The lab-leak theory serves the Deep State agenda in that it reinforces the idea that the virus is a real problem that needs to be solved, rather than a fear-based control narrative.

Here are some of the things you have to believe to accept the pandemic narrative and thusly the assorted tentacles such as the “lab leak” theory:

1) The “first wave” of Covid deaths in the US- the 6 week spike- occurred almost exclusively in nursing homes and hospitals- not in the general population. This virus targeted these places and not the rest of the country;

2) The groups targeted by this virus were the elderly and sickly. The median age of Covid deaths during this period exceeded normal life expectancies with on average 4 comorbidties. They were also forced into isolation, abandoned and/or given numerous toxic pharmaceuticals beyond their normal medical regimes. This deadly virus was only able to impact those who already had one foot in the grave;

3) During the “initial wave” only 15 out of 51 (DC) states were impacted. Many of these states border one another. These states all had Democrats as governors who enacted the same policies during the very same week. The other 36 states were not impacted during this time. This virus observed borders and political affiliations;

4) During this time those impacted were almost exclusively poor and many were disabled. This GOF virus stayed away from upper middle class and wealthy people;

5) During this time this virus did not enter into Canada observing the world’s longest and one of the if not the most heavily trafficked, commercial and personal borders;

6) This virus had no lead in time. There was no observable evidence for a coming mass death event caused by a virus. The all-cause death rate leading into Week 14 2020 was negative for the US in 2020 and spiked precisely the week the WHO declared a global pandemic;

7) This "deadly lab-leaked virus” caused no mass death in the original place of the “lab leak”- read that again;

8) The “gain of function” hypercharged “virii” migrated to N Italy from Wuhan skipping over Pakistan, Viet Nam, Afghanistan, etc;

9) The “virii” did not migrate to Central or Southern Italy nor impact other parts of Europe- instead it went to Elmhurst hospital in NY;

Not only does the "pandemic" narrative serve to cover up the fact that it was mass murder directly attributable to policies mandated by identifiable individuals but it serves as a smokescreen for the entire "Covid" scam that is steamrolling people's lives. The insistence on using the “lab leak” red herring covers up the actual crimes that were committed.

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Here is a summary of the official US mortality data in the NYC mass casualty event. There were 50k extra deaths in 25 counties over 8 weeks in spring 2020, after which deaths returned to normal. I have never seen any attempts to reconcile the hypothesis that toxic treatment protocols were solely or primarily responsible for the excess deaths with the characteristics and demographics of these deaths. If you know of any, please post a link. To me it looks much more like a chemical weapon or radiation damage. https://www.virginiastoner.com/nyc-mass-casualty-event

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I have a policy of not ruling out a local non infectious agent.

Saying that, I’ve not yet seen anything that demands such an effect in order to explain the observations.

I like the phrase I learned from Jessica Hockett, which is “sinking little ships”.

A large number of individuals in any huge population are close to death at any point, and usually they finally founder in a steady fashion.

Add a scary discontinuity of numerous changes into their environment and an unexpectedly large number of these unfortunate little ships all go down closer in time than before.

Those in charge of demography know this and all you need is that scary discontinuity plus rubbish diagnostics and voila! A “plandemic”.

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I haven't seen you specifically address any of the mortality data, or cite any of it to support the hypotheses about cause that you've mentioned here.

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I've seen it before as you know.

There are multiple documents that address the protocols as you also know. Start with Rancourt's work.

The page that begins "Most of the increase in deaths in April 2020...." explains it well enough but doesn't really get into details. Jessica Hockett has also covered this aspect of the situation extensively as you also know.

Beyond the deadly hospital protocols there was massive neglect in nursing homes, home deaths from unattended heart attacks, unilateral DNR's etc. and likely outright data fraud to gin up the numbers.

Remember the burden of proof is on the one making a positive claim so for your extraordinary claim of a chemical weapon or radiation damage you need some extraordinary and concrete evidence not a "belief" or speculation.

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None of that addresses the issue I raised---I'm looking for research that specifically correlates the official US mortality data with the toxic protocols. I have reviewed Rancourt's work and Hockett's work in writing on several occasions and the questions I have about their claims have never been answered.

