9 hrs ago·edited 9 hrs ago

The reason is likely to be the narrative that mRNA technology involves. Specifically, the mRNA 'platform' is supposed to be able to produce an infinite variety of new injections for new problems with little to no additional testing. This is the necessary myth that opens the way to immense profit and long-term access to billions of bodies.

Under the old vaccine conceptual regime, there was a perceived need for lengthy test periods (although in reality there was no real safety testing at all.) Under the new mRNA narrative concept, new injections can be introduced at 'Warp Speed' for any imaginable illness or condition, as fast as a media marketing campaign can be gotten together to spread fear. All of these new injectables are deemed safe by regulatory authorities because they carry the stamp of mRNA narrative.

As I've discovered over the last few years, neither the previous injections nor the new ones have ever had any real use for protecting people from illness. Once we put aside the idea that there was some positive health endpoint and rid ourselves of the false belief that anyone in regulatory or pharma cares about safety, the real difference stands out: one set of products takes years to introduce and the other can be deemed safe immediately.

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They used mRNA to see if their small sample trial results with genetics manipulation would be replicative as scale

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I am convinced that the “depopulation agenda” is now in full swing and the mRNA technology is a big part of it. The “Day Tapes” are the key to understanding what has long been planned for the world population. Sage Hana’s Substack has many links and discussions about the Day Tapes. As far as the “follow the money” part of it, I believe that we (taxpayers) are now funding our own demise - since you can’t expect the perpetrators of this depopulation agenda to fund the whole thing out of their own fortunes.

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Yep, it's a racket (and an experiment/ control mechanism) that's justified by the 'biodefense' agenda - ie. the new military-industrial (pharma) complex based on the need for "medical countermeasures for national security" against 'biothreats' (whether naturally occurring, accidentally released or deliberately deployed according to their hype). 'Covid' was a "live exercise" test consistent with the Pentagon's P3 Program (to "stop a pandemic in 60 days" with medical countermeasures).

In their defense S&T fantasies, mRNA is the platform that allows "bug to drug" or "lab to jab" within as little as 48 hours... to protect civilians and warfighters! "Public health" was a front for the military/ 'national security' response. A few links...

- Academic paper (UK) from 2015 on medical countermeasures (MCMs) for national security:


- Two minute video from June 2019, about what the DoD calls "medical rapid response" to 'biothreats' for fast-tracked MCMs, including regulatory authorization.


- DARPA- Moderna mobile "DART" = Deployable Accelerated RNA Technology (in army trucks) - 60 second video presentation from 2022


- US DoD (and DHS) conference on 20 January 2020 about accelerated MCMs for a pandemic!


- the P3 Program - activated by DoD on 4 February 2020 on 'national security' grounds


- DoD CBRN conference 2024 - biodefense industrial academia complex


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Yes money, it really is the root of all evil. Also the opportunity handed to them on a silver platter to have a worldwide experiment of their mRNA platform.

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IMO, They want to genetically modify people.

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When people starting emitting bluetooth codes in 2021 it was like a huge puzzle piece of the jigsaw was put in its place.

IMO there is a horrific dark secret to these injections. That they contain very advanced cutting edge nanotechnology and form a fully operational nano devise(s) in human bodies.

This would explain their absolute insane attempt to get a 95% + uptake, which thankfully they failed to do. In the UK it was only 70%, not enough to bring in permanent vaccine passports and digital ID that went with them.

And they only had one chance at the vaccine route, they will never get 70% uptake again now, they blew it.

But that still leaves the nanotech issue. There have been many studies showing these strange self assembling nano objects by various people/groups all around the world.

There have also been a few papers published that sort of touch on the subject, this one that I found goes into great detail about it, v interesting read. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/358833772_CoVid_Vaccines_Based_on_Graphene_Nanonetwork_and_Internet_of_NanoThings_IoNT

And anyone with an android phone can verify that people are emitting random unknown bluetooth MAC addresses. This is a screen recording from my phone last week of kids at rugby practice. https://go.screenpal.com/watch/cZQrlKVS0GW

If you have an android phone, you need to turn on the bluetooth setting "Show devices without a name" It has been moved to the developer menu in 2021 (funny that). It takes 2 mins to access this menu and turn on "Show bluetooth devices without a name" see this YT video (works for all android models https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMitXA6H3aI

Once its on, if you do a bluetooth search wherever people are about, you will see these strange codes come up in front of your eyes.

And before people say "These codes are mobiles or headphones"

They are not, mobile phones only display their bluetooth name when in pairing mode and for 2 mins only. And any headsets etc would say "samsung headset" or "Apple airpods". etc

Otherwise when you want to pair your new headphones, how would you know which one of the 70 random MAC codes was your headphones lol

Try it, its very scary when you first see it!

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Good points, though my fear is that the reason that mRNA tech was chosen is because of time, and not necessarily money. On 28 Feb 2020, before even 100 "COVID deaths" outside of China, Bill Gates predicted a once-in-a-century pandemic [ PMID: 32109012 ].

He said it will become important to throw out prior pharmacovigilance standards and to adopt new methods allowing for new drug ("vaccine") approvals in 3 months or less -- rather than having to wait the normal 3-4 years for approvals -- i.e., a wait period which prior safety monitoring had proven to be a necessary wait period in order to uncover latent adverse effects from new vaccines (e.g., Dengue vaccine harmed people in the 3rd year).

In other words, if they get to make new vaccines every 90 days, and if we need to get new injections every 90 days (to travel or dine in public, or whatever), then they can control whole societies.

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VIDEO COMPILATION summary [8videos] 2025 will be The Great Purge of Misinformation, Disinformation, Free Thinking and Rational Conversation


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