It must be remarkable to have to dance along all these half-truths. He seems to be trying to say it is a fake pandemic scare that we need to take real precautions for? Even though there is no evidence of any dangers to humans you should prepare by buying kits with drugs like tamiflu that have literally no evidence of benefit and lots of evidence of harms? Let alone the impossibility of there being any evidence of efficacy against a virus that doesn't actually exist yet except in the fevered wishes of biodefense mafia insiders? It must be tough to be a doctor.
Precisely: asking to be weary of a repeat of what we saw with the coronacrisis seems reasonable, doesn't it? As a clinician, he's certainly been spot-on when it comes to the SAERs we've seen post-transfection/countermeasures overreaction humanity has has to endure.
Hi Reggie. He has not been spot on! He has been a Deep State Misdirectionalist and has been proven wrong, time and time again by those who examined the vials and are truly looking to find solutions! I know, I foolishly trusted him in the beginning also, but then I noticed how he was ignoring all of the validated evidence from around the world. I called his butt out a couple of months ago too.
It's a rather extraordinary outcome for some of us to recognize that others "of us" are part of the game. Sorry to see Peter outed, but as they say, "It is what it is."
It’s interesting MCullough did not point out that PCR ‘testing’ could be part of the problem. I’m personally baffled as to why more people who seem to be in the know don’t consider both masks and PCR ‘’tests’ are a means of control and deliberate means of spreading pathogens embedded in nanoscale lipid particles which are temperature and moisture released ..🦠🦠
Because he is not "in-the-know." He is a Deep State doc, which is why he has become a celebrity and is splashed all over the mainstream and alternative conservative media. The Deep State always has 2 narratives. A conservative one, and a liberal one. This is how wrong he is!
Put it this way. During covid I got pretty sick, but covid or not, my own primary doctor would not prescribe steroids for the lung inflammation because "there's no treatment for covid". I had to go to a functional doctor for that (and recovered nicely). So preparedness isn't necessarily for a particular virus that's being highlighted by the pandemicists, but what occurs when doctors don't act on their patient's behalf. Like what happened during "covid".
Such a good point. The doctors were simply just giving up and murdering people with normal ailments just because 'they didn't want to treat people.' These missives from on high came down that 1. All illness is now 'covid' and 2. There is no treatment.
So the doctors just...gave up and watched people die of pneumonia and asthma because reasons.
Yes. I wrote the below article three months ago. I believe I cracked why they are doing this from an interview with Bridgen. I sent this article to Bridgen's staff but have had no reply. They will have documentation about this in the upper levels of government and likely the Five Eyes countries would have followed the same protocols.
I am in U.K. and had a similar situation in 2023. I’m 71, unjabbed, asthmatic with a mostly healthy lifestyle. Over Easter I suffered a knock-out syndrome of headache, exhaustion, brain fog, Ioss of appetite, no food for 10 days and 1 night of severe chilling. Chest infection followed in April. After 3 days called GP, described symptoms. He asked if I’d had Covid. No. Had I tested for it. No. Did I have test kits. No. Would I like test kit. No. I have a chest infection, please just give me my ‘normal’ treatment. Finally got scrip for antibiotics/steroids (which did the trick). Then asked him, as a matter of interest what he would have given me had I tested positive. Answer - Paxlovid or Remdesivir. Informed him neither of them proven to work and R. is dangerous. He went silent, wished me well then left me with a cheery “stay away from doctors”.!
Good for you. Seriously though, even if covid was a new virus (I'm not in that camp anymore), the standard treatments would work just fine. All they do is lessen a hyper immune response and thwart secondary bacterial infections.
I think the key to survival in many places was simply staying out of hospital, and that’s the reason why so many people did do well with “early treatment”, though in the case of the elderly in particular the antibiotic component would have been helpful treating either overt of incipient bacterial infection - known to be the the cause of many deaths from respiratory infections which appear viral at first.
I totally agree. Unfortunately, the evidence suggests far too many people didn’t get any reasonable respiratory treatment at all from complicit doctors and then wound up in the hospital far sicker than they should have been and where they got ‘worse treatment’ (that’s a very dark euphemism).
