Jul 18Liked by Jonathan Engler

If you prompt the body to manufacture any protein that is foreign to you, your immune system will recognise that non-self proteins are being made & expressed by whichever of your cells is doing it, and KILL, all such cells.

Thus it is absolutely inevitable & predictable that ALL mRNA based injections will cause harm, the extent of which will depend on various imponderables such as dose, duration of action, distribution, efficiency of uptake and of expression of the foreign protein encoded.

It’s immunology 101. Distinguishing between self & non self is the prime purpose of the immune system.

Please note that it was also known, before it was selected as a vehicle or formulation material for the fake “vaccines”, that lipid nanoparticles would cause accumulation of the injected materially into the ovaries.

Shame on you, Dr Peter McCullough.

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So important to call BS every time we encounter it! Especially when from someone who had been a 'trusted' resource ... In an act of charity/kindness ... would he actually '$ell out' so blatantly? OR are the thugs of the CRIMINOCRACY threatening peoples' families?

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Jul 17Liked by Jonathan Engler

McCullough has either had a Damascene moment ( of the wrong type), or perhaps some financial 'support', now or for the future, or, been pressured by various 'interests'. Am not a 'follower' of his medical expository, but one's suspicions might rise when we hear contradictory appraisals, eg, on mrna, or 'pandemics', and statins.

How can 'they' prove a statin dosage saves a person's life? It's unquantifiable. A person of very mature years will die of some medical condition or just plain old age ( nicer to be in the latter category), but a statin is not something special to prolong life, nor prevent heart disease/ attacks.

I suppose 'they' think ( in the medical world) that if they 'fix' the 'cholesterol' problem that will 'sort it'....a bit like the covid jab with its targeting of the 'spike protein' will a) stop people catching it..no b) will keep them out of hospital and overwhelming "our NHS", or c) even prevent death ( immortality no less).

All these supposed cures can never be accurately measured, the 'outcomes' are the product of computer models, fiddling with numbers in reality.

The human body, its beating heart, is not a machine but a multifaceted organism....it seems Big Pharma sees a machine and a cash register.

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A Damascus moment depends on how you look at it. An experienced and highly skeptical conspiracy would think, "The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world." I was given a white leather (and zippered) Authorized King James Version Bible as soon as I could read. It was one of the happiest moments of my young life. I was holding the very Word of God in my hands!

I missed so many things reading as a young lass. I had never heard of communism. So when the false Christ said 3x (in each of the synoptic gospels) that to gain eternal life one must be made perfect by selling all one has and giving to the poor, I thought that somehow there must be something spiritual about loving God so much one gave away all one's earthly possessions. But as I became more worldly wise, I realized this Christ in these 3 Roman gospels was advocating a political-economic, even socioeconomic, conversion to communism as his preferred "way of salvation." So I combined his words with the words of the 2nd beast of Revelation 13 who enjoins all to take the 666 mark in one's right hand or forehead to buy and sell. "You'll own nothing and be happy."

My AKJV (a different model by then) no longer seemed so Heavenly through and through. It was no longer the presumed Voice of my Shepherd. Enemies had planted tares among the wheat so to speak.

As an adult, I became aware of rape doctrine and phallic symbols.

Ananias being told to "Get up!", go to the house of Judas on Straight Street sounded like perverse directions to go view the papal obelisk in Peter's Square in a compromised positional state. Paul telling men what to do with "their women" to silence and subjugate them didn't sound like the freedom of children made free by truth. Telling men they hadn't sinned if they behaved in a peculiarly improper manner towards "their virgins", and to just go ahead and marry them was no longer a statement vague in meaning but took on ominous form

Then, the Road to Damascus (as we cut to the chase). Saul/Paul had no Spirit-born revelation of who the Lord was. He was blinded by the spirit that said it was "Jesus" when he asked. The True Lord gives sight to the blind. His Glory had appeared to numerous people throughout true scripture (including all Israel and Moses) but had never struck anyone blind. Paul and this experience were anamolous.

