“In my view it’s about time people who have the analytical skills, standing, experience and access to data stand up and properly demolish the narrative pushed by governments since 2020.”
What causes a cold or respiratory dis-ease? No virus is required.
The established model of lung physiology FAILS under scrutiny. I’ll explain why HYDRATION and not oxygenation underpins our physiology. Understanding this destroys the sickness industrial complex and big pHARMa’s power.
A cough is a sign of respiratory dehydration not a virus or a bacterial infection. A runny nose is a sign of respiratory dehydration. Shortness of breath and difficulty breathing is a sign of respiratory dehydration. To understand this concept you need to know the extremely important difference between air and oxygen.
We breathe air not oxygen. The difference between air and oxygen is their moisture content, nothing else.
Air is measured by its moisture at a given temperature, humidity.
Oxygen is measured by its DRYNESS in parts per million of water contamination.
Oxygen has zero humidity. Air at the summit of Mt Everest has 1% humidity. Cold air holds the least moisture.
The lungs require inhaled air to be in the range of 30-50% humidity.
The lung alveoli requires air reaching it to be at 100% humidity, that is dew point or drop point.
Can you see the deadly mis-match?
Oxygen is manufactured by stripping air of moisture. Oxygen is a product of air NOT a constituent of air. Plants and trees do not produce oxygen.
There is no wild/natural oxygen in air. Oxygen becomes nitrogen or black oxygen with the addition of carbon particles to become non-flammable oxygen. I have a link to a brilliant demonstration of this on my stack, a home oxygen concentrator is used. You’ll learn how to test for air, oxygen and nitrogen.
The air we breathe has zero oxygen or nitrogen or the other 1% of ‘gases’. This is a schooled daze program.
The lungs are responsible for re-hydrating the red blood cells as they pass through the alveoli capillaries with salt water. The red blood cells are salt water carriers. The saline intravenous drip rehydrates red blood cells as they pass through the fluid. The saline IV is a hospital's no 1 remedy for very good reasons.
The insult that causes respiratory dis-stress is dehydration. It’s seasonal because cold air holds the least moisture and indoor room air often dries out with heating.
The dry mucosa must re-establish itself and the production of mucus goes into overdrive. The mucosa requires salt and moisture and it will move both from any bodily reserves. This causes pain as the extraction process goes into motion.
Now you know why the old remedies are successful.
Salt water gargles, nasal irrigations/inhalations and chicken soup / bone broth soups.
Sanatoriums were built along coastlines to take advantage of sea spray because it was known to heal injured lungs.
It is time we reclaimed the knowledge of hydration and healing.
Hydration equals salt plus water.
Healing begins with hydration.
Oxygen on release from containment wants to return to its natural state, air. Oxygen extracts moisture from its surroundings to do this. Oxygen released inside the respiratory tract extracts moisture and dehydrates the mucosa and the delicate alveoli sacs. Oxygen’s toxicity is directly related to its power to dehydrate. Reactive oxygen species ROS describes damage due to dehydration.
Oxygen is a prescribed drug. It is primarily prescribed for the terminally ill. Palliative care is not kind. Notice the portable oxygen tanks have no humidifier to mitigate oxygen’s well known ability to dehydrate.
Humidity is monitored in anaesthesia and mechanical ventilation. Even CPAP machines have humidifiers included. But the terminally ill are left with straight oxygen, to dry up inside, to endure immense suffering, so they wish for their own demise. The first sign of oxygen toxicity is a cough, then sternum pain.
We all need to comprehend the difference between air and oxygen. Read the material safety data sheets for oxygen and nitrogen. Both have unconsciousness and not breathing listed under inhalation.
There is more, I tip over a few sacred cows, get ready to revisit all you think you know. Click on my blue icon to read my 3 articles.
Curiosity will free your mind from the schooled daze programming.
I’ve read that humans developed over millennia in warmer, 40-60% humidity environments, only migrating north in more recent geo time.
I’m a big believer in Terrain > Germ. Not convinced viruses are a threat, but convinced toxins are & can be airborne(VOCs, gasses, chemtrail metals/pesticides and EMFs).