Yup grabbed the kits offered for the drugs only. Got 2 packs of prednisone in fridge JIC needed, some busidonide, heck with my cat's treatment for FIP I've got moly to spare and lots of IVM and Panacur/Fenbendy (horse and dog versions of course)... In fact IVM paste (horse version) is curing my old cat of suspected Feline Leukemia OR Lymphoma (the vets can't make their damn minds) test test more and more dollars. I said, screw it, research shows (2017 and before) IVM works for Leukemia.. so lets give it a whirl. 3 days an cat is a new cat ... still got issues but clearly improved.. gotta add my steriods into treatment now... telling you, you have to doctor yourself now... much less your animals...
Interestingly it's kinda both true and false. True in the sense that there isn't anything specific about "covid" that requires some special treatment. Completely false in that the treatment for any severe respiratory infection should include steroids, antibiotics, other forms of breathing treatments (Nebulizer for example) and off label drugs as needed. Though I doubt your physician had thought about it that way
"If harm can be exclusively and conclusively attributed to the spike protein, then it is possible that future mRNA vaccines expressing other antigens will be safe. If harms are attributable to the platform itself, then regardless of the toxicity, or lack thereof, of the antigen to be expressed, the platform may be inherently unsafe, pending modification. "
It's a bit circular isn't it? - basically saying if we can identify and eliminate the things which make something unsafe it might become safe.
But it skirts around the question as to whether expressing foreign protein in a widely distributed way with no off swicth could ever be a good idea.
Almost no one, including McCullough, can wrap their minds around the root cause: ninety years of bad science. Their entire foundation rests upon myths such as "the smallpox vaccine wiped out smallpox" and "the bubonic plague killed half of Europe". These two myths are the pillars upon which immunology was destroyed (by virology) and the whole of modern medicine was built. If any doctor wishes to walk through the door of truth about any pandemic - the mass spread of a disease by a "virus" that can somehow replicate trillions of times with high fidelity - they have to be prepared to destroy those pillars. This is something almost no doctor or researcher can do because they do not realize they were indoctrinated into a cult when they joined medicine.
Escaping a cult is extremely difficult and rarely happens. People can rarely give up their entire social circle for truth. Men are more likely able to do it than women, as well, and medicine has become very saturated with women. So, a man not only has to smash the bedrock of lies that virology is built on but must also survive the gale force winds of female, emotional hate that will be hurled against them. "My children will die if you say people should not get jabbed." "The virus kills babies." "My body, my choice..." and so on.
Doctors are remote-control zombies, fully lobotomized and controlled by pharma, ego and delusion.
I have ignored every fake pandemic or health warning since the later 1960's. No vaccines and not taking any drugs. Why am I still alive? According to these clowns, anybody not "prepared" should be dead whenever a new fake pandemic or scary virus comes along.
Okay, so I die from some virus. Who can say that being "prepared" would have saved me or that it wasn't just my time to die? You follow one path and can never know what might have happened following the other path. I refuse to live in a state of fear and panic. Avoiding all mainstream news and virus loving doctors is a great first step.
But what’s to stop them from searching for something that is naturally in the blood and not harmful, and then saying it is harmful and everyone needs to test for that? Isn’t that what they’ve been doing all along? Isn’t that the new paradigm?
JJ Couey describes (if I'm paraphrasing accurately ) how, if desired, PCR could be primed to pick up on a common/widespread 'background signal'. All that would need to be done then is say its evidence of a novel, deadly virus and tell medics how to respond... and the train starts rolling.
The host of Moms on a Mission expressed disbelief that they could develop a vaccine for H5N1 even before it jumped to humans.
I express disbelief that McCullough could develop an early treatment medical kit before it jumped. Do you think he based his treatment protocol on the genetic code like the vaccine developers did?
Wellness co emergency kit. Have a look at contents. Nothing shocking, just the usual prescription drugs used for bacterial infections, fungal infections, nausea, and ivermectin.
