In my very first post about Covid, in May of 2020, I wrote the following: “There is a pandemic, but it is a pandemic of testing and not of any disease….”
I agree these antibody tests don't always elicit a "reaction" or positive response. As for them being unreliable, I just want to know have they ever been reliable for any virus or diagnosis purpose? Or should we now just discard all positive antibody results (in the history of modern medicine) as dubious or signifying nothing?
I agree that most people who dismiss or criticize my "early spread" hypothesis, do this by saying the hundreds of "early" positive antibody results I've found are ALL "false positives" and shouldn't be trusted.
I always reply, "Well, When did the antibody tests become trust-worthy?" At some point, the experts said they worked and were accurate. For example, they are accurate today (per the experts). However, any antibody test given in April 2020 was definitely bogus and shouldn't be trusted? Huh? What the heck? .... Even if the people who tested positive had all the Covid symptoms and even if they kept getting later positive antibody results with different antibody tests?
The reliability of those tests depends on the prevalence of the pathogen. If you do a couple of thousand tests and 2% come back positive, then all of them may be false positives because that's just how (un)reliable most of those tests are. But if, let's say, 20% come back positive, then you can conclude that The Virus has indeed been spreading through the subset of the population that has been tested.
So that would mean the USS Roosevelt antibody study - which found 60 percent positives by mid-April 2020 - was accurate, or more accurate. Still, 60 percent of those positive sailors didn't have obvious Covid symptoms in the weeks the virus was presumably spreading through that ship. So when did 3,000 sailors on that ship really contract the virus?
I think the official narrative (which is always wrong IMO) is that the early "positive" results are always false, but the "negative" results are always accurate. I also note that the vast majority of people who got an antibody test in late April or May 2020 actually tested "negative" for antibodies. We're supposed to believe all of those "negative" results, but at the same time throw out all the same tests that came back positive.
My real theory is that there is simply no way to "confirm" early spread. You can't confirm it from PCR tests (because nobody got a PCR test until after the lockdowns and after mid-March 2020). You can't trust the antibody tests (because hardly anyone could get those either and if they did, you can't trust the positive results, which we are told were all "false negatives.")
The Influenza Like Illness data I report is simply a coincidence ... or my critics reply I'm wrong and this was just a "normal" flu season (despite the record number of school closings and the CDC's Weekly Surveillance Reports that show ILI was widespread and severe in 49 U.S. states).
The fact no public health official investigated possible early cases is because all the "virus sleuths" and "contact tracers" were too busy testing people in May 2020 and couldn't go back and talk to people who were sick in December 2019.
Every avenue of inquiry that might provide evidence of "early spread" is shot down.
Basically, it's impossible to "confirm" early spread ... which (IMO) is just the way our Pandemic organizers like it.
Find archived samples and do some sequencing, like they did here: This in fact strongly suggests (proves?) that The Virus was already in Italy on September 12, 2019. Which raises the question: Why aren't there more studies of this sort? Maybe because the results would qualify as "dangerous misinformation"?
Yes, I suspect it's no coincidence that rapid antigen testing was prohibited for general public usage in Western Australia while we had borders closed. The official line was that we had no SARS-CoV-2 spread, and it would have been very inconvenient if the public could easily have proven otherwise.
By the way, I'm in some Facebook groups where people were indeed commenting in very late 2019 about an 'unusual bug' (causing lower respiratory discomfort) that was going around. ("I went in to get treatment and the nurses mentioned there'd been a lot of this" kind of thing.) I don't recall seeing mention in these groups or official news about a spike in deaths at that time, however. So Jonathan's comments about what 'novel' tends to mean in practice do resonate with me.
Exactly. Based on my reading….NK cells, T-cells and non-antigen specific secretory igA antibodies form the immune response in the mucosa against a respiratory infection, thus no serum response needs to occur. Viral spillover may occur across the mucosa (lung or gut - from swallowed mucus), mostly from prolonged or severe infections. However, given that many viral particles are non-replication competent and that viral replication itself ceases after about a week, the presence of serum antibodies does not inherently mean a systemic infection. Serum antibodies are also used for viral clean-up. It must be furthered pointed out that the a severe respiratory viral infection seems far more likely to harm indirectly as a result of taxing the immune system and enabling a secondary bacterial infection, which in turn is more likely to cause death given bacteria do not seem quit replicating of their own accord.
And if you deny antibiotics…because “they don’t work against viruses”…..
But based on that mucosal response, the wonderful, amazing, super wicked vaccines and their "powerfull antibody response" against long extinct strains of viruses, would have barely any positive effect at all.
And that can't be right because of Pfizers super perfect, problem free clinical trails, that weren't at all rushed.
And then all those brilliant models, that perfectly replicate the world, like a perfect simulation of the Universe, but inside a computer, that showed tens of millions of lives saved.
Further, the experts, what about all the experts? They also said stuff with long names and sciency sounding words and they were all like pHD's and a bunch of other very important letters that stand for smart sciency person.
And the politicians who didn't at all treat us like we were 3 year olds and only wanted to save us due to their incredibly upstanding moral strength.
And none of these people made any money or protected / secured any grants and it was all out in the open and didn't require endless FOIA's or people suing them or anything.
What next conspiracy theorist are you going to try and tell me that I wore 7 masks and almost passed out from oxygen depravation for nothing?
Ha ha (in a tragic way). The thing is, since they have no control over the mucosal response, they treat it as if it doesn't exist, so if you didn't get terribly sick or die its not because your mucosal system did a a lot of heavy lifting but because you had antibodies (serum)...from a shot. And if you didn't get the shot and got really sick they'd denied you antibiotics so you'd die from a secondary bacterial.infection, then they'd blame it on "covid". You know we cannot give you antibiotics cause " everyone knows antibiotics don't work on viruses...."
They sort of kind of, acknowledge the Mucosal response with their attempts to make nasal inhaler vaccines......but those don't work well either.
Surprise, surprise.
The human body is complex, thousands of bodies going through a pandemic is even more complex, we should be thinking a lot more in terms of chaos theory then the human body as a machine made of pipes and pumps.