Soil, seeds, water, sunshine, health. Plants aren’t alternative medicine, they’re original medicine.
Cv-1984 was just swabs-gone-wild. And a bioweapon developed by our DOD. And the death knell for medical ethics.
Thanks for the new ‘vaccine’! Here, we built you a new ‘sauna’, it only 👀 like a gas chamber.
Our lungs require humidity from the air because they are adding salt water to our blood, rehydrating the red blood cells as they pass through the alveoli capillaries. If the air is too humid, over 50% or too dry, under 30%, the lungs struggle to perform their role. Hence you get breathlessness and fatigue.
All narratives need to be scrutinised. They will and do lie about all things that can provide an opportunity for exploitation.
Marcus, we’ve been lied to about a heap of stuff. I suggest you tuck cognitive dissonance away, take a look at my articles. Then ponder. It’s all about moisture. Our physiological Achilles heel is dehydration. Oxygen and nitrogen have zero humidity, that’s because they are manufactured to be Super Dry.
I have an alternative explanation for what air really is. The nature of water and air is paramount to understand or THEY will keep duping us. We’ve been way too easy to fool.
Jonathan, you ROCK! Yes, there was no Pandemic although it took me a little longer to figure that out. I'm great in physics, nuclear physics and nuclear engineering but medicine I'm not that great at. I'm so thankful that Dr. Pierrick Martinez is guiding me through Stage 4 Metastatic Lung cancer. Maybe I'll be here long enough to see if Kennedy can have an impact on the compromised 3 letter American Health, no, wait, death institutions. Maybe he can even expose the CoV-2 scam.
Shouldn't evidence based medicine involve an assessment of the world's best evidence? Instead our two esteemed professors have remained silent on all of the following. So i won't be paying to comment on their substack ''Trust the evidence'' what they don't tell you is....UNLESS that evidence is inconvenient for your career in that case we will ignore it.
You do set this out very nicely, thank you. I like the first list.
- previous pandemics
This will anagram to 'suspicion revamped'. I have more than a suspicion that COVID 19 was the 'flu revamped!
- seeding infections into nursing homes
i.e. the seeding of stupidity into nursing homes
- people “got it” in hospital [what is “it”?]
'It' is stupidity. It could be IT, i.e. Information Technology which was used to spread stupidity.
- localised outbreaks [of what? - testing is meaningless]
Outbreaks of stupidity
- doing things better next time [do we really accept / believe we just had a “pandemic”?]
Further outbreaks of stupidity forecast, also called doing stupid in another stupid way.
- testing for acute respiratory infections
Testing for stupidity
- cases [are we accepting these meant anything at all?]
Nut cases, the consequence of stupidity
- doing a trial of masks "next time" in children
Masks are supposed to go on the face, not in someone. Mask-ists suffer from severe stupidity.
- Sweden did well
Less stupid people in Sweden, except in care homes which were locked down.
Tom Jefferson and Carl Heneghan suffer from stupidity or Stupid 20 as I call it. Their substack can only be commented on by paid subscribers. This prevents them being challenged for being stupid.
I had seen their substack before and had wanted to comment and put them straight. But they are among other things epidemiologists so it is likely to be a struggle for anybody.
I have the analytical skills. As to standing, experience and access to data, well I am sitting at the moment (!) but I have the experience of a life lived and access to the internet for all the data I needed.
I have linked before but I worked the basics out in 2020 and here we still are in 2024 and people like Tom Jefferson and Carl James Heneghan are really struggling to get out of the starting gate.
“In my view it’s about time people who have the analytical skills, standing, experience and access to data stand up and properly demolish the narrative pushed by governments since 2020.”
My view too!
It seems ‘COVID-19’ was common respiratory symptoms - What exactly is 'COVID-19'? https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/what-exactly-is-covid-19
And ‘they’ used this manufactured crisis to deliberately terrorise and exploit the people of the world.
‘Our’ systems were used against us - political, medical, scientific, legal, media…even the churches!
Wow…the treachery…
Biggest crime in history.
Now how to bring the perpetrators to account…
What causes a cold or respiratory dis-ease? No virus is required.