I do despair when the people I follow start infighting and making accusations. What is that all about? Why can’t a civil discussion take place instead of accusatory sniping. Very disturbing.
If someone is confusing the message, they’re not on our side. You’ll know because the mixed messages feel more purposefully “mixed” rather than just natural evolution of the base of knowledge on the part of the individual.
If they seem to have unique access to alternative media, lots of marketing capital and shiny studios that rival CBS, it’s good to be cautious.
If they take advantage of Deep State fear messaging and communications—as in the case of selling products for a flu that is still “early times”—be more cautious. He’s not just selling a product, he’s spreading fear and helping create the scaffolding for a narrative.
Look for contradictions. Look for errors and backtracking. Follow the money.
In his latest post McCullough is now saying the bird flu has a 53% fatality rate and refers to two US farm workers who supposedly got it. What he does say is those two workers simply got pink eye. Neither faced any life-threatening conditions. What in the hell is McCullough up to?
I cannot post on his articles because I am not a paid subscriber. Please, those of you who can post there, ask him to elaborate on those two workers. How does he classify them as having been infected with the "53% kill rate virus" if neither showed any significant symptoms. Why did he leave out any details about those people?
McCullough is looking more like someone who's been captured by something, either his own greed or anti-populist ideology. Very odd.
Or, there is a sophisticated psyop being run to turn those of us who have trusted Dr. McCullough against him. All of these are possible. 5th gen warfare is the battle for the mind and it is extremely sophisticated.
McCullough's read on this wasn't interpreted by me in the same way as yours, Jonathan. Where's the harm in warning humanity against the evil powers who may try to use the same scam plan they used in the GOF SaARS-CoV-2 coronavirus? Asking for a dose of vigilance is continents away from fear porn charges.
Because I don’t believe “GoF” research had anything to do with the events of the last few years. They essentially killed a load of mainly elderly vulnerable people, or allowed them to die, and blamed it on a circulating pathogen.
I didn’t mean he’s doing it on purpose. I meant that he believes that there was a pandemic and there will be another. He has no clue it was all a ruse. He’s falling for it again. I really do think he’s sincere
"This is mental, nobody knows which way is up" , no but seriously, I know....... I'm on the fence like, havn't got a f@#king clue, virus / no-virus, bioweapons, although I will admit, I suspect somethings definitely going on !
The way we Alt-Peasants can reasonably assume controlled opposition within the “medical freedom movement” turns on one question: Is their rhetoric promoting, or debunking, the whole idea of “pandemics”? If it shows signs of promoting—out they go, into the Controlled Op Bin.
It must be remarkable to have to dance along all these half-truths. He seems to be trying to say it is a fake pandemic scare that we need to take real precautions for? Even though there is no evidence of any dangers to humans you should prepare by buying kits with drugs like tamiflu that have literally no evidence of benefit and lots of evidence of harms? Let alone the impossibility of there being any evidence of efficacy against a virus that doesn't actually exist yet except in the fevered wishes of biodefense mafia insiders? It must be tough to be a doctor.
Precisely: asking to be weary of a repeat of what we saw with the coronacrisis seems reasonable, doesn't it? As a clinician, he's certainly been spot-on when it comes to the SAERs we've seen post-transfection/countermeasures overreaction humanity has has to endure.
Hi Reggie. He has not been spot on! He has been a Deep State Misdirectionalist and has been proven wrong, time and time again by those who examined the vials and are truly looking to find solutions! I know, I foolishly trusted him in the beginning also, but then I noticed how he was ignoring all of the validated evidence from around the world. I called his butt out a couple of months ago too.
It's a rather extraordinary outcome for some of us to recognize that others "of us" are part of the game. Sorry to see Peter outed, but as they say, "It is what it is."
Allow me to clarify what "it is": A dual-sided government op.
