The Daily Sceptic is not really a reputable 'alternative media' website - I remember back in May 2021, when they endorsed Andrew Lloyd Webber's view that “Not getting jabbed is as bad as drink driving”
I would instead recommend you contact UK Column. I have found them an alternative media organisation not afraid to challenge the establishment narrative, and shine a light on what the world's 'elites' are really up to.
Like so many people/organisations, The Daily Sceptic is dead scared of challenging the Church of Vaccination/‘The Science™️’.
That’s why we’re in this mess, because there’s been a concerted effort to shut down any questioning of vaccination policy and practice. Medical folk who question vaccination in any way are at risk of suspension/career suicide.
As a result the deeply conflicted vaccination schedule has blow out hugely, the womb to tomb schedule seeking to exploit us all.
And now here we are, with the worse than useless Covid injections, and others, continuing to be pressed.
Andrew Lloyd-Webber should have stuck to musicals. I see he is Baron Lloyd-Webber. Andrew Lloyd-Webber will anagram to 'Baron dry well dweeb'. A more suitable title I feel.
Given that the pattern of global all cause excess mortality has been found by at least two fully independent research groups to show there is: 1) no evidence for a pandemic wave and 2) no evidence for natural spread of an infectious novel pathogen, why is it that the presence and origin of a viral agent is having to be argued about at all? We now know that epidemiological science is a century out of date because many documented attempts - over a longer period - to 'infect' healthy people with body fluids from the sick have failed spectacularly. Similarly, virology experiments claiming to identify pathogenic activity of 'viruses' using cell cultures have been shown to be deeply flawed. Clinging to outdated explanations of how disease occurs and spreads will not help the cause of enlightenment & freedom to which we aspire as a future proof way out of this crisis. Along with many others, I feel that nothing unusual would have occurred in 2020 and onwards without the government & media orchestrated fear and panic with consequent & horrific mass iatrogenic & injection induced deaths - doubly horrific because the stories of these deaths (and injuries) have been so well suppressed from public view. Medical events from 2020 onwards would seem to qualify as a well orchestrated Deep Structural Event simply explained by exploiting flawed science in epidemiology, virology and molecular biology (PCR testing) for industry benefits as well as aiding other agendas in a criminal way. There is no need to postulate the additional factor of a natural or artificial pathogenic entity.
It's infuriating the no pandemic people want to gain credibility and yet routinely fail to cite the world's best evidence they were correct.
''I have reached the conclusion that whilst Heneghan and Jefferson should continue to cover a Covid Inquiry, it is the Scottish Inquiry from which we will have most to learn. And as an Englishman who has always been happy to support the home nations when England are down and out, I have absolutely no hesitation in loudly shouting “C’mon Scotland!”
Not much evidence from that article that David Stacey has a full grasp of what the Corona event was really all about and that no part of it had anything to do with a pandemic health threat. The medical malpractices, suffering, injuries and deaths generated by this head-in-the-sand, blind adherence to outdated epidemiological theories, ossified belief systems in sub microscopic replicating pathogenic entities, unsuitable molecular testing and untested yet ‘holy’ injections as the only possible saviour - are all outstandingly well evidenced in the Scottish Enquiry testimony. Yes, why is this testimony not being used to shock people as they need to be shocked until they understand that they were all victims of the greatest public illusion and crime against humanity of all time.
Well article was 9th Nov 2023 and health and social care hearings only started 23rd Oct 2023. But it's yet more proof there is a clearly a press embargo NOT to cover the Scottish COVID inquiry. It has to be avoided at all costs! It's astounding the no pandemic people don't realise it's importance why it should be the NO.1 topic on their social media etc
On the subject of Matt Ridley, can someone ask him why he and the rest of his Lords’ Committee colleagues didn’t express outrage at the proposal to Covid vaccinate children to purportedly protect the elderly? That is, to vaccinate children with a vaccine of no benefit to them to supposedly protect old people at end of life… What sort of society does that?!
I agree - total insanity and indicative of a complete loss of ethical & moral values which seems to me to be a defining characteristic among all of the high profile actors (puppets) in this miserable event who had some influence over / involvement in defining policy.
