Excellent summary, Jonathan. I'm among the group who has argued that a virus didn't suddenly become far more contagious and deadly in late March and April 2020. What changed is the medical protocols. When these guidelines were enacted, they caused an unknown - but huge - number of unnecessary deaths. These were Iatrogenic deaths ... or "democide." They should not be labelled "Covid deaths." This is one of the most-shocking and massive scandals in my lifetime. Thanks for documenting some of the ways this crime against humanity occurred.

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Agree! Remember the push to have GM produce ventilators. All originated from Fauci and the CDC!

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Richard Cox of the Isle of Man has also produced excellent work on the iatrogenic death subject. He has written a several part series that's been converted into a book called "Measuring the Mandates." The first chapter of this book is on the protocols mentioned in this story and include many other examples from care homes.

Highly recommended scholarship and analysis, but not seen by enough people yet.


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plenty of evidence out there that the lab release of covid also occurred much earlier in 2019 and was circulating world wide well before the hysteria was manufactured.

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Maajid Nawaz conducted some of the most comprehensive early investigations/ interviews into euthanasia in institutional care during the first wave of "Covid" starting in early 2022 and was largely ignored, and - (wait for it) - is even now being dismissed as a member of the Intellectual Dark Web by "dissidents" and therefore unreliable on this topic.


The media basically "reported" mass-euthanasia at the time, based on the 100% mortality rate of "Covid" in many care homes -- in contrast to 7-8% mortality per John Ioannidis.

"Spanish army finds care home residents 'dead and abandoned'" - 24 March 2020


"This whole corridor is dead" (in the Netherlands) - 19 May 2020


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And before that the Expose had an excellent investigative piece about it and around the same time an investigative journalist (a woman) recorded a video with her investigations which was prompted by a few families whose members were murdered in the hospitals. Unfortunately I don't know her name.

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Yes- there were several brave witnesses who spoke out very early - eg. (from memory) a care home worker in Sweden who (from memory) was running for local election. She emphasized neglect and abandonment - which was probably all that was needed in the frail elderly with dementia and/or immobility.

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"What's going wrong in Sweden's care homes?" - 19 May 2020

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Wow,. Interesting that the British brainwashing corporation reported this!

I never read or watch the beeb. Here is why: Chomsky: Manufacturing consent. And, Chomsky's interview with Andrew Marr - very entertaining and eye opening).

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Like a lot of these stories that were "reported", but required reading between the lines.

Eg. "This whole corridor is dead" etc... after residents were refused admission to hospital for any reason, and staff failed to show up for work after being deliberately terrorized about PPE? Really?!!

Apparently "they" always have to tell us what they're doing. On some level.

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Yes indeed, they must tell us what they do to us.

You might enjoy Tom Siebert's writings (a wrinkle in Tom). First I read his first piece on Kate Middleton then I binge read most (if not all) of his posts. Super sharp and entertaining at the same time.

I am new to all these occult stuff and symbology but learning fast.

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Thanks for suggestions!

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could it be Rhoda Wilson?

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I don't know. I don't recognise any of the faces that my search engine finds for Rhonda Wilson.

She was a white British woman between 50-60 yo, I'd say.

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it is Rhoda Wilson, she is the main writer for expose. I have no idea what she looks like, only know her name because she is on almost every page.

Here is today's :

Failed climate prediction: A senior UN official claimed that entire nations would be wiped off the face of the Earth by the year 2000


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Thank you - very comprehensive. It's gratifying to see this come out though while it was happening, it was - for some of us - quite obvious what was going on.

Most humans simply can't imagine a level of coordinated and systemic 'killing' of innocent people. It's so far removed from their natural and innate moral compass, that they will continue to assume positive intent until they can't and then they will assume incompetence.

Re your question:

"Or was it part of a co-ordinated process by which a pandemic event was essentially staged?"

Yes. The unimaginable option.

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I agree with you. Most people I know cannot or will not believe that this could have happened on purpose. I think it like someone finding out their beloved father that everyone loves is really a serial killer. It is just too hard to accept.

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No, what you're doing is trying to rationalise an illness to which no one has experienced before.

Not Covid but the Mass Psychosis outbreak.

The actions and behaviours of people infected with this illness are bizarre, illogical, irrational and even deadly.

The only way most people have to explain this bizarre phenomena is by believing there MUST be some malevolent intelligence behind it all, but there isn't.

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Go to www.chbmp.org ran by Former Feds Group. The sheer number of individuals murdered by hospital protocols is horrific. Every Monday night at 8pm the widows, families, friends, doctors, nurses and others come on to discuss what happened to their patients and loved ones where they were murdered in hospitals all over the world. There are also victims that survived the horror and lived to tell what was done to them.

