The viral industry is a murky business. They weave their stories that are impossible for the ordinary man to demonstrate the truth of, so many of us take the storytellers on trust. They told us we had a deadly pandemic caused by a deadly virus, the symptoms of the deadly virus ranged far and wide, from red toes to red eyes and everything in between. They inserted fear and panic into their story with misdiagnosis, mistreatment, and neglect on top of disastrous pandemic measures, then they waited knowing what the outcome was going to be. Nothing else existed beyond Covid, they all made sure of that. "Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive" (Sir Walter Scott 1808).

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Indeed, there was no background signal ever measured before 'covid' for any of these coronaviruses, let alone other respiratory pathogens. Then, all of a sudden, with the help of a "test" one particular virus is suddenly everywhere? I cannot believe I fell for that so early on.

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Jordan Schachtel wrote a good Substack on this (24 June 2023) quoting N. J. Pieniazek, a renowned molecular biologist who worked at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) as the head of its molecular diagnostic laboratory for 24years. His conclusion: "The results of PCR testing just for one virusare meaningless. This scam should be obvious to anyone versed indiagnosing respiratory infections".

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''These studies also make it clear that what is found in the nose / throat is in any case of little to no relevance to whatever is going on in the lungs''

The PCR ''test'' manufacturers specifically state what you find may not be the cause of the symptoms being presented by the patient. 1 of 4 PCR test kits used in Scotland. Foia - https://ibb.co/3Mqm43W

Also what is ''flu''? If you plot a line of when flu vaccines start we know what happens weeks later.

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"Flu" is a manufactured concept utilized as a catch-all with which to market products and conceal actual causes of illness.

PCR is worse than useless- it's only a replication device and even that is of questionable legitimacy.

As for the "disappearance of the flu" in 2020:


Here's a superb article about the mythology of the "Spanish Flu" published yesterday:

"Exploding the Spanish Flu Myth"


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Thanks. Spanish flu piece completely omits mentioning the potential role of aspirin?

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Yes. The evidence for that is not compelling though it certainly contributed to illness.

What was not included in the piece, would require a book, was that what was called "Spanish Flu" was something that came to be called that in time and it was used to cover up more serious impacts and even crimes that occurred relating to the war.

There are many other items that weren't covered in the piece due to complexity that would entail taking a look at India, for example, and Russia, for example, that Illustrate that other factors which caused illness (EMF's which gets a nominal mention) weren't really profound and widespread mechanisms for that which is misnamed the "Spanish Flu."

Really the evidence points most strongly to three main items, famine, war conditions and gas/chemical toxicity.

Very interesting topic.

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On searching for this, I had not realised how "mainstream" the aspirin story actually is (which the cynical would say should make us think it's covering up something else!).



The Starko paper:


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I thought that a number of Spanish Flu revisionists had put together quite a coherent story fingering aspirin as a significant factor?

Tbh I haven’t delved into this much, but how confident are you that they’re wrong on this, and it was a minor issue?

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I'll send you a note on this during the week. Won't have time today.

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The CDC has deliberately confused people about the meaning of the word "flu." They use 'influenza' and 'flu' interchangeably to promote vaccines, and when they say flu disappeared they are only showing the dodgy surveillance of Influenza A/B and not the other 200+/- pathogens associated with ILI. Smoke & mirrors.

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I've done a good bit of research into the seasonal "flu statistics." Let's just say I think this data is very suspect. I can report that the CDC data on "flu cases," and "flu deaths" is always later revised - often by huge degrees.

For example, for two years, the CDC (and thus the press) reported that the Flu Season of 2017-2018 resulted in "80,000 deaths." Two years later, that "estimate" was changed to 61,000 deaths. Now it's reported (for posterity) as 51,000 deaths.

In other words, 30,000 "flu deaths" from 2017-2018 simply vanished with two press releases. (One wonders if 35 percent of "Covid deaths" may, at some point in the future, later be scrubbed.)

... Also, regarding those 80,000 "flu deaths" of 2017-2018 ... the vast majority would have occurred in one or two months (January and February 2018) ... as that's when this flu "outbreak" was so terrible. From CDC flu and ILI graphs, the spike occurred over about six weeks in January-early February. It then plummeted and hadn't been conspicuous in December 2017. My take-away is that the vast majority of these alleged "flu deaths" occurred over just a couple of weeks.

