I don't even get the contagion idea of the "flu".

If it were contagious, why doesn't the winter flu season in the North hemisphere carry over to the southern hemisphere in their summer and vice versa?

The flu is likely a result of low vitamin D as it happens in a low sun season...

Oh and the equator has a pretty much flat line of "flu".

Contagious? Nope... Environmental.

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Agreed. Add in increased winter pollution, more time indoors, processed foods at Christmas and 'flu jabs among other things and the toxicity on the body is immense.

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Another important factor in the seasonality of respiratory disorders is low humidity in winter. One hypothesis is that the less moist cellular lining of the respiratory tract is more susceptible to injury and inflammation.

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Years ago when the Cochrane Report was un-compromised they posted a meta-analysis that referred to the influenza vaccines as "worthless" in their published report. Yes, they used the word "worthless"!

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Here are two separate studies from 2006.

Public health: Influenza vaccination: policy versus evidence

Each year enormous effort goes into producing influenza vaccines for that specific year and

delivering them to appropriate sections of the population. Is this effort justified?

Summary points: Public policy worldwide recommends the use of inactivated influenza vaccines to prevent seasonal outbreaks.

Because viral circulation and antigenic match vary each year and non-randomised studies

predominate, systematic reviews of large datasets from several decades provide the best

information on vaccine performance.

Evidence from systematic reviews shows that inactivated vaccines have little or no effect on the effects measured.

Most studies are of poor methodological quality and the impact of confounders is high.

Little comparative evidence exists on the safety of these vaccines.

Reasons for the current gap between policy and evidence are unclear, but given the huge

resources involved, a re-evaluation should be urgently undertaken.


And this:

Influenza vaccination for healthcare workers who work with the elderly


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Neither of those links work for me...

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They both worked here.

You can use sci-hub and get the articles for free.

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They have no idea how many cases of “flu” - which should be defined as a respiratory illness known to be caused by a purported influenza virus - there are in any given year. No idea. They model it, based on flawed tests and as you point out flawed assumptions about what ILI is and what causes it. It’s a hairball of flawed assumptions and biased modeling, resulting in garbage out as always. But yet they claim to produce a vaccine against their hairball and then set out to determine how well it works through test negative studies. “The Science” was hard at work long before SC2 was concocted.

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I smelt a rat when I learnt they 'predict' the next 'variant (TM)' and build a 'vaccine' based on that which is why I've never had 1.

Didn't realise it was all bollox though until the Convid scam broke and now all the pennies have dropped into the right holes.

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Yes, like you I only realised it was all bollox when the scamdemic started although it took me until June 2020 to get there. I had thought since my 20's that the 'flu jab was pointless though which was a help in getting understanding.

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Like you it took me until June 2020, annoyingly as it was so obvious looking back but better late then never.

I was sat in my garden on a lovely sunny day (1 of 6+ months worth if my memory serves me correctly which was also very odd looking back as we rarely see the yellow thing anymore. Obviously that 'Climate Change' thingy!!!) anyway, living not far from a hospital, I wondered why I was not hearing any sirens when the streets were silent and the box on the wall was telling me Armageddon was happening. Queue penny dropping. The box on the wall is a propaganda machine and so my awakening began. Listening to Mike the original 'consipracy theorist' on the Delingpod cemented my thoughts and here we are surrounded by some amazing honest people in a world of lies 💪

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Yes, it grieves me that I did not see it earlier. I was 60 in 2020 and it took that long. However, I had no real reason to question it before, although I do think a BCG shot in 1975 at school caused me to fall very ill for 2 weeks (temperature 104F).

Somehow though I think it was necessary to have this mass rude awakening to enable all the lies to be dealt with once and for all.

And as you very rightly say, better late than never.

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One need only look at the actual feedback from healthcare workers on the ''safety and efficacy'' of the flu jab to understand things are not what they seem. eg-Near 20% suffer a SERIOUS adverse reaction which is about the same as the COVID jab. https://biologyphenom.substack.com/p/national-survey-of-healthcare-workers?utm_source=publication-search

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Pretty much says it all. No reliable tests---no reliable statistics.

