I tend to agree that it was not really the health emergency it was made out to be, but why a military operation? Do you mean a Chinese military (or gov't) operation to conceal that it was more probably a lab leak? But could we have known that at the start? I tend to give the benefit of the doubt to most health officials in that they genuinely believed (at first) that it was a genuine health emergency. And maybe at some point, a certain kind of panic set in and in fearing for the worst they prepared for the worst. The problem is that even if down the line they recognized that they were jumping to a hasty conclusion they could not backtrack and walk it back for fear of looking ridiculous or incompetent. Or am I trying too hard to put lipstick on a pig!?
I mean that the military-intelligence-big pharma entities in Western nations, spearheaded by the US, carried out an operation to put their countries under something like martial law.
They fabricated a public health emergency to conceal the true nature of what they were doing.
The changes in voting practices allowed enough voter fraud to elect Biden, even though he spent much of the campaign in his basement.
I think this operation was also a test run for totalitarianism.
The involvement of the military in running the ‘pandemic response’ has also been independently determined to be fact from other sources e.g. in Germany the RKI leaks written about by Prof. Stefan Homburg, in Holland, the Dutch Health minister has confirmed this, in Italy the military there even published an open report in English about their involvement. https://www.esercito.difesa.it/en/Army-Report/Documents/2020/RE20_ING_WEB_A3.pdf You may recall the ‘army trucks of Bergamo’ called in to create a much publicised photo op of military vehicles transporting coffins of the dead to be created because they were deemed so toxic they could not be buried as was the normal custom.
Importantly, by declaring the (fake) pandemic a security threat it could no longer be solely managed by medical health authorities who became subordinate to the military. Doctors could be ordered to unquestioningly follow medical treatment protocols dictated from a higher ‘authority’. Similarly because the injection sourcing was (certainly in the USA) handled by OTA (other transaction authority, a type of military sourcing contract) many or even most of the normal requirements for strict quality control for the injections could be by-passed due to the declared ‘state of emergency’. This is the only way they could get authorisation for mass use of a known-to-be-toxic technology before any proper studies had been concluded.
The global use of military assets within the western world certainly suggests some kind of overarching criminal network was behind the whole exercise. Certainly nothing was happening by chance.
I too have been closely following Sasha Latypova, Katherine Watt, Meryl Nass, to name only a few.
Also, the convincing researcher, David A. Hughes, who looked into the reasons that would've motivated a 'Catalysing Event' like 9/11 which I've studied and of course the pre-planned Covid-19 ill-Health Global Emergency and 'Live Drill' (Mike Pompeo) with both Event 201 and Pacific Eclipse.
I also discovered a Crimson Contagion exercise,
This 2019 exercise was run by a top US Biodefense 'expert' whose name is Robert P. Kadleck.
C-19 was evidently a very well coordinated US-led Military Operation which both short-circuited the global economy and unnecessarily locked down billions of civilians causing HUGE collateral damage😈.
Cutting to the chase, I think David A. Hughes' analysis is important in which he stated that 20% of global governments were being destabilised by marches and demonstrations including the 'Gilets Jaunes' (Yellow Vests) here in France.
The timely😉arrival of a mysterious invisible enemy, a lethal human-culling flu-type virus put an abrupt HALT to the global demonstrations.
Also, and I think this is the FOREST hidden by oh so many TREES, is that an important FINANCIAL CRISIS iceberg was about to be hit by a Titanic 2 cruise ship which would've driven a stake into nation's confidence in the United States DOLLAR and as a consequence the US' UNIPOLAR global stranglehold and the continuation of the RULES BASED INTERNATIONAL ORDER😇!!
In order to avoid this ship-sinking event, a 'smokescreen' CRISIS😱 was deemed URGENTLY necessary which would allow those pulling strings in the Financial World the essential TIME to prevent a repetition of the 2008 Lehman Brothers/Bear Stearns disaster, perhaps much worse this time with 300 TRILLION in global debt, financial crisis.
Davis A. Hughes mentioned the statements made by both Marc Carney and Larry Fink at Jackson Hole in which they stated that the SYSTEM in place wouldn't hold if another banking crisis hit the USA and its rival, Europe.
To allow the necessary TIME for the Powers That Be to prevent a US-crushing financial crisis, the C-19 'smokescreen' Military Operation was poisonously 'injected' into and imposed on the WORLD.
Thanks, yes I agree. I also think that David Hughes does great analysis of the situation. Corona was a totally political / financial event. Follow the money to find the criminals.
