What I think of the idea that some novel virus spread round the world causing a global pandemic can be found here:
Specifically, in relation to the “lab-leak” hypothesis:
My writing to date on this topic has majored on 2 specific matters:
The implausibility of “gain of function” research resulting in a global pandemic. See here for the article about this I wrote with
, reviewed and summarised here.The fact that the emergency only started once “15 days to slow the spread” (or other national equivalents) was declared, despite clear evidence of earlier presence - without causing iullness or death - of whethever “it” was for months beforehand. NYC is a great example, see this piece.
I have NOT however written about another important aspect of the lab-leak story, the actual mechanics of the putative leak, dispersal, escape and spread. These do not pass the plausibility test, as
points out in her latest article:
Thanks Jonathan! I was converted to "no pandemic" by your arguments. This may sound weird, but it was as if your writing gave me permission to think what I already knew - that there was no way this alleged 'virus' suddenly appeared everywhere all at once. The YouTube clips of Kary Mullis (saying that PCR tests can find anything in anything) also helped.
Some more inconvenient facts for the lab leak promoters. Most blocked/ignored me on X. Probably got me suspended as they have no counter to real truths, especially those from Scotland.
1-China had no excess deaths for 2 years (until after mass jabs).
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-023-42979-1 (figure 4)
2-Lockdowns only cause death and destruction and with 'sars-1' China had the worst experience of any country using lockdowns etc but hey it worked for 'sars-2' LOL
and of course...
3- The Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry has blown the lid off the whole ''covid pandemic'' narrative and to this day is STILL ignored by the prominent medical freedom community. Why would they ALL CHOOSE to ignore the world's only official COVID inquiry hearing first hand accounts under oath if they did not have an agenda?
In conclusion point-3- is all that should be discussed in 2024 in relation to claims of no pandemic. Almost everyone falls silent over it.