The established model of lung physiology FAILS under scrutiny. I’ll explain why HYDRATION and not oxygenation underpins our physiology. Understanding this destroys the sickness industrial complex and big pHARMa’s power.
A cough is a sign of respiratory dehydration not a virus or a bacterial infection. A runny nose is a sign of respiratory dehydration. Shortness of breath and difficulty breathing is a sign of respiratory dehydration. To understand this concept you need to know the extremely important difference between air and oxygen.
We breathe air not oxygen. The difference between air and oxygen is their moisture content, nothing else.
Air is measured by its moisture at a given temperature, humidity.
Oxygen is measured by its DRYNESS in parts per million of water contamination.
Oxygen has zero humidity. Air at the summit of Mt Everest has 1% humidity. Cold air holds the least moisture.
The lungs require inhaled air to be in the range of 30-50% humidity.
The lung alveoli requires air reaching it to be at 100% humidity, that is dew point or drop point.
Can you see the deadly mis-match?
Oxygen is manufactured by stripping air of moisture. Oxygen is a product of air NOT a constituent of air. Plants and trees do not produce oxygen.
There is no wild/natural oxygen in air. Oxygen becomes nitrogen or black oxygen with the addition of carbon particles to become non-flammable oxygen. I have a link to a brilliant demonstration of this on my stack, a home oxygen concentrator is used. You’ll learn how to test for air, oxygen and nitrogen.
The air we breathe has zero oxygen or nitrogen or the other 1% of ‘gases’. This is a schooled daze program.
The lungs are responsible for re-hydrating the red blood cells as they pass through the alveoli capillaries with salt water. The red blood cells are salt water carriers. The saline intravenous drip rehydrates red blood cells as they pass through the fluid. The saline IV is a hospital's no 1 remedy for very good reasons.
The insult that causes respiratory dis-stress is dehydration. It’s seasonal because cold air holds the least moisture and indoor room air often dries out with heating.
The dry mucosa must re-establish itself and the production of mucus goes into overdrive. The mucosa requires salt and moisture and it will move both from any bodily reserves. This causes pain as the extraction process goes into motion.
Now you know why the old remedies are successful.
Salt water gargles, nasal irrigations/inhalations and chicken soup / bone broth soups.
Sanatoriums were built along coastlines to take advantage of sea spray because it was known to heal injured lungs.
It is time we reclaimed the knowledge of hydration and healing.
Hydration equals salt plus water.
Healing begins with hydration.
Oxygen on release from containment wants to return to its natural state, air. Oxygen extracts moisture from its surroundings to do this. Oxygen released inside the respiratory tract extracts moisture and dehydrates the mucosa and the delicate alveoli sacs. Oxygen’s toxicity is directly related to its power to dehydrate. Reactive oxygen species ROS describes damage due to dehydration.
Oxygen is a prescribed drug. It is primarily prescribed for the terminally ill. Palliative care is not kind. Notice the portable oxygen tanks have no humidifier to mitigate oxygen’s well known ability to dehydrate.
Humidity is monitored in anaesthesia and mechanical ventilation. Even CPAP machines have humidifiers included. But the terminally ill are left with straight oxygen, to dry up inside, to endure immense suffering, so they wish for their own demise. The first sign of oxygen toxicity is a cough, then sternum pain.
We all need to comprehend the difference between air and oxygen. Read the material safety data sheets for oxygen and nitrogen. Both have unconsciousness and not breathing listed under inhalation.
There is more, I tip over a few sacred cows, get ready to revisit all you think you know. Click on my blue icon to read my 3 articles.
Curiosity will free your mind from the schooled daze programming.
I’ve read that humans developed over millennia in warmer, 40-60% humidity environments, only migrating north in more recent geo time.
I’m a big believer in Terrain > Germ. Not convinced viruses are a threat, but convinced toxins are & can be airborne(VOCs, gasses, chemtrail metals/pesticides and EMFs).
Soil, seeds, water, sunshine, health. Plants aren’t alternative medicine, they’re original medicine.
Cv-1984 was just swabs-gone-wild. And a bioweapon developed by our DOD. And the death knell for medical ethics.
