I wouldn't put the dancing nurses, ambulance crews etc down to a mass psychogenic illness. Many 'dances' were slickly choreographed....how was all that dance practice fitted in to their apparently overworked days? One might ask why there wasn't 'spontaneous spreading of joy ' by shop workers, postmen/women, fire fighters, teachers, because it had to be among health workers. Those working groups weren't part of the 'nudge' to the nation to 'keep the NHS front and centre'. The dancing sessions ( hardly spontaneous) kept the public's mind focused on the NHS. MIght there not have been a subliminal message in those 'performances'....the 'virus' was not really a threat, not the worst public health crisis faced by the UK because there was joyous dancing breaking out amongst health workers.

It was all planned, a key element of the propaganda. It certainly needs investigating, like so much else in those two hellish years. In fact those 'dancing nurse' vids ( probably most AI generated, but a few amateur actual dances to make the whole convincing) were regarded by many as an insult to people whose relatives suffered for want of 'normal' NHS service.

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Your points essentially overlap with mine.

Btw I don’t think the fact they were strictly choreographed / professionally filmed necessarily means they weren’t part of the mass psychosis. It may well have been that everybody in the chain of command involved was “infected” by the psychosis.

That’s why I’m interested in exploring the bureaucracy around these larger performances.

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Yes....some overlap for sure, but I think it was strange the psychosis seemed to have taken root in the health service....a selective psychosis....and not in other large public sector organisations. Why was the public given the viewings of these dancing nurses etc except for the PURPOSE of the pandemic. A purposeful psychosis, rather than a spontaneous one. These dancing videos were made in the health sector of other countries.

I think that the psychosis lay with 'the public', whipped up by bureaucratic machinations - the masks, the social distance rules etc . Not everyone opted in to the theatre of 'the pandemic' because a good proportion of the public could see how they were being manipulated by the messaging and the visuals around it.

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PR firms.

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I often said post 2020 the police should be conviscating all CCTV footage from hospitals to determine just WTAF was going on given these dancing videos were circulating.

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And it would be even moaar interesting for the employers of these "nurses" ... are they dancing in their breaks or during work time? Ofc this is so absurd that not even employers seem to care (who normally are after their slaves at work most of the time... ). This convid for sure was Matrixlike

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PoLIEce being one the most sure servants of the state and many are masons too (the higher ups). They just follow orders and ofc no one would order such “conviscating all CCTV footage from hospitals” even if very interesting to see

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They hired trained dancers, put them into nurse clothes and let them dance in front of hospital settings

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I agree re subliminal message. It was all part of a series of clues for the masses who were being led up or down the proverbial garden path. If it really was a bad pandemic they would not have been dancing.

In reality it was merely a bad 'med panic', proving to the wise that the NHS and medical profession had plumbed the depths of stupidity. For any who are bored my test paper on COVID 19.


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I did look it up..scathing about 'it' and 'them', and entertaining. The style is 'Sherlock-esque' ( the modern 'take'). I don't think it was "bad 'med panic' " in origin, although there were multitudes of staff members of the NHS who were stupidly non-questioning....as were many people in other organisations, or ones you met along a pavement who suddenly jumped in to the road, despite being told they were quite safe in the fresh air.....not the message from Hancock et al.

Too many followed others in to the fog of propaganda, whereas on top of a cloud there was/is perspective, or, even looking out to sea showing us wider horizons, maybe a lighthouse beam as a guide.

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People seem to dig in their heels and double-down on belief when it is made clear it's an absurdity. I can imagine someone with control of social media planting the seeds with a few rehearsed videos and then letting "viral" (e.g., "ALS ice bucket challenge") take it from there. It then makes it clear that the pandemic is a total clownshow and paradoxically this causes true-believers to become more rigid in their beliefs.

This is when I stopped believing in it because everything became more and more absurd. Dancing nurses, then infinity Floyd protests, then bars and STRIP CLUBS(!!!) were re-opened, then the "you'll catch Covid Cooties from shaking hands you must bump your elbows together instead", then "two masks", and so on. It got progressively stupider and stupider and my "covidian" friends and family became more and more adamant there was an incredibly contagious disease around us (just not at happy hour at Hooter's).