Compare this to the "Covid deaths," which are charted and occur over a 12-month period. If the flu deaths of January 2018 had continued throughout the rest of that year, we might have had a million "flu deaths" that year.

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The whole thing is a total mess. But with covid, thank goodness it was all so different, and somebody had the foresight to establish a proper monitoring system so quickly, otherwise we wouldn't have any reliable data.

(Irony alert)

Intro to Panda article on the JHU dashboard:

"There are multiple events that happened in January 2020 that are, to put it mildly, peculiar. One of them is that only 23 days after China reported that they had found a few cases of an “unknown pneumonia” in the city of Wuhan, three people in Baltimore Maryland launched a dashboard that was designed to track the number of cases and deaths of this disease in every country in the world. All three were connected with the Department of Civil and Systems Engineering at John Hopkins University (JHU). In their own words, the dashboard “was developed to provide researchers, public health authorities, and the general public with a user-friendly tool to track the outbreak as it unfolds” [1]. Along with the dashboard they also maintained a public data repository of cases and deaths [2]."

In his autobiography Fauci says:

"Fauci writes that as early as the end of January 2020, he and other top officials stopped relying on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and instead used the Johns Hopkins University coronavirus dashboard."



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Great tidbit, Jonathan. Thanks for highlighting that.

Also, the number of "Covid deaths" in Wuhan China was a nothing burger - until February 2020. Even with the sudden spike in Covid deaths in China, this spike was a thimble compared to the 27,000 deaths in NY City that Jessica writes about.

If one assumes this virus was spreading in China as early as September 2019, why the 4 1/2 month lag in "Covid deaths" in that country/city?

If Johns Hopkins (or the University of Washington) is doing something, my default thought is that it's nefarious and coordinated.

Quick summary:

First, they gave us the PCR tests (which IMO were rolled out mighty late in the game), but then they had to have a "tracker" that reported all the results (to stoke the requisite fear ... enter Johns Hopkins.)

What most people don't think about is that the "cases" weren't enough. The Pandemic Planners also had to have "Covid deaths." (Enter northern Italy and ... New York City!)

Now we had the huge numbers of "cases" (made possible by the wide-spread PCR testing and those "trackers") AND the morgues-full of "Covid deaths."

The Pandemic Producers could do whatever they wanted - get anyone to comply with any "virus mediation" mandate - after these boxes had been checked.

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Re: "the number of 'Covid deaths' in Wuhan China was a nothing burger - until February 2020."

Where is the evidence that the number of COVID-blamed deaths in China was a something-burger? In other words, were COVID-blamed deaths impacting or showing up in daily all-cause deaths?

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The most important point to make, either way, is that judging covid attributed deaths without first subtracting the pneumonia deaths that would have otherwise have occurred with flu is disingenuous.

Secondly, flu deaths / excess winter deaths were only ever tallied for a season yet covid deaths have no end date.

Where we disagree, is that covid and flu still seemed to have a reciprocal relationship even after flu returned. There were covid waves with a bite taken out but flu and flu waves with a bite taken out by a wave of covid. https://www.hartgroup.org/the-sars-cov-2-and-influenza-see-saw/

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Speaking to the U.S., prior to 2020, an influenza death was a death for which a positive flu test was obtained, usually co-incidental to what we would consider to be respiratory illness.

The proportion of flu-attributed deaths in the P&I category shifted markedly toward the influenza codes since 2013. This matches the overall increase in flu testing and flu positives in these years (Figure 14, https://www.woodhouse76.com/p/setting-the-stage-for-flus-disappearing).

P&I deaths occur year-round, but flu surveillance season is October - May in most states. As far as I can tell, there is no way to divorce flu shot season from influenza circulation/prevalence.

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But that comment doesn’t deal with the meat of my argument. As I have said, these purported waves of flu are waves of non-specific influenza like illnesses, caused by ragbag of pathogens. For one specific virus to have interfered as you claim, it would have needed to suppress all of these.

Is that what you are arguing happened?

