The answer to the headline question is yes and (of course) goes far beyond how unvaccinated people were treated at the hospital and/or by doctors & nurses.

With respect to treatment in medical settings, I can corroborate what you're showing here with two stories involving extended family members. I'm not at liberty to share the details but both were in Chicagoland and occurred in 2021 during the so-called Delta* wave.

At minimum, Delta can be characterized as a wave of aggressive non-treatment for normal respiratory illness that was guided directives/protocols like those you've highlighted here. Ongoing changes to tests, inappropriate use of RVPs, & and lies about the disappearance of flu were also at play.

The effect, if not the goal, was to hide the inefficacy & harms of the COVID shot and keep the drive toward vaccine passports, etc. alive.

*Delta = change | FYI, the tagline in Illinois/Chicago was "Delta is different" https://x.com/GovPritzker/status/1434520442950217728

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Can you remember who were the 3 main “Dark Horses” of “delta variant and other more dangerous variants to follow propaganda?

Bret Weinstein and Robert Malone who had gotten the idea from vaccine developer Geert Vanden Bosche. Where did Geert get his idea that vaccination (or mRNA gene therapies) or whatever you wish to choose, put viruses under selective pressure, which will drive mutations and this process will somehow disregard the well known facts that most mutations are deleterious and the more a life-system mutates (viruses are not alive or animate) the more likely it is going to lead to mutational meltdown and not to anything more infectious, transmissible, lethal or with more viral load…

All of this was and still is nonsense… even by evolutionary theory assumptions.

But because all the “3 dark horses”, but especially Bret, blindly believe that evolution with its driving forces of mutations and natural selection can build something “better”, they have naturally assumed, but ignored population genetics principles, that this was going to happen and was happening with SARS CoV-2 variants nonsense…

I am confident that the “3 Dark Horses” fed the idea of Delta Variant must be more transmissible, infectious, lethal etc into the mainstream media and everything else was just the domino effect after that…

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May 17Edited

You seem a little breathless, you have renal and cardiovascular issues you say, let me consult my coloured flowchart darling, ok love, here, have this drug that in many cases is known to result in organ failure while I put this mask over your face and force air into you....Hey Charlie what time are we doing that tiktok dance ?

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Hey man, get with the program. It's called evidence based medicine.

Get your online nursing degree and follow the protocols. Cocktails and tik-toks at 5- when the day is done.

Are we at 'peak medicine' yet?

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imagine if the muppets had spent more time thinking critically than tiktok dancing

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May 18Edited
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a muppet is slang for moron,gullible

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Legalised murder of a minority group under the Emergency.

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"Special", "priority", "unvaccinatec"... funny how the meaning of so many words had changed in recent times?!

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Leslie Batts (beware there is also a fake account) is also on Twitter and heavily shadow banned. Her husband was unvaccinated. Here is an interview on Housatonic. Interview w/ Leslie Batts (Ep 254.1) - Husband lost to COVID protocols (oxygen, fentanyl) https://rumble.com/v4jjo3i-interview-w-leslie-batts-ep-254.1.html

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May 17
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seems very off topic

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Considering that these geniuses were dealing with what they claimed was a "novel," "unprecedented" ailment, they were amazingly quick to micromanage treatment for it down to the last pixel on their neat-o colored decision trees.

That Vinay Prasad quote is unfortunately accurate. In early 2020 a now-former friend told me that her physician nephew was *weeping with terror* at the prospect of having to go to work. His patients should be the ones terrified of being exposed to such a credulous, ignorant, craven idiot.

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Beyond the perils of the treatment protocols you describe, the unvaccinated were definitely treated poorly by some healthcare professionals angered by their non-compliance. An ER doctor told me she didn’t even want to treat the unvaccinated and was angry she had to treat them at all. I have to imagine some of this translated into reduced quality of care (in addition to the Remdesivir death sentence).