Prepare yourself for additional extraordinary outcomes
It’s interesting MCullough did not point out that PCR ‘testing’ could be part of the problem. I’m personally baffled as to why more people who seem to be in the know don’t consider both masks and PCR ‘’tests’ are a means of control and deliberate means of spreading pathogens embedded in nanoscale lipid particles which are temperature and moisture released ..🦠🦠
Because he is not "in-the-know." He is a Deep State doc, which is why he has become a celebrity and is splashed all over the mainstream and alternative conservative media. The Deep State always has 2 narratives. A conservative one, and a liberal one. This is how wrong he is!
Exactly, though I would argue they always use more than two narratives, to muddle the waters as much as possible.
$100k from AZ in 2019, he was never one of us imho.
Put it this way. During covid I got pretty sick, but covid or not, my own primary doctor would not prescribe steroids for the lung inflammation because "there's no treatment for covid". I had to go to a functional doctor for that (and recovered nicely). So preparedness isn't necessarily for a particular virus that's being highlighted by the pandemicists, but what occurs when doctors don't act on their patient's behalf. Like what happened during "covid".
Such a good point. The doctors were simply just giving up and murdering people with normal ailments just because 'they didn't want to treat people.' These missives from on high came down that 1. All illness is now 'covid' and 2. There is no treatment.
So the doctors just...gave up and watched people die of pneumonia and asthma because reasons.
Or worse: helped them along their way because they’d been persuaded to have a DNR. Have you seen Scottish Inquiry testimony?
Yes. I wrote the below article three months ago. I believe I cracked why they are doing this from an interview with Bridgen. I sent this article to Bridgen's staff but have had no reply. They will have documentation about this in the upper levels of government and likely the Five Eyes countries would have followed the same protocols.
This article has also been heavily censored and de-boosted on Substack.
For the greater good: Did UK MP Andrew Bridgen just let slip the government’s motive for the midazolam murders?
I am in U.K. and had a similar situation in 2023. I’m 71, unjabbed, asthmatic with a mostly healthy lifestyle. Over Easter I suffered a knock-out syndrome of headache, exhaustion, brain fog, Ioss of appetite, no food for 10 days and 1 night of severe chilling. Chest infection followed in April. After 3 days called GP, described symptoms. He asked if I’d had Covid. No. Had I tested for it. No. Did I have test kits. No. Would I like test kit. No. I have a chest infection, please just give me my ‘normal’ treatment. Finally got scrip for antibiotics/steroids (which did the trick). Then asked him, as a matter of interest what he would have given me had I tested positive. Answer - Paxlovid or Remdesivir. Informed him neither of them proven to work and R. is dangerous. He went silent, wished me well then left me with a cheery “stay away from doctors”.!
BTW - great conversation you lead him into. Good for you!
They are still at it and yet still hold their positions of ‘trust’.
Good for you. Seriously though, even if covid was a new virus (I'm not in that camp anymore), the standard treatments would work just fine. All they do is lessen a hyper immune response and thwart secondary bacterial infections.
I think the key to survival in many places was simply staying out of hospital, and that’s the reason why so many people did do well with “early treatment”, though in the case of the elderly in particular the antibiotic component would have been helpful treating either overt of incipient bacterial infection - known to be the the cause of many deaths from respiratory infections which appear viral at first.
I totally agree. Unfortunately, the evidence suggests far too many people didn’t get any reasonable respiratory treatment at all from complicit doctors and then wound up in the hospital far sicker than they should have been and where they got ‘worse treatment’ (that’s a very dark euphemism).
Yup grabbed the kits offered for the drugs only. Got 2 packs of prednisone in fridge JIC needed, some busidonide, heck with my cat's treatment for FIP I've got moly to spare and lots of IVM and Panacur/Fenbendy (horse and dog versions of course)... In fact IVM paste (horse version) is curing my old cat of suspected Feline Leukemia OR Lymphoma (the vets can't make their damn minds) test test more and more dollars. I said, screw it, research shows (2017 and before) IVM works for Leukemia.. so lets give it a whirl. 3 days an cat is a new cat ... still got issues but clearly improved.. gotta add my steriods into treatment now... telling you, you have to doctor yourself now... much less your animals...
And what happen when their patients have a mental and or genetic condition?
And see also Rebecca Charles' daughter.
