Incredible. A LOL for the amnesia bit! Maybe you can submit a yellow card for that…

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You’re not the first to suggest that…the only thing is, they might send the men in the white coats round ….

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Maybe they’re trying to inflate “safe and effective” numbers. You ostensibly got three shots but are hale and healthy, not vax-injured or dead.

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Four actually!

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Mea culpa! Lotsa money in that scam of a scam!

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For the benefit of non-UK readers, can you briefly explain how the patient record-keeping system works? Is it centralized and maintained by the government?


Also, along similar lines, last year my husband's insurance was billed for a COVID test he never took! We got it removed but the total charges were upwards of $500!

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Yes, all NHS records are maintained by the state, though for some tasks / systems they use private contractors.

I think all Covid vaccination data got fed into that regardless of where the injection was administered.

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That’s pretty wild. I don’t want the state maintaining medical records. But I guess that’s been the norm on the UK for a long time - and NHS is (was) trusted.

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I was a victim of covid-fraud. Had a false-positive on test in 2021.

Someone applied for unemployment benefits, I believe it is inside job.

Since I've never applied for unemployment, they knew they could enter phony information. It had to be someone familiar with the NYSDOL system.

There was so much money pushed into these systems, corruption was everywhere.

They got $30,000.

Eventually, they updated the account so I didn't have to pay tax on it.

There were some articles on unemployment fraud...but they didn't implicate insiders.

Oh yeah, I know DOL contacted my employer, because they contacted me.

I reported it at the time, but I think that report got lost. I think this is what foiled their plan. They didn't want any real victims to find out and start asking questions.

Since I didn't get that report in, the NYSDept of Tax was looking for their share.

I'm a nobody.

This has to be widespread.

couple of things:

A positive covid test was reported to all sorts of government: I had people call me every day to ensure I was staying inside.

If you never filed for unemployment benefits in the past, you are a clean slate, no prior records and they can enter what they want.

They were giving benefits in ways that didn't require a known back account...some sort of debit card.

They probably look for people with no vaccination, so they won't be looking for the records. They don't even have to do a real injection, just say they did.

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We need to deprive these criminals of our money and health!

I will never be going to a hospital or clinic or taking any flu or convid test or even tests for cancer ever again. Once you read the brilliant work of Virologist Stefan Lanka- the fear of any virus

lifts from your entire body. www.VirusTruth.NET

and free pdf of Dr. Tom Cowans Book The Contagion Myth

share widely to help more get off all shots and all pharma

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This website is all that matters to explain it all


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I think we have here an obvious case of controlled opposition in the form of Dr Jonathan Engler who is jabbed to the eyeballs 😁

On a serious note, this type of thing does make one question even further the legitimacy of any statistics the Government puts out.

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All tests for convid or any flu Invalid and Consumer Fraud. at the very least.

www.VirusTruth.NET explains it all. Read book Contagion Myth by Dr. Tom Cowan Md

free pdf under books. Virologist Stefan Lanka control experiments prove virus are dead cell debris not contagious. Under articles.

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I suspect LOTS of pharmacies and surgeries have done this, likely with tacit management/government/regulatory support or even collusion. Cheating is normal human behaviour, and if we imagine that people who work in healthcare are less likely than other people to take advantage, commit an apparently victimless crime, and keep the cash, we are making a big mistake.

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This is extremely concerning, not least the lack of interest by the ICO. To me, it looks like the tip of the iceberg. The reason I think this is connected to a number of developments to with medical data in Britain in the Covid years, including:

- The rise of NHS Digital, the difficulty of opting out and their connections with the pharmaceutical industry. I write about my experience here: https://alexklaushofer.substack.com/p/notes-from-a-mad-island (scroll down if you just want the health stuff)

- Government plans to give public authorities and anyone working with them (companies, volunteers, interns ...) the right to share our data. I wrote about this here: https://alexklaushofer.substack.com/p/whose-data-is-it-anyway Haven't had time to look at what's happened but am concerned by the widespread apathy on the issue.

- The way the government gave GP practices the right to share medical records while everyone was distracted by Covid, giving people a very short time to opt-out. When I wrote to my own practice about that, their response indicated they were cross and felt entitled to do what they liked with my info.

This attitude of entitlement by authorities perhaps sums up the problem.

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ALL the data is meaningless when you understand the findings of brilliant virologist Dr. Stefan Lanka - virus are dead cell debris, not contagious. Every single pcr test for any virus and convid is a misdiagnosis with sadly many grave consequences of wrong treatment. if people survived the shots and antivirals - consider them lucky and all shots not same ingredients. russian roullette cradle to grave . we need to stop all shots! to stop SIDS. Autism, Autoimmune disease, Cancer. etc www.VirusTruth.NET free pdfs and video lectures

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I don't see how the information could ever be used to discredit you, as the information couldn't be used by anyone.