The spirit said to Paul that it was hard for him ~ to kick against the pricks (another difficult to miss phallic reference once one realizes Rome's authors (like Luke) are lacing their writings with phallic references to mock God and His People In service to their own gods.

What could this phallic reference be intended to mean written by Greco-Roman "doctoe" (aka philosopher) Luke?

The spirit was saying it had been attempting to penetrate Paul with its prick for some time ~ potentially saying in a double meaning that the prick was hard for Paul in lustful homosexual desire. (When as an adult one has read about world religions, one knows that secret societies have certain homosexual rites of initiation with which Luke and Paul would have been familiar.)

It appears Paul was cast to the ground and was penetrated by the hard prick of this spirit in symbolism of a Luciferian occult ritual. The freemasons blindfold their initiates. The higher degree masons have different initiations to higher levels than lesser initiates experience.

So perhaps the question is whether McCullough is a freemason? Interesting.

*People say the more one reads the Bible the more one sees. I see the Luciferian, masonic books added presumably by Greco-Roman philosophers in their own religious bent ~ since Luke is openly confessed to be in that number.

"The wrong type" is the only type Damascus experience I can see in Bible history. Damascus, by the way, would be the world capitol of the dark religions in its day even as Jerusalem was formerly the capitol city of the people of God in Old Testament times. So Paul symbolically was leaving the city of God to go to the city of satan to kill the people of God in satan's service when the spirit (properly known to be satan the dragon) met him in the road to hell (Damascus symbollically).

Greco-Roman philosophers write extremely well at will in duplicitous dark arts of sophistry.

And that (in my view) is the rest of the story (as Paul Harvey would say.

These days, I prefer Genesis 1, The Gospel of John, 2nd John, and prayer to hear the Word of God speak. But that's just me and what reading and praying much has done for me.

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Jul 17Liked by Jonathan Engler

Statins are a drug aimed at a fake diagnosis. High LDL cholesterol is a diagnosis based on a blood test. It is supposed to be a bad thing to have high LDL cholesterol. Statins treat a blood test, not a health condition. In fact, those with the highest LDL and total cholesterol live the longest (all cause mortality is lowest in those with the highest LDL cholesterol.)

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Have heard this before and have heard really nothing good about statins but would like to see actual fact based evidence showing this, rather than just the usual passed along statements. Do you have any references or links to articles or studies on this. If so I would love to be able to read them.

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Angela, I linked this article already on my web site a few weeks ago. Thanks, anyway


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Jul 20Liked by Jonathan Engler

Dr David Brownstein has a chapter in his book that explains the harms of statins.


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This English cardiologist was active on statins pre-covid, and involved with Vax harms after his Da's case, should be a good start for opposing ideas..


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Yes Malhotra, the UK equivalent to McCullough, at least called out statins long ago, along with Kendrick and many others. However Malhotra shamefully pushed the Covid Jabs on BAME communities, whilst asserting all old vaccines (that he later he admitted he had NEVER researched at all), were the safest of all medicines. Sure, Malhotra woke up, when his father tragically died of the covid shots. However, he never made a public apology for an "Evidence Based Professor", to have hocked the shots based on NO EVIDENCE he was aware of. Still he is making up for such perhaps. McCullough, is shamelessly plugging statins here, and the PLATFORMS of these mRNA/Viral Vector as salvageable perhaps, when as Dr Yeadon/Bhakdi and myriad others have asserted, they are INCOMPATIBLE WITH LIFE. You cannot program cells for surface expression, or even cellular release of non-self proteins, or anything non-self. It's autoimmunity 101 and your body will slowly kill you in myriad ghastly ways. Which is exactly what the world is seeing. These are WEAPONS, lab designed and not from anything biological. Synthetic weapons. McCullough and all others, really need to look harder at the Terrain side, as Jamie Andrews Control Experiments expanidng on Lankas, are already showing strong evidence that Virologies methodology alone, is the soul cause of claimed viruses. When Proteomics, and Gene Sequencing are done in further tests, Virology is OVER! Unless, those experiments do not go as is expected in a a Black Swan event to nullify Virology at least, within the Germ Theory model.

