It was shocking during Covid watching "professionals" accept research studies from the pharmaceutical companies with competing interests. No one said ANYTHING and many verbally repeated the results as justification for the measures. I work in healthcare with some 'highly educated people'.

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I think the most insane miscategorisation was that paper on household transmission in Nature. You had to trawl the supplementary section to find their definitions:

- Unvaccinated includes individuals with partial vaccination.


In other words, they were stealing the superior natural immunity of the infected unvaccinated and using it to bolster the vaxed numbers. Peer review is dead.

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I’d forgotten that one. Have you a link to that paper handy?

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I would love your expert opinion on this story I have been working on.

The lab leak hoax is another distraction, the only way to create a worldwide pandemic is to clone lots and lots of virus and spread it all over the place.

More here; https://truthaddict.substack.com/p/lab-leak-zoonotic-spillover-or-deliberate

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To the extent the excess death curves are real, these were caused by the response.

Whatever “it” was it spread harmlessly for months before the “pandemic response” started.

The NYC story looks fake ( which is not the same as saying nobody died):


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There may have been something released in some places to create the “signal” but fundamentally I disagree with your contention that that “killed 7 m people”.

You should be able to glean my reasoning from this article, of which I was lead author:


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Thanks, I am honoured to have an actual expert to check my homework! I am guilty of paraphrasing with the 7 million number. I totally agree that number consists mostly of iatrocide using Midazolam, Morphine, Remdesivir, ventilators and the effects of lockdowns with just a few actual covid deaths. I think their precious gain of function delta virus with the patented furin cleavage site was not as deadly as they hoped so it was released worldwide for months on end. Goes to show there is nothing much to be scared of if you refuse to let their psychological brainwashing scare you. Their best weapon was a dud. Disease X is likely to be the same but I think I will avoid all the bioweapons sorry vaccines, shoving things up my nose, or being sprayed with alleged "disinfectant" just in case...

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Don't you think that the chronology of the plndmc is flawed if something really spread in 2020? Why should a particle be released under the risk of being caught by some of the operators without the fitting antidote? That's something that control freaks who plan to subjugate the entire world would never go along with. There would have been antidotes ready long before the alleged release. If China was operating this convid show, they would have been well prepared for the outbreak. Instead they exercised the harshest lockdowns. The life expectancy rose during the plndmc. That's a contradiction to all claims about "a spread". The spread theory doesn't make any sense. It makes sense indeed that the plndmc was an exercise to check how far the operators can go. As we witnessed they can go very very far. This compliance test was successful.

As long as virology doesn't provide any records of virus existence we must acknowledge that everything else downstream is a fairy tale.

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Thank you for the excellent summary.

If they would not have published it, they would have been very stupid and blatantly lying. And big thank you to the authors for this excellent systematic Review.

When will the journals withdraw all the papers that are based on the flawed data of all of these 38 "vaccine" "efficacy" "studies"?

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We will see. It depends on our motivation. Sometimes there are higher forces that help in setting things straight.

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We must hope so. I’m convinced that they will fail in accomplishing all their goals. They’re putting in place something so inherently unstable that it wil, require permanent vigilance and ruthless application of force in order to maintain control.

That’s what we call metastable and these eventually fall apart, though whether soon or after many lifetimes, I cannot guess.

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Would be great for this to get published. Then it is multiple academics saying this in the proper channels. Doshi's team. Me. Fenton's team. Going to get hard to ignore.

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Oh, they can ignore all they want to!

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Great to 'meet' you Mike. If you wanted to be on a 'team' do get in touch.

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H1N1 never existed : The Spanish Flu, of 1918/1920, was a Bacterial Pneumonia induced by the Rockefeller Foundation’s “vaccines”


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This miscategorization could easily have been avoided by honest researchers if they had made 3 or 4 categories instead of 2: unvaccinated, recently/partially vaccinated, and vaccinated more than 14 days ago.

They didn't want to show the results in that light.

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Thank you

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China. The Pandemic never existed. Total absence of excess mortality, in 2020, except in Wuhan. Why is this so?


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I have analyzed the claims made in this paper in great detail and they are almost entirely without merit. See my paper below:


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It is not scientifically possible to prove that any case of vaccination "prevented" any case of disease. Not possible because the case did not occur. Preventatives are measured "statistically" without any actual requirements for proof. It's interesting to compare "cure rate" calculations to "prevention rate" calculations - which reveals the nonsense on both sides to be little more than propaganda - and a lot of lies, damn lies, and statistics. Cancer cure rates, for example, are calculated without cures. Being included as."successful" in a cure rate calculation does not prove "cured." There is no medical test for "cancer cured," so even when a case of cancer is cured - no cure can be proven. We can cure cancers - most cases are cured, but we can't recognize, much less prove cured. So we study cancer cures "statistically." On the other hand, we can't recognize much less prove a case of prevention, so we study preventatives "statistically." This gives the mistaken impression that vaccine efficacy statistics are similar to cancer cure rate statistics. But they are not close..Cancer cure rate statistics have a very high correlation between the statistical cures and actual cases cured. Disease prevention statistics can have a very low, even zero correlation between actual cases prevented - even when the "statistically calculated result" is very high.

To your health, Tracy

Author: A New Theory of Cure

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Why did it take so long to bring this obvious trick to light? I have no medical training but have follow all the experts closely for 4 years and counting. When I first learned about this trick it was obvious this made no sense, not counting adverse event, deaths but even infection for weeks after vaccination. This standard operating policy tells us the research industrial complex has been rotten for a very long time. Credibility score is zero.

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I hope some readers realise that the harms from the injections was anticipated by experienced drug discovery professionals and warned about?

This was wholly INTENTIONAL.


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Indeed....the imposition of extended lockdowns, mandated masking in July 2020, Johnson trumpeting across the airwaves in the early autumn of 2020 about hearing the sound of the galloping hooves of the (vaccine) cavalry coming to the rescue, showed what the intent was....no return to 'normality' without the rushed to production mrna injections with all their 'flaws'. 100s of adverse reactions the FDA wanted kept under wraps for 75 years. Of course, it is now well known but the intent was writ large in 2020.

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this old news and very welcome to see it come up again. the covid monster is still with us and hidden just below the surface. the gangsters of the authorities can and will pull out their coercive punitive powers whenever they wish.

It might be time for me to start updating my 'site of records' again because I think I begin to detect, finally, a serious upswell of serious appraisal and interest in it all.

Many links have probably died since I put them there but considering the total number there'd still be hundreds are good and all filled with pertinent information.

Help yourselves: https://covidhonesty.com/

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The Necro-Corona of “Molecular Spikes of Graphene Oxide”, and not the invisible coronavirus, induces a SMOG in the human organism


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