You are the one making a claim--that toxic protocols are responsible for excess deaths in 2020. I am looking at the mortality data and drawing conclusions from it., and have no dog in this fight except reason and logic. I'm not interested in opinions about excess mortality and its causes, which are a dime a dozen.

I've specifically looked at the characteristics of deaths at the various peaks--this last paper about summarizes the research. I invite you to look specifically at that data and explain, specifically, how it fits your claim. https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2024/2/3/us-death-peaks-2020-2021-multiple-causes-of-death

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I don’t disagree with you. The more important point that emerges from Dr Rancourt’s work is “no pandemic”.

Yes, it’s important to finally understand what happened. But for now it’s HUGE to emphasize that we were lied to purposefully.

Whether a local toxin or a burst of local EMF or only hospital & care home iatrogenicide or spontaneous accelerated deaths were the cause, I place them collectively second behind exposing the fear based deception, because that was the starting point for all other totalitarian control measures that have not ceased & keep coming at us.

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If the powers-that-be intentionally released a poison for the purpose of mass murder, IT MATTERS. It matters more than anything--which is why NO ONE in the media is analyzing the mortality data, or even talking about it--because so many things about it point to a mass-poisoning of some kind.

The "toxic protocols" meme was announced mid-way thru 2020 with no mortality data to support it, and to this day, still has no mortality data to support it. Same for the "fake deaths" meme. After several years, no one has bothered to gather evidentiary support for these memes, Yet they are parroted ad nauseam, as if they justify the complete failure to investigate evidence that is literally at our fingertips. The worst part is, 99% of the audience isn't demanding it.

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Can you cite one location, I mean exact location, where you believe there was a chemical release that caused mass death in Spring 2020?

Can you also cite chemicals used and manner of release?

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It is also possible that a steady stream of some means of poisoning took place over several weeks. Some form of radiation, or maybe even infrasound. Not sure why you sound so snarky, as if I should know before I investigate what I am looking for. Maybe because you do, apparently.

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So no evidence just just a bunch of speculative nonsense.

Maybe watch the Scottish Covid Inquiry e.g. and learn a little bit of what went on.

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Based on the mortality data, the likely epicenter is New York harbor on or around March 21, 2020. For whatever means of mass-poisoning was used.

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Any evidence for that?



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This is a summary of the official US mortality data re #s 1-6 above, with sources. The contents of the WONDER mortality database are not debatable, in the sense that everyone who does the same search will get exactly the same results--so I'm not posting this to start a debate, although in some cases it disagrees with the content above.

"1) The “first wave” of Covid deaths in the US- the 6 week spike- occurred almost exclusively in nursing homes and hospitals- not in the general population." Per the official US data, the first wave lasted 8-11 weeks. In the NYC metro area, deaths in Medical facilities-Inpatient and deaths in Nursing homes/Long-term care facilities increased the most (448% and 460% respectively); deaths at Decedent's home and Medical facilities--outpatient and ER both tripled as well. Sources are contained in Chapter 6 of The Illustrated US Mortality Guide, which you can read for free here: https://www.virginiastoner.com/nyc-mass-casualty-event

"2) The groups targeted by this virus were the elderly and sickly." Historically, the number of deaths always increases with age, and the elderly die in much higher numbers and at a much higher rate than young people--and 2020 was no exception. However, deaths increased in 2020 across the board similarly for all adult age groups, slightly more for younger adults--age 35-44 had the highest increase in deaths at 26%, while age 75-84 had a 19% increase, and age 85+ had a 16% increase. (Source - Chapter 2 of The Illustrated US Mortality Guide).

"3) During the “initial wave” only 15 out of 51 (DC) states were impacted." During the initial wave, deaths in NJ increased by 202%, deaths in NY state increased 227%, and deaths in CT, DC, MA and MI all increased between 60% and 100%. IL, LA and MD had increases in deaths of more than 40%. Source is here: https://www.virginiastoner.com/deaths-by-state-and-month

"4) During this time those impacted were almost exclusively poor and many were disabled." No data available on this in the federal mortality database.

"5) During this time this virus did not enter into Canada observing the world’s longest and one of the if not the most heavily trafficked, commercial and personal borders." According to the official Canada mortality data, there was a death surge in Canada over about 11 weeks in Spring 2020, much like the US event, but smaller--I am working on the write-up now. As in the US, there was an unprecedented increase in deaths in Canada in 2020, and they increased more in 2021 and 2022. Of course that does not mean there was a virus--but there was a possible democide in Canada as well as the US. Sources will be provided in the write-up to come.