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Yes, Malhotra AFAIK still pushes heavily the criminal narrative of the miracle of "traditional vaccines".

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Yeah it's hilarious of an "Evidence Based Professor". Even aprecursory look into the real deal on all vaccinology, proves, instantly, that it is a total disaster from outset! Never helped anyone from any claimed "dis-ease". Total poisoning is very obvious when you discard the the "so called threat of the given day" and look instead at the stats of DEATH that always follows new jab campaigns. IT IS FUCKING BLATANT! For Malhotra or McCullough to carry on the CHARADE of "maybe we can make safer jabs" is utter NONCESENSE of LIARS for a BUCK OR TWO and YES Malhotra and McCullough, despite your good works on SOME ISSUES, you are a pair of clap trap peddling spin salesmen and deserve to also be in JAIL for your LIES to protect BIG PHARMA! Abi Roberts was correct to call out Malhotra as a "CUNT!" in public, and to have him as the Final Poster of the GREAT WALL OF CUNTS shame! I only feel sorry for Malhotras father... whom died from the jabs...as a "BLATANT CLUE" to Prof Malhotra. YEAH ya dumbass....the JABS and ALL JABS....kill people ya fucking pillock! This has been KNOWN forever by anti-vaxxers, whom "HAD ACTUALLY READ THE REAL SO CALLED "SETTLED SCIENCE"" Unlike yer own blinkered and perhaps paid for position on national TV in the UK to PROMOTE THE JABS to the BAME community, whom were, quite fucking rightly, reluctant to take an EMERGENCY USE AUTHORISED (umm...what emergency Prof Malhotra and McCullough? WHAT FUCKING EMERGENCY? As NOTHING HAPPENED AT ALL GLOBALLY YA PAIR OF FUCKING DICKHEADS!!" NOTHING...NADA....ZIP...ZILCH.... nothing happened! So there was NO NEED for masks, lockdowns, social distancing, or even Vit D3 and Ivermectin and HCQ.....all totally unrequired when NOTHING was going on!

It really is blood boiling to see these credentialed fucking tossers, spout off like they have a pair, when they are peddling pure BULLSHITE to still prop up big HARM-YER any way it can!

It is sickening!

See you in Court ya pair of CUNTS as I can destroy you in Court any day!

It's very simple....

Prove the Pan-A-Demic

Show us the real ISOLATED VIRUS via VIROLOGIES pathetic methodologies! A MTHYOLOGY only! Via FATALLY FLAWED "SCIENCE".

Game over and stop running the fear and scams!

Pair of you should be in fucking jail, despite your "later awakenings" and "anti covid shots" stance, which in McCulloughs case, has now extended to "Well I think the mRNA platform CAN BE MADE SAFE .....perhaps.... ummm....errr...." to paraphrase a sewer rat excusings it's own obvious droppings with the well of a shitstorms toilet bowl, ready to flush!

I mean at least Malhotra was anti-STATINS long ago! McCullough is still pushing SHITE PHARMA DRUG STATINS!! WHO the FUCK is paying you to spout such utterly outdated CRAP?

Namaste & In'lakech to all NON WALL OF CUNTS Worthy!

I merely hope the lost ones, will WAKE THA FUCK UP!

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If you are unfamiliar with the Abi Roberts WALL OF CUNTS then do listen to her rendition of THEIR OWN WORDS to never be forgotten!


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Jul 20·edited Jul 20

Yes, McCullough was a surprise, as for the newly awakened ;) he seemed like the man, calling out the harms on young hearts.

As for the virology stuff, I know that if I even suggested it to folks, even the possibility ( I know it's irrefutable to you) it's to the looney bin look I'd get ! Noone in my circles would even countenance such a notion.