Isn’t your observation of reciprocity in fact more consistent with human, rather than viral interference, in that when a country thinks it is in the middle of a Covid wave (ie detecting the seasonal CV wave which they never really looked for before) everything gets directed towards testing for Covid rather than competing pathogens.

We sat out the evidence for this in some detail in all the vanishing flu articles on where are the numbers. Have you had a chance to read any of those?

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Yes, I have read them.

The reciprocal relationship was evident in surveillance testing when multiple agents are being tested for in parallel.

It was also true pre-covid that a dominant influenza would be replaced midseason by a new dominant virus.

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But that "dominant" virus thing is just a function of what is being tested for as well. The weight of evidence is that pathogens (in respiratory illnesses) are unidentifiable or multiple. The entire thesis rests on single waves of pathogens being the dominant cause of seasonal waves of respiratory illness, and that seems quite fanciful if you drill into the foundational science.

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I desperately need to get back to writing about human interference in disappearing positive flu tests (which occurred in spring 2020 and continued in the 2020-21 season).

I submit that humans create exaggerated seasonal waves of respiratory illness through testing/surveillance, the flu shot program, and "treatment"/non-treatment of influenza-virus infection (whatever that is).

Unfortunately, it's not really science at all; it's social science, economics, & politics. :(

"...it’s critical to identify and explain all non-natural forces before contemplating any role natural phenomena may have played. NPI theory tries to do that, but doesn’t account for differences in NPIs among countries that all saw flu positives take a hiatus. Moreover, I’m not convinced that humans can control the community circulation of seasonal respiratory agents, whether natural or lab-adulterated. We do control the testing, reporting, and 'treatments' of such agents - which is why those mechanisms should be targeted for investigation." https://www.woodhouse76.com/p/flu-interrupted

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It isn't. It is the result of random screening samples tested for everything.

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Regarding "dominant influenza would be replaced midseason by a new dominant virus" - can you give an example?

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Here's an Italian study showing Influenza A dominating one month before influenza B dominates. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6873537/

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No such thing as "Covid" and no such thing as a "Covid death."

Your belief that there was some "Covid wave" is complete nonsense.

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One of the most interesting things I’ve learned in my “early spread” research is that the number of “flu tests given” in America in the first 15 weeks of 2020 was far greater than in previous flu seasons.

One can put aside the results (“positive” or “negative”) of these tests and just focus on my conclusion: the official data/statistics show more people went to the doctor or emergency room and received a flu test. To me, this suggests that more people were sick of “something” in these months than in the same weeks of previous years.

Key conclusions:

A) More people were sick enough to go to the doctor in the first place.

B) The doctors/nurses decided these patients might have the flu - or thought they might - so they ordered and gave these people a flu test.

The question that interests me is this: Were MORE people sick with ILI symptoms in November 2019-February 2020 than in the same months of the previous years? If so, I believe this could qualify as possible “evidence” that a new virus was already circulating in the population.

To be clear, I’m not stating that everyone who tested “negative” for flu definitely had “early Covid,” I’m just speculating that some percentage of these people COULD have had Covid. (I should also note someone can have Influenza A or B and Covid at the same time, which would mean a “positive” result on a flu test doesn’t rule out the same person also had Covid).

Basically, if more people were sick with obvious flu-like symptoms in November 2019 - February 2020 than in previous years, this, IMO, is noteworthy information. This conclusion would “fit” the “early spread” hypothesis. Said differently: This data point is what someone like me would EXPECT to learn.

Most significantly, I have found no evidence that a larger number of “sick people” - some or many of whom presumably had Covid - resulted in a spike in all-cause or “respiratory” deaths. This is why I think Covid might have been spreading months before the official start date of “virus spread." I think more people (with symptoms attributed to Covid) were “sick."

However, and significantly, these extra seasonal illnesses did NOT result in more “deaths.” This makes me conclude we probably had a novel virus that was, indeed, making more people sick, but this “virus” wasn’t killing people - e.g. the virus was NOT “deadly.”

