Jul 27Liked by Jonathan Engler

And who tells us these things?

For but one example:

A South African laboratory study using Covid-19 samples from an immunosupressed individual.


What lab is this- where is this lab? The Africa Health Research Institute in Durban led by Alex Sigal.

Wait! I went beyond the headline and did a little peekaboo- guess what I found!

The Africa Health Research Institute received $4,129,787 in December 2020 and $4,993,284 in August 2021 and $4,129,787 in September 2020 and $1,026,734 in November 2021 and $6,765,215 in August 2021(not a typo they received two massive grants in 8/2021 from Gates Inc.) and....this place gets grants 8 days a week from Gates Inc.

Don't blame these noble researchers for raking in a bajillion dollars to peddle the Ponzi schemes- gotta keep the lights on after all! Covid-Covid-Covid!!!!

A paper pub;itched in early 2020:


The above paper came after years of working to uncover and publicize the earlier fraud of 'HIV':


It was only much later in the whole HIV/AIDS affair that the PCR was deployed - initially it was antibody tests (ELISA/Western blot) which were the original fear-perpetrators-of-choice, and are still to this day clinically 'deployed'- military term used deliberately.

Most microbiological (virological) scientists are from the biotechnology industry, and will always have multiple conflicts of interest and therefore won't want be able to have honest, critical viewpoints or even be able see one in the first place.

However, most regular industry insiders will remain agnostic to all of what's happening, either out of choice or from lack of a critical awareness, and so will likely work to bolster the PCR and LFTs or any such biotech products.

Because of the science veneer of these technologies, and those proposing them; most clinicians become assuaged by the seemingly impressive performative aspects of these technologies and thereby become more convinced of their worth over and above their own diagnostic judgments.

They are also "required" via administrative diktats that come from on high to "follow the rules" as prescribed by those who initiate use of these tests and then mandate deadly protocols based on said fraudulent results of the tests.

This 'foot in the door' for these rapid tests trumping clinical acumen has been coming for a long, long time, especially facilitated by Evidence Based Medicine since the late 1980s.

Rapid PCR tests for 'HIV' have been around for over twenty years ago with high street shops converted into test centers in black African areas of London (like Brixton) e.g. so those 'at risk' (black people) could be caught up in the HIV dragnet and become consumers of the anti-HIV drugs (chemos).

The inherent racism in this was never apparent to most for the same reasons; they were agnostic to the reality. For pregnant women it often meant 'termination' rather than face chemo like the antivirals; Kevin Corbett wrote about all of that also:

here https://eprints.mdx.ac.uk/17689/

and trying to turn around Government HIV testing policy here


Every clinical case of 'Convid' has been a case of the bastardisation of the differential diagnosis whereby diagnostically meaningless PCRs or LFTs have totally trumped other more robust diagnostic evidence.

For example, a presentation of pulmonary embolism in the context of a positive PCR then becomes reframed as 'Covid' - that's why it should be called 'Convid' because it is a fraudulent diagnosis with no pathognomic characteristics - pre-existing morbidity repackaged.

Often the clinicians themselves when they hear the full set of arguments, with evidence, and more fully come to understand the lack of rationale for us in these tests as diagnostic of anything, can become aware of the trap they have been led into by test availability, and by the straight jacket of the diagnostic protocols from on high that have them directed them on the 'shop floor' about how to diagnose.

This interference and default to technology has come about because of these and other factors (e.g. regulatory changes in Medicine and Nursing) rather than allowing clinicians to formulate a diagnosis based upon their own clinical acumen, and using all of the clinical evidence, not just some cheap speedy 'test result' which is always formally unlicensed as a diagnostic in case of legal challenge.

Kevin Corbett deserves all the credit in the world for pointing all of this out and more time and again for over two decades.

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Hi Allen,

This is a WONDERFUL post.

I intend to re-post it in my Telegram channel, with attribution of course.

Many thanks


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No worries- I don't do telegram so won't be able to look at it.

It's Kevin Corbett who deserves all the credit as he (and some others) was telling everyone about this decades ago.

You are always welcome to to use whatever I post attribution or no.

Have you seen these two articles?