So I don't share your belief that virology is over, but understand your wish, if people, in the round, have believed ( been deceived ) on it ( or its antecedents) for over 250 years, well I'm not seeing much evidence of it budging in their minds, however things are moving fast, but human nature ? 😆 You could imagine a point, if you are fully correct, what would need to happen for this information to disseminate into the general population, a massive power-shift? The economics / control of the nexus to become redundant?

It mightn't be that pretty regardless.

On statins at least, we can agree there is clear water between these two. And on that topic the lecture could be a decent primer as per the OC, my memory of it was he had his shit together as regards citations.

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Dr David Diamond has scientific articles in peer reviewed journals on statins and high cholesterol. Check on PubMed. Also, he has scientific talks on YouTube. Aseem Malhotra is a cardiologist and has published on this.

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Will check it out, thanks

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17Liked by Jonathan Engler

Last I checked, the risk/benefit ratio for statins is absurd. I think this has been well documented. They reduce the risk of heart attack (only, not life expectancy) by a miniscule percentage for a miniscule number of individuals.

Is he talking about them?

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Jul 17Liked by Jonathan Engler

I liked and listened to PM at the beginning of my education in The COVID; he fought the vax and spoke eloquently illuminating the criminal fraud involved. But less so when he was into money-making, and not at all after he clung to the virus/germ and contagion hypotheses in the face of ever-mounting persuasive evidence showing they’re falsified

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Jul 17Liked by Jonathan Engler

PM has put out some good stuff during the pandemic, but I do not 100% trust him. He has a little bit of a used car salesman vibe to him.

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Jul 18Liked by Jonathan Engler

Reply to:


I don't trust Dr. McCullough anymore. I suspect he is sucking up to his pharma pimps so they will support appointing him to a cabinet position in the new administration.

You can lookup "all time" payments Dr. M has received at "http://openpaymentdata.cms.gov" website:


General payments


(1,408 payments)

Associated research funding


(604 payments)

Most of the payments are from Statin manufacturers. In my mind he is like a junkie who almost got clean but unfortunately relapsed and is now prostrate to the same demons > big pharma $$$ and political influence. It's hard to get off the junk when you need your "fix".

For a much better resource about statins you can read and share @amidwesterndoctor 's informative article about the truth of statins:


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Jul 18Liked by Jonathan Engler

I’m broken hearted to see Dr McCullough falling prey to the need to justify his existence and his practice of medicine as he bought into the lies of the pharmaceutical industry cabal. No doubt he has put many, many people on these drugs and now finds it difficult to believe that he’s been wrong all along. That is a very bitter pill to swallow. He is human after all.

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Jul 17Liked by Jonathan Engler

Isn't he on the board of The Wellness Company? The company that charges ridiculous amounts of money for basic vitamins and some ivermectin. I have no issue with business making money but ripping people off is not right.

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Jul 19Liked by Jonathan Engler

So many disappointing takes coming from this man! The feeling I get is that he thinks "modern medicine" is mostly benefical.

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Jul 19Liked by Jonathan Engler

His change in talking points and switching position on certain topics is really disappointing..... he's not all bad, but One must sift through each topic and learn on your own. As we've noticed in the last few years, no one is perfect and no one gets it right every time. Money appears to have "entered the chat"

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The brain uses cholesterol statin drugs gives you Alzheimer's and destroys your brain

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It appears he said siRNA shots [a kind of MRNA shot] may cure people by reversing the MRNA shots they took!!

I blocked him and his buddy John Leake.

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i am wondering also.. noticed this is not the first time he presents weird of contradictions in his writings

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I was on statins for 30 years then fired my MD. Statins do reduce ldl cholesterol. Strange how people with high cholesterol live longer. The 4S study showed no change in ACM and a 1 percent absolute reduction in CVD. Our bodies need cholesterol for sex hormones, cell membrane structure, brain, liver etc. Our brains make their own cholesterol and statins go through the blood brain barrier. Statins reduce K2 and CoQ10. Stains related to CVD, T2D, skin cancer, brain fog, muscle pain, ED, etc etc.

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