Re the WHO’s apparent desire to “classify as many deaths as Covid-19 deaths as possible, even if infection is just probable and not confirmed”.

In December 2020 I had a BMJ rapid response published which, quoting Statista, noted: “To put things in perspective, consider that over the past eleven months, globally 1.64 million deaths have been attributed to COVID-19.[4] These 1.64 million deaths must be seen in context with the 56 million deaths expected in the world annually.[5]” (See: Liberal democracies being turned upside down to 'protect health services', 18 December 2020: https://www.bmj.com/content/371/bmj.m4847/rr-16 )

So even throwing everything they could at the death numbers, they still weren’t high, certainly not enough to justify what ended up being a global mass population vaccination response against a disease they knew wasn’t a serious threat to most people.

What is bewildering is that hardly anyone in the international scientific and medical establishment was equipped to call out this deliberately manufactured crisis at the time.

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I'll take it further: The attribution of any deaths to a new cause of death announced the WHO in Feb 2020 and called "COVID-19" was insane, completely unscientific and did not follow from unique and/or persistent patterns in clinical observation/presentation.

The code and guidelines sealed the deal.

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“The stupidity of this idea is unfathomable but yet it raised $26m. What they propose isn't even scientifically possible. The support from WEF and WHO is yet another indication of how they intend to destroy our human rights and freedoms. Wake the fcuk up everyone who is asleep and thinks this is conspiracy theory.

The evil behind it should no longer be tolerated. How is BG still free and not arrested and jailed for all his crimes against humanity and insider dealing”


Gates-backed startup raises $26 million for climate vaccines

Company develops climate vaccines for livestock as drugmakers eye climate vaccines for humans


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The insanity of it all would be very clear if the same policy was adopted for any other pathogen or condition. For instance, let’s test all men post-mortem for prostate cancer, and then record that as cause of death.

On a related note, the uselessness of the Hallett inquiry was established from the word go, with a statement that two hundred and something thousand people had died of “covid” rather than a commitment to examine what they actually died of.

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No PCR testing, no Lateral Flow tests.....no 'pandemic'. Add in to that 'no propaganda', and no one would have been any the wiser. What are current generations used to giving their focus to but 'visuals', in preference to the written word. Obviously, that's not every one ( too sweeping an assertion!), but enough, especially amongst the younger cohorts, to be 'impressed' by what was 'showcased' through the government's propaganda, which was also embedded in 'soap operas'.

But, the 'tests ' ( aka tools of control), were integral to the ambitions of 'governments' ( loosely named) . Without them the pandemic pantomime would have had the curtain brought down on it pretty quickly.

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And, in case one questions the WHO policy, there is the money incentive to turn a blind eye to misclassification. After all, it is for a good cause or whatever excuse works for ones conflicted mind. This is relativism on display.

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Can't we test hypotheses like this one objectively by testing frozen blood samples collected pre-/post-2020 with standard flu/covid PCR tests and the like?

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Of course.

Tadros: "test, test, test".

"There will be only one wave."

As if a former AK-47 nik knows anything other than bang! bang!

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So, Covid does not exist ? Then what made me ill in the middle of March 2020 ? All in my head ?

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I don’t think you’re grasping the nuance of the argument. With respect, perhaps peruse some other material on this platform, either written by myself or others.

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May 21
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Modern Monetary Theory as well.

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