Aug 10Liked by Jonathan Engler

Madness can't even begin to describe what happened in 2020. The fear instilled into humans from something we cannot see I will never forget, I am still angry about it. Governments, public health and scientists can try to incite fear again and I will not even blink, they are a disgrace and have caused untold deaths, injury and misery. All of them need to come with a public health warning.

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Aug 10Liked by Jonathan Engler

Probably more somewhere, they just haven't come to light yet. A Portuguese life guard would have ignored that nonsense. It's the barmy rituals we had in the UK that had more of a lasting impact because so many followed them....standing 6' apart in the open air leading to obedient lines of people waiting to be admitted to shops; taped off seats on trains...as though that would prevent the 'virus' being incubated....following arrows in supermarkets...dividing lines down a walkway around a marine lake.... obvs sea breezes unable to blow away the 'virus'...the queues at 'test' stations, and so on. At least a Court in Portugal declared the PCT test wasn't fit for purpose.

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Aug 11Liked by Jonathan Engler

Some of it lasted well into the spring of 2023. I was in Spain back then, most of the so-called measures had been lifted, but face masks were still mandatory in health settings including pharmacies. The scenes were hilarious. About 80% of the customers didn't have a face mask with them, so they had to wait at the doorstep while the pharmacist, who was obediently wearing his face diaper, remained inside, took the order, handed the medicine through the door and took the payment, preferably contactless. Don't you dare to step half a meter into the pharmacy: Danger, Virus! Remain at the doorstep = Stay Healthy, Stay Safe. There was only one pharmacy that didn't bother, and of course I went there when I needed something. But all other pharmacies in town still performed that kabuki theater.

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There are still people dutifully wearing face masks in the U.S. too. To my dismay, it seems to me that the trend is more prevalent among Black folk. Many of the covid policies were packaged and marketed as being particularly important to Black folks. Correspondingly, folks like the former Surgeon General of the US, a Black man, promoted the lunacy.

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Not sure about the Portuguese - they were the most vaccinated.

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It can be difficult to judge the worst offenders but I would say the hospitals, doctors and nurses. This is about a blood test. Blood and stupid go together.


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Aug 10Liked by Jonathan Engler


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Aug 10Liked by Jonathan Engler

This really happened...I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

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Aug 11Liked by Jonathan Engler

Well, that just about sums up Covid, doesn't it? Doctors meant to save lives but by no means supposed to use anything that would have worked. Just watching them drown and suffocate, *literally*.

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It all helped expose just how uttterly useless most doctors are.


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Aug 12Liked by Jonathan Engler

Even married couples who shared a bed at home had to sit 1.5m apart at the outdoor theatre.

50yrs married and had to sit so far apart that every word was heard by the whole audience.

The meaning of 'together - apart'?

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where was that?

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It was Buderim, Sunshine Coast, Qld, Australia.

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Reminds me of a post on Twitter from a while back that said, "Australia is IN DEEP" and showed an example of such policies. Amazing doesn't do it justice!

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Thanks Jonathan. I am sure much of what has been written is spoof. What the UK government published was in reality a spoof, it is just that most took it all seriously. I thought the whole world had gone mad that April but as I was (and still am) stuggling with my health a period of quiet was welcome.

Had it stopped at Easter few would have been any the wiser, but as 'Flatten the curve' in two weeks became two months and more I got wise.. Many still haven't though.


I may have said this before but in the UK it was all Guidance with a capital 'G' and one didn't have to do it if only one stood up to the mini Hitlers. In fact it was labelled 'Guidance and advice' although the 'and advice' bit got removed in due course.

The fact that so many of my fellow countrymen and women were so #?*%(£! stupid amazed me. It made me want to knock sense into them a la Asterix the Gaul when Cacofonix threatens to sing.


I did the next best thing and wrote about it.


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Aug 12Liked by Jonathan Engler

OZtopian Circus world was the same, with the IOC in Mind - Not International Olympic CONmity, but, Intelligence Optional Circus = Football codes 'Banned' spectators to save on the 1.5 Moronic 'Rule', BUT, the players WERE ALLOWED to CONtinEwed playing a 'CONtact' ball game!