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As I’ve posted many times previously, even Anthony Fauci admits flu vaccines are rubbish: "As of 2022, after more than 60 years of experience with influenza vaccines, very little improvement in vaccine prevention of infection has been noted. As pointed out decades ago, and still true today, the rates of effectiveness of our best approved influenza vaccines would be inadequate for licensure for most other vaccine-preventable diseases."

See my email to Anthony Fauci: The biggest crime in history...the influenza and SARS-CoV-2 vaccine scam, 27 April 2023: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/the-biggest-crime-in-history.the-influenza-and-sars-cov-2-vaccine-scam.pdf

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When in my early thirties working as a Health visitor, the GP convinced the midwife and myself to have the "flu jab". I became so ill a few days later and took a rare week off sick. So I declined any more, then read more widely on how they selected the brew etc.. When Dame Sally was in charge she accused the NHS staff of being selfish for the low uptake of the annual cocktail. This may have been the slippery slope to mandates being put in place. We already had that with the hepatitis B vaccine. I had 2 courses with no discernable results. The amount of time GP surgeries devote to giving this annual "waste of time " could surely be better spent. Also what use is the nasal spray in young children, constantly hearing or reading about shedding and granny getting ill.

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Children are being grossly exploited with flu vaccines, which they are given to purportedly protect the elderly.

See my email: Peter Openshaw and Arne Akbar - Is it ethical to vaccinate the young to purportedly protect the old? 6 September 2022


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The injections are designed to injure you. The entire concept is based on a lie, that a flying submicroscopic infectious particle causes flu like illnesses.

This simply isn’t true. It took me years to realise that we’ve been lied to about this for decades.

It’s not only a financial scam. It’s THE way into our bodies by hidden figures who are intent on harming us, the trusting public.

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That would be Damn Silly Davies I suppose? :)

Perhaps I should do a post on her, but I do see this anagram of Sally Davies'.

- As a sly devil

Enough said for now.

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Of course with so many immune systems damaged after the shots, every season is now going to be a high-flu season, and the fault is the dropping vaccination rates...

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What about the flies, people dropping like flies? :(

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Darned climate change, apparently.

There are a thousand other reasons, eating bad food, bad food, not exercising yadayadayada...

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The jab they stick in you this fall…..they have no clue what it does for last years virus….and that is EXACTLY what they studied and made it for……NO IDEA WHAT IT DOES……The big issue is…. Last years flu 🐛….has been eradicated by the new flu bug strain this fall…….what ever they tell you……LIES….to feed the sheep 🐑…. The last 4 years same thing…..more lies….only BIGGER LIES…..take the one jab ( now close to 10 jabs in some areas ) to save your children and granny and poppas……..and just humanity. That didn’t work so they changed the story line to…..when the jabbers get sick ( from all the jabs they are getting) blame it on the non jabbers….. WAIT ..I THOUGHT YOUR FIRST JAB WAS TO SAVE YA FROM THE YEARLY FLU ( aka fake c19 ramped up from the yearly flu bug) 🤦‍♂️ 🐑 🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Which came first? The annual bewailing that the NHS is facing its toughest ever winter, or the annual propaganda campaign urging people to get “flu” vaccinations? It’s all nonsense, and it’s all politics.

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My 6 year old grandson was a wise man in the school nativity and asked, ‘nana, what does wise mean?’ This prompted me to think about the meaning of wisdom and here we have a fine example.

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Yes. I say being wise is asking 'whys', asking questions.


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Thanks for the link Michael, wise and amusing.

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Since no virus has ever been physically or biochemically isolated, can anyone explain how a vaccine can be manufactured from dead or attenuated viruses? Since a vaccine is supposed to stimulate the immune response of the recipient, wouldn't they be much less effective in elderly or other immunologically compromised people---the very group that is said to need it more urgently? Inquiring minds want to know.