It's very humbling to realize no one has any idea and that these systems can never be modelled or predicted and unfortunately the talking heads / experts etc seem to be very low on humility.
I think the evidence is overwhelming and undeniable that "something" was making far more Americans "sick" in the months before this novel virus was said to have reached America.
The link below is one of the most-comprehensive research projects I've done in 19 months as a Substack author . The article presents contemporaneous media reports (and CDC and state health agency weekly ILI Surviellance Reports). It's clear from this very long story that ILI outbreaks were "severe" and "widespread" all across America ... and these outbreaks began as early as November 2019 and lasted for 23 or more weeks, longer than in any other reported flu season. (The "ILI percentage" was at or above, often far above, the traditional "baseline" or expected value).
The two antibody tests/studies from New York in this article seem to corroborate possible/likely "early spread."
For me, the key take-away/conclusion is that we had a very contagious virus that was making tens of millions of Americans sick, but this virus (bug, whatever it was) wasn't killing people in any conspicuous numbers. This means the virus was NOT "deadly." However, it was (quite) contagious.
The first big wave(s) of Covid happened in America between November 2019 and early March 2020 - before the PCR tests were administered to hardly anyone. IMO It's not a coincidence these PCR tests were delayed for so long.
I think the evidence of "early spread" has been intentionally concealed ... to cover-up the fact this virus is NOT deadly.
Yes, the deadly part enters when medical negligence as if often does, ignored vulnerable people and instead pts told to stay home til their lips turned blue. Pneumonia like symptoms ignored, antibiotics withheld and finally when one of these poor souls came to hospital, they were thrown on a ventilator and given remdesivir. Job done.
😂😂I know it isn’t funny, but it happened here in the UK. As a matter of fact the secretary of “health” ensured there was a massive supply for the elderly.
We had a sickness going around the schools just before Christmas in 2019. I'm in a small town in Southern Manitoba and we had 30% or more of the kids missing from school. Nothing serious, of course - just a bad cold or flu season.
Of course when covid hit a few months later and people brought that up, we were assured that it was completely unrelated...
I also did an original deep research dive on "school closings in America" prior to the arrival of official Covid. What I found was that there was an all-time record number of schools closed "due to illnesses" in these months.
Sounds like the same thing was happening in some towns in Canada too.
An atmospheric chemist studying rain cloud seed nuclei noted in an interview a decade ago that viral particles hitched a ride on the dust. How far? Well, all the way from China.
When I asked what viral particles that Dr. Prather had found, I got no answer.
The bit that still needs clarity is why the need to bang specifically
mRNA products into so many so quickly?
I think money is to simple an answer and many countries didn't use them, I think China is one example and they were meant to be at the centre of the pandemic.
There must have been some very interesting conversations behind closed doors.
It's worth reading the Terra Carta document as I feel this maybe connected to so many events.
The acceptance/normalizing of the mRNA platform and all that that entails was a significant part of this operation and has been in the works for over a decade mainly due to the financial exigencies of the crumbling Pharma business empire.
I would add that public acceptance is but one part of THIS aspect of the Covid scam.
The industry has been making this aggressive shift away from whatever else they do and into the vaccine arena where they have limited liability. So there are all kinds of mRNA treatments- toxic "gene therapies", that are being developed, that are being called vaccines that have nothing to do with infectious diseases.
There are mRNA vaccines under development for obesity, for cocaine addiction, for things you would never think of as having to do with a vaccine and if they can get it on the vaccine list they’ll have indemnity. The patents on a lot of the blockbuster drugs have recently run out or are running out and so they’re looking for another basket to put their eggs in and they’re putting it in the vaccine basket.
The "Covid" mRNA vaccines are just a door opener. The CDC has been saying for years already that they want to re-vaccinate every adult with all the childhood vaccines, but there are literally hundreds of new vaccines in development that are already at the FDA waiting for approval. There’s an enormous shift into the vaccine arena and away from other areas where the profits are not as big and the liability is still there.
So we'll see more and more kinds of mRNA vaccines developed, or things called vaccines that you would never think of as having anything to do with vaccines, so they can get into this no-liability arena. When possible they will try to get these "novel vaccines" on the childhood schedule which is guaranteed and subsidized money.
Every man, woman and child on the planet to be a recipient of vaccines from the moment of birth until the day they die- maybe even in the afterlife. There’s no limit to the number of vaccines, as far as the industry’s concerned, that any person can get at any stage and age in their life- every kid and every adult turned into human pin cushions for the Pharma Cartel.
One of the numerous aspects of the Covid Operation is to invent this new mRNA market for Pharmaceuticals.
It is impossible to underestimate the value that Pharma and the medical cartel bring to large financial investment firms. Pharmaceuticals and the "health management system" in the US is currently the largest sector of the US economy.
I agree 100 percent, Eric. I've always thought the most important thing was to roll out far more mRNA "vaccines." And they can create these much faster - in less than 100 days, I believe.
I also now think the other "most important thing" is to ramp up the Censorship Industrial Complex so they can label any dissent as "dangerous disinformation." This will allow all of their programs to reach fruition - not just the vaccine part of their programs. Think: Climate Change, digital currency, election rigging, etc.
Transcript Excerpt from Pfizer Inc at Leerink Partners Global Biopharma Conference, March 12, 2024
David Reed Risinger, Leerink Partners LLC, Research Division - Senior MD & Senior Research Analyst:
"So with respect to the vaccine readouts ahead, so what should we be watching and when?"
Mikael Dolsten, Pfizer Inc. - Chief Scientific Officer and President, Pfizer Research & Development:
"We'll soon have a readout for the RSV 18 to 59 years, and that gives us the opportunity to expand from all 60 plus, to those that have comorbidities, which is pretty common nowadays, unfortunately among younger people and play an important role. It's the widest age span of any of the vaccine players that could then reach for the fall season.