Better; North West OZtopia; Resources sector; 43 Degree heat, 87% Humidity - Outside - Alone- The Sky 'Open' all the way to Alpha Centauri + or - INFINITY = CorePoorRat ManageMeant, from their Airconditioned Admin; "Yer Gotta wear a Mask mate!"

Me; "YOU, DO KNOW, that this MythiCall Beastie CONVID-19, Ain't Real, Isn't a Living Entity, Hasn't been proved to Exist - Aka IS just Heresay! AND, if I wear this 'NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE' PPE, I could pass out from Too much CO2 rebreathe, feel nauseas/Disorientated/Blood regassing/Hassles operating Machinery/Not look after my mates - Blah/Blah/Blah??" A; "Just wear it!" = So much for correct Equipment & Safety! LOL!

BETTER= In 2021 in Northern USers ofA/ Canada, had a Military Exercise, I think it was called 'Northern Strike'. NOTED in the Photo shoot of 'Exercise', was a Sargeant 'Practicing Social Distancing' in the Snow, amongst other troops! Makes for Interesting Observations = LUCKILY, 'They', Didn't have to do Actual Hand to Hand 'Combat Interactions'! Maybe in a world of the PREFERRED RFK- 'Remote Foreign Killing' -by Drones/Raptors et Al, WHEN, the Next PlanDemonic rocks up, The Aforementioned Sgt Slaughter, could be issued with a 'Pike', for that Future 1.5Metre 'Close Quarter Stuff'!

Last; IF, it's not enough to go thru Decades of (I'm 68 Yrs old) NotMyGov/Religious/CorePoorRat 'Programming', MIS/DISguySaid as 'Schooling', I feel for the 'Traumatised' Kids (& now BioMilitary 'Jabbed' Infants- For those Female/Males that can stILL reproduce in a U.Nnatural GlobAll 'E'nvironMeantAll Soup)- Traumatised Kids that are MIS/DIS-IllusIONed by programs as IDIOTIC & Child Abusive as; Playing in a school musical band, wearing a Mask, with the centre literalLie ripped out, so as they can play a wind instrument!

IdioCrazy Mk2. Lost my job of 10 years & Change, in west Oztopian resource Sector, for being able to read a SIMPLE Safety Data Sheet of TOXIC NON-'ExperiMeantAll' CONVID-19 U.S.BioWarfare Jab, EVEN Described under State Govt 'Health Act' (On their NotMyGov HOME Page - as A 'POISON'! = This Shows the Mockery of 'IncluSieviTie' of Corporations & Govt, (especially Those STILL with 'Independent Thought function'! )= Corporations/ Govt - Which ARE THE SAME 'InterLecturEweAlls'!

Wellness 'Til the next PlanDemonic= They Haven't finished with the Strategic MIS/DIStructION of the Independent Middle Classes YET - John D.

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--Part of preventing the madness of the covid scam from happening again involves not letting people forget what unbelievably stupid things were done in the name of “stopping the spread”.--

Agree -- would be great to see PANDA produce a "documentary" along these lines... news headlines/ photos/ videos of the evidence. Crime scene-style police tape across children's swings and roundabouts.... never forget.

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Portugal was mad at the time. I travelled throughout the plandemic, it was the most surprising country I encountered. I thought after almost 50 years of dictatorship they would see through the bs. Apparently not, they were so phycologically brainwashed that the adults trained the children to be obedient. Won't be alive to see what this has for to the population.

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I'm seeing more masks where I live. Ugh. The madness is endemic, I fear.

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The vast library of "Great Moments in The Science" contains a BUNCH of similar items. For me, when one looks at the types of complete barking lunacy not only accepted but also promoted and repeated on social media, it puts "embarrassing" historical events, e.g., burning of witches, into perspective. In fairness though, most of the stupid covid rules had a benefit normally associated with superstitions, i.e., positive relationship to Pascal's Wager. That is, stupid stuff is easier to accept and practice when it is packaged in the "might help, can't hurt" context. Unfortunately, that means that the likelihood of similar BS gaining ascendency during the next bogus pandemic is high, nearing 100%. #Shrug

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