My working hypothesis (which I still hold): If “mad scientists” made a new virus in a lab, the one they created wasn’t “deadly.” It just made more people get sick - sick enough to go to the doctor and get a flu test. (Note: Most people who get a “bug” don’t even bother going to the doctor. They just “ride it out” ... so the metric of “flu tests given” isn’t capturing most people who were “sick” with ILI symptoms in the winter of 2019-2020)

… Having written all this, I agree 100 percent with the point made in Jonathan’s article: It’s utterly bizarre and makes zero sense that this “bug” or “flu” would suddenly just disappear.

And “flu” disappeared AFTER March 15, 2020 - after the lockdowns.

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... I found a great source that presents the number of "flu tests" given by year. Unfortunately, this citizen journalist only had data from Week 5 of 2020 through Week 20. He didn't have the number of "flu tests" given in the months of November 2019 and December 2019 (so we could compare this data to previous flu seasons). Still, I bet the number of "flu tests given" in November and December 2019 was dramatically higher than the 10 previous flu seasons for the same months.

I would note the number of flu tests given in these weeks in 2020 was at least 10 percent higher than the flu tests given in 2018 (which is said to be the worst flu season in 40 years). Also, if memory serves, in 2020 about 35 percent more flu tests were given than the previous flu season, which is also said to be a bad one.

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That’s interesting, but in reality is that increase outwith the normal year to year variation?

Even if it was, by how much? And could commercial or other factors pushing the tests have simply resulted in more of them being done?

Recall that 2019 saw a wave of events warning us of the next pandemic. That could either be indicative of or causative of a greater propensity to want to test for these things.

I’m not convinced that your data point really supports the view that there was a novel virus around.

To me, this is another one of those examples such as people citing some extreme weather somewhere in the world to say the climate is changing.

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The data I relied on is from the CDC and their "flu monitoring surveillance network." Per my source, the CDC DID expand the number of clinics that were a part of this network ... so there were more clinics that could give flu tests. However, this change (adding more providers in the network) occurred after 2017 ... so the comparisons from 2020 to 2018 are "apples-to-apples" comparisons.

To be clear, I'm not discounting or rejecting the possibility that "Covid" could simply be "re-branded" flu (or ILI). I think this is a fair and plausible hypothesis.

Still, per my research, more people were "sick" in the cold and flu months just before "official" Covid than had been sick in previous years. Maybe this is just a "coincidence." If it is, it's an interesting one.

By now I would have given up my "early spread" research if I found that there was no spike in "sick" people in the months before official Covid. But I didn't find this. I found the opposite, or "evidence" that supports my theory that we had a (very) contagious virus that caused ILI symptoms, but it wasn't a "deadly" virus.

My main point is that "symptoms" should matter in this discussion - and one can find pretty good data sources that suggests more people experienced these symptoms in the months before Covid was supposed to be "spreading."

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I also note you don't need to rely on the "flu tests given" data point to reach the conclusion that more Americans were becoming "sick" of "something" in the months before official Covid.

The data/research on numbers of schools that closed "due to illness" before mid-February 2020 also supports this conclusion. Per my research, more schools closed due to illness in these months than had ever been shut down in American history.

CDC and state health agency Weekly ILI reports support this hypothesis as well. Personal observation supports this as I know huge numbers of my family members, friends and neighbors were "sick' in December 2019 and January 2020. My doctors - or doctors I know - have told me their clinics were over-run with sick people coming to the doctor in these months. These people WERE given flu tests, which kept coming back "negative," which these doctors, nurses and administrators couldn't understand.

One administrator of a major health clinic in south Alabama told me in an interview, "We thought there must be something wrong with the flu tests."

I've also saved - and reported - hundreds of Internet posts from people who report they were sick in these weeks and months. Whatever made these people sick seems to have been "contagious" (spreading) as many of these people say that their spouse, children or co-workers got sick with the exact same symptoms at the exact same time. This is known as "anecdotal evidence," which I actually do consider as significant or worth noting.

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I agree there was no pandemic, by my definition of the word, but isn’t it just the case that the frail and the elderly succumb to ‘the pathogen of the day’ ( think ‘soup of the day’)? In which case some probably died from a bioweapon called covid and others from flu or whatever else usually gets people, but the latter were labelled as covid too, to support the narrative.

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But whether or not the actions of some scientists resulted in a novel virus flying around the world causing a novel illness is not merely an academic point.