"6) This virus had no lead in time. There was no observable evidence for a coming mass death event caused by a virus." Correct per the official US data--deaths did not spike until just after the WHO declared a pandemic. Source 1st page of Chapter 4 of the Guide which you can read here: https://www.virginiastoner.com/first-page-of-every-chapter

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When major media takes EITHER side of a question you can be sure the whole premise of this question is wrong and the real question is elsewhere. The lab leak and the whole China narrative always struck me as a distraction. The real question is why all the leaders of the world decided to start a mass torture and genocide on the same day using the same rules and phrases. The "justifications" for the genocide aren't worth arguing.

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Exactly. Whatever they say, what we can be sure about is that it's a deception of one kind or another. The minutiae surrounding various details of their proposed story become less important.

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IMO, everything related to COVID19 is designed to divert attention from a democide in the US (and possibly other countries as well) by unknown means that killed more than a million extra people in the US in 2020 and 2021. The official US mortality data itself supports the possibility of democide--which is why there is a virtually total media blackout on it. I just published a reference book on US mortality data, you can see quite a bit of the content for free at this link. The possible implications of this data are not stated in the book--but really they are obvious to a thinking person. https://www.virginiastoner.com/us-mortality-guide

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Meanwhile … Where Is The Proof

( Papers, Research , Lab Studies, Etc. )

That Gain Of Function Research

Creating An Aerosolized Self- Replicating Pathogen

Has Ever Been Successfully Accomplished ?

Or Did Someone Just Tell Them All That ?

And They Believed It. It’s A Serious Question.

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“But they wouldn’t have spent all that money if it wasn’t working”.

Oh, really. Those who say this have never been close to corporate decision making.

You see, a decision to halt funding something without success is to admit “It doesn’t work”, which can reflect badly upon the original decision makers.

That’s leaving aside the possibility that they made the useless investment sinply to fool people who fall for the logic trap.

Or while they really funded something else.

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They want it to work.

Of course they do.

That’s all they want.

It’s just not there.

The proof that this whole thing is a charade

Is in the simple proof that the tech is not anywhere near capable of achieving what they want you to believe.

Stand up and tilt the whole table at them, on this one point, and everything falls in their lap.

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They can want whatever they like but what is feared isn’t possible out of these labs.

They don’t need new tech in order to gain totalitarian control.

We do it to each other and to ourselves, through fear and conformity.

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It Turns Out

That People Are More Terrifying

Than An Imaginary Killer Virus.

Ain’t That Something.


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No more paywall. Here is the propaganda for free sir: https://archive.li/Da2LB

Edit: I didn't read it but provided as a courtesy for those into torture.

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If we don't put an end to plastic gun research, the entire world could be robbed again at any time! Therefore we must fund an entire industry to prepare for and protect us against another escape of plastic guns, including plastic-bullet-proof vest manufacture, and novel treatments for severe acute plastic bullet injury and even worse, Long-plastic-bullet.

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Hold up, do we know plastic bullets are shot from the guns? Do the guns transmit plastic bullets? Or were they just squirt guns all along, shooting water which dries harmlessly on our skin, and hey, did you know the human body is mostly water?

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An analogy for Covid.

You come home and find a policeman outside your house.

He says that you've been burgled by a new gang of burglars that have stolen every item in your house but have, cunningly, replaced every item stolen with an exact replica.

The police know this because the scientists have developed a new machine, which works on DNA and is able to scan the room and tell if you've actually been burgled.

It's called the Burglary Detection Scanner (BDS) and because it's based on DNA it is, like DNA profiling, incredibly accurate.

Your eyes tell you that your house, and it's contents, look exactly the way you left them in the morning but the police are the experts and it's difficult to argue against their expertise and technology.

In the following days you hear stories of other people who confirm that, yes, they have been burgled because the replicas the burglars left were slightly out of position from the original items.

The stories turn into a flood until the only thing talked about is this new gang of burglars and how clever they are.

The Government, alarmed by this new crime, advise householders to stay inside, don't go to work and watch your possessions like hawks.

After a couple of years the burglary reports start to wane and the police say that the gang have fled abroad and we're all safe to come out now. The police, the Government and the media now say the threat has passed, the gang has fled and it's now time to "move on".

