Very difficult to find now but if you've ever seen this 'excerpts from two hours of videotaped testimony shown today (1999) in United States District Court during antitrust proceedings against the Microsoft Corporation. David Boies, a trial lawyer for the Justice Department, questioned the chairman and chief executive of the company, William H. Gates'. After watching this you will understand that Gates was never to be trusted. Following the antitrust action he took a leaf from the Rockefeller play book, set up a philanthropic foundation and swapped his tie for a nice sweater. And the rest, as they say, is history.
I remain amazed at the transparency with which Gates pimps vaccines and uses his connections with government actors to get them mandated, while simultaneously investing in and massively profiting from, wait for it, vaccines. We live in a time where, apparently, having a conflict of interest is no cause for concern. The Great Covid Dumpster Fire provided many such examples, but they were (and are) far from the only ones.
Gates has definitely been remarkably transparent. I've yet to find one case where he didn't speak openly about his agendas and/or businesses - though he certainly back pedaled about his acquaintance with Epstein:
I observe that Gates writes, "The Covid-19 pandemic." Yet the WHO didn't declare a pandemic until March 11, another 12 days off into the future. It might be impressive vision except we know that Gates' organizations, and that by their own admission, were the driving force behind the global response:
Also, the WHO-China Joint Mission report was released the same day as the NEJM letter was published.
Gates probably had an advance copy, as did other billionaire types like Jack Ma (whom Maria Van Kerhove said on Feb 23 or so outright was receiving correspondence from WHO).
The Gates-funded Seattle Flu Project is, in my opinion, more critical to grasping his/his money's role in helping operationalize the Staged Pandemic than anything else.
In April 2020 Bill Gates was the declared leader of ‘the race for a coronavirus vaccine’, see his GatesNotes: What you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccine. Humankind has never had a more urgent task than creating broad immunity for coronavirus:
He was running the show, specifying, "...we need to make the vaccine available to almost every person on the planet".
This man has inveigled himself into being in charge of international vaccination policy via the WHO, Gavi, CEPI, and in a position to impose his own investments upon the world, admitting, “Our foundation—both through our own funding and through CEPI—has been supporting the development of an RNA vaccine platform for nearly a decade.”
Re credentialism: Why not? Credentials are important, but only as one indicator of expertise. They do not necessarily indicate an ability to apply expertise to practical problems. Neither do they necessarily indicate an ability to understand the relative significance of different aspects of a complex scenario. Several people with expertise in complex problem solving - I recall Michael Levitt and Ivor Cummins early in the pandemic - provided valuable insights for the general public on YouTube and Twitter. For some reason expertise in areas such as modelling and classical epidemiology did not result in contributions of the calibre one might have expected.
We all are aware - now - that experts can be corrupted. Conflicts of interest led to some disastrous efforts by well-credentialled people whose expertise was used in the service of a false narrative.
On the other hand, there were a number of people with excellent credentials, who were honest, who were courageous to the point of refusing to bend when the might of state was directed against them, who served their communities and the wider public well. Examples that come to mind are Dr. Peter McCullough in Texas, Dr. Chetty in South Africa and Drs. Fareed and Tyson in California.
Any statistics regarding all-cause mortality in any state or region in the period 2020-2022 should be examined and interpreted very carefully. The same data can provide different conclusions (dependently- inter alia- on the honesty of researcher/examiner). Public authorities are generally aware of relativity of these data so as to can easily apply them to manipulate the public:
- If excess mortality was detected in some state, authorities blame virulence of C19 for it;
- if no excess deaths were detected, public institutions prove it confirms efficiency of C19 policy.
Look, just go to your grocery store. They were exposed >= 40 hours per week, every week, during "waves" or otherwise. Just think about it. It spreads "from being in proximity to people", like a form of hyper-virulent syphilis except you don't need to exchange bodily fluids IT SPREADS IN THE AIR.
EVERY grocery store in EVERY country should have seen nearly EVERY employee hopelessly infected REPEATEDLY.
Instead nobody in these kinds of professions (grocery store, hospital, restaurant, bar, strip club, BROTHEL) was any more or less likely to get sick than anyone else.
So clearly, anyone dying, in excess, of anything, wasn't due to some MAGIC POLITICALLY CORRECT BASHFUL POLITE VIRUS, but was in fact due to HUMAN BEHAVIOR.
By the way, did anyone's dogs, etc. "die of covid" at unusually high rates? Dogs don't know what a "pandemic" is. They - and other animals - are too "stupid" to understand this concept. They do "get COVID" though, supposedly.
Very difficult to find now but if you've ever seen this 'excerpts from two hours of videotaped testimony shown today (1999) in United States District Court during antitrust proceedings against the Microsoft Corporation. David Boies, a trial lawyer for the Justice Department, questioned the chairman and chief executive of the company, William H. Gates'. After watching this you will understand that Gates was never to be trusted. Following the antitrust action he took a leaf from the Rockefeller play book, set up a philanthropic foundation and swapped his tie for a nice sweater. And the rest, as they say, is history.
I've seen it.... previously I rejected David Icke's assertion that we were ruled by reptiles...
