An urgent epistemological question at this point in history- where mass media, mass propaganda, mass indoctrination via compulsory schooling saturates every aspect of everyday life- is the question, "How do we come to know what we think we know?"

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''Once people are invested in the lie it’s nearly impossible for them to back down.''

We are seeing this with the formation of ''Annes Law'' in Scotland to normalise lockdowns and medical totalitarianism...forever. Rather than families etc waking upto to the scale of the 'COVID' deception and seeking REAL accountability i find the most dangerous core beliefs/lies continue against all the solid facts and credible science. Fear, the real virus. False-Evidence-Appearing-Real.

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The Missing Link is still missing, of course, and Darwin's theory of evolution remains a theory - unsupported as yet by conclusive evidence. Opponents of the Christian religion, like Richard Dawkins, like to accuse Christians of using 'God' to explain things the causes of which are unknown - the so-called 'God of the Gaps'. But Darwinianism is no better, papering over the gaps in the fossil record with a 'theory'. The history of science is also the history of fantasy, intellectual arrogance and error.

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One major weakness of evolutionary theory is speciation

Selection pressure & phenotypic drift at the level of genes is consistent with the theory, and that expectation, that construction was applied in Darwin’s “On the origins of species”.

Of course, the book would have been more accurately titled “On the origins of variation within species” and would still have been an important book.

Selection pressure is insufficient to explain how completely different species arise. In my opinion, anyway.

Once it’s understood the role played by Thomas Henry Huxley (“Darwin’s Bulldog) & one has knowledge of the heavy influences upon society by Huxley’s descendants, such as Julian and Aldous, it makes more sense.

We’ve no scientific explanation for the origins of SPECIES.

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Yes indeed. The more I delve into these eugenicists and the Sabbotean cult they belong to, it becomes clear that the sciences has been an attempt to materialise divine/natural forces that we probably will never understand. All part of the disconnect and construct of artificial reality imposed upon the minds of the masses to benefit an agenda.

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I've spent most my life working with apes and there's few that know them better, I haven't seen much evidence yet to convince me I'm one, despite certain similarities I share with many other animals.

For me the greatest troll of all is that supposedly our closest relative (separated experts say by only 1.2% DNA, lolz) is called Pan troglodytes or etymologically a fearful (Plato's) cave-dweller.

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It always bothered me the whole Darwin evolution theory. And yet it has permeated our modern society. Now it makes sense. The manipulation stage was much narrower in Darwin’s time.

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OMG, Letraset?!! That takes me back!!

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On another tack. Not sure where else to post this.May be of interest.

We had an independent investigation here in the Netherlands, crowd funded. Ran by two esteemed scientists. Ignored in MSM.

Its not translated yet and quite long.


They try to determine if there is a relation between excess deaths and the 'vaccinations'.

To draw proper conclusions one needs reliable source data. It is now determined that people who die within a short period after vaccination are not registered in the vaccination register. They draw cuatious conclusions, but conclude that a relation between excess deaths and 'vaccinations' is likely. Due to flawed data, they cant provide the full proof evidence.

This flawed data has an interesting consequence: After a 'booster' round we see an increase in deaths. But miraculously, this occurs in the non-vaccinated cohort. This is how the wonder potion makes vaccinated people much healthier. It prevents all kind of life threatening ailments. Now, the empire struck back with a study that uses the same flawed data as the basis and they now literally claim that the vaccines improve general health. I am not joking.


This is a link where they claim that excess deaths occur in the unvaccinated.... And its recent.

Both studies use the same flawed data. The first one cast doubts on the source data and the authors share their doubts. The second study uses the flawed data to come to ludicrous conclusions.

1984 all over again

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Has anyone commented publicly about that, pointing out the obvious flaws?

How does the paper deal with the issue of vaccination status? Does it just ignore it, or does it explictly say somewhere that people aren't classified as vaccinated until 2 weeks after dose bla bla? Can you point me to some relevant sections of it?

Obviously it's long and as yet untranslated....


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A linkedin comment that dives a bit deeper in the root cause. The author writes frequently about the excess deaths situation. Since its Linkedin it can easily be translated online.

Bottom line ( as far as I understand) is that a huge percentage of GP issued vaccinations did not make it to the official vaccination register. These unregistered unfortunate souls who died after taking the life saving elixer are counted as unvaxxed........ Thus it seems as if the jabs not only prevent deaths from covid, but miraculously prevent death of all sorts of other causes. The unvaccinated (around 20% of the population) cause the excess deaths. The other factor they did not take into account is the HVE.They call this science....

The debate is quite heated on X. Not very subtle I am afraid. Gloves are off:-).

