This is already legislated in the Western Australian Biosecurity Act/Pandemic legislation or whatever they call it and they slid this through with virtually nobody knowing back around 2016 from memory. The planning has been going on for decades…

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My man

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NZ is a key member of the Five Eyes partnership....as it's a small country 'they' try 'things' out before deciding on the global roll out. Ardern (an acolyte of Blair) pushed Blair's idea of 'distinguishing' between the 'vaccinated' and the 'unvaccinated', declared her government to be the 'single source of truth' - censorship in other words was to be the policy.

'They' didn't achieve their universal ( jab) mandates last time. It's not likely they will be able to con the numbers they did last time. There will be large scale resistance...too many people are damaged by the recent medical 'interventions'.

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When most people realize the government and authoritative corporations are the biggest threat to our lives, change will come. A total boycott of Mainstream Media is crucial to our survival.

Their creativity is limited by their satanic inclinations. Certain things are clear. They project their sins onto their enemies. They took many ideas from the 1984 book. Their main strength is dishonesty. They are consummate liars.

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'They' certainly made their 'inclinations' clear with the Olympic's opening 'ceremony'...a pastiche of all that is the inverse of decency and civility.

Orwell's book 1984 must have been very eagerly thumbed through by various governments.

Perhaps the Huw Edwards 'affair' might open the eyes of a few more, and, the government's reaction to the unlawful killings in Southport.

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I remember seeing something similar for Western Australia - where police could forcibly enter a home and forcibly vaccinate someone. We all need to remain awake and prepared to defend our rights. I refuse to take another experimental ‘vaccine’ after being injured by Pfizer, dose 2, and still suffering ongoing problems.

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You are absolutely correct. In my opinion the only reason why they did not do this was because [redacted]. The [redacted] would have been incredible from those few of us who are willing to go all the way.

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It's been perfectly legal in the Australian state of Western Australia since at least 2016 (WA Health Act 2016): https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/the-australian-government-may-legally

I will have an updated article on this shortly.

Also Americans should be familiar with the kidnap and quarantine legislation in all 50 states that was passed after 9/11: https://conspiracysarah.substack.com/p/48-of-50-states-already-have-rules

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Would prefer that the "like" button be changed to "appreciate" as there's nothing here to like.

We need to get peole riled up about this, but it will never happen until people realize that

1.there are no pandemics (see DenisRancourt.ca)

2.There are probably no viruses or pathogens either (read "Can you Catch a Cold" by Daniel Roytas)

It is only then that the rediculosity of these laws becomes truly apparent.

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There are also no effective vaccines & all gene based injections are intentionally harmful.

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I like the idea the like button should be changed. When we see postings on deaths and adverse reactions to the vaccines there is nothing to like about it. Who ever is in charge of the substack templates could change this.

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All part of our 'thriving democracy' and 'values'. Coercive fascism and medical nazism is now 'freedom'.

The same was implemented in 1848 and in 1853 in the UK.

After the great smallpox plague of 1871-2, the coercion had to be dropped because any idiot who does not read the newspapers (or today, watch tv), knew that the quackcines were failures. More died from the quackery than from smallpox, itself spread by filth and contamination, not fake flying viruses.

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Quite right. 150 years later and we still have the same problem!

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"No one is safe until everyone is safe" is still their watchword and they will wield it without mercy, they have seen a way to exert more control over the populations and will use infection control on steroids as their tools. The compliant masses are the biggest problem, I have seen little awakening to what was done under the "covid pandemic" people still see the response as necessary but mistakes were made. Many of them are still asleep and are content to let the governments and public health do their thinking for them especially when it comes to the mysterious world of viruses.

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Words fail me!!! Total insanity!!!!!! These people seem hell bent on killing as many as they can!

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It's been this way in Manitoba Canada since at least 2009:

1. Public health can seize your property using what ever force is necessary as long as they think your property will help them.

2. They can force medical interventions on anyone.

However, the forcing of medical interventions is subject to a clause that basically says you have the right to refuse it. Almost as if they wrote the Act to scare ignorant people into submission.

The Act is long, and I haven't checked all the ammendments since I last read it. Wouldn't surprise me if they're working to remove the exemption clause.


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Keeping us threatened and fearful being the main goal. The rest plays out, as they say.

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I am not giving up. It feels like this could go on for another 50 years or more.

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Who is actually responsible for the NZ Pandemic Plan

The actual people/authors?

I suggest this is what needs to be done, identify the specific perpetrators.

For years anonymous reports have influenced policy and controlled our lives.

The NZ Pandemic Plan Foreword is signed by Dr Diana Sarfati, Director-General of Health, so this is the first person to challenge.

We need to find out who are the actual people behind the pandemic plan which may have deleterious effects on the people.

At the very least, they may be guilty of misfeasance in public office. See for example: Misfeasance in Public Office: A Very Peculiar Tort: https://law.unimelb.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/1703517/35_1_1.pdf

I've cited this article in my paper: Misfeasance in Public Office? The Destruction of Voluntary Informed Consent for Vaccination: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/misfeasance-in-public-office-the-destruction-of-voluntary-informed-consent-for-vaccination.pdf

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i agree with one of the commentators below that it would be impossible to mandate vaccinations on entire populations. It didn't work last time - see Austria for example - and now far far too many people have become aware of the dangers of the Covid products and lost the implicit trust they had in government and the medical establishment.

But/and: more fool us in the West for abandoning the principle of informed consent. The need for it, as a basic protection against the abuse of power via healthcare and capture by vested interests would have been obvious even without Nuremberg. Yet it's barely mentioned in the UK and remains the elephant in the room in the Covid Inquiry, Parliament and all over the NHS. Politicians of all parties are handing fundamental freedoms over to the WHO. It looks like we're going to have to learn another huge lesson, with lots of struggle and loses, all over again.

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The scam is one of the biggest ever and soo much worse than you can even imagine!

Still not a single shred of evidence....


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Simple. Section 70 above states 'preventative' treatment. As has been spoken about roo much already, even by the vx manufacturers themselves that the covid jabs didn't prevent, so I will assume that any future vx is also non preventative so refuse on these grounds is my starting point. Self defence via whatever means after that is fair game in my book.

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While grocery shopping today I over heard a lady saying she is planning to move to NZ...I don't think she knows what she is in for...

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She's probably fully boosted anyway so doesn't likely care.

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