Once that Corona had been designated a ‘security’ threat, the military had carte Blanche to handle the (non existent) ‘pandemic’ with military countermeasures. Like so many other ‘false-flag’ terror operations, the Corona pandemic psyop has all the hallmarks of a globally coordinated event using inter operable state security forces. The faked videos shown here illustrate this clearly, as does the fact that the event was pre-rehearsed in 2019 in the Event 2O1 pandemic simulation exercise. This is a sure giveaway. In the U.K. the BBC even ran its own pandemic simulation exercise in 207-18. I only found out about this event a couple of months ago. It has ridiculous give-away coincidences with the ‘real’ 2020 event which tell you immediately that the whole thing was scripted.
I find it hard to believe governments have the required competence to pull off this kind of global coordination given the required competence is not otherwise in evidence. It's not that they would not want to, but rather that they are mostly unable. The coordination of so many people would be required that even if only 1% are not on board they would blow the whistle and we would surely know. But would they be believed?
When I speak of ‘government’ I am really referring to what is called the deep-state. They did it for 9-11 and they got away with it. They did it throughout the Cold War with Operation Gladio which officially lasted for almost 50 years but more likely continued to the present day. In 2005 in the U.K. they did it in London and they did it again in Manchester in 2017 and so on. Many people find it hard to believe that a government would massacre its own people to further political or ideological aims. Of course with events such as 9/11 and 7/7 there is doubt among the masses but for Operation Gladio there is no doubt. It has been officially admitted that some of the worst terror bombings to have ever occurred in Italy were carried out with the knowledge and complicity of government. I have written about this on my Substack.
The Chinese man supposedly dropping dead in the middle of the street while someone just happened to be recording him, was confirmation for me that it was all a psyop.
Good to dredge these up, Jonathan. Absurd and comical though they undoubtedly are, they shouldn’t be dismissed and forgotten - the reality is that whoever commissioned them, pushed them into the public’s consciousness and why they did so are crucial questions.
Was it the same people making the Dancing Nurses videos? The same Dancing DEI videos made by the subContractor for Boeing when doors and wheels were falling off airplanes? Or the same dancing DEI pilots in the upside down Endeavor-Delta flight?
Given the irrefutable evidence from Scotland why is anyone a 'COVID sceptic' even debating the 'the pandemic' at all in 2025? It's obvious what has happened. The below is where real questions need to be asked vs skimming around the edges whether it be tik tok videos or even 'COVID vaccines' yet the focus is always being diverted elsewhere. Article on that shortly.
Héctor Retamal based in Shanghai and employed by Agence France-Presse (AFP) was positioned in Wuhan and took the pictures which were distributed worldwide by Getty Images.
He is an "on the scene" crisis photographer- in other words a paid propagandist.
For his coverage of the "Wuhan crisis" he received multiple awards, including The Guardian Agency Photographer of the Year 2020, the “Excellence in Photography” category at the Society of Publishers in Asia (SOPA) 2021 Awards, and first place in the “Spot News” category at POYi 2020.
Joining Retamal in Wuhan for 8 days were Leo Ramirez and Sebastien Ricci also employed by AFP. Together they filmed, photographed and wrote about the city of Wuhan in China, providing the necessary images to go with the fable of where the "virus" originated.
Read the following:
A week before, the British Express titled: “Coronavirus horror: Social media footage shows infected Wuhan residents ‘act like zombies'”.
But an analysis of these videos and their context shows the following:
Contrary to claims that there were “dozens” or even “hundreds” of such videos, there were only about ten such videos, which were shown in various places and in various combinations.
Most of these videos really had nothing to do with covid. Rather, these videos showed drunk people, homeless people, road accidents, unspecified medical emergencies, and even training exercises. Some of these videos were quickly debunked by Western “fact checkers”.
Because of the simultaneous virus outbreak, first responders in Wuhan often already wore protective equipment (the white biohazard suits). Thus, to bystanders and to people uploading and sharing the videos, it may have looked like actual “sudden coronavirus deaths.”
In many cases, video titles or descriptions suggested or claimed the videos showed “sudden coronavirus deaths”, but in no case was this suggested or claimed by Chinese authorities; instead, it was social media and Western media promoting this frightening narrative.
It looks like most of these videos were shared internationally not by people close to the Chinese regime, but by people and groups opposed to the Chinese regime (e.g. by ‘Voice of Hong Kong’ and ‘Badiucao’), who wanted to show that the Chinese regime had lost control. The video compilation below, for instance, was published by Taiwan-based news platform TomoNews US.