And of course, we recently shared 2 season data that will be published with -- which looked really good, strong. And otherwise, we have the -- in addition to RSV the modFlu data, the Phase 3 trial that's ongoing that is also reading out this year, and it's also in the younger adult population that we think will benefit from combination vaccine to vaccinate frequently for flu, they vaccinate less frequently for COVID, which by combining the 2, we think will improve public health and hopefully bring it to similar level that you see for the older adults. So these are, I would say, some of the things really happening this year in the seasonal vaccine area."
"And with respect to modFlu, could you just talk about influenza A versus B coverage and what you had updated on last year and what to watch in the coming months? I think the readout is coming relatively soon for that trial."
"Yes. This is the -- we call it the second generation modFlu that is combined with the COVID. The first generation showed that the mRNA platform when used properly can be very powerful, as it was an event trial that we said was superior to standard of care. And to the best of my knowledge, that hasn't been reported in recent time for any new vaccine in the 18 to 59 superior to standard of care.
Now that was an event trial, and we had basically a few, if any, B cases. And on immune response, our levels against B was lower than standard of care. Of course, if outcomes contains more than antibody immune levels, but we have made some improvement, we formulated it and have now been able to show in Phase 2 that we have very robust immune response, not just to A, but also to B, although B is increasingly less common.
And actually, recently, it has been proposed that for next season, one of the B strain should be removed. It should be a trivalent vaccine to A1b. So we feel, because of the improvement, very positive about being able now to generate immune data that's strong for the 2A and the B that will be used. And we rely on previously robust superior efficacy for the primary end point.
So that tells me it's possible to make improvement in a disease that has been for a long time like flu, and we bring it together with the COVID. And what we see is that we can retain the good antibody response for COVID. So I think it can be a really nice improvement for the 2025 season when we hope to have it possibly approved in the U.S. and worldwide."
"And just so I understand the timing. What was the timing of pivoting to the newer version with the better B coverage?
"We have been running this event trial over a couple of seasons, so it's part of our continuous efforts to put in new science. And the mRNA platform is an area where we at Pfizer constantly improve the mRNA string, the LNPs and how we package the amount of RNA and LNPs.
And as we made the improvement, we transferred it to flu, and we could note in a Phase 2 trial that dose improvement had particular importance for the B strain. And as the trial from the event trial came, we thought this brings us an opportunity to take the best what we learned in the first and incorporate with new technology to have what we think could be a best-in-class and a first flu-COVID combo vaccine.
It is important. We've seen in pediatric sector that you improve vaccination rates when you come with combination vaccines. And we think that's going to happen now in the adult sector and allow us simplicity, convenience and access to larger population."
I had covid July 2019. All the flulike, cold like symptoms while onboard a cruise ship in the No. Atlantic. Very unwell nonstop coughing, congested, fever, saw ship doc, given antibiotic, cough syrup and decongestant. Returned home still coughing, lungs noisy. Went to GP surgery, lungs checked, and told to give it another week before a possible chest X-ray. Things resolved. I asked what it was that made me so ill. The response from the nurse practitioner “I don’t know, we are seeing some odd viruses right now”.
The phrase “we are seeing some odd viruses right now” didn’t start in 2020. It has been uttered before. It never previously meant “we are under a bioweapon attack”.
Anyway, say there was something novel.
Since that didn’t register anywhere in terms of excess mortality or reports anywhere of unusual clusters of disease, what’s its relevance to the events constituting “the pandemic”?
A good friend of mine was in India in the summer of 2019 and she came back to Canada with something that made her "the sickest she's ever been in her life". She said the same thing: the doctors didn't know what it was, but it was nasty.
Just to add to the anecdotes, my sister is a lawyer with a large office in NYC but she lives in another state. She had arranged one of her periodic visit to the NYC office to be late in 2019 ( I don’t remember the exact date, but recall it to be Nov/Dec). She called me from NY and said she had nothing to do there because all the people with whom she had meetings scheduled were at home sick. The office was basically empty.
And "IT" was unnoticed as the public doesn't notice very much due to years of social engineering.
"IT" was a large scale operation that has its roots dating back 40 years ago a thoroughly corrupt medical system that serves the interests of the financial conglomerates that designed and orchestrated "IT."
All talk about some disease, some pathogen, anti-body this and studies that and spread and on and on are completely superfluous.
"IT" was an is complete bullshit. All you needed to understand this hoax was the historical knowledge of how and who designed and pulled off the AIDS scam, the Avian Flu Scam, the Swine Flu scam. If you understood more that as relates to Ebola fraud, Zika fraud etc. you get bonus points. If you had looked at the historical frauds that define the medical and pharma cartel dating back over a hundred years you knew the Covid Con was a racketeering operation from day one.
All you needed to know for this particular scam was that the good old reliable lie machines of Drosten, Ferguson, Fauci, Gates et al were being foisted upon the world yet again Jan. of 2020. End of story.
The rest of the detailed analysis is good for historians and those of us who traffic in that world however all the details in the world can be put aside for the fact that they lie and lied about everything.
Regarding "sero-positive" antibody studies, one anecdote has gotten almost no attention. A lab/medical clinic in DelRay Beach, Florida actually started testing local residents for antibodies in March 2020 (far earlier than most clinics). According to a Palm Beach Post story from early May, the manager of that clinic said the clinic had tested approximately "500" residents by the time she was interviewed (in early May). Of those 500 results, "40 percent" were positive!
The paper identified 11 people from the same neighborhood who all tested positive for antibodies and all said they had symptoms in November or December 2019.
Furthermore, the clinic manager said she'd passed along those positive results to the Florida Department of Public Health. The article said the FDPH wouldn't confirm this, but I doubt she made that up.
If anyone has taken note of this eye-opening "early spread" anecdote, the response to dismiss it must be that this was a "junk test." That's another way the authorities dismiss evidence of early spread. Any labs/clinics that produced such results was obviously using a bogus test. (I still don't know why these people wouldn't sue such a fraudulent lab for producing obvious bogus antibody tests or why health authorities didn't shut this lab down). I also note that the Florida Department of Public Health or the CDC never interviewed that manager or any of the 200 people who tested positive .... which is a giant tell to me.