Switch to Yandex search engine ... it does not appear to censor or hide stuff
I remain amazed at the transparency with which Gates pimps vaccines and uses his connections with government actors to get them mandated, while simultaneously investing in and massively profiting from, wait for it, vaccines. We live in a time where, apparently, having a conflict of interest is no cause for concern. The Great Covid Dumpster Fire provided many such examples, but they were (and are) far from the only ones.
Gates has definitely been remarkably transparent. I've yet to find one case where he didn't speak openly about his agendas and/or businesses - though he certainly back pedaled about his acquaintance with Epstein:
Discussed here:
well BG has a vision and it is extra ordinary. my suggestion to him as to all those who seek to tell me what to do is: You go first.
I observe that Gates writes, "The Covid-19 pandemic." Yet the WHO didn't declare a pandemic until March 11, another 12 days off into the future. It might be impressive vision except we know that Gates' organizations, and that by their own admission, were the driving force behind the global response:
"CEPI has played a central role in the global response to COVID-19."
At least Gates admits to "numerous" conflicts of interest in the writing of this article.
Good catch.
Also, the WHO-China Joint Mission report was released the same day as the NEJM letter was published.
Gates probably had an advance copy, as did other billionaire types like Jack Ma (whom Maria Van Kerhove said on Feb 23 or so outright was receiving correspondence from WHO).
The Gates-funded Seattle Flu Project is, in my opinion, more critical to grasping his/his money's role in helping operationalize the Staged Pandemic than anything else.
In April 2020 Bill Gates was the declared leader of ‘the race for a coronavirus vaccine’, see his GatesNotes: What you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccine. Humankind has never had a more urgent task than creating broad immunity for coronavirus:
He was running the show, specifying, "...we need to make the vaccine available to almost every person on the planet".
This man has inveigled himself into being in charge of international vaccination policy via the WHO, Gavi, CEPI, and in a position to impose his own investments upon the world, admitting, “Our foundation—both through our own funding and through CEPI—has been supporting the development of an RNA vaccine platform for nearly a decade.”
You couldn’t make it up…
- "...we need to make the vaccine available to almost every person on the planet" Quoting Bill Gates - software billionaire and unelected overseer of global vaccination policy:
- Bill Gates: "...we don't know for sure yet if RNA is a viable platform for vaccines..."
Really? So this is a medical experiment on the global population?
Apparently he bought millions of $ worth of BioNTech shares in September 2019 and sold them in the early autumn of 2021.
Also he helped fund Event 201 which took place on October 18th 2029, another coincidence or an example of his visionary?
A truly evil monster, not human at all, I would love to see it swing
Psychopathy on steroids.
The world would be a much better place if Steve Jobs was the one that had lived.
Thanks Fast Eddy and agree with your Icke observation.
Re credentialism: Why not? Credentials are important, but only as one indicator of expertise. They do not necessarily indicate an ability to apply expertise to practical problems. Neither do they necessarily indicate an ability to understand the relative significance of different aspects of a complex scenario. Several people with expertise in complex problem solving - I recall Michael Levitt and Ivor Cummins early in the pandemic - provided valuable insights for the general public on YouTube and Twitter. For some reason expertise in areas such as modelling and classical epidemiology did not result in contributions of the calibre one might have expected.
We all are aware - now - that experts can be corrupted. Conflicts of interest led to some disastrous efforts by well-credentialled people whose expertise was used in the service of a false narrative.
On the other hand, there were a number of people with excellent credentials, who were honest, who were courageous to the point of refusing to bend when the might of state was directed against them, who served their communities and the wider public well. Examples that come to mind are Dr. Peter McCullough in Texas, Dr. Chetty in South Africa and Drs. Fareed and Tyson in California.
Beware of any doctor who will not consider the possibility that a huge psy-op in 2020 accounted for all (or nearly all) of the "pandemic" in 2020.
As for PM, whether he was once on the side of humanity vs the establishment, he certainly isn't now. Search the archive of my articles for his name.
Any statistics regarding all-cause mortality in any state or region in the period 2020-2022 should be examined and interpreted very carefully. The same data can provide different conclusions (dependently- inter alia- on the honesty of researcher/examiner). Public authorities are generally aware of relativity of these data so as to can easily apply them to manipulate the public:
- If excess mortality was detected in some state, authorities blame virulence of C19 for it;
- if no excess deaths were detected, public institutions prove it confirms efficiency of C19 policy.
Unfortunately for all of us.
Look, just go to your grocery store. They were exposed >= 40 hours per week, every week, during "waves" or otherwise. Just think about it. It spreads "from being in proximity to people", like a form of hyper-virulent syphilis except you don't need to exchange bodily fluids IT SPREADS IN THE AIR.
EVERY grocery store in EVERY country should have seen nearly EVERY employee hopelessly infected REPEATEDLY.
Instead nobody in these kinds of professions (grocery store, hospital, restaurant, bar, strip club, BROTHEL) was any more or less likely to get sick than anyone else.
So clearly, anyone dying, in excess, of anything, wasn't due to some MAGIC POLITICALLY CORRECT BASHFUL POLITE VIRUS, but was in fact due to HUMAN BEHAVIOR.
By the way, did anyone's dogs, etc. "die of covid" at unusually high rates? Dogs don't know what a "pandemic" is. They - and other animals - are too "stupid" to understand this concept. They do "get COVID" though, supposedly.