The most famous photograph of a “dead man lying in the streets of Wuhan”, used by many Western media outlets (see above and here), was produced and distributed not by Chinese journalists or officials, but by AFP/Getty war zone and international crisis photographer Hector Retamal, who later won awards for this photograph. French Agence France Press (AFP) is one of only three major Western news agencies and was previously involved in various war zone deceptions (e.g. in Syria).
Furthermore, it is noteworthy that the first English-language mention of the alleged “Chinese whistleblower doctor” Li Wenliang (who later died or disappeared) came from “China Change”, an “NGO” funded by the US National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a US government controlled entity that sponsors opposition groups in adversarial countries.
This again might indicate that Western state actors either tried to leverage the situation in China, or tried to frame China (the real origin of the virus remaining unknown to this day). In contrast, the Chinese government itself primarily tried to downplay the situation, and continues to do so.
I remember these videos. I wasn’t suspicious in 2020 and didn’t give proper thought to the idea that this was ridiculous for a respiratory disease. It did no doubt subliminally help me be more afraid of Covid.
I remember those videos at the time made me laugh out loud because they were so obviously fake. The obvious fake added to my horror later on when I realized that people really were falling for the scary virus narrative, and enthusiastically violating people’s basic human rights.
It's funny how this rapid response team in protective suits ..... seem to😇 know in advance what "type" of emergency they will be called to, without even examining the patient. You can clearly recognise the signs of a "convid", not to be confused with heart attack, stroke, fainting, circulatory collapse. 🎉🎉🎉
These videos confirm my belief that "Covid" was not a public health emergency.
It was a military operation. The "public health emergency" was fabricated to conceal the real story.
I tend to agree that it was not really the health emergency it was made out to be, but why a military operation? Do you mean a Chinese military (or gov't) operation to conceal that it was more probably a lab leak? But could we have known that at the start? I tend to give the benefit of the doubt to most health officials in that they genuinely believed (at first) that it was a genuine health emergency. And maybe at some point, a certain kind of panic set in and in fearing for the worst they prepared for the worst. The problem is that even if down the line they recognized that they were jumping to a hasty conclusion they could not backtrack and walk it back for fear of looking ridiculous or incompetent. Or am I trying too hard to put lipstick on a pig!?
I mean that the military-intelligence-big pharma entities in Western nations, spearheaded by the US, carried out an operation to put their countries under something like martial law.
They fabricated a public health emergency to conceal the true nature of what they were doing.
The changes in voting practices allowed enough voter fraud to elect Biden, even though he spent much of the campaign in his basement.
I think this operation was also a test run for totalitarianism.
Sasha Latypova has researched this extensively. You can read all about it here https://open.substack.com/pub/sashalatypova/p/the-covid-dossier-a-record-of-military
The involvement of the military in running the ‘pandemic response’ has also been independently determined to be fact from other sources e.g. in Germany the RKI leaks written about by Prof. Stefan Homburg, in Holland, the Dutch Health minister has confirmed this, in Italy the military there even published an open report in English about their involvement. https://www.esercito.difesa.it/en/Army-Report/Documents/2020/RE20_ING_WEB_A3.pdf You may recall the ‘army trucks of Bergamo’ called in to create a much publicised photo op of military vehicles transporting coffins of the dead to be created because they were deemed so toxic they could not be buried as was the normal custom.
Importantly, by declaring the (fake) pandemic a security threat it could no longer be solely managed by medical health authorities who became subordinate to the military. Doctors could be ordered to unquestioningly follow medical treatment protocols dictated from a higher ‘authority’. Similarly because the injection sourcing was (certainly in the USA) handled by OTA (other transaction authority, a type of military sourcing contract) many or even most of the normal requirements for strict quality control for the injections could be by-passed due to the declared ‘state of emergency’. This is the only way they could get authorisation for mass use of a known-to-be-toxic technology before any proper studies had been concluded.
The global use of military assets within the western world certainly suggests some kind of overarching criminal network was behind the whole exercise. Certainly nothing was happening by chance.
Hi Howard.
I too have been closely following Sasha Latypova, Katherine Watt, Meryl Nass, to name only a few.
Also, the convincing researcher, David A. Hughes, who looked into the reasons that would've motivated a 'Catalysing Event' like 9/11 which I've studied and of course the pre-planned Covid-19 ill-Health Global Emergency and 'Live Drill' (Mike Pompeo) with both Event 201 and Pacific Eclipse.
I also discovered a Crimson Contagion exercise,
This 2019 exercise was run by a top US Biodefense 'expert' whose name is Robert P. Kadleck.
C-19 was evidently a very well coordinated US-led Military Operation which both short-circuited the global economy and unnecessarily locked down billions of civilians causing HUGE collateral damage😈.