After even more time it slowly starts to dawn on people the absurdity of what they were persuaded to believe and the over riding emotion is one of embarrassment and shame that they fell, hook line and sinker for this nonsense.

There was no gang of burglars, the BDS was wrong and not a single household was ever burgled.

This is how Mass Psychosis works and why Charles mackay, the author of the book, "Extraordinary popular delusions and the madness of crowds" said way back in 1841:

"Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one."

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In the US, there were 529,000 more deaths in 2020 than there were in 2019--an unprecedented increase of 18.5%. So we were definitely burgled--and hardly anyone is aware of it--so total success in that regard.

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And not a single one of those deaths was due to Covid 19 yet today, the vast majority of people still believe there actually was a 'pandemic'

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My experience is, almost everyone is totally unaware of how huge the increase in deaths was in 2020. They have this general idea that any excess deaths were due to covid--but when you tell them the numbers, their jaw drops. It drops so low they figure it just can't be true.

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What do you attribute the deaths to?

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Based on the characteristics of the deaths it looks like either a chemical weapon or some kind of radiation poisoning, IMO. I'm no expert, but it doesn't take one to understand there were a massive number of deaths in 2020 (and 2021) in the US, and there are a lot of clues as to the real cause. I just published a reference book on the official mortality data (contains no opinions or conclusions, just the numbers). You can see a lot of the content for free at this link. Check it out, you will see what I mean. https://www.virginiastoner.com/us-mortality-guide

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The lab leak story is a diversion from the FACT that the covid narrative was based on lies. It was a deliberate fabrication using fear as a driver. It was meticulously planned with research from behavioural psychology.

The goal is to force through a totalitarian agenda under the guise of ‘protecting’ the public from an imaginary virus. This is achieved through massive wealth transfers from workers to a parasitic super wealthy criminal cabal.

The deceptive cover of a ‘killer virus’ syphons public money away from genuine health reform into the hands of psychopathic megalomaniacs who delight in duping a gullible public who believe their ‘leaders’ are genuine philanthropists.

As the globalist criminals have limitless money at their disposal they can manipulate economies and societies to achieve their nefarious agendas of eugenics; enslavement; transhumanism; technocracy etc.

A series of fake crises and wars distracts, weakens and confuses populations as they wearily march into their own enslavement, duped by the mantra ‘it is all for your own good and protection’.

This grotesque charade will continue until a critical mass of the public wake up and demand grassroots reform, realising that the political system and democracy are broken beyond repair.

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You think the psychopaths running this show care if they are caught telling lies? It's a way of life for them--with total control of media, they will overcome, like they always do. The coverup is the DEMOCIDE in 2020 that killed over 500k extra people in the US alone that year. Covert mass murder is what could shatter the world order, not a few more lies to add to the existing mountain of lies.

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Love the ending tweet about being held up by a toy pistol then agonising over where the gun came from….

In case it slipped past anyone, we were held up by a toy virus. It’s not real.

Don’t agonise over the origins of the “toy”, but who lied to you about the pretend reality of it & the need to fear it (& wipe it off your shopping….yes, you did, as did I…until my wife said “Oh for goodness sake!”)

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A link to the tweet in case anyone is interested: https://x.com/mapperdan/status/1762546361948680699

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At the top of the list of “pandemic” topics that aren't mentioned - and never really have been properly addressed - surely we should put the 500k+ unexplained extra deaths in 2020 (pre-vax), as well as the 500k+ extra deaths in 2021 (post-vax). After all, this is a possible democide, and the official US mortality data itself provides evidence it happened. I assume that's why there is a media blackout about it.

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This is allegedly iatrogenicide. Regardless of whether this perfectly matches the deaths post announcement of a plandemic or not, we’ve copious evidence that radically changed treatment of people in hospitals, care homes and the community definitely increased the number of avoidable deaths.

I often raise & discuss this.

Many times when I’ve outlined this, the penny drops for someone I’m speaking with and they burst out “They murdered by dad”.

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Not disputing the existence of toxic treatment protocols--iatrogenic effects are normal in medicine. I am saying the mortality data points to something else as the primary cause of excess deaths in 2020. Someone needs to correlate the times and places where the allegedly toxic treatments were used with the mortality data in those times and places, because the excess deaths came in distinct waves. That's just fundamental. It is very telling that it has never been done.