The very idea that injecting children should be done because it might confer a theoretical benefit to a third party is flawed reasoning because it will first do harm to the recipient i.e. child. Anyone who thinks that vaccination is a foolproof procedure which does no harm has not done their homework. Where did this crazy idea originate from that it is virtuous to receive a vaccination to 'protect' another person? Vaccination was never seen that way before the inverted world of Covid appeared. People got vaccinated as a purely prophylactic measure to protect themselves not others.
I was always led to believe (not necessarily saying correctly) that we always vaccinated to protect others (who could not be vaccinated for a particular medical reason) via herd immunity - so it was for us and others with every vaccine!! They were just very vociferous with COVID vax that we had to do it not to ‘kill granny’ … and so I didn’t - the psyop was just too strong and obvious with this one.
I understand the herd immunity aspect, but why would you have travel vaccinations? Surely to protect yourself alone from say Yellow fever. Unfortunately vaccines for respiratory viruses have never been successful but have very good PR agents ,ie WHO and CDC.
Yes, although people 'thought' they got vaccinated as a purely prophylactic measure to protect themselves not others, that is. It was only in 2020 that I realised that they don't do even that.
Jeffrey Tucker's response was at least principled, articulating the principle that he thinks Brownstone can effect changes in US policy to prevent a deadly crisis response next time, without settling the question of whether this last pathogenic wave was real or imagined.
Whether monsters are real or not.
Assume the monster was under the bed or in the closet last night: going forwards, the goal is to change US policy so that each man... remains free to fight monsters in the way he best sees fit to do so, which will result in the best sleep for the most people, tonight. ?
Good on you for trying. However the negative response by both groups is not in the least surprising. I clashed with Will Jones multiple times in 2020 and 2021, and eventually unsubscribed to dailysceptics on account of his refusal to consider important and basic scientific facts around the covid narrative.
And I never even subscribed to the Brownstone institute because, despite reading many good articles, their underlying acceptance of obvious scientific flaws and lies was too hard to stomach.
There is a big difference between "No virus" and "no novel pathogen" or "no pandemic."
In that part of the world that I live in, at least 30% of the population knew from 2020 that covid was just a normal flu or cold, and hence the terms "scamdemic" and "plandemic".
4 years later, and after piles of data, it is definitely NOT "too soon."
If I may add something here … I feel the term “no virus” is a bad representation of the concept it is supposed to represent. It may create the idea that there are crazy people out there who deny that there is something causing people to become sick. I agree that this will often be the initial reaction of someone exposed to the concept. But course that’s not correct, the concept/position accepts that viruses exist as a biological chemical entity but does not find sufficient evidence to conclude that they act as pathogens. So a case of identifying the wrong suspect / waging war on the wrong enemy. Hard to capture in a few words in a non-polarising way.
Is sickness "caused" by any pathogen or do people create their own environment which then enables sickness to be "caused"?
I recall (too many years ago) reading about a medical lecturer trying to explain to his students the difference between a bacteria "causing" cholera and someone allowing the same bacteria to create cholera.
He drank a vial of verified cholera bacteria in front of his students but subsequently did not develop the disease.
He was sacked.
The point being, why doesnt EVERONE die from cholera if the bacteria which can create the disease actually CAUSES the disease?
In short, germ theory vs. terrain theory. Germ theory just doesn't make sense.
If it did, we'd all be dead.
Eventually, virology will go the same way, but it will be a long haul.
"Let's confuse everyone, throw them off the real debate, was there ever an actual pandemic?"
Exactly right. The pandemic planners are absolute masters at this too: their expertise is narrative and counter-narrative control. It's not about 'the origin" -- it's about sending people on a to-and-fro Easter egg hunt while a full-blown totalitarian 'response' is rolled out. And then justifying more 'pandemic preparedness' because "both Mother Nature and adversaries" are the potential source of existential biological threats.
(= Copy-and-paste comment - Martin Neil's substack.)
A good binary starting point would be: There Was No Pandemic.
Even using "their" metric - mean age of death 83 years-plus - demolishes any notion of The Great Coronavirus Pandemic of 2020.