Cutting to the chase, I think David A. Hughes' analysis is important in which he stated that 20% of global governments were being destabilised by marches and demonstrations including the 'Gilets Jaunes' (Yellow Vests) here in France.
The timely😉arrival of a mysterious invisible enemy, a lethal human-culling flu-type virus put an abrupt HALT to the global demonstrations.
Also, and I think this is the FOREST hidden by oh so many TREES, is that an important FINANCIAL CRISIS iceberg was about to be hit by a Titanic 2 cruise ship which would've driven a stake into nation's confidence in the United States DOLLAR and as a consequence the US' UNIPOLAR global stranglehold and the continuation of the RULES BASED INTERNATIONAL ORDER😇!!
In order to avoid this ship-sinking event, a 'smokescreen' CRISIS😱 was deemed URGENTLY necessary which would allow those pulling strings in the Financial World the essential TIME to prevent a repetition of the 2008 Lehman Brothers/Bear Stearns disaster, perhaps much worse this time with 300 TRILLION in global debt, financial crisis.
Davis A. Hughes mentioned the statements made by both Marc Carney and Larry Fink at Jackson Hole in which they stated that the SYSTEM in place wouldn't hold if another banking crisis hit the USA and its rival, Europe.
To allow the necessary TIME for the Powers That Be to prevent a US-crushing financial crisis, the C-19 'smokescreen' Military Operation was poisonously 'injected' into and imposed on the WORLD.
We ALL know what happened next😩!!
Bonne journée.
Thanks, yes I agree. I also think that David Hughes does great analysis of the situation. Corona was a totally political / financial event. Follow the money to find the criminals.
Once that Corona had been designated a ‘security’ threat, the military had carte Blanche to handle the (non existent) ‘pandemic’ with military countermeasures. Like so many other ‘false-flag’ terror operations, the Corona pandemic psyop has all the hallmarks of a globally coordinated event using inter operable state security forces. The faked videos shown here illustrate this clearly, as does the fact that the event was pre-rehearsed in 2019 in the Event 2O1 pandemic simulation exercise. This is a sure giveaway. In the U.K. the BBC even ran its own pandemic simulation exercise in 207-18. I only found out about this event a couple of months ago. It has ridiculous give-away coincidences with the ‘real’ 2020 event which tell you immediately that the whole thing was scripted.
I find it hard to believe governments have the required competence to pull off this kind of global coordination given the required competence is not otherwise in evidence. It's not that they would not want to, but rather that they are mostly unable. The coordination of so many people would be required that even if only 1% are not on board they would blow the whistle and we would surely know. But would they be believed?
When I speak of ‘government’ I am really referring to what is called the deep-state. They did it for 9-11 and they got away with it. They did it throughout the Cold War with Operation Gladio which officially lasted for almost 50 years but more likely continued to the present day. In 2005 in the U.K. they did it in London and they did it again in Manchester in 2017 and so on. Many people find it hard to believe that a government would massacre its own people to further political or ideological aims. Of course with events such as 9/11 and 7/7 there is doubt among the masses but for Operation Gladio there is no doubt. It has been officially admitted that some of the worst terror bombings to have ever occurred in Italy were carried out with the knowledge and complicity of government. I have written about this on my Substack.
''COVID'' indeed. https://biologyphenom.substack.com/p/scottish-covid-19-inquiryclosing
While later, only on alternative media could you view videos of “vaccine” victims really dropping dead!
Good point - I may amend..
The Chinese man supposedly dropping dead in the middle of the street while someone just happened to be recording him, was confirmation for me that it was all a psyop.
Atlantic magazine with ‘Covid’ disinfectant spraying…. In early 2020. If people cannot see this is propaganda I hold out very little hope they will ever wake up. #13 is my favorite the Binford 5000. https://www.theatlantic.com/photo/2020/03/photos-large-scale-disinfection-efforts-against-coronavirus/607810/
Regarding number 11, isn’t it some form of heresy to be spraying disinfectant on the Virgin with Christ Child statue?
20# photos in all, photo#2 comes in a close 2nd.
“We’re all in it together”… erm obviously.
I do remember them. It was the beginning of probably the nastiest time in world history.
Thank you for your work!
A time when tragedy and farce were close companions and it continues apace.
Like how you put that!
Such hilarity. My fave from the era is Boris being taken into hospital. What a (sorry for the profanity but it really is the only word)….Wanker.
It was a farce intended to turn us into cognitive zombies.
Read transcript below the video on how this was intended to work.