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Jul 28Liked by Jonathan Engler

Let's just assume for a moment that PCR tests are perfectly reliable. Even then, the official SARS narrative is rather crappy. We are supposed to believe that The Virus spread around the globe but infected only a handful of people, had a case fatality rate between 0% and 40% depending on the jurisdiction, and due to the swift implementation of glorious infection prevention measures, The Virus just disappeared as quickly as it had arrived. Sure, makes total sense. I theorize that there have been far more cases than the official 8096. How many more we can only guess, 10 times more, 100 times more, even more? They just weren't found because there was no widespread testing. Not saying there should have been, mass testing is total nonsense, no matter how reliable the test is. But more cases would mean the real CFR was considerably lower than 9.6% (or whatever the official number was). Like a lot lower, probably orders of magnitude lower.

Next, testing was just stopped at some point in 2004, which would explain the mysterious disappearance of The Virus. Nowaday's multi assays simultaneously look for 20 different viruses, none of which is SARS-1. In theory, if SARS-1 was endemic and circulating at a low level, we wouldn't even know. The Virus has just been declared to have disappeared, therefore it must have disappeared.

Bottom line: If there hadn't been this huge fuzz about it, probably nothing out of the ordinary would have happened. That's the case for SARS-1 and SARS-2.

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Yes. “SARS1” was one of the prototypes. It didn’t have sufficient marketing budget so didn’t “go viral” (pun intended ).

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I think it was more a case of needing a few smaller events they could point to as 'proof' that 'pandemics' were real and growing in frequency. If you pull a big one out of nowhere it might look more suspicious. A few smaller events can be pointed to as the beginning of a trend. It's convincing to many.

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The core issue is not the fatality rate of so-called covid cases--it's about all-cause deaths. There were 529k more all-cause deaths in the US in 2020 than there were in 2019, a massive and unprecedented increase of 18.5%. About 75% were attributed to Covid--but death certs list multiple causes and many different causes of death skyrocketed. The official mortality data itself shows these numbers, and also contains a wealth of data about what caused these deaths--and it does not look like virus, nor does it look unintentional, just given the sheer numbers. I just wrote a reference book about the official US data, you can see a lot of free content here: https://www.virginiastoner.com/us-mortality-guide

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Jul 27Liked by Jonathan Engler

Methinks "preparedness" is part of the problem, not the solution.

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Jul 28·edited Jul 28Liked by Jonathan Engler

Thanks Jonathan for highlighting this important episode at Dartmouth Hitchcock.

It's now July 2024 and this is now starting to emerge. But I was saying this way back in 2020 when the insanity was just starting.

I am a frontline paramedic (or 'ambulance driver' to the Covid experts!) and have, hand on heart, consistently said that Covid 19 was a mass psychosis outbreak over an imaginary virus, that began in the medical profession and spread outwards to infect the politicians, the media and the general public.

The logic was simply if they (the doctors) are going mad over covid then we need to go mad as well.

Obviously you can imagine the ridicule (and censorship) I suffered trying to get this message out.

It was apparently me who was insane for suggesting that covid did not exist, not everyone else but, to this day, I maintain that not a single person on planet earth has died of Covid 19.

The next subject for investigation should be the 7 original 'victims' of the Diamond Princess. These were the ultimate proof of Covid at the time but actually it's possible that none of them died of Covid. My research shows that everyone of the 7 elderly patients ended up in the ICU. There my research goes cold but I'd bet a lot of money that they all ended up on ventilators and it was ventilation that killed them, NOT Covid. If so, then it would add weight to the imaginary virus hypothesis.

It looks like we might all be finally coming to our senses over Covid and what it actually was. If only we'd listened to what Charles Mackay, author of 'Extraordinary popular delusions and the madness of crowds' who wrote way back in 1841:

"Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one."

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Jul 28Liked by Jonathan Engler

I agree with almost all you wrote, but with one exception. You might reject this!

My difference in the narrative is that THIS WAS ALL PLANNED.

Few people knew that it was deliberate. The mass psychosis effect you described did happen, AS INTENDED AND EXPECTED.

There’s a 25 year run up of tabletop “pandemic simulations”, starting in the late 1990s at Andrews Airforce Base, Washington. The last was “Event 201” in late 2019. As pandemics aren’t possible & have never happened, there was no authentic reason to invest hugely in the concept. Instead, it was to be the denouement of something started back in the early 1970s by a group called The Club of Rome.