It was a well-planned *Pandemic Response*, but the false history is being written right now by the 'victors' (and their controlled opposition accomplices).
PS. re "Question Everything" (Except That Thing): the assertion that spikes in at-home deaths in certain locations in Spring 2020 were real and intentional is seemingly off limits!
The binary issue of pandemic yes-or-no could be settled if "our side" relied less on intellectual arguments, and instead promoted the "gut instinct" position of young teenagers who instinctively "know" - having lived through a fake pandemic - that they were LIED TO by the grown-ups. The false history of this event is being written right now -- so there's some urgency to get this resolved ASAP, and then move onto details.
Mr Will Jones and the Daily Sceptical About Not Very Much team will not even question how the most heavily protected border on Earth was so easily crossed on 7/10/23 by terrorists and no response taken by the Israeli security forces for some six hours after the incursion. So no surprise that questioning the idea of the virus itself is verboten. Unfortunately the DS is a false alternative media outlet and is flogging the dead horse of Parliamentary party politics.
The Daily Sceptic is not really a reputable 'alternative media' website - I remember back in May 2021, when they endorsed Andrew Lloyd Webber's view that “Not getting jabbed is as bad as drink driving”
I would instead recommend you contact UK Column. I have found them an alternative media organisation not afraid to challenge the establishment narrative, and shine a light on what the world's 'elites' are really up to.
Like so many people/organisations, The Daily Sceptic is dead scared of challenging the Church of Vaccination/‘The Science™️’.
That’s why we’re in this mess, because there’s been a concerted effort to shut down any questioning of vaccination policy and practice. Medical folk who question vaccination in any way are at risk of suspension/career suicide.
As a result the deeply conflicted vaccination schedule has blow out hugely, the womb to tomb schedule seeking to exploit us all.
And now here we are, with the worse than useless Covid injections, and others, continuing to be pressed.
Totally agree.
The Daily Septic then.
Andrew Lloyd-Webber should have stuck to musicals. I see he is Baron Lloyd-Webber. Andrew Lloyd-Webber will anagram to 'Baron dry well dweeb'. A more suitable title I feel.
UK Column well worth approaching.
Given that the pattern of global all cause excess mortality has been found by at least two fully independent research groups to show there is: 1) no evidence for a pandemic wave and 2) no evidence for natural spread of an infectious novel pathogen, why is it that the presence and origin of a viral agent is having to be argued about at all? We now know that epidemiological science is a century out of date because many documented attempts - over a longer period - to 'infect' healthy people with body fluids from the sick have failed spectacularly. Similarly, virology experiments claiming to identify pathogenic activity of 'viruses' using cell cultures have been shown to be deeply flawed. Clinging to outdated explanations of how disease occurs and spreads will not help the cause of enlightenment & freedom to which we aspire as a future proof way out of this crisis. Along with many others, I feel that nothing unusual would have occurred in 2020 and onwards without the government & media orchestrated fear and panic with consequent & horrific mass iatrogenic & injection induced deaths - doubly horrific because the stories of these deaths (and injuries) have been so well suppressed from public view. Medical events from 2020 onwards would seem to qualify as a well orchestrated Deep Structural Event simply explained by exploiting flawed science in epidemiology, virology and molecular biology (PCR testing) for industry benefits as well as aiding other agendas in a criminal way. There is no need to postulate the additional factor of a natural or artificial pathogenic entity.
This … just as you write it … bravo!
What are labs leaking?
They've got nothing to leak.
The only dangerous weaponised things mankind has ever had resource to are naturally occurring, like ricin and mustard gas.
All this gain of function nonsense is just more psyop. Like nuclear weapons.
Exactly, ‘gain of fiction’ might be a better term.
Otherwise, it is just nasty toxic chemicals as you say.
It's infuriating the no pandemic people want to gain credibility and yet routinely fail to cite the world's best evidence they were correct.
''I have reached the conclusion that whilst Heneghan and Jefferson should continue to cover a Covid Inquiry, it is the Scottish Inquiry from which we will have most to learn. And as an Englishman who has always been happy to support the home nations when England are down and out, I have absolutely no hesitation in loudly shouting “C’mon Scotland!”
