Did they test that he was also still dead each time?

Had he voted in any US elections while infected?

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"Had he voted in any US elections while infected?"

Of course! Those 81 million votes must have come from somewhere other than Russia!

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Right. And he was found in Italy.

There were rumors of a Vatican centered voting conspiracy at the time.

This is hanging together. Death from exhaustion from filling in 81 million #2 pencil ballot bubbles.

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Since maths is racist, they could not count and allowed some GOP seats to win by a handful of votes!

I heard of servers in Germany; did not read of the vatican - would not be surprised, though. The vat has form!

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May 19Liked by Jonathan Engler

What does the average person on the street think when they read this? Can they not see how unbelievably stupid it is? Maybe it just washes over them and bypasses the brain. 🤦🏼‍♀️

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Your mistake is assuming that the average person on the street thinks at all.

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May 19·edited May 19

At the time people were bamboozled with 'asymptomatic' spread, droplets on groceries, no end of confusion. We all know about the psychological bombardment.

Disregarding peoples' general understanding of statistical and medical matters, I'd say a majority that read that would think 'oh yeah the scientists are looking after us, figuring it all out'

Maybe many in the medical profession or anyone that handles cadavers also had been trained to think, 'could I get exposed from this ?'

The imagery of a dead body, and possible disease, adding to the fear.

Fits perfectly with the pysops.

Plus, we're not that smart are we? There's a limited pool of people that can critique this stuff, while they're under the spell and conditioned, clearly

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"Smart" people believe in this article hook-line-and-sinker: see? corpses can test positive months later, just goes to show we must test more. Time to layer 3 or 4 masks on my face at once, it makes no sense, but after all, "someone did a study."

"Dumb" people just do as they are told. Period

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https://www.1news.co.nz/2021/11/11/new-lynn-shooting-victim-was-positive-for-covid-19/ sadly, there are too many of these insane articles

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Note the implication that positive test = “having covid 19”

"We will be now publicly reporting confirmed deaths as those where the death documents or an investigation has shown that the cause was Covid-19 and we will report other deaths where the cause of death is not certain but the person has Covid-19.

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Adding on:

Deborah Birx and Illinois Department of Public Health director Ngozi Ezike each said (on April 7, 2020 and April 19, 2020, respectively) that people who tested positive for COVID-19 and died are considered COVID-19 deaths, regardless of other causes or conditions.



This approach was unethical for many reasons, but was consistent with WHO coding guidelines.

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Great memory and find as usual, Ursula.

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OK so to pretend to be serious for a sec, I think this article really says: “When your cycle threshold is as high as 37, you can find coronavirus on a drowned man after 41 days”.

“ As shown in the amplification plot in Fig. 1, in the first

swab (a) all three tested genes were positive, with cycle

threshold (Ct) values of 33 (S gene), 32 (N gene), and 31

(ORF1ab gene). The amplification plot of the swab on day

41 (Fig.  1b) showed clear positivity of two of the three

tested genes (S gene: Ct 37 and ORF1ab gene: Ct 36) and

a doubtful result of the N gene (Ct 39). ”

37 was their cutoff for “positive”.

I would also maybe wonder about the individual’s injection status, and if their PCR can distinguish whatever spike the mrna shots made vs whatever variant du jour was circulating in May 2021

They were negligent in not also testing the local barnacles.

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May 19·edited May 19Liked by Jonathan Engler

Although there is an aspect of delusion/psychosis manifest in the Ukrainian Man/Ideal Voter example, these stories serve two purposes:

1) Reiterate that SARS-CoV-2 was a new/spreading virus in 2020.

2) Continue to till the soil for both legitimizing AND off-ramping this kind of testing.

It was strategy, not confusion, that gave us many "COVID deaths" like those listed in the Cook County ME register. https://www.woodhouse76.com/p/drug-overdose-suicide-and-other-accident

A reason public health doesn't really react to the absurdity of these deaths is because they take an "outbreak control" stance. Justified or not, historically speaking, localized outbreak control has always involved testing contacts/close contacts and using testing to define to whom/where a pathogen/disease has "spread."

The benefit of the PCR testing racket is that you can activate and deactivate it at will to show whatever you want to show. H1N1 is a great example, but so is March 2020 and the post-omicron change to the "pandemic" protocol for the Cook County ME https://www.woodhouse76.com/p/did-the-cook-county-medical-examiner

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Omicron is a fun one too, since I think initially they declared they missed it because it only passed one of the two primers. Am sorta serious about testing the barnacles. If I had money to burn, I’d come up with some basic piece of a common protein, call it the “heebie jeebie” sequence, then with a Ct as high as 37 proceed to become famous discovering and publishing about the worldwide Heebie Jeebies Pandemic.

This is possibly one reason I’m not able to obtain very much money.

The article itself also includes the 4 reviewer multiple choice non-comments:


4 reviewers and NONE managed to come up with an obscure asshole methods question to be chased and responded to? Only minor grammatical edits? My goodness I am in the wrong business.

The corpse’s nationality was also interesting here though perhaps less interesting when the article was submitted (May 2021) than on its Feb 9, 2022 publication date.