They were tasked with finding evidence of overpopulation of the world (there’s no evidence for this at all, then or now) & for coming up with plausible global disasters way too big to be addressed by individual nations. The objective was to use fear to break down the concept of nations & install a supranational organization which would morph into One World Government.

Guess what the two frightening scenarios they chose?

1. Pandemics of infectious diseases.

2. Human induced climate change.

I kid you not.

The planning didn’t start in the early 1970s.

It goes back further & further. I’m personally certain of my ground back to the mid to late 19th century and the birth of the Eugenics movements first in U.K. then USA.

Others laugh & mutter that it all goes back very much earlier than that.

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Jul 28·edited Jul 28Liked by Jonathan Engler

Bayes Theorem shows how, if you test positive for a low-prevalence illness with a highly accurate test, your chances of actually having the illness are low. In addition, testing lots of healthy people who aren't ill will throw up lost of false positives. This is how the fake covid pandemic was created, identifying lots of supposed "cases" of covid, as well as claiming that the illness could be spread asymptomatically. This was then used to unjustifiably justify lockdowns.

The govt knew that allowing people to gather in public wouldn't spread disease and cause lots of excess deaths that would crash the health system, otherwise they wouldn't have allowed those mass demos right in the middle of lockdown in May/June 2020 (after which there were no spikes in deaths).

The Bayesian Trap: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R13BD8qKeTg&t=67s

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Yes, exactly, I was 'screaming' about this on social media back in 2020-1. I couldn't believe my former colleagues, who seemingly used to know better, couldn't see what was happening.

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An interesting history of PCR and some of it's testing applications can be found here : PCR past, present and future - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7439763/

Linking your article today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Jul 27Liked by Jonathan Engler

Ah, tests with false positives; am reminded of the 'witch tests' of history... https://www.history.com/news/7-bizarre-witch-trial-tests

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Wasn't ventilation the 21st century Covid ducking stool?

Die on the ventilator and it was Covid that killed you. With something like an 80-90% mortality rate on these lung bursting machines there, apparently, appeared to be a lot of Covid in the hospitals at the peak of the insanity.

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Jul 27Liked by Jonathan Engler

Is there such a thing as a definitive test, for growing the virus? Or is this why viruses are so viral?

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Well that is a very interesting question.

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They have never been shown to exist.

Shockingly, the end point, cell injury & death, aka cytopathic effect, is seen in the same cell type in culture to which no clinical sample is added.

It’s all fraud and always has been.

It took me over three years to look closely enough at the published evidence to understand what they were doing in ViroLIEgy. I simply couldn’t believe that peer review would allow it. Only in ViroLIEgy can they get away with such unscientific behavior.

See also Jamie Andrews’ & colleagues work. They’ve recently reproduced the cytopathic effect findings used in ViroLIEgy, without adding any source of “virus”.

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Jul 31Liked by Jonathan Engler

Add in the 2009 'swine flu pandemic' for those needing more examples. Even mainstream sources reported on the Council of Europe's findings that it was a total hoax


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Jul 28Liked by Jonathan Engler

I was taught, "We treat patients, not lab tests." Apparently that lesson is no longer taught. Clinically, the patients would not have been diagnosed with pertussis, presumably, since that and the common cold present differently and have different clinical courses. Too much technology; not enough conversation with the patient and careful observation and examination by the physician.

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I think you missed one of the points I was making...which is that the mass psychosis /nocebo effect can produce symptoms de novo and / or upgrade symptoms (eg a cough associated with a mundane URTI) from mild to severe....rendering clinical assessment of less value than it otherwise would have been. If fact, clinical assessment (under the circumstances I described where symptoms are created / worsened by the psychossis) plus the positive test would have acted synergistically with each other to make the diagnosis more certain.

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Jul 28Liked by Jonathan Engler

Is that the same Dr Katherine Edwards who was deposed by Aaron Siri?

She insisted that being employed as a consultant by Pfizer was not a conflict of interest 🙄🤡

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Great piece! The real world warm-up acts in the two decades before 'Covid-19' seem to parallel their "tabletop exercises".