-David Stacey-Daily Sceptic-9th Nov 2023
And since then ZERO articles on Scottish COVID inquiry testimony on the entire website. TELLS...YOU...EVERYTHING!!
Not much evidence from that article that David Stacey has a full grasp of what the Corona event was really all about and that no part of it had anything to do with a pandemic health threat. The medical malpractices, suffering, injuries and deaths generated by this head-in-the-sand, blind adherence to outdated epidemiological theories, ossified belief systems in sub microscopic replicating pathogenic entities, unsuitable molecular testing and untested yet ‘holy’ injections as the only possible saviour - are all outstandingly well evidenced in the Scottish Enquiry testimony. Yes, why is this testimony not being used to shock people as they need to be shocked until they understand that they were all victims of the greatest public illusion and crime against humanity of all time.
Well article was 9th Nov 2023 and health and social care hearings only started 23rd Oct 2023. But it's yet more proof there is a clearly a press embargo NOT to cover the Scottish COVID inquiry. It has to be avoided at all costs! It's astounding the no pandemic people don't realise it's importance why it should be the NO.1 topic on their social media etc
On the subject of Matt Ridley, can someone ask him why he and the rest of his Lords’ Committee colleagues didn’t express outrage at the proposal to Covid vaccinate children to purportedly protect the elderly? That is, to vaccinate children with a vaccine of no benefit to them to supposedly protect old people at end of life… What sort of society does that?!
This happened in June 2020, see details in my email to Peter Openshaw and Arne Akbar – Is it ethical to vaccinate the young to purportedly protect the old? 6 September 2022:
I agree - total insanity and indicative of a complete loss of ethical & moral values which seems to me to be a defining characteristic among all of the high profile actors (puppets) in this miserable event who had some influence over / involvement in defining policy.
The very idea that injecting children should be done because it might confer a theoretical benefit to a third party is flawed reasoning because it will first do harm to the recipient i.e. child. Anyone who thinks that vaccination is a foolproof procedure which does no harm has not done their homework. Where did this crazy idea originate from that it is virtuous to receive a vaccination to 'protect' another person? Vaccination was never seen that way before the inverted world of Covid appeared. People got vaccinated as a purely prophylactic measure to protect themselves not others.
I was always led to believe (not necessarily saying correctly) that we always vaccinated to protect others (who could not be vaccinated for a particular medical reason) via herd immunity - so it was for us and others with every vaccine!! They were just very vociferous with COVID vax that we had to do it not to ‘kill granny’ … and so I didn’t - the psyop was just too strong and obvious with this one.
I think the whole thing was deliberately vague, based on heresay. Follow the herd and what it does.
Which is leave a lot of turd!
I understand the herd immunity aspect, but why would you have travel vaccinations? Surely to protect yourself alone from say Yellow fever. Unfortunately vaccines for respiratory viruses have never been successful but have very good PR agents ,ie WHO and CDC.
Yes, although people 'thought' they got vaccinated as a purely prophylactic measure to protect themselves not others, that is. It was only in 2020 that I realised that they don't do even that.
Have you read ‘Turtles all the way down - vaccine science and myth’ - fascinating exposee!
Jeffrey Tucker's response was at least principled, articulating the principle that he thinks Brownstone can effect changes in US policy to prevent a deadly crisis response next time, without settling the question of whether this last pathogenic wave was real or imagined.
Whether monsters are real or not.
Assume the monster was under the bed or in the closet last night: going forwards, the goal is to change US policy so that each man... remains free to fight monsters in the way he best sees fit to do so, which will result in the best sleep for the most people, tonight. ?
Good on you for trying. However the negative response by both groups is not in the least surprising. I clashed with Will Jones multiple times in 2020 and 2021, and eventually unsubscribed to dailysceptics on account of his refusal to consider important and basic scientific facts around the covid narrative.
And I never even subscribed to the Brownstone institute because, despite reading many good articles, their underlying acceptance of obvious scientific flaws and lies was too hard to stomach.
FYI, Brownstone republished the NYC article
The Daily Septic response is pathetic. As someone else said, the Brownstone response has some principles.
I find it staggering that people have yet to grasp the simple fact that it was all a psy-op and neither natural or lab origin is true.