One of my New Abnormal Maxims: "Officials never investigate that which they don't want to confirm."
Really excellent post. Putting forth all these conflicting data sets and clearly, logically posing these questions is invaluable. Everyone I know that got "Covid" all said it was the weirdest thing...unlike any other sickness they had experienced. ALL of them got "Covid" AFTER they were vaccinated. Additionally, I work at a small office, about a dozen of us confined in a small space with no windows, breathing the same air... I literally had specifically two of my co-workers breathing ON me (so close I could smell their breath) who later turned out to have "Covid", and I never got "it". The whole thing just didn't and DOES NOT make sense. That so many people were mandated to take an experimental vaccine for an illness with such a high recovery rate is still so mind blowing to me. Thanks for adding some sanity to the discussion.
Thank-you for mentioning this! The US military athletes made a pit-stop at the notoriously-leaky Ft. Dietrich biolab en route to the Wuhan Games and the US had some military exercises near a large factory farm.
(I forget whether this involved chickens or hogs, as Trump had been alternatively demanding that China buy more meat from one or the other from the US, and every time China didn't, some mysterious illness killed off a lot of whichever one that Trump had been demanding China purchase more of.
In any event, a mysterious illness affected the animals at that farm just after this and all of the species happening to be in contention at the time were, as seems common, put down, rather than treated, which seems absurd.
(I'd been expecting something of the kind, as I would ordinarily not have been paying much attention to any military games extravaganza, but was watching this for dirty tricks.)
The US athletes were not feeling well, and consequently did not do well at the games, but did spend a lot of time at the wet market, apparently handily near to their hotel. There was something in the news about at least some of them having to be flown back to the States for hospitalisation.
I'm undoubtedly forgetting some of the more interesting details, but perhaps this might trigger someone else's memories to fill in a bit?
Experienced Epidemiologist Prof. Dr Franz Allerberger, The Head of AGES, the Austrian center of disease controll, said in spring or early summer 2021 in an interview with Cibis that in his opinion nobody would have noticed the pandemic if there had not been the tests.
The interviewer Robert Cibis had a strong level of push-back from YouTube, etc. for conducting such open-minded interviews that questioned the official coronavirus narrative.
Andrew Cuomo, October 2023: "When COVID started, it was--All the disinformation was amazing, right? It was coming from China, wet market, zootrophic [sic] virus. It was going to California and the state of Washington. So we banned travel to-- to China-- from China. It turned out that China had already spread it to Europe. All the European flights were coming to New York, JFK. So, it had been here for months, and it was astronomical."
it wasn't a deadly virus. Even people who got sick enough to end up in the hospital would spend 2 or 3 days there and then they were recovered enough to go home. This was true up until the hospitals stopped using what was working and started using the killing protocol of remdesivir and putting patients on vents. These hospital protocols caused most of the deaths as this Medical Coder explains in this video.
It goes to what in my admittedly lay opinion is the fundamental mistake that I see a lot of the medical/pharmacalogical industry making: that the risk to health is the exposure to the pathogen versus the individual's response to it. As I understand it, we're under constant assault from literally trillions of pathogens every moment of our life, this is why we quickly decompose upon death. Our "health" is a measure of the quality of our response to those pathogens. Sure, there are certain pathogens that are inherently so virulent that nobody can respond effectively, and some of them are just "novel" and we need to learn to respond effectively, but those are exceptions that prove the rule.
I owe you more likes than could ever fit the page, were I able to fill it. Biology so often seems to be left out of the 'medical' equation, that being one reason that good doctors are so very hard to find.
And as are the components of a good diet and supplements when on a fixed income, with the looming threat of both being removed by the WEF/WHO/UN moving in to ludicrously claim that back-yard gardening is more polluting that a large Monsanto-style GMO poison-chemical-saturated monster farm.
right. the human body houses 3 trillion bacteria and 30 trillion viruses! We have evolved along with these "pathogens" which are not pathogenic at all because we've learned to live with them. I suspect many are actually beneficial. The whole "germ" theory is completely wrong and based on superstition: Something is out there and it's going to KILL US!!! We have to protect ourselves, mask up, avoid other people, and take that magic elixir known as the vaccine. It's all a bunch of made up stuff that has no basis in reality.
"Too large a population, and for the most part unnecessary, is something economically too expensive. Socially, it is also much better for the human machine to come to an abrupt halt rather than gradually deteriorating. We won’t be able to run intelligence tests on millions and millions of people, you can imagine!
We will find something or cause it, a pandemic that targets certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus that will affect the old or the fat, it doesn’t matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and the stupid will believe it and ask to be treated.
We will have taken care to have planned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution.
The selection of idiots will thus be done on its own: they will go to the slaughterhouse on their own.” Jacques Attali, Eugenicist.
In my very first post about Covid, in May of 2020, I wrote the following: “There is a pandemic, but it is a pandemic of testing and not of any disease….”
1. Respiratory viruses do not necessarily elicit antibody response. 2. Antibodies are famously unspecific.
Tim Uyeki, CDC Influenza Division, Clinical Laboratory COVID-19 Response Call, October 19, 2020, referring here to influenza:
"And don't order serology. Sadly, there are commercial laboratories that offer influenza
serology, and clinicians do order it. It's a single serum specimen. It's uninterpretable. You need
paired acute and convalescence sera collected two weeks apart and tested at a specialized
public health laboratory."
He might have heard it from me😉
No doubt!!
I agree these antibody tests don't always elicit a "reaction" or positive response. As for them being unreliable, I just want to know have they ever been reliable for any virus or diagnosis purpose? Or should we now just discard all positive antibody results (in the history of modern medicine) as dubious or signifying nothing?
I agree that most people who dismiss or criticize my "early spread" hypothesis, do this by saying the hundreds of "early" positive antibody results I've found are ALL "false positives" and shouldn't be trusted.