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Re: Cash support for funerals if “covid” accepted as cause of death... Here in Australia the government is STILL offering to pay funeral expenses for people whose death certificate lists Covid as the cause of death. A friend was encouraged by our public hospital to accept 'Covid-19' being listed as the cause of death of an elderly relative (when the deceased had nerely had a positive test when admitted). Why? because then the family could claim the funeral expenses from the government. What does this do to the stats?

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I recall Jessica Hockett pursuing to what extent a similar arrangement was used in NYC.

No risk of distortion of the records by cash incentives.

/sarc off

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It is a federal program

The number of applicant and recipient deaths for the FEMA funeral assistance program fails to substantiate the ~27K-death increase in spring 2020.


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By "fails to substantiate," you mean that a lot of eligible people didn't apply for FEMA funeral assistance, correct?

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The most important statistic is ALL-CAUSE deaths, because you can't label those away.

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You’re making a huge assumption that the all-cause death numbers are not manipulated. What is claimed for NYC is decidedly implausible and not supported by ancillary data connected to handling the purported number of bodies.

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It's not exactly an assumption. We are dealing with a system where death certs are issued at the county level, and the records are stored at the county, state, and federal level. No inconsistencies between these records have been found as far as I am aware. No one has discovered any indications in the mortality data in WONDER that could potentially point to fraud or fabrication of deaths. The data is available to the public 24/7, so a fraud involving the fabrication government death records would by necessity be a very large and sophisticated criminal conspiracy. A number of industries rely on this data, including the pension and insurance industries.

Now that the issue of democide comes up, people are suddenly questioning the legitimacy of the federal mortality data--an allegation of criminal conspiracy to fabricate deaths that is either 1000 times bigger than Sandy Hook (if it was just NYC) or 19,000 times bigger (if it was nationwide). But unlike SH, for some reason the press is entirely uninterested.

Why don't give me the top 2 or 3 pieces of evidence for your belief the death records are fake. We can agree that the gov't in general is untrustworthy. What you are talking about here is a massive criminal conspiracy with very wide-ranging implications, so if it is happening, it should be exposed.

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And/or the overall number for the year could be correct, but the daily death curve manipulated (time-shifted) to depict an event that did not occur as presented

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If you look about 2/3 of the way through this paper, I have pointed out many practical limitations on the fabrication of federal mortality data, if you'd like to address them. https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2023/9/11/chemical-weapon-kills-50000-in-nyc-no-one-cares

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I havw written extensively about NYC, about what I mean by fraud/manipulation, and my estimates for how many deaths it could involve.

I decline your insistence that I provide a treatise/defense to you in the comment section of a substack article.

It is of no benefit to me or to the broader inquiry on which I have spent much time far beyond data from WONDER and that includes qualitative evidence besides.

Do your work and draw your own conclusions.

Take care.

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The most obvious issue, IMO, is why data that makes it look like a mass-poisoning may have occurred would have been fabricated, then covered up. If you were in charge of fabricating deaths to create fear of a virus, is that what you would do?

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I didn't make any demands, just invitations, which you are of course free to decline. That doesn't make the issues go away. You say you have clarified how many deaths it could involve? It is my understanding that you have never even clarified whether you think the death fraud extends to the other 20 counties in the NYC metro area that experienced a massive death surge in Spring 2020, or in DC, CT, MA and MI, which also experienced large death surges that spring; or the rest of the 500k+ extra deaths in the US in 2020. Am I mistaken? If so, kindly clarify. If you think the deaths in the 5 counties comprising NYC are distinguishable from the others, please clarify how.

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Hi, can you link me to this? Very interested.

I know that Services Australia (i.e., the taxpayer) will pay for funeral expenses if the jab is the COD. https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/deceased-covid-19-vaccine-recipient-payments-and-funeral-costs-you-can-claim-through-covid-19?context=55953

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Apologies - I cannot supply a link. I was told this anecdotally by the friend. It seems he may have got the story wrong. I should have checked it out more carefully. I can't find any evidence online to confirm.

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Thanks for your reply I appreciate it very much. If you find anything concrete definitely let me know.

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Absolutely another fairy tale, to keep us from the real truth, COVID does not exist

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