It is what the perpetrators want you to believe, simply because:

1. it distracts from the actualy cause of all the harm - people cannot move on from making the link GoF -> killed lots of people.

2. it preserves the need for the criminal pandemic preparedness industry, since people will assume that if scientists can engineer a virus which causes mild illness then they can also make one causing a severe deadly pandemic.

At present, people are acquiescing to the question as to whether we need to be "better prepared for the next pandemic" because they think that a pandemic was caused by a new engineered virus flying around the world.

This can be rerun at any time. A leaked or escaped "virus" is not actually needed to light the blue touch paper. Only the narrative of escape + dodgy testing + data fraud is needed to create covid the sequel.

The only way of insulating us from a rerun of the last 4 years is to make people understand how utterly ridiculous the entire story we have been told is.

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Your belief in some "bioweapon" or that the elderly and frail were killed by some 'pathogen of the day' is flat wrong and covers up what actually happened which was mass murder via protocols and DNR's and neglect/starvation and assorted medical barbarism. This is all well documented.

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That's the true scandal IMO and where Jonathan and Jessica are doing vial work. Whether or not one believes there was a "novel" virus circulating, it's abundantly clear no spike in all-cause deaths occurred until AFTER the treatment and hospital protocols changed.

Almost all of those deaths must have been caused by the government ("democide.") The excess deaths were "iatrogenic" and/or caused by panic and "collateral damage" from the lockdowns.

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This site goes post Convid and what's to come unless we stop it. It's not my site, but I do recommend it regularly. The powers that should not be want complete power, money, & control. The few control that many and it's time to turn the tables over. Stopworldcontrol.com/vaccines

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Three vital events for the “deadly virus” narrative were: The “outbreaks” in northern Italy, the Diamond Princess cruise ship and (in the Spring of 2020) New York City.

The Diamond Princess saga received endless media coverage and was very important to the authorized narrative.

However, getting virtually no attention was take-aways from three similar “outbreaks” on the Naval vessels - the USS Roosevelt aircraft carrier, the USS Kidd destroyer and the Charles de Gaulle (French aircraft carrier). All three of these outbreaks happened approximately a month after the Diamond Princess outbreak.

What’s different about the outbreaks on the Naval ships is that antibody tests were later given to crew members. (A sample of Roosevelt sailors were tested for antibodies between April 20-24, 2020).

These results found that 43 to 63 percent of crew members had been “previously infected” (e.g. they had Covid antibodies … from the CDC’s own antibody test).

Approximately 7,300 sailors served on these three ships and, per my extrapolations, approximately 4,200 of these sailors had “antibody evidence” of prior infection.

Only one (1) sailor, 41, on the Roosevelt allegedly “died from Covid.”

One can use these results to show that the Infection Fatality Rate on these cramped vessels was 1-in-4,200.

The IFR for the flu is widely reported to be 0.1 percent (which is one death in 1,000 “cases.”)

My take-away from looking at these three Naval-ship antibody studies is that the Covid IFR is at least 4 times SMALLER than the Flu IFR.

Basically, these antibody studies show this was NOT a “deadly” virus that anyone should be alarmed about.

I also wonder why public health officials didn’t perform antibody tests on the passengers and crew of the Diamond Princess. Similarly, I wonder what the results would have been if the CDC and Navy tested a large sample of every Navy sailor (from all the Navy’s ships) for antibodies in late April 2020.

Why did the CDC/Navy only perform antibody tests on sailors on three ships?

My conjecture/answer is that officials KNEW that if they tested sailors on all ships, these results would have shown that large percentages of these crew members had also been previously infected - with nobody dying. That’s the narrative our trusted public health officials couldn’t report to the public.

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From what you logically set out, it is illogical for 'them' to claim 'flu disappeared for two whole years. Since every local council had their 'pandemic plans' in situ for 2 whole years ( March 2020 to March 2022) it appears that 'flu/ 'flu like illnesses were 'supposed' to take leave of absence for 2 years. How does 'flu know when it is 'allowed' to circulate again? How did all these councils know that a period of 2 years was the accepted time band for their policies, eg, 'covid marshals', 'signs painted on floors', 6 feet apart prevents contamination, etc, etc.?

