cause of death, with a dedicated ICD code and coding guidance.

It is WAY past time to get super practical about WTH happened in early 2020 and cut through the nonsense that puts us in the Next Pandemic Doom Loop.

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The bioweapon complex horror movie is just that—an elaborate fiction meant to scare the public into submission. It’s all theater dressed up in supposedly plausible ‘science’, trumpeted by agencies, media, influencers and more than a few supposed ‘rebels’. The constructed argument space fuels the supposed debate, which is nothing but a dead end. People need to learn to think for themselves instead of picking up a self-satisfying narrative without critical thought.

Transmission is, I think, a red herring too. It’s based on inference and surrogate markers for so-called ‘infection’. The historical record already shows that these so-called pandemics are not what they've been made out to be. If pandemics were a real thing, over the millennia, our species would have been wiped from the face of the earth by now.

More significant is the nature of RNA itself, which is incapable of consistent faithful replication across time and space such as would be required for a ‘pandemic’.

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Transmission isn't a red herring in the sense that the govt narrative is not predicated on the public's belief in viruses as much as it is the supposition that something was "spreading" or circulating.

Consider the fantastical, unsubstantiated claims in Alina Chan's June 2024 NYT article:

"The SARS‑CoV‑2 virus is exceptionally contagious and can jump from species to species like wildfire. Yet it left no known trace of infection at its source or anywhere along what would have been a thousand-mile journey before emerging in Wuhan."


"SARS‑CoV‑2 is a stealthy virus that transmits effectively through the air, causes a range of symptoms similar to those of other common respiratory diseases and can be spread by infected people before symptoms even appear. If the virus had escaped from a BSL-2 laboratory in 2019, the leak most likely would have gone undetected until too late."


I agree with the "RNA can't pandemic" orientation, but I don't think it up-ends the plot as much as poking holes in the spread claims does.

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I agree with the notion that the spreading pathogen story undergirds the official narrative and that too many unproven claims were and have been made throughout the supposed ‘outbreak’.

The problem with transmission is that they cannot prove it happens, and the flip side is also true: it is just as difficult to say show it doesn't happen. This is another dipole that feeds into the argument that leads to holding up surrogate markers of ‘infection’. The entire model of viral ‘infection’, what it means, how it happens (if it happens at all, at least in the way its often characterized) is called into question. This goes to yet another spin cycle.

By contrast, we can much more solidly characterize—scientifically—the nature of RNA, its replication, its fidelity, its propensity for change. This is rooted in a plethora of data, experiments, and observation. I don't think you’ll find anyone that can refute it. That’s why it so often gets hand-waived away. They avoid it because it is demonstrably true and they don't want minds to travel that path.

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It's not just transmission that's the problem; it's the claims that this "thing" causes "those symptoms" and that "those symptoms" = something new/unique which adds risk of severe illness or death for some groups of people.

Saying "RNA can't pandemic" is another way of saying "it doesn't transmit from person to person in an exponential spreading-like fashion or do so with fidelity."

It takes more than a few arrows to shoot down the narrative; I'm not offering a bulls-eye here. My emphasis in the post yesterday was that Lab Leak Enthusiasts have not been compelled to spell out exactly what they think happened mechanistically. Neither have Wet Market Proponents.

The debate begins with the Presumption of a Pandemic wrought by a "spreading" pathogen purportedly generating a new cause of death.

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Perhaps Mr. Ridley and his certitude could be invited to a debate?


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In 2024 there is nothing to debate. Not really. ''The pandemic'' was manufactured. All now confirmed as a mass democide event. The end. Anyone that claims otherwise in light of this information has an agenda or is just plain stupid.

Read witness statements.


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Remember the early YT clips of the two doctors who were running the testing centres... and essentially they concluded the same...

That was very quickly scrubbed and they were discredited...

Can anyone find those videos? I cannot

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Glad some people are finally catching up with me! Saying this since 2021. The 'lab leak' was part of the scam. https://jowaller.substack.com/p/xi-and-li-and-the-great-hoax?utm_source=publication-search

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“The U.S. Defense Dept developed SARS-CoV-2 in North Carolina. The 4th Branch (Intelligence Community) wanted to use it. The Pentagon restarts funding for development of SARS-CoV-2 in partnership with Wuhan, China – setting up the cover story. The 4th Branch (Intelligence Community) then uses the virus by releasing it in/around Wuhan. Everything after that is simply part of the 4th Branch covering their tracks. Wuhan, China becomes the patsy.” https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2021/10/02/did-the-fourth-branch-of-government-release-sars-cov-2-then-blame-china/

Ron Unz articles supporting and predating most of the above and the main articles series all listed here.


SARS-CoV-2 was manufactured in a US lab and released in China by rogue elements of the US security system as an economic bioweapon against China and a harmful pathogen against Iran and Russia. Ron Unz and others have gone into great detail about this.

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You are changing people’s belief systems. Which are changing because they have to change.

Importantly, the subtext of every conversation with Pro-Vaxxers is:

“ What were you not willing to believe about the coordinated Covid response that you now realize is, and always was, true ? “

Followed by:

“ Is there anything I’m telling you today, that you are not willing to believe, today? “

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Totally unrelated but

Joe Rogan: Ministry of Truth Minion


China’s Cocaine Rally Needs Another Line

Hong Kong's Hang Seng index plunges 9.5% as investors dump shares


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Good summary!

If neither GoF nor contagiousness are reliable in causing 'pandemics', this raises the question of how 'outbreaks' of illness and death can be mimicked (per James Giordano and "sentinel cases" -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ez4m_NqSRCU). Btw...

This new post discusses Robert Kadlec and the four year lab leak LARP:


This one from January highlights how solving the mystery of "origins" is built into biosecurity narratives (including post grad teaching material):


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