I always reply, "Well, When did the antibody tests become trust-worthy?" At some point, the experts said they worked and were accurate. For example, they are accurate today (per the experts). However, any antibody test given in April 2020 was definitely bogus and shouldn't be trusted? Huh? What the heck? .... Even if the people who tested positive had all the Covid symptoms and even if they kept getting later positive antibody results with different antibody tests?
The reliability of those tests depends on the prevalence of the pathogen. If you do a couple of thousand tests and 2% come back positive, then all of them may be false positives because that's just how (un)reliable most of those tests are. But if, let's say, 20% come back positive, then you can conclude that The Virus has indeed been spreading through the subset of the population that has been tested.
So that would mean the USS Roosevelt antibody study - which found 60 percent positives by mid-April 2020 - was accurate, or more accurate. Still, 60 percent of those positive sailors didn't have obvious Covid symptoms in the weeks the virus was presumably spreading through that ship. So when did 3,000 sailors on that ship really contract the virus?
I think the official narrative (which is always wrong IMO) is that the early "positive" results are always false, but the "negative" results are always accurate. I also note that the vast majority of people who got an antibody test in late April or May 2020 actually tested "negative" for antibodies. We're supposed to believe all of those "negative" results, but at the same time throw out all the same tests that came back positive.
My real theory is that there is simply no way to "confirm" early spread. You can't confirm it from PCR tests (because nobody got a PCR test until after the lockdowns and after mid-March 2020). You can't trust the antibody tests (because hardly anyone could get those either and if they did, you can't trust the positive results, which we are told were all "false negatives.")
The Influenza Like Illness data I report is simply a coincidence ... or my critics reply I'm wrong and this was just a "normal" flu season (despite the record number of school closings and the CDC's Weekly Surveillance Reports that show ILI was widespread and severe in 49 U.S. states).
The fact no public health official investigated possible early cases is because all the "virus sleuths" and "contact tracers" were too busy testing people in May 2020 and couldn't go back and talk to people who were sick in December 2019.
Every avenue of inquiry that might provide evidence of "early spread" is shot down.
Basically, it's impossible to "confirm" early spread ... which (IMO) is just the way our Pandemic organizers like it.
I can pose the above as a question: "Okay, is there ANY way I can PROVE early spread? What way is that?"
Find archived samples and do some sequencing, like they did here: This in fact strongly suggests (proves?) that The Virus was already in Italy on September 12, 2019. Which raises the question: Why aren't there more studies of this sort? Maybe because the results would qualify as "dangerous misinformation"?
Yes, I suspect it's no coincidence that rapid antigen testing was prohibited for general public usage in Western Australia while we had borders closed. The official line was that we had no SARS-CoV-2 spread, and it would have been very inconvenient if the public could easily have proven otherwise.
By the way, I'm in some Facebook groups where people were indeed commenting in very late 2019 about an 'unusual bug' (causing lower respiratory discomfort) that was going around. ("I went in to get treatment and the nurses mentioned there'd been a lot of this" kind of thing.) I don't recall seeing mention in these groups or official news about a spike in deaths at that time, however. So Jonathan's comments about what 'novel' tends to mean in practice do resonate with me.
I should add that SARS-CoV-2 serum antibody testing was prohibited for the general public in Australia until late 2020. Not suspicious at all.
Exactly. Based on my reading….NK cells, T-cells and non-antigen specific secretory igA antibodies form the immune response in the mucosa against a respiratory infection, thus no serum response needs to occur. Viral spillover may occur across the mucosa (lung or gut - from swallowed mucus), mostly from prolonged or severe infections. However, given that many viral particles are non-replication competent and that viral replication itself ceases after about a week, the presence of serum antibodies does not inherently mean a systemic infection. Serum antibodies are also used for viral clean-up. It must be furthered pointed out that the a severe respiratory viral infection seems far more likely to harm indirectly as a result of taxing the immune system and enabling a secondary bacterial infection, which in turn is more likely to cause death given bacteria do not seem quit replicating of their own accord.
And if you deny antibiotics…because “they don’t work against viruses”…..
But based on that mucosal response, the wonderful, amazing, super wicked vaccines and their "powerfull antibody response" against long extinct strains of viruses, would have barely any positive effect at all.
And that can't be right because of Pfizers super perfect, problem free clinical trails, that weren't at all rushed.
And then all those brilliant models, that perfectly replicate the world, like a perfect simulation of the Universe, but inside a computer, that showed tens of millions of lives saved.
Further, the experts, what about all the experts? They also said stuff with long names and sciency sounding words and they were all like pHD's and a bunch of other very important letters that stand for smart sciency person.
And the politicians who didn't at all treat us like we were 3 year olds and only wanted to save us due to their incredibly upstanding moral strength.
And none of these people made any money or protected / secured any grants and it was all out in the open and didn't require endless FOIA's or people suing them or anything.
What next conspiracy theorist are you going to try and tell me that I wore 7 masks and almost passed out from oxygen depravation for nothing?
Ha ha (in a tragic way). The thing is, since they have no control over the mucosal response, they treat it as if it doesn't exist, so if you didn't get terribly sick or die its not because your mucosal system did a a lot of heavy lifting but because you had antibodies (serum)...from a shot. And if you didn't get the shot and got really sick they'd denied you antibiotics so you'd die from a secondary bacterial.infection, then they'd blame it on "covid". You know we cannot give you antibiotics cause " everyone knows antibiotics don't work on viruses...."
Tragic is the right word.
They sort of kind of, acknowledge the Mucosal response with their attempts to make nasal inhaler vaccines......but those don't work well either.
Surprise, surprise.
The human body is complex, thousands of bodies going through a pandemic is even more complex, we should be thinking a lot more in terms of chaos theory then the human body as a machine made of pipes and pumps.
It's very humbling to realize no one has any idea and that these systems can never be modelled or predicted and unfortunately the talking heads / experts etc seem to be very low on humility.
I think the evidence is overwhelming and undeniable that "something" was making far more Americans "sick" in the months before this novel virus was said to have reached America.