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Yes, that’s my thinking too. Suspect it’s financial.

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Maybe they want to be able to discredit you. But just not yet. You haven't caused enough problems yet.

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I have another theory. If you hadn't had all these shots, you would be dead by now. So they just needed an explanation, for why you're still alive!

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Tell me who liked my comment other than you? For me I see 2 likes, one of them is you, and the other is from "1 other" when I try to see who that is it won't tell me. I suspect it looks like it was me. The glitches are here on substack. And they appear to be targeted. Very similar to Twitter x.

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Astonishing. I would not be completely surprised if it is a (rather amateurish) attempt to discredit you because disproving it is difficult.

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They've given you a fourth?! 🤣

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Hire a lawyer and follow rigorous steps to demand a police investigation.

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Maybe this is a way of telling us that those of us who didn't get the actual scamdemic Harmacide hacksxxxine injextions needlerape depopulation agenda in those first few efforts, didn't succumb to the viruganda, and likely abhorred masks and ignored lockdowns, we nevertheless get this big Harma Harmacide thru the shedding of those who did,and became bioweapons production facilities with their own sic bodies...?

Some say all of our

Blood, whether or not injexcted, is showing negative signs of scamdemic Harmacide....

I say I wish this lousy psy op will end soon, sooner not later

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Its pretty simple. The government is paying providers to give the shots. No one wants the shots but the providers want the free money so they're pretending to give the shots throwing them away and trying to make up a trail. It's a huge scandal that will get no coverage. Its all under the BRIDGE program. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/programs/bridge/

I can't find it now but there's a table of how much a doctor, pharmacy hospital or whatever gets per "shot". The U.S. government is paying for hundreds of million shots - only a small amount are legit. The rest are "throw-aways" like yours. Read below - if anyone thinks 700,000,000 doses have been administered they are insane. Why is Biden spending a billion on this? Maybe to avoid lawsuits from pharmaceutical companies that the government contracted with to buy that would be REALLY embarrassing and show that no one wants the shot and the government wasted billions.

"Fact Sheet: HHS Announces ‘HHS Bridge Access Program For COVID-19 Vaccines and Treatments’ to Maintain Access to COVID-19 Care for the Uninsured

Thanks to the Biden-Harris Administration’s whole-of-government approach to combatting COVID-19, we are now in a better place in our response than at any point of the pandemic. One of the critical components of our response has been ensuring all Americans have easy access to COVID-19 vaccines free of charge. Over the last two years, the Biden-Harris Administration has effectively implemented the largest adult vaccination program in U.S. history, with nearly 700 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines given to 270 million Americans.

Today, HHS is announcing the ‘HHS Bridge Access Program For COVID-19 Vaccines and Treatments Program’(“Program”) to maintain broad access to COVID-19 vaccines for millions of uninsured Americans. The program will create a unique $1.1 billion public-private partnership to help maintain uninsured individuals’ access to COVID-19 care at their local pharmacies, through existing public health infrastructure, and at their local health centers."

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Interesting in Canada my parents just received notification that they may want to change the dosage of my dad’s drug (probably warfarin as he hasn’t been on much else for last decade). He was like that’s weird what is this? And his dr hadn’t sent it and discovered that it is something to do with the pharmacy can now prescribe it and it’s a new system and/or empowerment of pharmacies to make (instead of just fill) prescriptions, for certain things.

Which one the one hand I like the idea of medicine being more easily available like in Mexico pharmacies but I also am suspicious. I was like is this because there is such a shortage of doctors here?(always has been an issue but my bias was thinking of vax injuries and died suddenly doctors) (also how pharmacies have less interaction w their patients so less likely to call bs on all of this) but this could be part of a scam, just like that postal scam thing in the uk)

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Just as a side note in Canada their was a very big scandal about cerb payments and the government employees were ripping off millions. Also the postage scandal in the uk. You should contact the mp who discovered it. Also here in Canada they are empowering pharmacists to write some prescriptions now and I wonder if it will be part of a scam.

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have you found the brilliant Virologist/microbiologist Dr. Stefan Lanka yet?

if not you are in for a treat- and also Dr. Tom Cowan Md s book

The Contagion Myth here www.VirusTruth.NET

There is no Virus and there is no contagion ! Enjoy! share widely so the fear can stop and more can resist ALL shots not just the con shots ! All harming cradle to grave Sids, Autism Cancer Alzhiemers

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