A few related points:

- The SARS test-run of (voluntary short-term) quarantine and its psychological impact: "During the first and second SARS outbreaks in Toronto, >15,000 persons with an epidemiologic exposure to SARS were instructed to remain in voluntary quarantine (Health Canada, unpub. data). [...] Our data show that quarantine can result in considerable psychological distress in the forms of PTSD and depressive symptoms." - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3323345/

- SARS was (surprisingly) labelled as an "outbreak" - as opposed to a pandemic. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2002%E2%80%932004_SARS_outbreak

(re SARS, see this post and comments by a US Army infectious disease expert on 5 March 2020 to the effect that (paraphrasing) he hoped the Covid would disappear quickly like SARS, but a massive vaccine development program was underway because Covid might return "next season". https://democracymanifest.substack.com/p/the-seasonal-set-up-part-1)

- Paradoxically, PCR testing was *not* widely available or widely used in early 2020, which means the issue of "outbreaks" of a novel clinical syndrome associated with clusters of serious illness and death (often pre-hospital) in several geographical locations at that time even more noteworthy. Per PANDA: "...if such a thing happened, it played no more than the role of a “starting gun” in the event." Just like bad batches of vaccines vs placebos, there may have been 'bad batches' of SARS-CoV-2 or something else deployed to get the ball rolling.

- The biggest mind-trick of all has been "asymptomatic Covid" in support of mass-fraud-testing (and mass lockdowns and mass vaccination). See Australian expert in July 2021 spruiking vaccines as a way to protect against asymptomatic infection "... where you don't show any signs of the disease"! https://www.facebook.com/NewSouthWalesHealth/videos/meet-professor-kristine-macartney-director-of-the-national-centre-for-immunisati/505617507383329/

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Re: "Why, exactly, the PCR test [for pertussis] churned out so many false positives in unclear. Let me know if you have any more information on that."


"In addition, most clinical laboratories use a single target PCR for IS481. It's present in multiple copies in B. pertussis and in lesser quantities in B. holmesii and B. bronchiseptica. Because this DNA sequence is present in multiple copies, IS481 is especially susceptible to falsely-positive results."

IS481 is a "repetitive insertion sequence" found in B. pertussis DNA. But also some other bacteria. IANAMB (I am not a molecular biologist) can we be certain that whichever DNA sequence ("amplicon") tested for in "IS481" isn't in other particles or bacteria or various varieties of no-see-ums floating about in the air? That could either be in a specimen sample or accidentally contaminate said sample in the lab (e.g., via airborne contamination or otherwise)?


According to this picture (dark green circle) quite a variety of bacteria is known to contain "IS481".

If I start googling for pubmeds of various bacteria (some of which infect humans and some of which infect plants) they apparently - too - contain "IS481".

Pseudomonas aeruginosa (bacteria causing disease in both plants and animals)


"Meanwhile, the elements found downstream comprised diverse genes derived from various transposon families such as IS6 (IS6100 in our case), Tn3, or IS481."

Xanthomonas albilineans (bacteria causing leaf scald disease)


"Another important observation is the existence of a unique IS481 identified only in the Xa04 strain"

So I'm guessing the rate of false-positives is going to have a lot to do with the DNA sequence ("amplicon") chosen, the CT-count (IS481 is found repeated many times in B. pertussis and perhaps not as much in other bacteria), the amount of bacteria in the analyzed specimen, and the prevalence of said sequence in a variety of other organisms. And lastly, how complete the classification and sequencing of "every organism on Earth" is to modern science such that they can hope to know with certainty how unique "IS481" (or some other chosen amplicon) is to one organism vs. another that might be obtained via a specimen sample or accidentally environmentally contaminated prior to sequencing.

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Also I stumbled across some papers suggesting IS481 can be found in certain bacteriophages and retroviruses. So, add more biological goop to the mix that "might false positive."

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You are claiming positive PCR tests caused over a half-million extra US deaths in 2020?

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In this article I am claiming that false positive PCR driven pseudo-epidemics aren’t new and offer some historical evidence. Have you not read it?

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You wrote: "So just to be clear:

The initial pseudo epidemic was caused by false-positive results from a PCR test.

People developed real symptoms as a result."

The"real symptom" was a half-million excess deaths. What symptom are you talking about, if not the massive increase in deaths?

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Meanwhile, on re-reading the section you quoted, I decided to expand on what I meant by "as a result".