Therefore virology theory is fundamently flawed.
Will Jones would make a terrific government employee, speaking on behalf of other people without asking them first. What a dill.👍🦘
I've always thought both "publications" to be controlled opposition, especially Brownnose.
BUT, and we are back to the BIG "BUT" the no-virus concept is just to much too soon (if ever) for a lot of people. Most people, it would appear.
There is a big difference between "No virus" and "no novel pathogen" or "no pandemic."
In that part of the world that I live in, at least 30% of the population knew from 2020 that covid was just a normal flu or cold, and hence the terms "scamdemic" and "plandemic".
4 years later, and after piles of data, it is definitely NOT "too soon."
Why do you conflate "no virus" with "no novel pathogen" and/or " no pandemic"?
I referred only to the former, not the latter two points, neither of which are difficult concepts for even the sheeple to grasp.
However, "no virus" is a TOTALLY different concept which makes most people's eyes glaze over immediately.
Please don't put words into my mouth to make your points. I didnt argue against your points.
Glad to hear that you agree there is a difference between the 3.
If I may add something here … I feel the term “no virus” is a bad representation of the concept it is supposed to represent. It may create the idea that there are crazy people out there who deny that there is something causing people to become sick. I agree that this will often be the initial reaction of someone exposed to the concept. But course that’s not correct, the concept/position accepts that viruses exist as a biological chemical entity but does not find sufficient evidence to conclude that they act as pathogens. So a case of identifying the wrong suspect / waging war on the wrong enemy. Hard to capture in a few words in a non-polarising way.
You're welcome to add anything.
Let's forget the word virus.
Is sickness "caused" by any pathogen or do people create their own environment which then enables sickness to be "caused"?
I recall (too many years ago) reading about a medical lecturer trying to explain to his students the difference between a bacteria "causing" cholera and someone allowing the same bacteria to create cholera.
He drank a vial of verified cholera bacteria in front of his students but subsequently did not develop the disease.
He was sacked.
The point being, why doesnt EVERONE die from cholera if the bacteria which can create the disease actually CAUSES the disease?
In short, germ theory vs. terrain theory. Germ theory just doesn't make sense.
If it did, we'd all be dead.
Eventually, virology will go the same way, but it will be a long haul.
I absolutely agree.
Hang outbreak of agreement?
What's going on? 😂 😂 😂
"Let's confuse everyone, throw them off the real debate, was there ever an actual pandemic?"
Exactly right. The pandemic planners are absolute masters at this too: their expertise is narrative and counter-narrative control. It's not about 'the origin" -- it's about sending people on a to-and-fro Easter egg hunt while a full-blown totalitarian 'response' is rolled out. And then justifying more 'pandemic preparedness' because "both Mother Nature and adversaries" are the potential source of existential biological threats.
(= Copy-and-paste comment - Martin Neil's substack.)
A good binary starting point would be: There Was No Pandemic.
Even using "their" metric - mean age of death 83 years-plus - demolishes any notion of The Great Coronavirus Pandemic of 2020.
It was a well-planned *Pandemic Response*, but the false history is being written right now by the 'victors' (and their controlled opposition accomplices).
PS. re "Question Everything" (Except That Thing): the assertion that spikes in at-home deaths in certain locations in Spring 2020 were real and intentional is seemingly off limits!
Note edit: typo correction.
Just two cents based on a recent observation...
The binary issue of pandemic yes-or-no could be settled if "our side" relied less on intellectual arguments, and instead promoted the "gut instinct" position of young teenagers who instinctively "know" - having lived through a fake pandemic - that they were LIED TO by the grown-ups. The false history of this event is being written right now -- so there's some urgency to get this resolved ASAP, and then move onto details.
Very disappointing indeed!
Mr Will Jones and the Daily Sceptical About Not Very Much team will not even question how the most heavily protected border on Earth was so easily crossed on 7/10/23 by terrorists and no response taken by the Israeli security forces for some six hours after the incursion. So no surprise that questioning the idea of the virus itself is verboten. Unfortunately the DS is a false alternative media outlet and is flogging the dead horse of Parliamentary party politics.