Those 2 year Council pandemic plans on their websites were all agreed because 'covid' was to be the only virus in town.

How does a virologist prove definitively that a virus called 'covid', with a list of identical symptoms produced by cold viruses or 'flu viruses, was the 'dominant' one, and made flu surrender and retreat to the margins for 2 years?

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I don't even understand how "the flu" disappears during summer months and "comes back" in the winter - and has done this far before air travel existed. "Influenza" is not a living creature (like a bacterium) that can exist "in nature" and then "infect you." It is wholly reliant on infecting living cells to continue propagating. So how does it "go away" in the summer (by definition it would seem it would essentially cease to exist) and then "come back" to infect people later. From whence did it "come back from"?

To say nothing of "going away" during the pandemic. In that sense wasn't SARS-CoV-2 like an uber-flu-vaccine that would have "eradicated the flu"? So how does it come back?

Zoonotic resevoirs? But don't most mammals also "get COVID", or was it not outcompeted in monkeys and chipmunks the way the flu was? Or does it come back from the birds? Or are these viruses always spreading but at very low non-pathogenic levels until winter sets in, but then that would indicate environmental factors actually dominate whether "a virus" can cause an infection severely enough to cause disease, which would mean PCR tests and even vaccines are of limited to no utility in predicting disease relative to unlocking the environmental factors dominating pathogenesis (VitD? sunlight? humidity? good diet?)

The whole thing is a mess, IMO.

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The fact the "flu" disappears for six months is interesting. Still, there's no denying that throughout recorded history humans have observed that larger numbers of people get sick with certain easily-identified symptoms ... every winter. We've all probably had "the flu" - or all those symptoms that make us feel rotten for a week. We've almost always had these symptoms in November, December, January and February. What's up with that? Why is that?

We can tell if Alka Seltzer Plus Cold & Flu sells more units in the winter ... or in the summer.

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Not sure whether you are disagreeing with what I was saying or merely raising a side-issue, and apologies if I have misinterpreted:

That clusters of illnesses (with multiple causes) termed "the flu" are more common over winter doesn't necessarily mean that the cause is a specific purported pathogen just because that something is commonly shortened to the "flu".

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It's a sidebar issue or "Bill Rice observation" - for some reason, more people do get sick with sore throats, coughs, fever, body aches, etc. in a 4-month period in the winter than they do in the other eight months. This repeats every year and has for hundreds if not thousands of years.

If little Laura on "Little House on the Prarie" got sick with the "flu" in 1883 ... it was probably in January not July.

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Great points, get curious and ask questions and you realise the whole Covid doesn't make sense.

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This was funny, I'd love to hear an eminent virologist answering all those.

Or does it come back from the the birds?

Seems increasingly more like it's for the birds to me

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Many here talk of "viruses" as if it's a given that there is any evidence, that doesn't rely on circular reasoning, to support their existence. This assertion that there's a dangerous little particle out there called a virus, that you can "catch" it, get sick and even die from, hasn't ever been shown to be valid (happy if someone can show the paper if it exists). People don't want to talk about this because it's difficult to undo a lifetime of "schooling".

How about considering, just for a moment, whether the provided bogeyman, "the virus", didn't even exist at all. That's right folks. They lied about the virus. There was, and is no virus. Period. There's clear evidence of this.

Not just corona virus. There were never ANY viruses.

Realising this is like the grown up version of when your mother told you that she and the rest of your beloved family conspired to lie to you for your whole life about Santa Claus. It's a very difficult, and perhaps painful one to "unlearn", because it's deeply entrenched in our "schooling", in everything we "know".

Common responses are similar to: "But I've had COVID, and it was really bad! Much worse than I've ever had. It's definitely not the common cold or a flu, I just know". I hear this every day from almost everyone I've had this conversation with. Even from the staunchest anti-vaxers hell bent on exposing the lies surrounding vaccine "safety" and "efficacy", waving placards and donning Del Bigtree T-shirts with similar messaging, yet always stopping short of questioning the very "problem" this "solution" is "preventing", and refusing to even discuss it. "We're winning the argument, let's not lose the momentum or our audience by talking about whether viruses exist! It's a step too far, and kinda doesn't matter anyway. It's the vaccine harms that are important.".