The link below is one of the most-comprehensive research projects I've done in 19 months as a Substack author . The article presents contemporaneous media reports (and CDC and state health agency weekly ILI Surviellance Reports). It's clear from this very long story that ILI outbreaks were "severe" and "widespread" all across America ... and these outbreaks began as early as November 2019 and lasted for 23 or more weeks, longer than in any other reported flu season. (The "ILI percentage" was at or above, often far above, the traditional "baseline" or expected value).
The two antibody tests/studies from New York in this article seem to corroborate possible/likely "early spread."
For me, the key take-away/conclusion is that we had a very contagious virus that was making tens of millions of Americans sick, but this virus (bug, whatever it was) wasn't killing people in any conspicuous numbers. This means the virus was NOT "deadly." However, it was (quite) contagious.
The first big wave(s) of Covid happened in America between November 2019 and early March 2020 - before the PCR tests were administered to hardly anyone. IMO It's not a coincidence these PCR tests were delayed for so long.
I think the evidence of "early spread" has been intentionally concealed ... to cover-up the fact this virus is NOT deadly.
Yes, the deadly part enters when medical negligence as if often does, ignored vulnerable people and instead pts told to stay home til their lips turned blue. Pneumonia like symptoms ignored, antibiotics withheld and finally when one of these poor souls came to hospital, they were thrown on a ventilator and given remdesivir. Job done.
With a nip of Midazolam to help them on their way.
😂😂I know it isn’t funny, but it happened here in the UK. As a matter of fact the secretary of “health” ensured there was a massive supply for the elderly.
No one could have accused him of wanting anyone to suffer. Bless.
You are making me laugh, stop it, this is not funny. But it is true.
Last word…. I don’t think we were killing our own grannies fast enough…… you’re right it’s not a matter for levity but perhaps it’s black humour.
We had a sickness going around the schools just before Christmas in 2019. I'm in a small town in Southern Manitoba and we had 30% or more of the kids missing from school. Nothing serious, of course - just a bad cold or flu season.
Of course when covid hit a few months later and people brought that up, we were assured that it was completely unrelated...
I also did an original deep research dive on "school closings in America" prior to the arrival of official Covid. What I found was that there was an all-time record number of schools closed "due to illnesses" in these months.
Sounds like the same thing was happening in some towns in Canada too.
An atmospheric chemist studying rain cloud seed nuclei noted in an interview a decade ago that viral particles hitched a ride on the dust. How far? Well, all the way from China.
When I asked what viral particles that Dr. Prather had found, I got no answer.
I added a postscript addressing this btw.
The bit that still needs clarity is why the need to bang specifically
mRNA products into so many so quickly?
I think money is to simple an answer and many countries didn't use them, I think China is one example and they were meant to be at the centre of the pandemic.
There must have been some very interesting conversations behind closed doors.
It's worth reading the Terra Carta document as I feel this maybe connected to so many events.
The acceptance/normalizing of the mRNA platform and all that that entails was a significant part of this operation and has been in the works for over a decade mainly due to the financial exigencies of the crumbling Pharma business empire.
I would add that public acceptance is but one part of THIS aspect of the Covid scam.
On that point here's a comment I made in 2022:
The industry has been making this aggressive shift away from whatever else they do and into the vaccine arena where they have limited liability. So there are all kinds of mRNA treatments- toxic "gene therapies", that are being developed, that are being called vaccines that have nothing to do with infectious diseases.
There are mRNA vaccines under development for obesity, for cocaine addiction, for things you would never think of as having to do with a vaccine and if they can get it on the vaccine list they’ll have indemnity. The patents on a lot of the blockbuster drugs have recently run out or are running out and so they’re looking for another basket to put their eggs in and they’re putting it in the vaccine basket.
The "Covid" mRNA vaccines are just a door opener. The CDC has been saying for years already that they want to re-vaccinate every adult with all the childhood vaccines, but there are literally hundreds of new vaccines in development that are already at the FDA waiting for approval. There’s an enormous shift into the vaccine arena and away from other areas where the profits are not as big and the liability is still there.
So we'll see more and more kinds of mRNA vaccines developed, or things called vaccines that you would never think of as having anything to do with vaccines, so they can get into this no-liability arena. When possible they will try to get these "novel vaccines" on the childhood schedule which is guaranteed and subsidized money.
Every man, woman and child on the planet to be a recipient of vaccines from the moment of birth until the day they die- maybe even in the afterlife. There’s no limit to the number of vaccines, as far as the industry’s concerned, that any person can get at any stage and age in their life- every kid and every adult turned into human pin cushions for the Pharma Cartel.
One of the numerous aspects of the Covid Operation is to invent this new mRNA market for Pharmaceuticals.
It is impossible to underestimate the value that Pharma and the medical cartel bring to large financial investment firms. Pharmaceuticals and the "health management system" in the US is currently the largest sector of the US economy.
I agree 100 percent, Eric. I've always thought the most important thing was to roll out far more mRNA "vaccines." And they can create these much faster - in less than 100 days, I believe.
I also now think the other "most important thing" is to ramp up the Censorship Industrial Complex so they can label any dissent as "dangerous disinformation." This will allow all of their programs to reach fruition - not just the vaccine part of their programs. Think: Climate Change, digital currency, election rigging, etc.
Excellent comment. FYI - post on Pentagon-Moderna DART:
Yep - the major U.S. 'biodefense' contractor
A friend sent this:
Transcript Excerpt from Pfizer Inc at Leerink Partners Global Biopharma Conference, March 12, 2024
David Reed Risinger, Leerink Partners LLC, Research Division - Senior MD & Senior Research Analyst:
"So with respect to the vaccine readouts ahead, so what should we be watching and when?"
Mikael Dolsten, Pfizer Inc. - Chief Scientific Officer and President, Pfizer Research & Development:
"We'll soon have a readout for the RSV 18 to 59 years, and that gives us the opportunity to expand from all 60 plus, to those that have comorbidities, which is pretty common nowadays, unfortunately among younger people and play an important role. It's the widest age span of any of the vaccine players that could then reach for the fall season.