Yes, my physician told me that there was no outpatient treatment for Covid.
Interestingly it's kinda both true and false. True in the sense that there isn't anything specific about "covid" that requires some special treatment. Completely false in that the treatment for any severe respiratory infection should include steroids, antibiotics, other forms of breathing treatments (Nebulizer for example) and off label drugs as needed. Though I doubt your physician had thought about it that way
I unsubscribed and disavowed McCullough (and Jessica Rose and Tess Laurie) after this:
"mRNA Off to a Bad Start but Future May be Brighter" regarding Rose and Laurie paper therein.
I then found out that McCullough is well aware of DNA damage because I found a paper he published a year before in 2022:
"Potential Mechanisms for Human Genome Integration of Genetic Code from SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccination: Implications for Disease."
No thanks. ZERO tolerance for DNA changer apologists. Not now, not ever. That's my red line.
Thanks - had not seen that!
They write:
"If harm can be exclusively and conclusively attributed to the spike protein, then it is possible that future mRNA vaccines expressing other antigens will be safe. If harms are attributable to the platform itself, then regardless of the toxicity, or lack thereof, of the antigen to be expressed, the platform may be inherently unsafe, pending modification. "
It's a bit circular isn't it? - basically saying if we can identify and eliminate the things which make something unsafe it might become safe.
But it skirts around the question as to whether expressing foreign protein in a widely distributed way with no off swicth could ever be a good idea.
They do not care. It is more important to them to keep the foot in the door of the power structure (and then be the power structure).
Did you see the conference in NYC McCullough was feted at? May want to sit down bfore you read this:
Thanks for this link! Does it strike anyone as funny that dr peter’s wife’s first name is MAHA… ?
I didn’t know that!
I thought all three were anti mRNA covid vaxx?
"Peter McCullough published this rather extraordinary piece"
Your too kind.
His brain has been eaten by the covid meme...
I have to admit I went down the rabbit hole of lab leak hand waving distractions...
I was wrong big time..
Almost no one, including McCullough, can wrap their minds around the root cause: ninety years of bad science. Their entire foundation rests upon myths such as "the smallpox vaccine wiped out smallpox" and "the bubonic plague killed half of Europe". These two myths are the pillars upon which immunology was destroyed (by virology) and the whole of modern medicine was built. If any doctor wishes to walk through the door of truth about any pandemic - the mass spread of a disease by a "virus" that can somehow replicate trillions of times with high fidelity - they have to be prepared to destroy those pillars. This is something almost no doctor or researcher can do because they do not realize they were indoctrinated into a cult when they joined medicine.
Escaping a cult is extremely difficult and rarely happens. People can rarely give up their entire social circle for truth. Men are more likely able to do it than women, as well, and medicine has become very saturated with women. So, a man not only has to smash the bedrock of lies that virology is built on but must also survive the gale force winds of female, emotional hate that will be hurled against them. "My children will die if you say people should not get jabbed." "The virus kills babies." "My body, my choice..." and so on.
Doctors are remote-control zombies, fully lobotomized and controlled by pharma, ego and delusion.
I have ignored every fake pandemic or health warning since the later 1960's. No vaccines and not taking any drugs. Why am I still alive? According to these clowns, anybody not "prepared" should be dead whenever a new fake pandemic or scary virus comes along.
Okay, so I die from some virus. Who can say that being "prepared" would have saved me or that it wasn't just my time to die? You follow one path and can never know what might have happened following the other path. I refuse to live in a state of fear and panic. Avoiding all mainstream news and virus loving doctors is a great first step.
I guess you've seen the payments he's received from Astrazenica, Sanofi, Merck etc.
$100k from AZ in 2019 is hardly chump change.
But what’s to stop them from searching for something that is naturally in the blood and not harmful, and then saying it is harmful and everyone needs to test for that? Isn’t that what they’ve been doing all along? Isn’t that the new paradigm?
JJ Couey describes (if I'm paraphrasing accurately ) how, if desired, PCR could be primed to pick up on a common/widespread 'background signal'. All that would need to be done then is say its evidence of a novel, deadly virus and tell medics how to respond... and the train starts rolling.
