15 hrs ago·edited 15 hrs ago

What else should we expect from satan and his servants in high places running the show as we sleep walk into the great nazi reset agenda.

Although they will constantly attempt to mislead and divert attention from their control, depopulation and wealth strip agenda they will ALL face justice at some point - including all those that went along with group mentality rather than independant thought and righteousness.

I reckon things will need to get much worse before the mass mind awakens and rises - hopefully this process will start with Trump and JFK who will hopefully bring out more heavy weights into the fight. These pair appear to be a real threat to satans terraforming plan for mankind and Mother Earth

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The effects of the mass jabbathon are studiously ignored, and those whose symptoms cannot be pinned to a particular cause are suspected 'cases' of 'long covid'. I k below refers to "Satan and his servants in high places" - that is not a fanciful observation because to push 3 jabs of that muck in to the arms of healthy young people ( let alone the older cohorts) was demonic. The ones who resisted now have to watch family/friends/neighbours suffering the consequences, or, wondering from one day to the next if apparently healthy relatives/ friends will be next in line for 'long covid' or a shortened life span.

I hope as I K's post says that the greater mass of humanity will awaken and bring these 'demons' to account. I have no sympathy for politicians, doctors, 'influencers' etc who might bleat, 'we didn't know what we were dealing with', 'we just tried to keep our heads down because we didn't want to 'upset' the 'higher ups', because we flipping well knew from March 2020.

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I’m particularly annoyed by people claiming “long Covid” if they’ve had any Covid shot whatsoever. The only people who have any viable claim to that status would be never-vaccinated folks.

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Me too. And we can call them out all along the way. It is called antibody dependent enhancement- was listed as adverse effect of special interest. Docs here shut down and one spent time in prison for warning, pointing that out loud.

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Given no virus, anaphylaxis would be a more likely culprit..

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"independent charity" They don't even care that we know they're all shills. Question is, how do they sleep at night?

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Thanks Jonathan. I see also Eli Lilly & Company Ltd £30,001 - £40,000 and Gates Foundation £150,001 - £200,000. I assume Bill and Melinda Gates.

But in 2023 way out on top George SoreArse's Open Society Foundations £550,001 - £600,000.


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And UK's signature vax, AstraZeneca, has been withdrawn worldwide for an unacceptable risk of developing blood clots. So, on paper, officially, it's recognized that those specific jabs (the ones most 'popular' in the UK) really were actually dangerous (even if nobody will admit the other ones are too).

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deep interests

network of many

of course total propaganda

Yes— ppl need to learn when researching ANYTHING- scroll down or dig farther until you find ‘partners’ or ‘sponsors’ or ‘strategic network’ — all parrots the same propaganda and leads back to the same funders

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You gotta laugh (if you're not already crying!): The BigPharma & Academia mx here: keep taking the statins and mRNA shots. ... never mind the mounting evidence that low LDL levels are not at all ideal, given the vital and important physiological roles of cholesterol, while mRNA/LNP shots are associated with cognitive impairment, accelerated dementia and neurodegenerative disorders.

New Zealand Goodfellow Unit (Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, at the University of Auckland) inform us that "there are two new risk factors that can be modified in terms of preventing dementia. They are LDL cholesterol (7% contribution) and visual loss in later life (2%). The data for LDL comes from cohort studies where the LDL is modified in the middle years. The others are: Less education 5%, Hearing loss 7%, Depression 3%, Traumatic brain injury 3%, Physical inactivity 2%, Diabetes 2%, Smoking 2%, Hypertension 2%, Obesity 1%, Excessive alcohol 1%, Social isolation 5%, Air pollution 3%. ~ Risk factors for dementia The Lancet (2024).

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