May 6·edited May 6Liked by Jonathan Engler

PROGRESS!! They’re shooting themselves in the foot and not a minute too soon.

“Please keep driving the Overton Window as wide as you can make it! I’m doing the same. The more time passes, the less people regard me as a conspiracy theorist and more a conspiracy realist.” —Mike Yeadon

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May 6Liked by Jonathan Engler


Petroleum Based Synthetic Injections

Are Not Compatible

With Water Based Human Bodies.

This Is Not Complicated People.


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May 6Liked by Jonathan Engler

I'm not sure they're obviously oblivious re the bullet point.

There's a deep game being played at a psychosocial level that most are missing imho.

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May 7Liked by Jonathan Engler

Well the majority of people believed they could be contagious with something they didn't have so this is actually quite a logical next step for them.

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I'm on the Daily Mail category A blacklist for the criminally insane where, whatever I comment, however innocuous, it's immediately deleted.

This is because I said Covid was an imaginary virus back in 2020.

Didn't seem to make any difference, and still doesn't, that I was a frontline Paramedic at the time.

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They have included in the new jab some coronaviruses only found in bats but our science soothsayers predict they could "theoretically" go on to infect humans. You would have to have a death wish in order to try their products. I wonder which poor person will be dragged and injected in front of the media to demonstrate they are "safe and effective".

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Gee, an all in one jab . How convenient and it even works on viruses that don't even exist yet,. Amazing! How is that? Trust the science!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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What do you think the staged covid pandemic was about? It was about regaining the trust in science that will save the world from infectious diseases, cancer and clime change.

Can you imagine what would happen to science if it became common knowledge that few diseases are actually infectious? Or that the great majority of cancers are caused by metabolic diseases and environmental factors and not genetics? What about NASA pics confirming the earth is 15% greener than 20 or 30 years ago?

Who needs science and the waste of trillions on funding?

Millions of jobs were at stake if science loses its appeal, its worshipers and most of all the funding…

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There will always be a patsy. In a poker game always ask who is the stooge. I play SPOOF but that's another game - Google! OR https://homepages.warwick.ac.uk/~phscz/misc/spoof.html

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May 6Liked by Jonathan Engler

Addition to “Folklore and Alternatiive Rules:”

“If you're playing a poker game and you look around the table and and can't tell who the sucker is, it's you.”

—Paul Newman

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What seems to be the problem?

WHO has announced the unknown Disease X with already known mortality rate 20 times higher than covid-19. If one simply follows the logic Vaccine X should be readily available to be injected directly into the brains of all those who lack simple cognitive abilities and prior to Pandemic X.

What could possibly go wrong???

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To me this highlights 1 simple fact. Pharma science & it's cultist, clergy & followers is #fakescience #antiscience #cult #corrupt #antihuman #proprofit

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