If it were not for every one of the volunteers at Former Feds Group, www.formerfedsgroup.org, these victims would not have a voice. They are providing free legal aid to all of them and raise the funds to do so through different events, fundraisers, a cookbook, and anything else they can do.

I sit on the committee as the National Vaccine Injury Director and have put together hours of video of the victims watching their faces and names across a screen hours on end. It will tear you up and tear you down.

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@Dr. William Makis MD

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I have tried endlessly to raise awareness of the senicide and euthanizing of the disabled- these death were accelerated and augmented during covid but are not unique to the plandemic. The nasty script starts with hospitals and care homes reducing fluids and foods then they start the " X isn't eating...and seems agitated. We're giving them insert any benzo..Versed, Ativan etc." As soon as the benzos wear off a bit, the script is "X seems to be in pain, let's give them some morphine... Please watch over your loved ones.

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UK quarterly hospital data support your belief that the disabled were euthanized. (Also - possibly - pregnant women)

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It's so sad to see. We can't undo anything, only prevent future tragedies.

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You shouldn't be sad, you should be very very angry.

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I does make me angry but also sad.

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And I keep having the thought/question that Jonathan, Jessica and others must be having - were these deaths planned or intentional?

I don't rule this out. I'm sure most medical professionals didn't sign up for a democide conspiracy. Still, they went along with the protocols or very few spoke out about what was happening.

First, we had the PCR tests - which suddenly became the basis for establishing a "Covid case." However, the huge spike of "cases" that the PCR tests made possible beginning in late March 2020 was actually not enough to cement the "deadly virus" narrative. For this, the world also needed to see ... mass deaths. (For some inexplicable reason, those deaths had NOT shown up before March 2020).

This story shows how the requisite number of deaths to support this narrative DID suddenly show up.

One could argue these protocols were the key to the entire faux pandemic. They gave us the panic and fear the Pandemic Producers needed to get what they really wanted - the new mRNA vaccines.

(And the "vaccines" killed even more people than midazolam, DNA orders and ventilators)

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I live in the U.K. In the 80’s many haemophiliacs were given blood which was infected with either hiv or hepatitis. 40 years on we now learn that many haemophiliacs who got these conditions were not told by doctors and their partners ended up dead. Children lost parents and it’s taken 40 years for this to come out in the public domain. In those days social media didn’t exist so covering up was easy. £10bn has been earmarked for people affected by this scandal. Currently the most anyone can get due to an injury caused by the covid vaccine gets a maximum of £120,000. Need I say more.

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In Australia, the going rate for an amputated leg (caused by the vaccines) is $5,000 to $20,000.

This man lost his leg due to blood clots (from the "clot shots"), but still credited the vaccine with saving his life! He was vaccinated and so was everyone in the hospital, but he still got Covid ... in the hospital!


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In the UK a politician was recently given a standing ovation in parliament for having all of his limbs amputated. Prior to the amputations he strongly encouraged other people around him to blindly follow his lead. Quite a few of them did.

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“Still, they went along with the protocols…One could argue these protocols were the key to the entire faux pandemic. They gave us the panic and fear the Pandemic Producers needed to get what they really wanted - the new mRNA vaccines.”

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I am only speaking for myself, not Jonathan, but what I believe is (I think) made very clear in this thread I posted this morning.


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Would have liked to have read it, but you blocked me.


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The first Covid peak is a graphical representation of hysteria within the medical profession, not anything else.

Just so you know.

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Covering a mass euthanasia directive with "hysteria" helps the people who designed and ordered that plan.

There are numerous psycho-social factors involved in HCWs/paramedics carrying out that plan - including fear induced by the guidelines/directives themselves.

Regarding "graphical representations," we have no idea if we are looking at data for a real-time event. Hand-waving with "hysteria" ( or "panic" or "lockdown") does nothing to actually explain what happened - let alone get to the bottom of IF it happened, as presented.

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Do you even know what a Mass Psychosis outbreak is?

It's a collective madness induced by irrational fear. Social media and the internet today allow that irrational fear to be transmitted across the globe, at the speed of light. This accounts for the apparent synchronicity of events (such as the first covid death spike in 2020) across the world to appear coordinated but they're not.

The reason this MP outbreak was so powerful was that it erupted in and engulfed the medical profession first, the most trusted and respected members of human society.

If THEY'RE going insane over Covid then we need to go insane as well, was the logic used by the politicians, media and the public.

