Yes, the scenario is easy to imagine, you have a patient with a DNR on their case notes who develops a chest infection, UTI or some other unknown infection or illness but because of the DNR "request" treatment is withheld. The doctors and nurses make peace with themselves in the knowledge that the patient has asked for this and they easily interpret that as an unspoken agreement that they want to die. So without discussion with the patient or relatives they carry on giving basic care and withhold active treatment and maybe just sedate them so they are more "comfortable", no one is the wiser. Nothing has been discussed, what a very slippery slope to involuntary euthanasia.

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Thanks for the insights....I wish all authors would state their point so clearly as you did here.

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Like DNRs, the coordinated avalanche of "medical ethics" publications on "ventilator triage" in March-April 2020 was part of the psychological priming for withdrawal of care by general neglect.

1. "The Toughest Triage — Allocating Ventilators in a Pandemic"

https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp2005689 - NEJM, 23 March 2020

2. "A Framework for Rationing Ventilators and Critical Care Beds During the COVID-19 Pandemic"

https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2763953 - JAMA, 27 March 2020

3. "Considerations for ventilator triage during the COVID-19 pandemic"

https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanres/article/PIIS2213-2600(20)30192-2/fulltext - Lancet, 28 April 2020

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When talking about Doctors , their actions and their decision making during Covid, especially 2020, the same mistake is always made.

The assumption is always that they were acting completely rationally, acting as normal.

But they weren’t.

Early 2020 was not a normal time in the medical profession.

That's because Mass Psychosis had spread through the medical profession and the vast, vast majority had gone clinically insane.

No, they were not running naked down the street babbling nonsense but their perception of this illness(Covid) had become so distorted that they were incapable of making rational decisions.

The rulebook was thrown out of the window and confirmation bias replaced logic and the clear, contradictory data which was starting to emerge.

Whilst The Diamond Princess was showing a cold, the Doctors were convinced it was The Bubonic Plague.

If we remember back to early 2020, the ‘chatter’ amongst Doctors, across the globe, was all about the bizarre characteristics, symptoms and, unquestionable lethality of this virus to anyone who caught it.

The belief was that the infected would be walking and talking with dangerously low oxygen saturations which would then, at any time, erupt into the cytokine storm (remember that?) and certain death.

These were the bizarre happy hypoxics whose only hope, so the doctors believed, was to be put on a ventilator PREEMPTIVELY and let the machine breath for them.

So the ‘infected’ were allowed to ring their loved ones and calmly sign disclaimers before being ventilated in the tragically mistaken belief that this was their only hope of survival.

And may god have mercy on their souls.

Of course the ventilators burst their lungs and they died of ventilation, NOT Covid, but the Doctors would then put Covid on the death certificate regardless.

The GP’s were not immune and were quivering in fear under their desks believing that care homes were the new leper colonies. They were remotely authorising the care staff to administer midazolam and Morphine to ‘calm’ the worst affected but in actual fact, killing the elderly with the lethal cocktail of drugs.

Now the Doctors have come to their senses I suspect they know what they did and their only option is to double down and continue to insist that this pathetically mild virus was nothing of the sort and that they did nothing wrong.

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During covid, I got a nasty chest infection (covid positive). My own doctor did not prescribe steroids (via teledoc)I had to go to a functional doctor for that. The rot went deep.

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How about "DNK" - do not kill!?

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