Thanks for the new ‘vaccine’! Here, we built you a new ‘sauna’, it only 👀 like a gas chamber.
#fightpfake #fightpfraud #stayhuman
Our lungs require humidity from the air because they are adding salt water to our blood, rehydrating the red blood cells as they pass through the alveoli capillaries. If the air is too humid, over 50% or too dry, under 30%, the lungs struggle to perform their role. Hence you get breathlessness and fatigue.
All narratives need to be scrutinised. They will and do lie about all things that can provide an opportunity for exploitation.
I’m sure you wrote a lot of good stuff beyond “the only difference” between air and oxygen. Yet I couldn’t get past this.
Nitrogen’s role in respiration, as a dilutor of oxygen, as a pressure agent for the lungs, etc… should not be discarded wholesale.
Marcus, we’ve been lied to about a heap of stuff. I suggest you tuck cognitive dissonance away, take a look at my articles. Then ponder. It’s all about moisture. Our physiological Achilles heel is dehydration. Oxygen and nitrogen have zero humidity, that’s because they are manufactured to be Super Dry.
I have an alternative explanation for what air really is. The nature of water and air is paramount to understand or THEY will keep duping us. We’ve been way too easy to fool.
The entire thing you wrote can be completely correct, and likely is. Yet my point still stands.
I link to a brilliant demonstration of oxygen becoming nitrogen using a home oxygen concentrator.
Take a look, it’s about 9 mins.
Learn the test for air, oxygen and nitrogen using glowing splint.
It’s time to confront the matrix of lies.
Hi Jonathan
Have you any questions that need satisfying on this model?
Can you see the gaseous exchange is a fraud?
Jonathan, you ROCK! Yes, there was no Pandemic although it took me a little longer to figure that out. I'm great in physics, nuclear physics and nuclear engineering but medicine I'm not that great at. I'm so thankful that Dr. Pierrick Martinez is guiding me through Stage 4 Metastatic Lung cancer. Maybe I'll be here long enough to see if Kennedy can have an impact on the compromised 3 letter American Health, no, wait, death institutions. Maybe he can even expose the CoV-2 scam.
Shouldn't evidence based medicine involve an assessment of the world's best evidence? Instead our two esteemed professors have remained silent on all of the following. So i won't be paying to comment on their substack ''Trust the evidence'' what they don't tell you is....UNLESS that evidence is inconvenient for your career in that case we will ignore it.
You do set this out very nicely, thank you. I like the first list.
- previous pandemics
This will anagram to 'suspicion revamped'. I have more than a suspicion that COVID 19 was the 'flu revamped!
- seeding infections into nursing homes
i.e. the seeding of stupidity into nursing homes
- people “got it” in hospital [what is “it”?]
'It' is stupidity. It could be IT, i.e. Information Technology which was used to spread stupidity.
- localised outbreaks [of what? - testing is meaningless]
Outbreaks of stupidity
- doing things better next time [do we really accept / believe we just had a “pandemic”?]
Further outbreaks of stupidity forecast, also called doing stupid in another stupid way.
- testing for acute respiratory infections
Testing for stupidity
- cases [are we accepting these meant anything at all?]
Nut cases, the consequence of stupidity
- doing a trial of masks "next time" in children
Masks are supposed to go on the face, not in someone. Mask-ists suffer from severe stupidity.
- Sweden did well
Less stupid people in Sweden, except in care homes which were locked down.
Tom Jefferson and Carl Heneghan suffer from stupidity or Stupid 20 as I call it. Their substack can only be commented on by paid subscribers. This prevents them being challenged for being stupid.
I had seen their substack before and had wanted to comment and put them straight. But they are among other things epidemiologists so it is likely to be a struggle for anybody.
I have the analytical skills. As to standing, experience and access to data, well I am sitting at the moment (!) but I have the experience of a life lived and access to the internet for all the data I needed.
I have linked before but I worked the basics out in 2020 and here we still are in 2024 and people like Tom Jefferson and Carl James Heneghan are really struggling to get out of the starting gate.
And as Tom and Carl clearly suffer 'it', this.