The most famous comparable event was the medieval witch trials and. just as witches turned out to be delusion created in the collective mind, so is the Covid 19 'virus'.

It doesn't exist, the only place it does exist is in the mind. To a deranged doctor, infected with the MP mind virus, the brain of that doctor becomes convinced that the common cold has become the bubonic plague and he believes that that person should then go on a ventilator to 'cure' them. When the ventilator bursts their lungs and kills them, confirmation bias convinces the doctor that it was Covid that killed them. The doctors carry on like this until the psychosis abates, and they begin to come to their senses.

I would very much expect that you've seen this video but it clearly shows what it was really like at the peak of the medical hysteria in New York in early 2020.


Because Covid is a collective delusion, it cannot have been released from, or created in, a laboratory.

No one was colluding with anyone else, they'd all just gone, unbelievable as it sounds, temporarily insane over an imaginary virus.

If you still don't believe it then read this article and ask yourself could what have happened at Dartmouth Hitchcock medical centre in 2006 have occurred in 2020 with Covid 19?


Dartmouth Hitchcock was what is called a pseudo epidemic, and Covid 19 was a pseudo pandemic.

As Carl Jung said of Mass Psychosis (psychic epidemic) "It is becoming ever more obvious that it is not famine, not earthquakes, not microbes, not cancer, but man himself who is man’s greatest danger to man, for the simple reason that there is no adequate protection against psychic epidemics, which are infinitely more devastating than the worst of natural catastrophes"

The (iatrogenic) deaths during Covid were not murder, they were manslaughter through diminished responsibility.

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If there is more than one step I’m

going to have to get an X account. And I was really trying to stay out of trouble… 🙈

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My husband was admitted for emergency abdominal surgery unrelated to Covid at the beginning of the first lockdown and was asked as a matter of routine if he wanted a DNACPR notice on his notes with absolutely no explanation and no discussion. My husband had severe abdominal pain at the time and was in no fit state to take in the significance of the tick box question. Fortunately I had been allowed to stay with him in A&E (just as well as the care available otherwise was minimal) and realised what he was being asked to agree to. I questioned the nurse on his behalf and objected vehemently. I pointed out that he was extremely fit and this would be totally unacceptable.

I wonder how many patients agreed without realising they were potentially signing their own death warrant!


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To misquote - "it was the worst of times, it was the worst of times - for the weak and elderly who were "in the way and cost too much money and resources" - they had to be culled according to those "making the decisios with no accountability to anyone".

The cynic in me says that in early 2020, the headlines were all about scenario estimates from the "always wrong" philandering Ferfuso of IC had the ear of Johnson and Hancock - who seized dictatorial powers. The T nought was over 2 - apparently and Tedros (to fluff his own ego) had just said the CFR was a very different from Diamond Princss) 2.7% . Panic and stupidity set in amongst the petty dictators ad after checking on the number of hospital beds (down in England over the past 30 years, from around 299,000 in 1987/88 to 141,000 in 2019/20, https://www.kingsfund.org.uk/insight-and-analysis/long-reads/nhs-hospital-bed-numbers with ICU beds - "The number of acute beds reduced by only 21 per cent over the same period.

A "death by triage" protocol was devised to cull the weak and elderly to make way for those with a better chance of living. The weak and the elderly are viewed as useless eaters in an emergency - they get benefits ad cost a fortune as well as taking up scarcer resources - so the triage thinking went.

So the cynic in me says that the weak and the elderly were viewed as dying anyway, in the way and expensive. Decisions made by younger and stronger people of course.

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The UK euthanized their elderly population. This is equivalent to selling your soul to Satan IMNSHO.

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Very thorough compilation

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Add: Important to distinguish between aged care and ICU use of drugs needless to say - ie. true baseline use of these drugs in ICU pre-Covid.

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Thanks for the access. I have listened, and your transcription is in fact correct. Sorry to have bothered you. Unfortunately the raw transcription loses the way the qualification is inserted in the sentence. Anyway, bravo for more excellent argument-building!

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Jun 9Edited


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Doctors are trained to follow orders. So they do what they are told. They are also taught to believe the medical model and believe in the system. Ya can't fight belief.

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In a word: “Too bloody right”!

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BREAKING: Nuremberg 2.0 is trending on Twitter, again! WEF Insider: Klaus Schwab and Aiders and Abettors Facing Death Penalty for 'Crimes Against Humanity' over Covid Measures https://twitter.com/search?q=nuremberg+2.0 -- More on Nuremberg 2.0 at www.nurembergtrials.net

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