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Well said. Increasingly bizarre actions to see who was stupid enough to believe any of it made sense. I am not sure what annoyed me most, but the bumping elbows, sheesh!


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All interesting ideas.

I would humbly submit that we first look at what the health personnel (real or military) were doing in these facilities:

they were murdering people.

In the background of this 'dancing,' young women like Grace Schara, and old people throughout the world, were being strapped to beds, dehydrated, separated from their families, their breathing depressed, and poisoned with remdesivir, creating the illusion of a pandemic.

Thus, in my opinion, the images of dancing nurses (clapping for NHS, hero health workers) was a cover for mass murder. By firmly equating in the public's mind that these nurses were joyful heroes, it makes it even more 'implausible' in the minds of the asleep, and even in the nurses themselves, that these men and women were collaborators in democide.

It is possible that someone planted the seed, and others followed. They were also probably bored and spending a lot of time on their phone because the hospitals were empty (monkey see monkey do). Everyone wants to be a hero and star in their own movie. But the result definitely provided an incredible social cover for murder.

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"I would humbly submit that we first look at what the health personnel (real or military) were doing in these facilities:

they were murdering people.

In the background of this 'dancing,' young women like Grace Schara, and old people throughout the world, were being strapped to beds, dehydrated, separated from their families, their breathing depressed, and poisoned with remdesivir, creating the illusion of a pandemic.

Thus, in my opinion, the images of dancing nurses (clapping for NHS, hero health workers) was a cover for mass murder."

Ding-ding-ding. We have a winner.

They were not only killing people they were obeying orders that mandated that they do just that and the institutions that created the incentives and mandates were also getting big bucks via the death protocols.

All of this came about via policy directives that were developed in the top realms of high finance, then passed down via the political processes turning them into real world policy.

The traveling nurses were paid A LOT of money often with short-term contracts and signed non-disclosure agreements. DNR orders were pre-positioned to ensure a higher death toll.

All of this was being monitored in real time via the various data entry systems that were in place. If any nurse or doctor "went off the range" they quickly encountered the "stick" to ensure compliance. They hardly needed this.

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Absolutely. There is a comment above by Karsten Sep 6 a nurse which backs up being on the phone etc.

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I worked in a hospital during these dancing video’s. as a cardiac care nurse on a cardiac care unit. There were no meetings. it was spontanious. I myself was asked by a college to join these challenge dances, thats what it was called. Very childish. A challenge. Because it was so quiet in most places in the hospital. I think that this dancing was for me the absolute proof that they all lost their minds the doctors and nurses( my collegues) who joined. I was furious. With their stupid face shields. filming themselves. Anyway, i think its a combination of total cognitive dissonance and a wish to feel normal. Dancing but also their minute of fame. Rather then orchestrated, but I m not sure. I remember exactly who asked me if i would want to join and i know that she was not asked by someone but she saw videoos of dancing nurses and doctors from new york as i remember well. They were on their phones most of the time.

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As I point out, I agree some look amateurish and this were probably spontaneous, but some others must have required significant buy-in / resources from management, and I’m interested in the bureaucratic process by which those came about.

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As part of my work I have read through countless emails obtained via FOI from middle- and low-level managers in the Australian health machine. I recently wrote a note about this (not the dancing, but the macinations): https://substack.com/@excessdeathsau/note/c-63657113

Interesting comments in there as well.

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Thanks for telling us. I was being treated for cancer in 2020 with immunotherapy (another scam) and saw a youngish nurse who was looking after a patients feet in the room.

She washed her hands put on gloves, and a mask and then a plastic shield. I knew by then it was all moronic.

On the other hand I had a nurse who was wearing a mask who touched my bare arm (the horror) as she put in my cannula. I didn't say anything but I thought 'thank you, you probably know it is rubbish.'