"And I had a positive PCR too, so it MUST have been Covid, because the test proved it, right?"


Once you realise how this fraud was orchestrated, everything else becomes a lot easier to understand. It requires no faith, no belief, no trust in experts, no emotion. Just basic rational thinking. This is basic science experimentation that anybody can conduct by themselves.

Jamie Andrews is doing exactly that, and his experiment methods are (or will soon be) open sourced so that they can be scrutinised and falsified by anyone willing to do so. He's not a scientist but he is employing virologists to run their standard viral detection tests across multiple accredited labs worldwide (can they ALL be simultaneously wrong?). The results are astounding and hopefully this is the beginning of the end of the fraud that is virology.

It's clearly and easily explained here by Dr Cowan (link below).

Once you grasp this, justification for everything else that is downstream of it can easily be dismantled; the dystopian nightmare of vaccine mandates, vax passports, PCR "tests" and associated personal / genetic data harvesting, do not resuscitate orders, plastic screens, track 'n' trace mobile surveillance without consent, travel bans, outdoor activity / exercise bans, quarantine of healthy humans, free speech bans, school closures, loved ones dying alone - no visitors allowed, empty hospitals yet hospitals reportedly "overflowing", park closures, event cancellations, weddings, funerals, graduations, children's birthdays missed, QR code mobile only menus, curfews, alcohol bans, phoney elbow bumps, social distancing, lost employment for unvaxed, elimination of cash, plastic face shields (with the words "Face Shield" helpfully emblazoned across the top in case you didn't recognise it as such), families separated, hand sanitisers, forced temperature checks, forced closure of small businesses, massively increased surveillance, undiagnosed and untreated genuine health conditions, mental torture of lockdown isolation, rubber gloves worn by kitchen workers (for a respiratory disease?), supermarket queuing rituals, neighbours snitching on rebellious dog walkers to police hotlines, billions of people's lives destroyed or irreversibly harmed, trillions in wasted public funds handed out in furlough, etc all of it, I repeat ALL OF IT, is blown away in a simple puff of logic, because it is all predicated on the existence of the alleged virus.

You've got to hand it to them. They pulled it off brilliantly. They had us fooled. And they will do it again. Harder and swifter and more consistently across countries next time.

This is why it's so important to ensure that as many people as possible start to use their thinking faculties to discover the truth. Please listen to the scientists who are exposing the truth through hard evidence.


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My FREE Salt Water Cure for Bird Flu and Covid and any other virus:

3 minutes from preparation to job done: Mix one heaped teaspoon of table (or Iodine) salt in a mug of warm clean water, cup a hand and sniff or snort the entire mugful up your nose, spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If burning sensation, then you have a virus, so continue morning noon and night, or more often if you want, until the burning sensation goes away (2-3 minutes) then blow out your nose with toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards, until when you do my simple cure, you don't have any burning sensation at all, when you flush - job done. Also swallow a couple of mouthfuls of salt water and if you have burning in your lungs, salt killing virus and pneumonia, there too.It washes behind the eyes, the brain bulb, brain stem (Long Covid), The Escutcheon Tubes to the inner ears and the top of the throat which is at a point roughly level with half way up your ears and not where your mouth is and it goes down the back of your throat, when infected there too.

I have been doing this simple cure for over 31 years and I am and others, never sick from viruses and there is no reason why any of you should be.

Simply put, if the inside of your nose is dry and crusty, you are OK, if your nose is runny, you really need to do a salt water sniffle as quickly as possible AND THERE IS STILL CLEAN SEA WATER, TO USE INSTEAD.

Nobody has been injured or killed by my above salt water cure

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The Neti pot method. Well known in certain countries.

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Our Natural Immunity

Against Bullshit


Well, It’s Glorious.

How Many More People Are Going To

Have To Die

For Robert Malone’s Personal Growth?


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Seems like the core issue is all-cause deaths. In the US, there was an unprecedented increase in all-cause deaths in 2020 of 529k, or 18.5%. Overall in 2020, there was an 8% increase in deaths attributed to flu and pneumonia as the underlying cause--in addition to all the deaths attributed to COVID19.

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