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Maybe you should clarify "pseudopandemic"--since although there was no 'pandemic', SOMETHING killed more than a half-million US citizens in 2020 (probable democide, IMO). This was a monumental and unprecedented increase in deaths, not a minor blip.

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Yawn. Change the record.

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Right--democide is such a bore, what with an election coming up and all. It's not like the mass murder of 2 million people (allegedly 40 million worldwide) could be the story of the century or anything. "Mistakes were made," that's all--nothing to see here.

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This was a limited article setting out the role of PCR driven hysteria in the last few years. I and others have laid out elsewhere in some detail how and why large numbers of deaths could be caused by iatrogenic harm consequential to the testing frenzy.

I am so sorry that in this instance you will have to go and do some further research / reading.

If every article had to lay out all the connections and be a fully-fledged explanation of what has happened then every article would be a book.

Suggest reading other articles on here, on Jessica Hockett's substack, and those on wherearethenumbers substack.

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RE Hockett's work, she has blocked me, so I cannot see her work. I didn't even know that was possible on Substack, which I guess is like FB now. She blocked me for persistently asking her to explain 1) the basic parameters of her fake death claim, such as whether she is contending only 26k excess deaths in NYC were faked, or whether 50k excess deaths in NYC metropolitan area were faked, or whether a half-million excess deaths in the US were faked; and 2) asking her why the data was faked to look like a chemical weapon attack, and why it is being covered up, if it was faked to scare people, and other inconvenient questions.

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The hypothesis of iatrogenic harm has been around since mid-2020, and to this day, has not been supported with any official mortality data--and in fact, it it wildly inconsistent with the mortality data, IMO--including the pattern of localized death waves, the fact that all adult age groups were equally affected in the death waves; the fact that deaths increased not just in hospitals, but at home, and from accidents, the various causes of death that skyrocketed, and etc., etc. You can read a summary of the basic research I've done on the deaths here. Let me know how these characteristics fit with your hypothesis. https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2024/2/3/us-death-peaks-2020-2021-multiple-causes-of-death

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Regarding the reason these tests are so prone to false positives, I have a variety of ways of explaining it. Firstly, human DNA has 3 billion base pairs, but a typical virus only has in the range of 10,000 to tens of thousands. An activated human cell turns out millions of copies of RNA per second. So just from sheer numbers, it is easy for the PCR test primer to lock on to human RNA “by mistake”. More specifically, false matches are easy to explain if you took high school biology. According to standard immunology, antibodies are created by human cells with RNA sequences that match viral or bacterial RNA sequences they are intended to seek out and identify. The human immune system while generating antibodies will create massive quantities of RNA that matches the viral RNA the PCR is designed to detect.

That said, readers of this blog know that without proper viral isolation they do not even know what whether the sequences in the PCR tests come from any specific virus.

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Logis suggests that "they" are trying to kill us Human Rubbish off with their vaccines drives, so don't let them anymore: My FREE Salt Water Cure for Bird Flu and Covid and any other virus.

Refuse all vaccines.

Join me in NEVER being ill with my free salt water cure.

It is that simple.

3 minutes from preparation to job done: Mix one heaped teaspoon of table (or Iodine) salt in a mug of warm clean water, cup a hand and sniff or snort the entire mugful up your nose, in small lots, spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If burning sensation, then you have a virus, so continue morning noon and night, or more often if you want, until the burning sensation goes away (2-3 minutes) then blow out your nose with toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards, until when you do my simple cure, you don't have any burning sensation at all, when you flush - job done. Also swallow a couple of mouthfuls of salt water and if you have burning in your lungs, salt killing virus and pneumonia, there too.It washes behind the eyes, the brain bulb, brain stem (Long Covid), The Escutcheon Tubes to the inner ears and the top of the throat which is at a point roughly level with half way up your ears and not where your mouth is and it goes down the back of your throat, when infected there too.

I have been doing this simple cure for over 31 years and I am and others, never sick from viruses and there is no reason why any of you should be.

Simply put, if the inside of your nose is dry and crusty, you are OK, if your nose is runny, you really need to do a salt water sniffle as quickly as possible AND THERE IS STILL CLEAN SEA WATER, TO USE INSTEAD.

Nobody has been injured or killed by my above salt water cure

McCulloch is now offering a similar treatment to mine which I have successfully used and passed on these past 31 years for free, if you want to pay for it.

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