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Jonathan- yes I am one of those who have asked most of the same questions you do in your substack. I kept waiting to hear of whistleblowers in the NHS come out of the woodwork and confess all and/or actors/ dancers / choreographers etc share contracts and secret video footage of the numerous dances oerformed by the 'overrun' staff and the 'over-crowded with covid patients' hospital wards. But nothing has transpired. I never even thought they could be AI. Well done for raising these questions here......but will anyone respond? We all hope so.

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Media in every form is the true infectious disease, it will spread "psychological contagion" faster than any virus. We all should be mentally distancing ourselves from it. 2020 was a bizarre time where everyone had fear and panic poured into their homes and workplaces by media, there was no escape. Every single bit of the "pandemic" was about psychological manipulation nothing was free from it and they spared no expense, producing the "dancing nurses" was part of the show.

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There was no pandemic. It was a complete psychological operation. I lost my career of 23 years because people are this stupid. Stupidity and fear are a choice.

Fear is not a virtue.

I trust in God/Creator.

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I know, but the article wasn’t really about that particular point.

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Same here. My career ended in 2020 because of stupidity of my employer's. I was 60 and able with my wife (retired) to support ourselves but I enjoyed what I did.

But God is good, I could not be doing what I do now on WordPress and Substack so readily if I was working as I was.

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God is good. Oh, how I know Michael!

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Agree ''I personally believe that this is a hugely understudied aspect of what went on over the past few years.''

It's remarkable you can show people the footage AND the official statistics to show hospitals were half empty in 2020 and they will still defend the narrative of rampaging pandemia. The police should be conviscating all CCTV footage from hospitals in 2020 to determine just WTAF was going on!

Some of these dancing videos were clearly a production (why goto all the bother?) some were very real off the cuff. For me it was all ritualistic and made me very uneasy same with the NHS doorstep clapping or even pots and pans.

See Basildon hospital video on end of article


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Mass psychosis is simply mass obedience.

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I don’t know anyone who took part in these awful videos - I suspect many were AI generated. I do believe many in the health service were bombarded with the hype 24/7 - I know as a supermarket worker I was and I hated every single minute of it - it was exhausting being around so many co worker and customers who totally believed it all.

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See "COVID-19 and the Political Economy of Mass Hysteria"

Citation: International Journal Environmental Research and Public Health (2021) `8, 1376 , Bagus P., Published Feb 2 2021.

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That’s a great article. I had read it a while ago and totally forgot about it, so thanks.

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“The Rape of the Mind”, Joost Meerloo 😉👍

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Surely in most cases the dancers are just too embarrassed to 'fess up? We know a Dr with an amateur musical background who created a very "impressive" musical video herself at the start.

Just for completeness, there are various links in this article I put together in November 2020, (incidentally around the time the "injection delusion" was launched on the public): https://reaction.life/western-political-leadership-has-been-captured-by-uncritical-thinking-and-collective-delusion/

To dancing mania add the hundreds of thousands of people who genuinely believed that Japan won WWII...

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Fyi I mentioned your post on the dancing nurses videos in a comment I left yesterday (Nov. 20, 2024) on a post at substack journalist Celia Farber's The Truth Barrier which investigates the same topic and which might be worth a look in case you missed it:


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One of the tools in ripping our consensus reality to shreds. At 53, I have now stopped all hospital visits, let alone "checkups." Have not been to a dentist since 2019. If I have a heart attack in my kitchen, my plan is to do nothing; wait for my friends to find the body and bury it (I made a will to that effect).

Well before covid, I was always annoyed by TV shows set in hospitals. Ya know, where all the staff run like Flo Griffith to SAVE lives! I had been to the best private hospitals around the world, and mostly I encountered bored staff with an attitude, lots of form filling and endless waiting around. But today, I get it! This was all preparation for the Big Event. Convincing us, over many decades, that doctors and nurses will universally chop off their right foot before letting a patient come to harm.

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The source and motive for the highly choreographed/ produced dance videos remains a mystery! It seemed like trolling - but by whom? (Michael Senger and Co assumed China, as the Wuhan dance videos were of regular people celebrating *after* lockdown.)

The vidoes didn't seem to be contemporaneous with lockdowns anyway, as many showed Christmas decorations/ hats etc (in March-April).

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