How many people would have tested daily and been desperate to be positive if they’d had to pay upfront for those tests, plus had they not got a single penny for being off work for just a positive test.

The government opened the mighty taxpayers treasure chest and millions enjoyed looting it, now those same people are moaning their arses off because of the inflation it caused devaluing the currency to pay them to sit at home.

There’s millions who worked through are also have to stump up more taxes thanks to greedy dumb idiots.

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Two weeks in I was vocal in that it was all a load of bollocks to some at work who didn’t lose their minds, they didn’t abandon their family members and still mixed as normal.

The media hysteria did not match a single thing I witnessed at work and from speaking to customers.

We did have coworkers who screamed a hissy fit at anyone who didn’t have a mask on, these are the same ones who didn’t want the silly screen to come down either.

They showed how manipulation and coercion can soften the brain to mush without a single original thought.

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No doubt pretty much nobody noticed anything--but that's a numbers issue. The US's own official mortality data points to a possible democide by means unknown in 2020--but no one is looking at the data. 529k more deaths in 2020 in the US than in 2019--an 18.5% increase which was unprecedented. It happened in different states and counties at different times, and was over within a number of weeks each place.

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It seems like people want to take the middle road. They're afraid of being discarded for taking a stance that is not popular. It's like they don't want to be a denier, and so they say "I don't deny that it exists, in fact I think I had it, but it wasn't what we're told it was" it's so much easier to follow the herd. BTW is it looks like I liked my own comment, that's not what happened... https://substack.com/@xrenee0/note/c-51734059?r=paf6o

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Did you hear about the prisoner sentenced to death. He chose to bleed to death.

They rigged a bucket to drip water and pretended it was his blood. He died on cue as if he had bled to death.

Then the tribal death spell of pointing the bone in Australia original, for a terrible crime. The offender would sicken and begin to die.

I think CANCER is a nocebo. The diagnosis and doctor led prognosis of time left, works a spell. Then for good measure and incentive to die - add treatments that cause immense suffering.

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I don’t think cancer can be all nocebo. People frequently present with a variety of symptoms consequent to tumour growth well before they know about the cancer. eg jaundice when the bile duct is obstructed by a pancreatic tumour.

But I agree that many treatments probably accelerate death while offering no benefit.

Also there are probably some examples where the investigations and treatment are actively converting something from being harmless to harmful. eg PSA monitoring.

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There’a a good dose of nocebo in a cancer diagnosis.

Let’s pretend there are asymptomatic folk who are surprised at the finding. Their choices of action are hemmed in with the cancer protocols ascribed by experts.

Do they be good and go along or rebel?

How does their family react?

You must be sensible and a good patient will likely be their wishes.

The round pen is readied.

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Thank you for your continued quest to make sense of the past 4 years Jonathan. I have many hospital doctor friends and observed in 2020 that they too seemed under some psychogenic effect. A comment one of them used in Spring 2020 which still troubles me was “we had many patients we were sure had Covid from their signs & symptoms but we COULDN’T *GET* THEM TO TEST POSITIVE”. To me it seemed they were predisposed to confirm the narrative.

In August 2020 another medic friend commented that the Covid ward had emptied out - “all but 5 remained and 2 of those were attempted suicides”. I asked why suicide patients were in a Covid ward she replied it was “Covid related”.

None of my doctor friends want to discuss or contemplate the possibility of a hysterical overreaction however.

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Interesting comments thank you. I don’t actually think that hysterical overreaction can explain all that happened. It was an enabler if you like. There’s too much evidence of pre planning and data fraud for this to have been entirely emergent.

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Oh I completely agree. I can only commend you and your colleagues in PANDA for all your efforts in researching the whole utterly implausible Covid narrative.

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Interesting comments thank you. I don’t actually think that hysterical overreaction can explain all that happened. It was an enabler if you like. There’s too much evidence of pre planning and data fraud for this to have been entirely emergent.

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I’m not sure that was a psychogenic effect with the doctors as much as it was having been prepped for years on pandemic emergencies and being ready and willing to follow orders when they were told event they’d always been told would occur was upon them.

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I have taken to referring to it as The Great Wealth Transfer Exercise

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Some people possess a penchant for exaggerating any illness, thus a bad cold became 'Covid'. As it was, the entire 'pandemic' narrative was an excellent example of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds (a book that I finally got round to reading during the Summer of 2020).

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Tom Jefferson writes about the effect of stress on the presentation of flu cases. It's hard to imagine that fear mongering didn't have a significant effect. https://trusttheevidence.substack.com/p/we-are-going-to-northern-ireland

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Covid & Nicebo Effect? Early circulation

In further support of Nocebo hypothesis:

Covid may have circulated widely since early Fall 2019 - many months before significant rise in illness or mortality

Note: I also cross posted this to Twitter.

Nov 2020 Study testing samples from Fall 2019 & early 2020 in Italy


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Agree totally. Pre-pandemic spread is the most damning feature of the covid narrative. I’ve mentioned it in several articles for Panda, eg:


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Covid & Nocebo Effect? - Country Graphs

Thank you for exploring this topic.

Note - I also cross posted on Twitter as replies to your post

No significant excess mortality until Covid Lockdowns - country by country -

May 2020 Blog Post:


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Thank you for your prior blog posts - I hadn't read them before.

I continue meeting people both online and in the physical world who haven't seen some of these documents showing pre- Spring 2020 Covid spread or a lack of pre-lockdown excess mortality. This is true even among others who pushed back against the Covid authoritarianism.

I'm hoping we can keep getting this information out to those who are receptive.

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Great work but how can we be sure that the "strawberries with sugar" incident is not a cover up. It does sound exactly the sort of thing rich people make up to cover their criminal negligence.

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The power of suggestion. Heck, a s out there as it sounds I wouldn't be surprised if the elite are doing black magic to make people ill... if we have learned anything over the last 4 years, these people are capable of anything.

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That makes good sense, with regard to illnesses, esp. in 2020. But there were 529k more deaths in 2020 in the US--an unprecedented increase of 18.5%. How many of those deaths, if any, do you think were self-induced?

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