Good to dredge these up, Jonathan. Absurd and comical though they undoubtedly are, they shouldn’t be dismissed and forgotten - the reality is that whoever commissioned them, pushed them into the public’s consciousness and why they did so are crucial questions.
Was it the same people making the Dancing Nurses videos? The same Dancing DEI videos made by the subContractor for Boeing when doors and wheels were falling off airplanes? Or the same dancing DEI pilots in the upside down Endeavor-Delta flight?
It was/is by psychopaths worldwide. 🤮
“Sir, it’s an egg!”~ Milo MinderBinder, Catch-22
Given the irrefutable evidence from Scotland why is anyone a 'COVID sceptic' even debating the 'the pandemic' at all in 2025? It's obvious what has happened. The below is where real questions need to be asked vs skimming around the edges whether it be tik tok videos or even 'COVID vaccines' yet the focus is always being diverted elsewhere. Article on that shortly.
Héctor Retamal based in Shanghai and employed by Agence France-Presse (AFP) was positioned in Wuhan and took the pictures which were distributed worldwide by Getty Images.
He is an "on the scene" crisis photographer- in other words a paid propagandist.
For his coverage of the "Wuhan crisis" he received multiple awards, including The Guardian Agency Photographer of the Year 2020, the “Excellence in Photography” category at the Society of Publishers in Asia (SOPA) 2021 Awards, and first place in the “Spot News” category at POYi 2020.
Joining Retamal in Wuhan for 8 days were Leo Ramirez and Sebastien Ricci also employed by AFP. Together they filmed, photographed and wrote about the city of Wuhan in China, providing the necessary images to go with the fable of where the "virus" originated.
Read the following:
A week before, the British Express titled: “Coronavirus horror: Social media footage shows infected Wuhan residents ‘act like zombies'”.
But an analysis of these videos and their context shows the following:
Contrary to claims that there were “dozens” or even “hundreds” of such videos, there were only about ten such videos, which were shown in various places and in various combinations.
Most of these videos really had nothing to do with covid. Rather, these videos showed drunk people, homeless people, road accidents, unspecified medical emergencies, and even training exercises. Some of these videos were quickly debunked by Western “fact checkers”.
Because of the simultaneous virus outbreak, first responders in Wuhan often already wore protective equipment (the white biohazard suits). Thus, to bystanders and to people uploading and sharing the videos, it may have looked like actual “sudden coronavirus deaths.”
In many cases, video titles or descriptions suggested or claimed the videos showed “sudden coronavirus deaths”, but in no case was this suggested or claimed by Chinese authorities; instead, it was social media and Western media promoting this frightening narrative.
It looks like most of these videos were shared internationally not by people close to the Chinese regime, but by people and groups opposed to the Chinese regime (e.g. by ‘Voice of Hong Kong’ and ‘Badiucao’), who wanted to show that the Chinese regime had lost control. The video compilation below, for instance, was published by Taiwan-based news platform TomoNews US.
The most famous photograph of a “dead man lying in the streets of Wuhan”, used by many Western media outlets (see above and here), was produced and distributed not by Chinese journalists or officials, but by AFP/Getty war zone and international crisis photographer Hector Retamal, who later won awards for this photograph. French Agence France Press (AFP) is one of only three major Western news agencies and was previously involved in various war zone deceptions (e.g. in Syria).
Furthermore, it is noteworthy that the first English-language mention of the alleged “Chinese whistleblower doctor” Li Wenliang (who later died or disappeared) came from “China Change”, an “NGO” funded by the US National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a US government controlled entity that sponsors opposition groups in adversarial countries.
This again might indicate that Western state actors either tried to leverage the situation in China, or tried to frame China (the real origin of the virus remaining unknown to this day). In contrast, the Chinese government itself primarily tried to downplay the situation, and continues to do so.
I remember these videos. I wasn’t suspicious in 2020 and didn’t give proper thought to the idea that this was ridiculous for a respiratory disease. It did no doubt subliminally help me be more afraid of Covid.
I remember those videos at the time made me laugh out loud because they were so obviously fake. The obvious fake added to my horror later on when I realized that people really were falling for the scary virus narrative, and enthusiastically violating people’s basic human rights.
check out a page called the expose/dr vernon coleman
Oh gosh those videos are giving me serious PTS - how did people fall for this psyop??!
It's funny how this rapid response team in protective suits ..... seem to😇 know in advance what "type" of emergency they will be called to, without even examining the patient. You can clearly recognise the signs of a "convid", not to be confused with heart attack, stroke, fainting, circulatory collapse. 🎉🎉🎉