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Thanks Jonathan. I was aware since my 20's I suppose that the 'flu jabs seemed to cause the 'flu for people so what was the point. Even my wife had a jab in 1989 (before I met her) and was promptly ill for 3 days.

In fact the boarding school she taught at and where she got the jab was severely hit by the 'flu. I assume that most of the boys were jabbed, i.e. poisoned.

I have said before but injecting toxic substances, of which vaccines contain a small amount, into the body and expecting good health is plain nuts.

The use of statistics to justify use of vaccines is a gross deception and wickedly evil.

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The global influenza vaccine market size was valued at $8 billion in 2023 and around $8.5 billion in 2024. That represents a little over 10% of the entire global vaccine market which is a bit over $74 billion in 2024.

In the course of a vaccination trial that took place in France on October 1st, 1981, Professor Mercie, former director of the glamorous Pasteur Institute, was asked why the Institute kept producing and selling its anti-'flu vaccine despite its recognized worthlessness. Professor Mercie's candid reply: 'Because it helps finance the Institute's research'."

"Well they’ve a tremendous job of brainwashing the basic public to believing that this is absolutely necessary every fall when the season comes around you got to go and get your flu shot. You see you have a captive audience.

Imagine the benefit to an industry that can produce a product and know approximately how many they are going to sell with insured money because not only can they sell it but they know it’s going to get paid for because it’s going to be paid for by insurance companies or Medicaid. And so the benefit for the manufacturer is tremendous.

He says OK I am going to make 20,000,000 shots and I’m going to make $3 a shot or $5 on each shot and them I’m going to buy some interest in these clinics that in themselves are going to make money in running tests afterwards and of course after each flu shot you know onslaught and people get pneumonia and things like that so their hospital shares are going to go up we are going to sell more of this antibiotic, I mean you can calculate all that very callously"

---Eva Snead, M.D.

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Is it the whole comment which is attributable to Eva Snead, M.D.?

Can you possibly link to the source material?

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Just the bottom paragraphs in quotes are hers.

"The Flu" is another wholly invented BS racket as are all the invented "diseases-" associated with vaccination. Take the time to go back and read the history of how these "diseases" came into being as well as the vaccines.

Once you read through the entirety of the original papers it's easy to see how they invent the disease in order to sell the product- the vaccine. Same template is used in case after case dating back over a hundred years.

Here's another snippet of hers from an interview w/Gary Null:

GN: OK. Why don’t you give us some of what you have found in the literature, some of the problems with the flu vaccine and also they’re claiming all this success. I question whether they can prove the success because you cannot disprove a negative.

ES: That’s correct. Imagine, Gary, the gullibility of a public that not only believes that these companies give them a safe and effective product but that they give them the credence of a god that two years in advance when they start making these serums they know which particular kind of influenza is going to be causing the epidemic two years later. I mean you know these people have the utter gall to tell people that they can do it because they can’t. This is based on computer predictions and so on which are totally inaccurate. Now, you may remember the horrible epidemic of neurologic illness that we had in ’76 and although the present day vaccines don’t have that high an incidence even the package insert tells me that there’s a higher incidence of Guillaine Barre which is a sort of euphemism for a variety of polio in all people under fifty that take the influenza vaccine. So imagine the risk you are running aside from the viruses, the cancer, the leukaemia. Two or three years ago there was a rash of positive HIV and hepatitis patients in Baltimore among people who would otherwise not be expected to have a positive test. When studied all of these people had received the influenza vaccine four to six weeks prior and this was rapidly covered up by the press as you were saying in your beautiful new article that told that the press in uninquisitive today.

GN: Do you have an example of some of the guaranteed safety vaccines that we have been given over the years only later to find out that the guarantees were unsupported by any credible science and actually were deleterious?