Exactly. Make up a disease and offer a cure. And the cure is the underlying reason for the disease-accomplishing the objective
Yeah. The cure just happens to trigger some symptoms that the disease was reputed to. What a cover (oops, I meant 'coincidence')!
Speaking of coincidence...
Don't comply, it is that simple!!
The host of Moms on a Mission expressed disbelief that they could develop a vaccine for H5N1 even before it jumped to humans.
I express disbelief that McCullough could develop an early treatment medical kit before it jumped. Do you think he based his treatment protocol on the genetic code like the vaccine developers did?
Wellness co emergency kit. Have a look at contents. Nothing shocking, just the usual prescription drugs used for bacterial infections, fungal infections, nausea, and ivermectin.
I do despair when the people I follow start infighting and making accusations. What is that all about? Why can’t a civil discussion take place instead of accusatory sniping. Very disturbing.
If someone is confusing the message, they’re not on our side. You’ll know because the mixed messages feel more purposefully “mixed” rather than just natural evolution of the base of knowledge on the part of the individual.
If they seem to have unique access to alternative media, lots of marketing capital and shiny studios that rival CBS, it’s good to be cautious.
If they take advantage of Deep State fear messaging and communications—as in the case of selling products for a flu that is still “early times”—be more cautious. He’s not just selling a product, he’s spreading fear and helping create the scaffolding for a narrative.
Look for contradictions. Look for errors and backtracking. Follow the money.
In his latest post McCullough is now saying the bird flu has a 53% fatality rate and refers to two US farm workers who supposedly got it. What he does say is those two workers simply got pink eye. Neither faced any life-threatening conditions. What in the hell is McCullough up to?
I cannot post on his articles because I am not a paid subscriber. Please, those of you who can post there, ask him to elaborate on those two workers. How does he classify them as having been infected with the "53% kill rate virus" if neither showed any significant symptoms. Why did he leave out any details about those people?
McCullough is looking more like someone who's been captured by something, either his own greed or anti-populist ideology. Very odd.
Or, there is a sophisticated psyop being run to turn those of us who have trusted Dr. McCullough against him. All of these are possible. 5th gen warfare is the battle for the mind and it is extremely sophisticated.
To see who Jeremy Farrar really is see Whitney Webbs free articles on him on Unlimited Hangout.
He is not where he is by accident. Neither is McCullough.
McCullough's read on this wasn't interpreted by me in the same way as yours, Jonathan. Where's the harm in warning humanity against the evil powers who may try to use the same scam plan they used in the GOF SaARS-CoV-2 coronavirus? Asking for a dose of vigilance is continents away from fear porn charges.
Because I don’t believe “GoF” research had anything to do with the events of the last few years. They essentially killed a load of mainly elderly vulnerable people, or allowed them to die, and blamed it on a circulating pathogen.
"we are calling this crisis before..."
Vigilance maybe wouldn't preempt a 'crisis' before it occurred, maybe it would.
But in the context of 'no-pandemic', that language ain't looking good
What do you mean by "the same scam plan they used in the GOF SaARS-CoV-2 coronavirus"?
I read that and had the same thought-he's encouraging the lie
I don' tread it that way. Sorry. If anything, he's screaming for us not to fail to see the lie.
This is mental. We have numerous intelligent people at odds. Noone knows which way is up.
I didn’t mean he’s doing it on purpose. I meant that he believes that there was a pandemic and there will be another. He has no clue it was all a ruse. He’s falling for it again. I really do think he’s sincere
"This is mental, nobody knows which way is up" , no but seriously, I know....... I'm on the fence like, havn't got a f@#king clue, virus / no-virus, bioweapons, although I will admit, I suspect somethings definitely going on !
The way we Alt-Peasants can reasonably assume controlled opposition within the “medical freedom movement” turns on one question: Is their rhetoric promoting, or debunking, the whole idea of “pandemics”? If it shows signs of promoting—out they go, into the Controlled Op Bin.