This. "In light of the above, it is even more concerning that some people are now on their 10th injection of mRNA, and the program continues unabated."

My current summary, and I admit that this JUST occurred to me, is this. The manufacturers and promoters of the mRNA vaccines have corrected (almost) every error--logical, marketing, legal, political, and otherwise--made by the cigarette hucksters.

Imagine if Philip Morris or R.J. Reynolds had not "gotten caught" and outed as FOS. We laugh at the fact that they had actual--licensed and board-certified--doctors making statements like, "a cigarette a day keeps the doctor away." In that context, the absolute flaming pile of bullshit Pfizer, Moderna, and all their enablers have been able to get away with makes that statement seem quaint. And yet... And yet... Not a single person is close to having to answer before Congress or anyone else.


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Wilt, believe it or not, BAT (British American Tobacco), with their corporate mission statement “Building A Better Tomorrow”, actually own a biotech company that was developing a COVID vaccine. Not only that, they marketed it as plant based, and presumably climate friendly!! 😂 It did not make it very far through phase 1 of the clinical trials, but needless to say it may not be the only attempt that these ‘cigarette hucksters’ have at producing a sustainable vaccine. Watch this space!


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This. "...plant based, and presumably climate friendly."

Domini, I cannot begin to express my disgust with how key words and phrases lead our species around by the nose. Then again, up until recently, "all natural" gave me comfort! They say admitting is the first step to recovery...

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Thank you for this article. This product platform is clearly very dangerous to health, particularly as many people have been terrorised into accepting multiple shots.

I am however, somewhat sceptical about one part of the assumed mechanism of harm.

How, exactly, do we ‘know that’ … there is a [spike] protein created? I hear and read this repeated very often but given that apparently nobody has been able to measure how much is created, why should we believe what appears to me to be an unsubstantiated theory? What I mean by that is the whole transfection story. I do not think that indirect detection using an unspecific ELISA assay is good enough evidence for cellular expression of protein.

I would think that the LNPs, which we do know are present, provide enough toxicity to account for the observed inflammation.

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You raise a very valid question, which I’ve also thought about.

However, where it is possible, it can be quite powerful to prove something is clearly not as we are being told by showing that that is the case even within the perpetrator’s own (overly simplistic or faulty) paradigm.

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Your analysis is great Jonathan. It was known that this type of gene based product could cause autoimmunity before they were released. I told a family member who has autoimmune disease about it. I sent her a paper, published in 2020, which raised these concerns - it concluded that this risk should be part of the informed consent process .... the GP advised her to take the vaccine.

At the very least, this is creating a range of marketing opportunities for the medical-industrial complex for years to come....

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I disagree... Joe Rogan says it's NOT the vax!!!!

Whatever Joe says... I believe... cuz I outsource my thinking to Celebrities. Cuz they are so smart and awesome

And here we have Joe playing his role in telling the Barnyard Animals to think that it is not the Covid Death Shots that are causing the unprecedented surges in cancer, blood clots, heart damage, strokes, deaths etc…

No doubt he was given a choice. Get on board with the Ministry of Truth or lose your USD250M contract with Spotify. I actually suspect that Joe was approached in the early days as his podcast was gaining traction (and influence) and made an offer he couldn’t refuse. He has been an employee of the Ministry for years.


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