And of course, we recently shared 2 season data that will be published with -- which looked really good, strong. And otherwise, we have the -- in addition to RSV the modFlu data, the Phase 3 trial that's ongoing that is also reading out this year, and it's also in the younger adult population that we think will benefit from combination vaccine to vaccinate frequently for flu, they vaccinate less frequently for COVID, which by combining the 2, we think will improve public health and hopefully bring it to similar level that you see for the older adults. So these are, I would say, some of the things really happening this year in the seasonal vaccine area."
"And with respect to modFlu, could you just talk about influenza A versus B coverage and what you had updated on last year and what to watch in the coming months? I think the readout is coming relatively soon for that trial."
"Yes. This is the -- we call it the second generation modFlu that is combined with the COVID. The first generation showed that the mRNA platform when used properly can be very powerful, as it was an event trial that we said was superior to standard of care. And to the best of my knowledge, that hasn't been reported in recent time for any new vaccine in the 18 to 59 superior to standard of care.
Now that was an event trial, and we had basically a few, if any, B cases. And on immune response, our levels against B was lower than standard of care. Of course, if outcomes contains more than antibody immune levels, but we have made some improvement, we formulated it and have now been able to show in Phase 2 that we have very robust immune response, not just to A, but also to B, although B is increasingly less common.
And actually, recently, it has been proposed that for next season, one of the B strain should be removed. It should be a trivalent vaccine to A1b. So we feel, because of the improvement, very positive about being able now to generate immune data that's strong for the 2A and the B that will be used. And we rely on previously robust superior efficacy for the primary end point.
So that tells me it's possible to make improvement in a disease that has been for a long time like flu, and we bring it together with the COVID. And what we see is that we can retain the good antibody response for COVID. So I think it can be a really nice improvement for the 2025 season when we hope to have it possibly approved in the U.S. and worldwide."
"And just so I understand the timing. What was the timing of pivoting to the newer version with the better B coverage?
"We have been running this event trial over a couple of seasons, so it's part of our continuous efforts to put in new science. And the mRNA platform is an area where we at Pfizer constantly improve the mRNA string, the LNPs and how we package the amount of RNA and LNPs.
And as we made the improvement, we transferred it to flu, and we could note in a Phase 2 trial that dose improvement had particular importance for the B strain. And as the trial from the event trial came, we thought this brings us an opportunity to take the best what we learned in the first and incorporate with new technology to have what we think could be a best-in-class and a first flu-COVID combo vaccine.
It is important. We've seen in pediatric sector that you improve vaccination rates when you come with combination vaccines. And we think that's going to happen now in the adult sector and allow us simplicity, convenience and access to larger population."
Can you provide a link to the Terra Carta documents?
The best bit is it's a global initiative, no one got to vote on it and there was no debate on "the science"
And you don't get to vote the king and his chums out of office🍻
But you always can target St. James Palace and make his life miserable.
It's readily available online, just Google it should pop straight up👍
10-4. Thanks.
Why "contagious"?
Why/how "spreading"? Spreading from person to person?
I had covid July 2019. All the flulike, cold like symptoms while onboard a cruise ship in the No. Atlantic. Very unwell nonstop coughing, congested, fever, saw ship doc, given antibiotic, cough syrup and decongestant. Returned home still coughing, lungs noisy. Went to GP surgery, lungs checked, and told to give it another week before a possible chest X-ray. Things resolved. I asked what it was that made me so ill. The response from the nurse practitioner “I don’t know, we are seeing some odd viruses right now”.
The phrase “we are seeing some odd viruses right now” didn’t start in 2020. It has been uttered before. It never previously meant “we are under a bioweapon attack”.
Anyway, say there was something novel.
Since that didn’t register anywhere in terms of excess mortality or reports anywhere of unusual clusters of disease, what’s its relevance to the events constituting “the pandemic”?
A good friend of mine was in India in the summer of 2019 and she came back to Canada with something that made her "the sickest she's ever been in her life". She said the same thing: the doctors didn't know what it was, but it was nasty.
Just to add to the anecdotes, my sister is a lawyer with a large office in NYC but she lives in another state. She had arranged one of her periodic visit to the NYC office to be late in 2019 ( I don’t remember the exact date, but recall it to be Nov/Dec). She called me from NY and said she had nothing to do there because all the people with whom she had meetings scheduled were at home sick. The office was basically empty.
"IT" was in fact widespread VERY early and often.
And "IT" was unnoticed as the public doesn't notice very much due to years of social engineering.
"IT" was a large scale operation that has its roots dating back 40 years ago a thoroughly corrupt medical system that serves the interests of the financial conglomerates that designed and orchestrated "IT."
All talk about some disease, some pathogen, anti-body this and studies that and spread and on and on are completely superfluous.
"IT" was an is complete bullshit. All you needed to understand this hoax was the historical knowledge of how and who designed and pulled off the AIDS scam, the Avian Flu Scam, the Swine Flu scam. If you understood more that as relates to Ebola fraud, Zika fraud etc. you get bonus points. If you had looked at the historical frauds that define the medical and pharma cartel dating back over a hundred years you knew the Covid Con was a racketeering operation from day one.
All you needed to know for this particular scam was that the good old reliable lie machines of Drosten, Ferguson, Fauci, Gates et al were being foisted upon the world yet again Jan. of 2020. End of story.
The rest of the detailed analysis is good for historians and those of us who traffic in that world however all the details in the world can be put aside for the fact that they lie and lied about everything.
Regarding "sero-positive" antibody studies, one anecdote has gotten almost no attention. A lab/medical clinic in DelRay Beach, Florida actually started testing local residents for antibodies in March 2020 (far earlier than most clinics). According to a Palm Beach Post story from early May, the manager of that clinic said the clinic had tested approximately "500" residents by the time she was interviewed (in early May). Of those 500 results, "40 percent" were positive!
The paper identified 11 people from the same neighborhood who all tested positive for antibodies and all said they had symptoms in November or December 2019.