I feel there was something going on in Ukraine around two weeks later…

Hmm. Sure it will come to me.

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May 20Liked by Jonathan Engler

Did you notice that DELTA & OMICRON are an anagram of MEDIA CONTROL?

Of the three most likely explanations for this, (1) coinciditus, (2) massive trolling by the perpetrators & (3) unconscious psychological priming, do any of these leap out at you as the top candidate?

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May 20Liked by Jonathan Engler

Delta = "change"

Omicron = "little o" (less oxygen? - wild speculation)

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Greek letters? All the possible combinations of genetic sequences and they go Greek letters? There’s 60k Chinese characters — they could have gotten a running start at least.

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Admittedly I’ve been too disappointed they didn’t name these things after Chinese cusswords to notice this.

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Their symbols are a triangle and a small circle, put those together and you have an eye in a pyramid, plus omicron perfect anagrams to moronic and oncomir (an mRNA associated with cancer). Not (1), probably (2 & 3), I'd also add (4) The MS media is creating most of the conspiracy theories to divide and drive the populace mad.

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May 20·edited May 20

That was where I went thinking, it fed the psychological manipulation.

If Mattias suggests there was a ultimate delusional break amongst humanity as a collective enitity, why not just an engineered particular delusional episode for the undesirables, by other groups?

This fence is starting to smart

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excerpt from follow up article : "scientist who repeatedly tested dead body for SARS Cov2 sequence has passed away from an unexpected cardiac event. His dead body has tested positive for stupidity."

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Wasn’t there a time when doctors diagnosed people on the basis of symptoms?

When people with minor symptoms weren’t subjected to tests?

How much is the ‘testing’ market worth now? How much money is being funnelled into this scam?

Re the testing scam which seems now to be being entrenched…

Even the treacherous WHO still has a report online providing guidance for surveillance during an influenza pandemic, published in 2017, which recommends "case-based reporting (the counting of individual cases) should cease once there is broad community transmission in a country - at this point, syndromic data from sentinel sites, hospital-based data and systematic laboratory testing should be used instead".*

so this means there should not be routine testing - certainly not of dead bodies!

* https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789241513333

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One type of testing of asymptomatic people has been going on for a long time and increasing more and more: screening for all kinds of health "conditions" so they can "catch them early" and "save lives." This video is talking about cancer specifically, but the idea applies to screening for heart conditions and more, even "mental health" screenings, all designed to pump everyone full of drugs that they are expected to take for the rest of their lives.


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Another type of asymptomatic overkill is today's CDC&P schedule of "recommended" "vaccinations" (separate double quotes necessitated).


The medical community (which includes research and govt agencies) remains unbridled in this unconstitutional totalitarian state we call the American experiment in constitutional republicanism.

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Thanks for the link.

All the testing…like all the vaccines…exploiting mass populations.

All a racket…stealing money which could be used for real problems.

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At least in the U.S., the flu surveillance program and counting methods were the training wheels for Operation COVID-19. https://x.com/Wood_House76/status/1710745807450784137

For that reason, I don't point to pre-2020 influenza testing as an example of what to do, even though it was to a lesser extent/degree than was done with COVID.

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I didn't say I agreed with the WHO 2017 report...

I don't agree with testing at all.

This scam is the most incredible hoodwink ever, the most shocking thing being how easily people have been sucked in by it. But that's what happens when 'trusted' parties such as 'the government', the medical and scientific establishment, and the media turn out to be liars aggressively spreading mis/disinformation.

There's the Australian Government website* saying symptoms of this disease called 'Covid' are fever, coughing, sore throat and shortness of breath.

People with these symptoms, often minor, are having 'positive tests' and saying they have 'Covid' and honestly thinking they have some deadly disease they might pass onto other people.

And it seems a lot of people who believe this nonsense are doctors and nurses and pharmacists...


This is such a striking example of insane groupthink that has impacted the entire world, it's going to make the South Sea Bubble look positively normal!

* https://www.health.gov.au/topics/covid-19/about

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I know you don't agree with it. :)

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They tested sewage for cv19 too. And used anal cv test swabs. Shit talk.

Distractions and useful to maintain taking points.

THEY mocked the people merciless as THEY drove the propaganda program.

The lesson is still being learned.

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What I get the shish-kebab with were, are, those semi-literate people who parrot their lines and lies.

Some of whom I had chats and spats with. I looked at them with curious and bemused eyes.

How do we explain people who are in their 70s and 80s who believed what they were told?

In 2021, I was gobsmacked when a man 77 yo man asked me why would govts lie to us!

btw, that man had his right foot chopped off in 2022.....Obviously he does not look the same now - that care-free, laissez-faire expression is now replaced with a pained, distressed look.

His wife knew the cause but we skirted around it.

That is another matter that I get the shish-kebab over: they knew but won't admit it!

Recently I had a chat with a babe cop. I told her "NO WAY!". She replied: "Well, you are the only who will be left." Thus proving she knew of the danger of it!

Yes, I still see quacks in masks and blue gloves. Of course, I mentally dissed them!

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Just like planned....

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deletedMay 20Liked by Jonathan Engler
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>Malignant stupidity

That's good. I'm stealing it!

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