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Answering 1 by 1 :

Yes, there has been public comment, but only on the obvious channels. X, substack, a bit of Linkedin, some 'alternative' websites and broadcasts. The authors have challenged CBS (Central Bureau of Statistics) but they refuse to comment. Its all in Dutch obviously. report was also sent to parliament. The new health minister has been very critical towards vaccination and the entire Covid tale. There's hope, but she's now part of the establishment...

Vaccination status works slightly different in this situation. There is the 'traditional' flaw where people were labeled as vaccinated around 2 weeks after they received their (second) dose. But this new find refers to the official Death register. If someone dies shortly after a vaccination (I would need to find the definition of shortly, but i think again its something like 2 weeks), the vaccination status is omitted in the death register. That means anyone who dies shortly after vaccination is defined as 'unvaccinated'. This is by the way a formal procedure. Not even a secret.

I can find some articles and post them (will run them through a translator). The 'science' behind that second (nivel) report is appalling. The original report (by Meester and Jacobs) was offered to the mainstream and none picked it up. The second one was picked up and promoted by the MSM.

I can gather some more info if you like. But busy rest of the day. It IS a big deal in our small 'awoken' community here....

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People also believe a spreading deadly CV dropped like a bomb on Bergamo and NYC, so...

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In case you don’t already know it, re. the “Hitler Diaries” there is also what I recall as a quite funny German film. “Schtonk”: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0105328/?ref_=tt_mv_close. Saw it ages ago, but now that you bring up the subject will try to find it again…

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I realize this is a very old post, but I am trying, desperately, to clean out my Google Mail account, and came across it. The subject is one of my many interests! I have a quick story to further illustrate just how gullible ostensible experts can be. As with another of my favorites illustrations of lunacy, it's from the life of "The Great Randi." For those unfamiliar, he was a magician-turned-debunker who operated or shall I say, "practiced" his skeptic phase in the early to late 70s.

One of the stories he tells--or maybe Penn Jillette tells it, whatever--is about a couple of his students who fooled the Stanford University Parapsychology Department. (Yes, AFAIK they had one!) Long story short, he (Randi) was teaching his students how to fool Stanford while SILMULTANEOUSLY advising Stanford how to spot fakes. He sent a couple students, with fake credentials, resumes, test results, etc. to Stanford, for them to figure out if these guys really had "powers." After several weeks, the students called it quits. The didn't stop because they got caught. They stopped because the pressure of continuing to fool these men of science was too much! The researchers at Stanford never checked the credentials, the resumes, nothing! Experts are just people who can be taken in by a slick used car salesman, just like the rest of us.

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Speaking of delusions (message to Jonathan!)...

New post just up that you might find interesting: a "pandemic tabletop exercise" in December 2019 with Five Eyes nations, led by the DoD, which factored in the US 2020 election and Brexit!! 200-plus invited participants. Basically unreported for over 2 years - then in a special edition of the journal "Vaccine".


(As Nick Hudson said: Covid was a POLITICAL event.)

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People call themselves "Bible believing Christians." The forgeries start as early as: Genesis 2-3. Genesis 1 is a 6 day creation that does not flatter men. Male & female are created at the same time from one word of creation in fully equal dominion spoken. Each comes bodily from the ground.

Genesis 2-3 is a forged Luciferian gnostic myth added to the Bible by satanists. It is a 1 day creation that flatters men. Genesis 2-3 makes men God & women the chattel sex slaves of men as body object sex slaves men own as their own bodies.

Women are soulless in Genesis 2. The gnostic faux creator Lucifer breaths into man so man becomes a soul: but not woman. Woman is delivered to man AZ a soulless sex slave not created to have a mind, will, or feelings of her own but as a bodily extension of a man he runs as his remote control tol sex toy. She is to do his will in a man's rape porn fantasy creation that falsely legitimate sex slavery as it deities men.

The fake story of fall declares it sin for a woman to desire to be a human body with a soul (a mind, will, feelings, and voice of her own) as the fall shows her behaving independently & autonomously as the man's remote controlled bodilynproperty as his silenced, subjugated sex slave.

The travesty continues in the NT as Paul is presented as a Roman apostle presenting a Roman christ who makes Caesar God as "the Higher Power" and the Roman Empire "the Kingdom of God" in Romans 13.

Paul rejects the truth of Genesis 1 creation & teaches that man is God and Christ; eoman was created after man, for man, and from man as his soulless bodily extension sex slave who must subject to MSN in everything as her Godcwhile referencing him as God.

It's a rape pirn fantasy selling male deification and female sex slavery: so men have exalted Paul as their "great apostle" since Rome gave them copies of the Bible Rome corrupted.

Genesis 2-3 is a Pandora tale.

Never underestimate man's desire to be God and own worshipful women sex slaves. Men given power will let forgeries into the Bible in their live of flattery and satanic fables.

Paul doesn't teach Christianity.

Paul teaches satanism.

Men prefer satan to God because God created male & female equally.

Oh what a tangled web of deception men prefer to the truth!


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