Furthermore, the clinic manager said she'd passed along those positive results to the Florida Department of Public Health. The article said the FDPH wouldn't confirm this, but I doubt she made that up.
If anyone has taken note of this eye-opening "early spread" anecdote, the response to dismiss it must be that this was a "junk test." That's another way the authorities dismiss evidence of early spread. Any labs/clinics that produced such results was obviously using a bogus test. (I still don't know why these people wouldn't sue such a fraudulent lab for producing obvious bogus antibody tests or why health authorities didn't shut this lab down). I also note that the Florida Department of Public Health or the CDC never interviewed that manager or any of the 200 people who tested positive .... which is a giant tell to me.
One of my New Abnormal Maxims: "Officials never investigate that which they don't want to confirm."
Really excellent post. Putting forth all these conflicting data sets and clearly, logically posing these questions is invaluable. Everyone I know that got "Covid" all said it was the weirdest thing...unlike any other sickness they had experienced. ALL of them got "Covid" AFTER they were vaccinated. Additionally, I work at a small office, about a dozen of us confined in a small space with no windows, breathing the same air... I literally had specifically two of my co-workers breathing ON me (so close I could smell their breath) who later turned out to have "Covid", and I never got "it". The whole thing just didn't and DOES NOT make sense. That so many people were mandated to take an experimental vaccine for an illness with such a high recovery rate is still so mind blowing to me. Thanks for adding some sanity to the discussion.
So little has been said about the World Military Games held in Wuhan in Oct 2019 as a super-spreader. 9000 global athletes and their families.
Thank-you for mentioning this! The US military athletes made a pit-stop at the notoriously-leaky Ft. Dietrich biolab en route to the Wuhan Games and the US had some military exercises near a large factory farm.
(I forget whether this involved chickens or hogs, as Trump had been alternatively demanding that China buy more meat from one or the other from the US, and every time China didn't, some mysterious illness killed off a lot of whichever one that Trump had been demanding China purchase more of.
In any event, a mysterious illness affected the animals at that farm just after this and all of the species happening to be in contention at the time were, as seems common, put down, rather than treated, which seems absurd.
(I'd been expecting something of the kind, as I would ordinarily not have been paying much attention to any military games extravaganza, but was watching this for dirty tricks.)
The US athletes were not feeling well, and consequently did not do well at the games, but did spend a lot of time at the wet market, apparently handily near to their hotel. There was something in the news about at least some of them having to be flown back to the States for hospitalisation.
I'm undoubtedly forgetting some of the more interesting details, but perhaps this might trigger someone else's memories to fill in a bit?
The much heralded deaths which panics everyone were caused by the Covid19 treatment protocols which included Remdesivir!
Experienced Epidemiologist Prof. Dr Franz Allerberger, The Head of AGES, the Austrian center of disease controll, said in spring or early summer 2021 in an interview with Cibis that in his opinion nobody would have noticed the pandemic if there had not been the tests.
The interviewer Robert Cibis had a strong level of push-back from YouTube, etc. for conducting such open-minded interviews that questioned the official coronavirus narrative.
Quite likely, the Plandemic was rebranded flu season!
Putting this here for reference:
Andrew Cuomo, October 2023: "When COVID started, it was--All the disinformation was amazing, right? It was coming from China, wet market, zootrophic [sic] virus. It was going to California and the state of Washington. So we banned travel to-- to China-- from China. It turned out that China had already spread it to Europe. All the European flights were coming to New York, JFK. So, it had been here for months, and it was astronomical."
it wasn't a deadly virus. Even people who got sick enough to end up in the hospital would spend 2 or 3 days there and then they were recovered enough to go home. This was true up until the hospitals stopped using what was working and started using the killing protocol of remdesivir and putting patients on vents. These hospital protocols caused most of the deaths as this Medical Coder explains in this video.
It goes to what in my admittedly lay opinion is the fundamental mistake that I see a lot of the medical/pharmacalogical industry making: that the risk to health is the exposure to the pathogen versus the individual's response to it. As I understand it, we're under constant assault from literally trillions of pathogens every moment of our life, this is why we quickly decompose upon death. Our "health" is a measure of the quality of our response to those pathogens. Sure, there are certain pathogens that are inherently so virulent that nobody can respond effectively, and some of them are just "novel" and we need to learn to respond effectively, but those are exceptions that prove the rule.
I owe you more likes than could ever fit the page, were I able to fill it. Biology so often seems to be left out of the 'medical' equation, that being one reason that good doctors are so very hard to find.
And as are the components of a good diet and supplements when on a fixed income, with the looming threat of both being removed by the WEF/WHO/UN moving in to ludicrously claim that back-yard gardening is more polluting that a large Monsanto-style GMO poison-chemical-saturated monster farm.
Sooooo sick of he vicious stupidity...
right. the human body houses 3 trillion bacteria and 30 trillion viruses! We have evolved along with these "pathogens" which are not pathogenic at all because we've learned to live with them. I suspect many are actually beneficial. The whole "germ" theory is completely wrong and based on superstition: Something is out there and it's going to KILL US!!! We have to protect ourselves, mask up, avoid other people, and take that magic elixir known as the vaccine. It's all a bunch of made up stuff that has no basis in reality.
"Too large a population, and for the most part unnecessary, is something economically too expensive. Socially, it is also much better for the human machine to come to an abrupt halt rather than gradually deteriorating. We won’t be able to run intelligence tests on millions and millions of people, you can imagine!
We will find something or cause it, a pandemic that targets certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus that will affect the old or the fat, it doesn’t matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and the stupid will believe it and ask to be treated.
We will have taken care to have planned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution.
The selection of idiots will thus be done on its own: they will go to the slaughterhouse on their own.” Jacques Attali, Eugenicist.
Utter nonsense from start to finish. Many meta-narratives are once one starts to look into them.
I'm not kidding, some lies as big as convid, if not bigger, are made up.
Complete clown world as we both like to say!
Please see my WORLD EXCLUSIVE substack covering the media censored Scottish COVID inquiry which clearly details out a mass democide event