WHO document lists 33 covid vaccines under development just 17 days after the first reported "covid death"...
...and BEFORE the first "covid death" outside China
Someone in PANDA spotted this WHO document which lists the covid vaccines under development as at 28 January 2020.
You can also download the document from below.
I counted them up - there are 33.
To remind you, 28 January 2020 is:
32 days after China says it started its fight against covid19 - according to this document published in June 2020
28 days after - according to this NEJM paper - “the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC) dispatched a rapid response team to accompany Hubei provincial and Wuhan city health authorities and to conduct an epidemiologic and etiologic investigation.”
23 days after the WHO made its official announcement of a disease outbreak of “Pneumonia of unknown cause” in China (see here).
21 days after the novel virus was said to have been “isolated”, according to this WHO bulletin.
19 days after Chinese authorities made a “preliminary determination of a novel (or new) coronavirus”, according to this bulletin.
18 days aftyer the sequence of the “novel virus” was made public by Eddie Holmes (see here).
17 days after the first reported death anywhere in the world.
14 days after the WHO tweeted that “preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission” .
8 days after scientists changed their mind.
One week after the first US case was found.
6 days after the John Hopkins “dashboard” was launched.
5 days after paper describing the “Corman-Drosten PCR test” was published in Eurosurveillance.
5 days BEFORE the first reported “covid death outside China.
To date, I have heard no cogent explanation for this ludicrously unlikley timeline from any of the pandemic apologists.
With thanks to Totality of Evidence for the above sources.
UPDATE 15 March 2024:
It has been suggested to me that the list of vaccines in the WHO document above is a list of those under development for SARS. To be honest, I am not sure.
The “novel coronavirus” in the title of the document could just be referring to the topic for which the document was compiled.
The “SARS-CoV” has no “2” BUT there was certainly debate going on anyway about which name should be used.
Also, the SARS1 outbreak dates from 2002-4 and I am not sure how many candidate vaccines were being developed for that.
Finally, even if some (or even all) of these products are simply those dusted off the shelf from the SARS1 outbreak, the apparent level of concern indicated by the sheer number of candidates being contemplated at that time (28 Jan 2020) is still inexplicable.
33 you say? 🤔
Point numbr 8 stands out in particular for me. Whoops, it slipped out.
14 days after the who twits say there is no evidence of human to human transmission. You know, maybe they were right on that one. It sure got buried rather quickly.