ES: There is no science, credible or otherwise, this is all guess work. I mean you can’t test for something that hasn’t happened and you can’t test compared to what? I mean you don’t know that there would have been an epidemic and certainly if you put a certain variety of viruses in the public then you will find they will say "Oh we were right. Virus A or B, Australian or South American or whatever you may call it will be endemic this year". Well you know you become a self-fulfilling prophesy because you created the particular problem and not only that but the other thing that is very, very important that nobody has brought up to my knowledge is about forty years ago a study was done in England on problems with the nervous system in new born and unborn foetuses that were aborted and they discovered that the majority of children who had birth defects in the nervous system particularly and encephalus had been exposed to the flu virus. Flu virus, of course, being now in all the vaccines that people are vaccinated. In the south of Texas we are having a tremendous rash of these particular neurologic problems. Children born without a brain or part of a brain and everybody is telling the public "Oh we have not a clue of what could cause this". Well, we do have a clue, we’re just lying to the public.

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Why are they Poisoning the Herd?

Clearly the Men Who Run the World are aware that diets high in sugar and carbohydrates destroy the human body. They know that statins are no solution to the diseases caused by these diets. They know seed oils should not be consumed by humans. They definitely understand that their food pyramid is a colossal lie.

And they know that vaccines are also dramatically reducing life spans.

Many will argue that the food and pharma industries are benefitting from these outcomes. They make billions of dollars off of addicting humans to these health-destroying inputs and even more from treating the inevitable diseases that result from bad diets.

I disagree that this was inevitable and I would argue that this is all part of a plan, a necessary plan.

The Men Who Run the World and their minions have the ability to stop this. All they would have to do is employ some of the same strategies that were used to convince 6 billion to inject a deadly vaccine. They could easily crush demand for sugary drinks and processed foods by pounding them with high taxes.

We have seen how governments are capable of ending the addiction to tobacco. Why not do the same for sugary foods. I would argue that they decided to come down hard on smoking because it was killing people too quickly and damaging productivity on their farm. They did not make tobacco the enemy because they love ya’ll.

Why Don’t They Discourage Bad Dietary Choices and Stop Vaccinating?

Consider the impacts on the economy of not reducing the life spans of humans.

Let’s say 30% of the population of a country lived beyond 90 years. Pension plans would implode as there would not be enough money to cover redemptions. For those on public pensions, we could raise taxes to ensure pensioners get paid, but that would mean less money for schools, roads and other infrastructure. Government services would need to be dramatically scaled back resulting in huge job losses.

All of these elderly people would essentially be ‘useless eaters’ sapping the economic strength of the country to provide them with medical care and free bus passes, while they produce and contribute nothing.

Why did they ramp up the vaccine schedule in the 80’s? I would suggest that they did this because population (which grows exponentially) was about to get out of control so they needed to take action. What would our overall population be if not for the vaccine push and the dramatic increase in the availability of processed foods in recent decades?

At the end of the day all they care about is having enough circus and barnyard animals to operate the farm. They could care less about you or your health - you are EXPENDABLE.

They most certainly do not want one third of the population living to 90+ Japan and China are prime examples of what happens when a country is top heavy on elderly citizens. Too few young people to support the elderly.


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There are three independent variables involved in a "vaccination" scenario.

The person, the "vaccination" and the "pathogen". Two of them in inverted commas, because only the human being is a real variable. The "vaccination" is only the metaphor. What can we expect from it except harm? In fact, every "vaccination serum" is roughly comparable to a snakebite. Even the application is identical.

The "pathogen" to be "vaccinated" against is a fictitious construct, just like unicorns. It does not correspond to any real object.

So if "vaccination" does not work, the doctrine holds that it can only have something to do with the person (deficient "immune system") or with the serum (too late, new "variant"). Both make the meaning of "vaccination" obsolete even within the narrative. The third variable, however, must never be doubted.

It is the only one that makes sense, namely that the "pathogen" against which the "vaccination" is supposed to work does not exist. This explanation is valid as long as no one worldwide can scientifically prove the existence of "viruses". This is still the case.

And this should make it clear that neither humans nor the "vaccination" can ever work together. Because the pathogen is simply missing. At best, you can simply stop poisoning your body over and over again.

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Agree completely.

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