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Good points and evidence. Linking today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Vinay Prasads observation is so true. Where was the putting patients first. I remember the GMC discussing,some years ago, resilience training for medical students.

And the abrogation of ethical standards.

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I think you meant to say viral load was higher in the UNvaccinated

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Already corrected, good spot!

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Any trick in data and protocols was used. Top down military chain of command attack.

If you’re gunna attack me at least be man enough to say it. These pricks are the definition of fearful.

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Being A Doctor

Ain’t What It Used To Be.

Unfortunately Being A Patient

Still Is.


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Having worked in ICU as a consultant mostly in UK but also in US, the argument here about vaccination status is not a great hill of beans in the UK. I note that most of the documents referenced are from US and the practice of medicine is driven by protocols,fear of litigation and money, which does not apply here. The vaccination status would not make any difference to treatment, but would be determined by the clinical condition of the patient, regardless of vaccination status. Treatment would take into account other medical risk factors, but vaccination status would not be one of them. For example, our local teaching hospital had a universal DNR order on anyone over the age of 70yr with Covid. In general in the UK, you are likely to get under treated because of resource constraints, and many decisions about admission to ICUs were made on these grounds, both before and after Covid,, The opposite is true in US.

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“ For example, our local teaching hospital had a universal DNR order on anyone over the age of 70yr with Covid.”

Really? What if someone is a 70 yo healthy and active male who just happens to get injured while playing tennis. During routine surgery to repair the injury he suffers a heart attack. Unfortunately, he also happened to test positive for covid-19 on admission. When would the DNR oder apply to him? While in surgery, when he is transferred to ICU? Or both?

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Bigger Picture …

… Maybe The Biggest.

That The Vaccinated Might Live

Would Be The Worst Mistake Of All Time.

As The Saying Goes:

‘You’ve Seen One

Genetically Mutated Moron

… You’ve Seen Them All.


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We should be very careful with the words we use.

'Covid era' is one of these potentially self fulfilling denominations. It was by no means an 'era' of natural, geological, philosophical development of the world. Instead it was a deep cut into the fabric of up to that date accumulated human and civil rights, into the fabric of societies world wide, or mostly world wide.

It was a concerted shockwave aimed onto societies to accomplish fear and panic on one side and increasing wealth and control on the minuscule other side: the 'elites'.

All data have shown as early as in march 2020 that there was neither an entirely new virus (sarscov2), nor a deadly pandemic (covid).

The remnants of the artificial shockwave are still with us: suspended human and civil rights, new laws regulating every right left, up to mechanistic medical protocols for future 'disastrous events' camouflaged as 'preparednes'.

No. There is no 'covid era'.

There has been an attempt of neofeudal totalitarian takeover using 'health' and 'healthcare' as vehicle, as troyan horse.

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Agreed, though it's a useful phrase for talking about the "event" to people who still think there was a pandemic without turning them off (which would then be self-defeating) but without admitting to there having been an actual pandemic.

People just ignore you if you use scamdemic, plandemic. I have had amusement but raised eyebrows with the phrase "Great Human Rights Heist of 2020" so only use it sparingly.

"covid event" also works but would be subject to the same criticism as in your comment.

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From the Australian chart under the complete misnomer - Clinical Evidence:

“Adults in the EPIC-HR trial were treated within 5 days of symptom onset with oral nirmatrelvir/ritonavir 300mg/100mg twice daily for 5 days”.


“Adults in the PINETREE (!!) trial were treated within 7 days of symptom onset with three intravenous doses on consecutive days (200mg on day 1, followed by 100mg on days 2 and 3)”.


What were the outcomes?

Does a split second read of this headline, count now as “I did the research”?

I suspect no one who was guided by this chart bothered to even ask the question.

We can tell you all about the amount/frequency/duration of how much Remdesivir we gave in the Ebola trial. But it might be worth knowing that it killed half the patients and we had to stop the trial.

Words matter.

Outcomes matter even more.

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